After all these years we still enjoy this dance very much. Must be the superb music and the romantic lyrics.
Click on this link to view a video clip of a dance competition for this dance at
Come Dance With Me
Choreographed by: Jo Thompson (Nov 05)
Music: Come Dance With Me by Nancy Hays (CD: Come Dance With Me [122bpm] )
Descriptions: 32 count - 4 wall - Beginner level line dance
Diagonal Forward Lock Right, Diagonal Forward Lock Left
1-3 Step right forward to right diagonal, step left crossed behind right, step right forward to right diagonal
4 Brush/scuff left beside right
5-7 Step left forward to left diagonal, step right crossed behind left, step left forward to left diagonal
8 Brush/scuff right beside left
Jazz Box, Across, Vine Right Side, Behind, Side, Across
1-4 Step right foot across in front of left, step back with left, step right foot to right side, step left foot across front of right
5-6 Step right foot to right side, step left foot crossed behind right
7-8 Step right foot to right side, step left foot across front of right
Right Scissors, Left Scissors
1-3 Step right foot to right side, step together with left, step right foot across front of left
4 Hold
5-7 Step left foot to left side, step together with right, step left foot across front of right
8 Hold
Right Scissors, Side, Behind, ¼ Turn Left, Forward, ½ Turn Left
1-3 Step right foot to right side, step together with left, step right foot across front of left
4-6 Step left foot to left side, step right foot crossed behind left, turn ¼ left step forward with left
7-8 Step forward with right foot, turn ½ left shifting weight forward to left foot
Watch it ! The Pirates of The Caribbean landed in KK on 29 Aug 2012. See all the smiling faces? They have seen their target ! Captain Hook came with sword and HOOK. Where is Captain Jack Sparrow and Blackbeard, the most feared pirate of all?? Missing Pirates are Loi, Diana, Janet , Amanda, Jeanie and Margaret Sinsua, Fung
Every Mon and Wed - Zumba Fitness class
No More Line Dance classes
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Down Memory Lane- Sister Kate
Sister Kate is such an enjoyable dance . It may be around for quite some time
Sister Kate
Choreographed by: Ria Vos (NL) May 09
Music: Sister Kate by The Ditty Bops
Descriptions: 32 count - 4 wall - Intermediate level line dance
Intro: 8 counts from first beat
Available on I-Tunes
Toe Struts R & L, Kick-Ball-Step, Pivot ½ Turn R, ¼ Turn R Step Side, Point Back, Kick-Ball-Cross
1&2& R Toe Strut Fwd, L Toe Strut Fwd (Shimmy Shoulders)
3&4 R Kick Fwd, Step on Ball of R Next to L, Step Fwd on L
5 Pivot ½ Turn Right
6-7 Turn ¼ Right Step L Long Step to Left Side, Point R Behind L (Option: Throw Arms Left)
8&1 R Kick to Right Diagonal, Step on Ball of R Next to L, Cross L over R
Heel Jack with Heel Grind, Rock Back, Rec., Touch, Knee Split, Kick-Out-Out
&2 Step R Slightly to Right Side, Touch L Heel to Left Diagonal
&3& Step L next to R, Heel Grind R Over L, Step L to Left Side
4-5 Rock Back on R (Sticking Bum Out), Recover on L
&6& Touch R Next to L, Split Knees Apart, Bring Knees Together
7&8 Kick R Fwd, Step R Out to Right Side, Step L Out to Left Side (Feet Shoulder Width Apart)
Swivets, Toe Struts Backwards, Coaster Step, Triple Full Turn Right
1& Weight on L Toe and R Heel Twist Both Feet So Toes are Pointing Right, Recover to Centre
2& Weight on R Toe and L heel Twist Both Feet So Toes are Pointing Left, Recover to Centre
3&4& R Toe Strut Backwards (Option: Klick Fingers R), L Toe Strut Backwards (Option: Klick Fingers L)
5&6 Step Back on R, Step L Next to R, Step Fwd on R
7&8 Turn ½ Right Step Back on L, Turn ½ Right Step Fwd on R, Step Fwd on L
Pivot ¼ Turn Left x2, Charleston Step
1-2 Step Fwd on R, Pivot ¼ Turn L
3-4 Step Fwd on R, Pivot ¼ Turn L
5-6 Touch R Toe Fwd, Step Back on R
7-8 Touch L Toe Backwards, Step Fwd on L
TAG: AFTER wall 1 (3:00), 3 (9:00) and 6 (6:00)
1-4 Repeat Last 4 Counts (Charleston Step)
(Tags OCCUR after every vocal part)
ENDING: You will end on Count 16 (Kick-Out-Out), Turn ¼ Left after the Kick, so the Out-Out Steps will be facing front (12:00)
Sister Kate
Choreographed by: Ria Vos (NL) May 09
Music: Sister Kate by The Ditty Bops
Descriptions: 32 count - 4 wall - Intermediate level line dance
Intro: 8 counts from first beat
Available on I-Tunes
Toe Struts R & L, Kick-Ball-Step, Pivot ½ Turn R, ¼ Turn R Step Side, Point Back, Kick-Ball-Cross
1&2& R Toe Strut Fwd, L Toe Strut Fwd (Shimmy Shoulders)
3&4 R Kick Fwd, Step on Ball of R Next to L, Step Fwd on L
5 Pivot ½ Turn Right
6-7 Turn ¼ Right Step L Long Step to Left Side, Point R Behind L (Option: Throw Arms Left)
8&1 R Kick to Right Diagonal, Step on Ball of R Next to L, Cross L over R
Heel Jack with Heel Grind, Rock Back, Rec., Touch, Knee Split, Kick-Out-Out
&2 Step R Slightly to Right Side, Touch L Heel to Left Diagonal
&3& Step L next to R, Heel Grind R Over L, Step L to Left Side
4-5 Rock Back on R (Sticking Bum Out), Recover on L
&6& Touch R Next to L, Split Knees Apart, Bring Knees Together
7&8 Kick R Fwd, Step R Out to Right Side, Step L Out to Left Side (Feet Shoulder Width Apart)
Swivets, Toe Struts Backwards, Coaster Step, Triple Full Turn Right
1& Weight on L Toe and R Heel Twist Both Feet So Toes are Pointing Right, Recover to Centre
2& Weight on R Toe and L heel Twist Both Feet So Toes are Pointing Left, Recover to Centre
3&4& R Toe Strut Backwards (Option: Klick Fingers R), L Toe Strut Backwards (Option: Klick Fingers L)
5&6 Step Back on R, Step L Next to R, Step Fwd on R
7&8 Turn ½ Right Step Back on L, Turn ½ Right Step Fwd on R, Step Fwd on L
Pivot ¼ Turn Left x2, Charleston Step
1-2 Step Fwd on R, Pivot ¼ Turn L
3-4 Step Fwd on R, Pivot ¼ Turn L
5-6 Touch R Toe Fwd, Step Back on R
7-8 Touch L Toe Backwards, Step Fwd on L
TAG: AFTER wall 1 (3:00), 3 (9:00) and 6 (6:00)
1-4 Repeat Last 4 Counts (Charleston Step)
(Tags OCCUR after every vocal part)
ENDING: You will end on Count 16 (Kick-Out-Out), Turn ¼ Left after the Kick, so the Out-Out Steps will be facing front (12:00)
Monday, July 19, 2010
Jamming Dance for 8 Aug, Linda Eh!
What a pity Linda will not be able to join us this round as she will be in Vancouver. This dance is dedicated to her, Eh!
Linda Eh
Choreographed by: Ira Weisburd (Apr 09)
Music: Linda Eh by Grupo Mania
Part 1 A Merengue Pattern
1-2 Step R to R, Step-close L to R /3-4 Step R to R, Step-close L to R 5-8 Repeat Part I. (1-4)
Part 1 B Weaving Pattern
9-10 Step w/ R across L, Step L to L /11-12 Step w/R behind L, Step L to L 13-16 Repeat 9-12.
Part 2 Bachata Pattern
1-4 Walk forward R, L, R, Kick L forward 5-6 Walk back (L, R) /7&8 Triple Step in place (L,R,L)
9-16 Repeat Part II. (1-8).
Part 3 Samba Pattern
1&2 Samba w/R (R,L,R) /3&4 Samba w/L (L,R,L)
5&6 Samba w/R (R,L,R) &7 Rock Step back on L, Rock Step forward on R
&8 Rock Step back on L, Rock Step forward on R.
9-16 Repeat Part III. 1-8 with L foot.
Part 4 Lambada & Cha Cha Pattern
1&2 Balance to R (R,L,R) /3&4 Balance to L (L,R,L) 5-8 Repeat Part IV. (1-4)
9-10 ¼ turn to R in 2 steps (R,L)
11&12 ¼ turn to R in 3 steps (cha cha cha) ie. R,L,R
13–16 Repeat Part IV. (9-12) with L to face front wall.
Linda Eh
Choreographed by: Ira Weisburd (Apr 09)
Music: Linda Eh by Grupo Mania
Part 1 A Merengue Pattern
1-2 Step R to R, Step-close L to R /3-4 Step R to R, Step-close L to R 5-8 Repeat Part I. (1-4)
Part 1 B Weaving Pattern
9-10 Step w/ R across L, Step L to L /11-12 Step w/R behind L, Step L to L 13-16 Repeat 9-12.
Part 2 Bachata Pattern
1-4 Walk forward R, L, R, Kick L forward 5-6 Walk back (L, R) /7&8 Triple Step in place (L,R,L)
9-16 Repeat Part II. (1-8).
Part 3 Samba Pattern
1&2 Samba w/R (R,L,R) /3&4 Samba w/L (L,R,L)
5&6 Samba w/R (R,L,R) &7 Rock Step back on L, Rock Step forward on R
&8 Rock Step back on L, Rock Step forward on R.
9-16 Repeat Part III. 1-8 with L foot.
Part 4 Lambada & Cha Cha Pattern
1&2 Balance to R (R,L,R) /3&4 Balance to L (L,R,L) 5-8 Repeat Part IV. (1-4)
9-10 ¼ turn to R in 2 steps (R,L)
11&12 ¼ turn to R in 3 steps (cha cha cha) ie. R,L,R
13–16 Repeat Part IV. (9-12) with L to face front wall.
Down memory Lane-Run The Show
Our Jamming Dance on 8 Aug 2010
Run The Show
Choreographed by: Sobrielo Philip Gene (Soul Dancers Singapore) Dec 08
Music: Run The Show by Kat Deluna
Descriptions: 32 count - 4 wall - 0 level line dance
Start on Vocals
Mambo Forward, ½ Turn ,1/2 Turn Back, Sailor Step
1&2 Rock forward right(1), recover weight onto left(&), step right beside left(2)
3&4 Rock forward left(3), recover weight onto right(&), step left beside right(4)
5&6 Step right forward(5), transfer weight on left pivot ½ turn left (&) making ½ turn left step right back(6)(sweep left back)
7&8 Rock left back of right(7), recover weight onto right(&), step left to left(8)
Side Rock Touch, Side Shuffle, Weave
1&2 Rock right to right(1), recover weight onto left(&), touch right beside left(2)
3&4 Step right to right(3), step left beside right(&), step right to right(4)
5&-6& Cross left over right(5), step right to right(&), cross left back of right( 6), step right to right(&)
7&8 Cross left over right(7), step right to right(&) cross left back of right(8)
Side Rock ¼ Turn Left, Step ¼ Turn, Heel Bounce With Hip Roll
1-2 Rock right to right (1), making ¼ turn left recover weight onto right(2)
3-4 Making ¼ left step right to right(3), step left to left(4) (feet apart)
5-6 Bounce heel twice(slow)
7&8& Bounce heel four times (Fast)
Note: When doing the heel bounce roll hip anti-clockwise
Side Shuffle, Sailor ¼ Turn Step, Hell Shiwel
1&2 Step right to right(1) step left beside right(&), step right to right(2)
3&4 Rock left behind right(3), making ¼ turn left step right forward(&),step left beside right(4) (weight on both feet)
5& Lift heels and twist feet to right(5), lift ball of feet twist feet to right(&)
6& Lift heels and twist feet to left(6), lift ball of feet twist feet to left(&)
7& Lift heels and twist feet to right(7), lift ball of feet twist feet to right(&)
8& Lift heels and twist feet to left(8), lift ball of feet twist feet to left(&)(weight on left)
Start Again
Run The Show
Choreographed by: Sobrielo Philip Gene (Soul Dancers Singapore) Dec 08
Music: Run The Show by Kat Deluna
Descriptions: 32 count - 4 wall - 0 level line dance
Start on Vocals
Mambo Forward, ½ Turn ,1/2 Turn Back, Sailor Step
1&2 Rock forward right(1), recover weight onto left(&), step right beside left(2)
3&4 Rock forward left(3), recover weight onto right(&), step left beside right(4)
5&6 Step right forward(5), transfer weight on left pivot ½ turn left (&) making ½ turn left step right back(6)(sweep left back)
7&8 Rock left back of right(7), recover weight onto right(&), step left to left(8)
Side Rock Touch, Side Shuffle, Weave
1&2 Rock right to right(1), recover weight onto left(&), touch right beside left(2)
3&4 Step right to right(3), step left beside right(&), step right to right(4)
5&-6& Cross left over right(5), step right to right(&), cross left back of right( 6), step right to right(&)
7&8 Cross left over right(7), step right to right(&) cross left back of right(8)
Side Rock ¼ Turn Left, Step ¼ Turn, Heel Bounce With Hip Roll
1-2 Rock right to right (1), making ¼ turn left recover weight onto right(2)
3-4 Making ¼ left step right to right(3), step left to left(4) (feet apart)
5-6 Bounce heel twice(slow)
7&8& Bounce heel four times (Fast)
Note: When doing the heel bounce roll hip anti-clockwise
Side Shuffle, Sailor ¼ Turn Step, Hell Shiwel
1&2 Step right to right(1) step left beside right(&), step right to right(2)
3&4 Rock left behind right(3), making ¼ turn left step right forward(&),step left beside right(4) (weight on both feet)
5& Lift heels and twist feet to right(5), lift ball of feet twist feet to right(&)
6& Lift heels and twist feet to left(6), lift ball of feet twist feet to left(&)
7& Lift heels and twist feet to right(7), lift ball of feet twist feet to right(&)
8& Lift heels and twist feet to left(8), lift ball of feet twist feet to left(&)(weight on left)
Start Again
Down Memory Lane-Make My Day
Make My Day
Choreographed by: Francien Sittrop (Dec 08)
Music: Perhaps, Perhaps, Perhaps by Pussycat Dolls (CD: Doll Domination )
Descriptions: 32 count - 4 wall - Beginner level line dance
Intro: Start on vocals (after 16 counts)
1–9 Side, Rock fwd , Recover, Cha-Cha R, Cross, Unwind full Turn, Cha-cha L
1 Step L to L side
2–3 Rock R across L , Recover on L
4&5 Step R to R side, Step L next to R, Step R to R side
6–7 Step L across R, Full Turn R (12.00)
8&1 Step L to L side, Step R next to L, Step L to L side
10-17 ¼ Turn R, Recover, Cha-cha R, ¼ Turn L, Recover , Kick Ball Cross
2–3 Make ¼ Turn R and step R back (3.00) and look over your shoulder (9.00) ,make ¼ Turn L and recover on L (12.00)
4&5 Step R to R side, Step L next to R, Step R to R side (12.00)
6–7 Make ¼ Turn L and step L back (9.00) and look over your shoulder (3.00),recover on R (9.00)
8&1 Kick L fwd, Step L next to R, Step R across L (9.00)
18-25 Hip Sways L, R, Behind ,Side, Cross, Hold, And Cross, Hold, And Cross
2–3 Step L to L side and sway Hip L, Sway Hip R,
4&5 Step L behind R, Step R to R side, Step L across R
6&7 Hold, Step R to R side, Step L across R
8&1 Hold, Step R to R side, Step L across R
26-32 Rock Side , Recover , Behind, ¼ L fwd, ¼ L side, Rock fwd, Recover, Coaster step
2 – 3 Rock R to R side, Recover on L
4 & 5 Step R behind L, ¼ Turn L and step L fwd, ¼ L and Step R to R side (3.00)
6 – 7 Rock L across R, Recover on R
8 & Step L back, Step R next to L
Ending: Dance up until count 13 (Cha - Cha R ) . Touch L back and make ¾ Turn L to the front wall.
Down Memory Lane- Amame
Everybody loves this dance. It was the top dance in both UK and USA a couple of years back.
Choreographed by: Robbie McGowan Hickie (UK) Sept 08
Music: Amame by Belle Perez (CD: Gipsy [126bpm])
Descriptions: 64 count - 4 wall - 0 level line dance
32 Count intro
Or Music: “Travelin’ Man” by John Dean (124 bpm…16 Count intro) CD…“One For The Road”
Behind. Side. Cross. Sweep. Cross. Side. Behind. Sweep.
1 – 3 Cross Right behind Left. Step Left to Left side. Cross step Right over Left.
4 Sweep Left out and around from back to front.
5 – 7 Cross step Left over Right. Step Right to Right side. Cross Left behind Right.
8 Sweep Right out and around from front to back.
Rock Behind. Chasse Right. Rock Behind. 2 x 1/4 Turns Right.
1 – 2 Rock back Right behind Left. Rock forward on Left.
3&4 Step Right to Right side. Close Left beside Right. Step Right to Right side.
5 – 6 Rock back Left behind Right. Rock forward on Right.
7 – 8 Make 1/4 turn Right stepping back on Left. Make 1/4 turn Right stepping Right to Right side.
Step. Lock. Left Lock Step Forward. Rocking Chair Steps.
1 – 2 Step forward on Left. Lock step Right behind Left. (Facing 6 o’clock)
3&4 Step forward on Left. Lock step Right behind Left. Step forward on Left.
5 – 8 Rock forward on Right. Rock back on Left. Rock back on Right. Rock forward on Left.
Note: Push hips Forward and Back on Counts 5 – 8 above.
Step. Pivot 1/2 Turn Left. Full Turn Left. Forward Rock. Right Coaster Cross.
1 – 2 Step forward on Right. Pivot 1/2 Turn Left.
3 – 4 Make 1/2 turn Left stepping back on Right. Make 1/2 turn Left stepping forward on Left.
5 – 6 Rock forward on Right. Rock back on Left.
7&8 Step back on Right. Step Left beside Right. Cross step Right over Left. (Facing 12 o’clock)
Option: Counts 3 – 4 above … Walk forward on Right. Walk forward on Left.
Side Step Left. Drag. Cross Rock. Side Step. Together. Chasse 1/4 Turn Right.
1 – 2 Long step Left to Left side. Drag/Slide Right towards Left. (Weight on Left)
3 – 4 Cross rock Right over Left. Rock back on Left.
5 – 6 Step Right to Right side. Close Left beside Right. (Use Cuban Hip)
7&8 Step Right to Right side. Close Left beside Right. Make 1/4 turn Right stepping forward on Right.
Cross. Step Back. Sway Left. Touch. Sway Right. Touch. Chasse Left.
1 – 2 Cross step Left over Right. Step back on Right.
3 – 4 Step Left to Left side Swaying hips Left. Touch Right beside Left.
5 – 6 Step Right to Right side Swaying hips Right. Touch Left beside Right.
7&8 Step Left to Left side. Close Right beside Left. Step Left to Left side. (Facing 3 o’clock)
Cross. Unwind Full Turn Left. Left Side Rock. Cross. Side Step. Left Cross Shuffle.
1 – 2 Cross step Right over Left. Unwind Full turn Left. (Weight on Right)
3 – 4 Rock Left out to Left side. Recover weight on Right.
5 – 6 Cross step Left over Right. Small step Right to Right side.
7&8 Cross step Left over Right. Small step Right to Right side. Cross step Left over Right.
Side Step Right. Drag. Back Rock. Step. Pivot 1/2 Turn Right. 1/2 Turn Right. Sweep.
1 – 2 Long step Right to Right side. Drag/Slide Left towards Right. (Weight on Right)
3 – 4 Rock back on Left. Rock forward on Right.
5 – 6 Step forward on Left. Pivot 1/2 turn Right.
7 – 8 Make 1/2 turn Right stepping back on Left. Sweep Right out and around from front to back.
Option: Counts 5 – 7 above … Rock forward on Left. Rock back on Right. Step back on Left.
Start Again
Choreographed by: Robbie McGowan Hickie (UK) Sept 08
Music: Amame by Belle Perez (CD: Gipsy [126bpm])
Descriptions: 64 count - 4 wall - 0 level line dance
32 Count intro
Or Music: “Travelin’ Man” by John Dean (124 bpm…16 Count intro) CD…“One For The Road”
Behind. Side. Cross. Sweep. Cross. Side. Behind. Sweep.
1 – 3 Cross Right behind Left. Step Left to Left side. Cross step Right over Left.
4 Sweep Left out and around from back to front.
5 – 7 Cross step Left over Right. Step Right to Right side. Cross Left behind Right.
8 Sweep Right out and around from front to back.
Rock Behind. Chasse Right. Rock Behind. 2 x 1/4 Turns Right.
1 – 2 Rock back Right behind Left. Rock forward on Left.
3&4 Step Right to Right side. Close Left beside Right. Step Right to Right side.
5 – 6 Rock back Left behind Right. Rock forward on Right.
7 – 8 Make 1/4 turn Right stepping back on Left. Make 1/4 turn Right stepping Right to Right side.
Step. Lock. Left Lock Step Forward. Rocking Chair Steps.
1 – 2 Step forward on Left. Lock step Right behind Left. (Facing 6 o’clock)
3&4 Step forward on Left. Lock step Right behind Left. Step forward on Left.
5 – 8 Rock forward on Right. Rock back on Left. Rock back on Right. Rock forward on Left.
Note: Push hips Forward and Back on Counts 5 – 8 above.
Step. Pivot 1/2 Turn Left. Full Turn Left. Forward Rock. Right Coaster Cross.
1 – 2 Step forward on Right. Pivot 1/2 Turn Left.
3 – 4 Make 1/2 turn Left stepping back on Right. Make 1/2 turn Left stepping forward on Left.
5 – 6 Rock forward on Right. Rock back on Left.
7&8 Step back on Right. Step Left beside Right. Cross step Right over Left. (Facing 12 o’clock)
Option: Counts 3 – 4 above … Walk forward on Right. Walk forward on Left.
Side Step Left. Drag. Cross Rock. Side Step. Together. Chasse 1/4 Turn Right.
1 – 2 Long step Left to Left side. Drag/Slide Right towards Left. (Weight on Left)
3 – 4 Cross rock Right over Left. Rock back on Left.
5 – 6 Step Right to Right side. Close Left beside Right. (Use Cuban Hip)
7&8 Step Right to Right side. Close Left beside Right. Make 1/4 turn Right stepping forward on Right.
Cross. Step Back. Sway Left. Touch. Sway Right. Touch. Chasse Left.
1 – 2 Cross step Left over Right. Step back on Right.
3 – 4 Step Left to Left side Swaying hips Left. Touch Right beside Left.
5 – 6 Step Right to Right side Swaying hips Right. Touch Left beside Right.
7&8 Step Left to Left side. Close Right beside Left. Step Left to Left side. (Facing 3 o’clock)
Cross. Unwind Full Turn Left. Left Side Rock. Cross. Side Step. Left Cross Shuffle.
1 – 2 Cross step Right over Left. Unwind Full turn Left. (Weight on Right)
3 – 4 Rock Left out to Left side. Recover weight on Right.
5 – 6 Cross step Left over Right. Small step Right to Right side.
7&8 Cross step Left over Right. Small step Right to Right side. Cross step Left over Right.
Side Step Right. Drag. Back Rock. Step. Pivot 1/2 Turn Right. 1/2 Turn Right. Sweep.
1 – 2 Long step Right to Right side. Drag/Slide Left towards Right. (Weight on Right)
3 – 4 Rock back on Left. Rock forward on Right.
5 – 6 Step forward on Left. Pivot 1/2 turn Right.
7 – 8 Make 1/2 turn Right stepping back on Left. Sweep Right out and around from front to back.
Option: Counts 5 – 7 above … Rock forward on Left. Rock back on Right. Step back on Left.
Start Again
Down memory Lane- Ghost Train
I guess every line dancer in Sabah has learnt this dance and the dance steps may be embedded in our brains by now
Ghost Train
Choreographed by: Kathy Hunyadi (Oct 04)
Music: Ghost Train by Australia's Tornado
Descriptions: 32 count - 4 wall - Beginner/Intermediate level line dance
Dance starts after 32 count intro, after "train whistle"
Stomps Forward, Toe Fans
1-4 Stomp right foot forward, fan toes to right, back to center, fan toes to right and take weight on right foot
5-8 Stomp left foot forward, fan toes to left, back to center, fan toes to left and take weight on left foot
Jazz Box, ¼ Turn Right, Jazz Box, ¼ Turn Right
9-12 Cross step right foot over left foot, step back on left foot, step right foot to side turning ¼ to right, step left foot next to right
13-16 Cross step right foot over left foot, step back on left foot, step right foot to side turning ¼ to right, step left foot next to right
Weave Left, ¼ Turn Right
17-20 Cross step right foot in front of left, step left foot next to left, cross step right foot behind left, step left foot to left
21-24 Cross step right foot in front of left, step left foot next to right, step right foot to side turning ¼ to right, step left foot next to right
Stomp, Hold, Stomp, Hold, Walk Right, Left, Right, Left
25-28 Stomp right foot forward, hold, stomp left foot forward, hold
29-32 Walk forward right, left, right, left
Ghost Train
Choreographed by: Kathy Hunyadi (Oct 04)
Music: Ghost Train by Australia's Tornado
Descriptions: 32 count - 4 wall - Beginner/Intermediate level line dance
Dance starts after 32 count intro, after "train whistle"
Stomps Forward, Toe Fans
1-4 Stomp right foot forward, fan toes to right, back to center, fan toes to right and take weight on right foot
5-8 Stomp left foot forward, fan toes to left, back to center, fan toes to left and take weight on left foot
Jazz Box, ¼ Turn Right, Jazz Box, ¼ Turn Right
9-12 Cross step right foot over left foot, step back on left foot, step right foot to side turning ¼ to right, step left foot next to right
13-16 Cross step right foot over left foot, step back on left foot, step right foot to side turning ¼ to right, step left foot next to right
Weave Left, ¼ Turn Right
17-20 Cross step right foot in front of left, step left foot next to left, cross step right foot behind left, step left foot to left
21-24 Cross step right foot in front of left, step left foot next to right, step right foot to side turning ¼ to right, step left foot next to right
Stomp, Hold, Stomp, Hold, Walk Right, Left, Right, Left
25-28 Stomp right foot forward, hold, stomp left foot forward, hold
29-32 Walk forward right, left, right, left
Down Memory Lane- DHSS
An Evergreen Dance dedicated to all COFFEE lovers - Delicious, Hot , Strong and Sweet (DHSS)
Down Memory Lane- Rio
Choreographed by: Diana Lowery (Aug 06)
Music: Patricia by Mestizzo (CD: El Tongoneo )
Descriptions: 32 count - 4 wall - Beginner/Intermediate level line dance
Alternative : “Viene Mi Gente” – Chica CD (Robbie McGowan Hickie’s “KEEP ON DANCING”
1-4 Step forward on right foot, step forward on left foot, step forward on right foot, ½ pivot left (weight on left foot)
5-8 Repeat Steps 1-4
1-2 Step right foot to right side, close left foot beside right
3&4 Step right foot to right side, close left foot beside right, step right foot to right side
5-6 Cross rock left foot over right foot, recover weight back onto right foot
7&8 Step left foot to left side, close right foot beside left foot, step left foot to left side
1-3 Step right foot over left, step left foot to left side, step right foot behind left
4 Flick left foot out to left side & slightly behind on left diagonal (click fingers at shoulder height)
(Alternative : Touch left toe to left side)
5-8 Step left foot over right, step right foot to right side, step left foot behind right, make ¼ turn right stepping forward on right foot
1-2 Step forward on left foot, ½ pivot right (weight on right)
3&4 ½ shuffle turn right stepping left, right, left (travelling backwards)
5-6 Rock back on right foot, recover weight onto left
7&8 Kick right foot forward, step ball of right foot beside left, step left foot in place (weight on left)
ENDING: Finish on Step 31 (kick right foot forward) - facing back wall - throw arms in air !!!
Sunday, July 18, 2010
Proposed Jamming Party on 8 August 2010
We shall be having our next jamming party very soon, a dinner & dance in Bundusan Place. This will be jointly organised with Thien's group and Loi and Silia can bring their group too. Our jamming list is listed on the left margin of our website. More details coming up soon.
Back to Luyang Hall on 21 July for Wed & Sat classes
We shall be home again on Wed 21 July for our Peek A Boo dance. Please note that Monday classes will remain unchanged in The Sacred Heart Hall.
Classes will be cancelled for the next two Sat (Luyang Hall) on 24 & 31 July
Classes will be cancelled for the next two Sat (Luyang Hall) on 24 & 31 July
Thursday, July 15, 2010
JB Function : Dance for Health Peace & Joy (12 Dec)
Dr.Lim, the organizer, Danz4Peace has sent me 4 CDs for the Jamming music. I have made copies for Thien, Loi and Georgia. For details of the dance list refer to the earlier blog on JB FUNCTION. If anyone is interested you can borrow the CDs from them.
Congrats to Loi who has managed to round up more than 10 dancers for the trip. We have not booked our tickets yet pending the "Cheap Sale" from Air Asia. Do consider going as the function is FREE and Neils Poulson is starring...and its Christmas Sales in Singapore.
Congrats to Loi who has managed to round up more than 10 dancers for the trip. We have not booked our tickets yet pending the "Cheap Sale" from Air Asia. Do consider going as the function is FREE and Neils Poulson is starring...and its Christmas Sales in Singapore.
Peek A Boo
This popular fun line dance will be taught in our next Wed class, 21 July in the Luyang Hall. The singer of the song is the same as for our current favourite dance, Undercover.
Peek A Boo
Choreographed by: Maggie Gallagher (May 10)
Music: Peek A Boo by Cosmo 4 : 64 count - 4 wall Intro: 40 Counts
S1 Step Ball Step Hitch, Step Ball Step Hitch
1-2 Facing l diagonal step forward on r slightly across left, step back on ball of left foot
3-4 Step forward on right slightly across left, Little ronde hitch left over right
5-6 Facing right diagonal step forward on left slightly across right, Step back on right Foot
7-8 Step forward on left slightly across right, Little ronde hitch right over left
S2 Triple Full Turn L, Hold, Rock Back Side, Hold
1-3 Full triple turn on spot to left stepping right left right [12] 4 HOLD
5-7 Cross rock left behind right, Recover forward on to right, Step left to left side 8 HOLD
S3 Rock Back Recover, Step ½ Turn, Step ¼ Turn, Point Hold
1-2 Little rock back on right, Recover on left
3-4 Step forward on right pivot ½ turn left rolling hips (weight on Left) [6]
5-6 Step forward on right pivot ¼ turn left rolling hips (weight on Left) [3]
7-8 Point right to right side, HOLD
S4 Weave Left, Cross Rock Recover, Step Drag
1-2 Cross right over left, step left to left side
3-4 Cross right behind left, step left to left side
5-6 Cross rock right over left, Recover back onto left,
7-8 Big step to right side, drag left to meet right (weight on right)
S5 Back Rock Recover ½ Turn Right, Hold, Back Rock Recover Forward, Hold
1-2 Rock back on left, Rver on right 3-4 ½ turn rt stepping back on lt, HOLD [9]
5-6 Rock back on right, Recover on left (emphasise hips)
7-8 step forward on right, HOLD
S6 Side Rock Cross, Side Rock Cross, Point Touch
1-3 Rock to left side, Recover right to right side, Cross left over right (travelling fwd)
4-6 Rock right to right side, rock left to left side, cross right over left (travelling fwd)
7-8 Point left to left side, touch left next to right
S7 Point Touch, Bump L Hold, Bump R, L, R, Hold
1-2 Point left to left side, touch left next to right
3-4 Bump on to left foot as right knee pops forward, HOLD
5-6 Bump on to rt as lt knee pops forward, Bump on to left as rt knee pops forward
7-8 Bump on right as left knee pops forward, HOLD
S8 Run Back L R L R, Left Coaster, Right Flick
1-2 Step back on left, step back on right, 3-4 Step back on l, step back on r
5-7 Step back on left, step right next to left, step forward on left,
8 Flick right foot up at the back
Peek A Boo
Choreographed by: Maggie Gallagher (May 10)
Music: Peek A Boo by Cosmo 4 : 64 count - 4 wall Intro: 40 Counts
S1 Step Ball Step Hitch, Step Ball Step Hitch
1-2 Facing l diagonal step forward on r slightly across left, step back on ball of left foot
3-4 Step forward on right slightly across left, Little ronde hitch left over right
5-6 Facing right diagonal step forward on left slightly across right, Step back on right Foot
7-8 Step forward on left slightly across right, Little ronde hitch right over left
S2 Triple Full Turn L, Hold, Rock Back Side, Hold
1-3 Full triple turn on spot to left stepping right left right [12] 4 HOLD
5-7 Cross rock left behind right, Recover forward on to right, Step left to left side 8 HOLD
S3 Rock Back Recover, Step ½ Turn, Step ¼ Turn, Point Hold
1-2 Little rock back on right, Recover on left
3-4 Step forward on right pivot ½ turn left rolling hips (weight on Left) [6]
5-6 Step forward on right pivot ¼ turn left rolling hips (weight on Left) [3]
7-8 Point right to right side, HOLD
S4 Weave Left, Cross Rock Recover, Step Drag
1-2 Cross right over left, step left to left side
3-4 Cross right behind left, step left to left side
5-6 Cross rock right over left, Recover back onto left,
7-8 Big step to right side, drag left to meet right (weight on right)
S5 Back Rock Recover ½ Turn Right, Hold, Back Rock Recover Forward, Hold
1-2 Rock back on left, Rver on right 3-4 ½ turn rt stepping back on lt, HOLD [9]
5-6 Rock back on right, Recover on left (emphasise hips)
7-8 step forward on right, HOLD
S6 Side Rock Cross, Side Rock Cross, Point Touch
1-3 Rock to left side, Recover right to right side, Cross left over right (travelling fwd)
4-6 Rock right to right side, rock left to left side, cross right over left (travelling fwd)
7-8 Point left to left side, touch left next to right
S7 Point Touch, Bump L Hold, Bump R, L, R, Hold
1-2 Point left to left side, touch left next to right
3-4 Bump on to left foot as right knee pops forward, HOLD
5-6 Bump on to rt as lt knee pops forward, Bump on to left as rt knee pops forward
7-8 Bump on right as left knee pops forward, HOLD
S8 Run Back L R L R, Left Coaster, Right Flick
1-2 Step back on left, step back on right, 3-4 Step back on l, step back on r
5-7 Step back on left, step right next to left, step forward on left,
8 Flick right foot up at the back
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Down Memory Lane -Tequila
Its such a long time ago that I have no recollection of the dance. All I can recall is the part when I asked you all to "yam seng" ? Shall we do that again? There are 2 dances we can dance to by different choreographers.The 2nd demo is a lot faster.
choreographed by Doug & Jackie Miranda:-
Is this the one we did a couple of years ago?
Choreographed by Doug & Jackie Miranda
Description:32 count, 4 wall, beginner/intermediate line dance
Music:Tequila by The Champs
1-4Rock left to side, recover to right, step left together, hold
5-8Rock right to side, recover to left, step right together, hold
1-4Step left forward, pivot a ½ turn right stepping forward on right, step left slightly forward, hold
5-8Step right forward, turn ¼ left on left, step right together, hold
1-2Touch left forward as you bring fists in front of you and knock them together, step down on left and knock fists together again
3-4Touch right forward as you bring fists behind you and knock them together, step down on right and knock fists together again (still behind your back)
5-8Repeat 1-4
1-4Step left to side, cross right behind left, step left to side, cross right over left
5-8Step left to side for 2 counts as you slide right next to left, step right together, hold on count 8(weight on right)
Whenever you hear "Tequila" which will be on count 39, pretend like you are holding a shot glass in your right hand and bring it up to your mouth as if you are drinking it: tilt the shot glass like you are taking a "shot of tequila" for count 39, tilt it back down for count 40
To face the front at the end where you hear "Tequila", you will do the weave in counts 25-28 where after you cross right over left, simply unwind into a ¾ turn left to face the front and take your last shot of tequila
Choreographed by: Pim van Grootel & Nina Danner (July 09)
Music: Tequila by Los Lobos
Descriptions: 32 count - 4 wall - Beginner level line dance
Starts after: 32 counts
Mambo R Fwd, Hold, Mambo L Bwd, Hold
1 RF Rock forward
2 LF Recover weight on left
3 RF Step back
4 Hold
5 LF Rock back
6 RF Recover weight on right
7 RF Step forward
8 Hold
Out, Out, In, In, Pivot ½ L, Step Fwd, Hold
1 RF Step to right side
2 LF Step to left side
3 RF Step back to center
4 LF Step back to center
5 RF Step forward
6 LF ½ turn left stepping forward
7 RF Step forward
8 Hold
Step, Lock, Step, Step, Lock, Step, Hold
1 LF Step forward
2 RF Lock behind LF
3 LF Step forward
4 RF Step forward
5 LF Lock behind RF
6 RF Step forward
7 LF Step forward
8 Hold
Step Fwd, Pivot ½ L, Step Fwd, Hold, ¾ Turn R, Cross, Hold
1 RF Step forward
2 LF ½ turn left stepping forward
3 RF Step forward
4 Hold
5 LF ½ turn right stepping back
6 RF ¼ turn right stepping to left side
7 LF Cross over RF
8 Hold
AFTER wall 4 and 8, By count 30 You hold for 2 counts and act like you drinking a Tequila and shout out the word TEQUILA.
AFTER wall 11, By count 29 you turning to 12 o’ clock and doing to same as the tags after wall 4 and 8.
choreographed by Doug & Jackie Miranda:-
Is this the one we did a couple of years ago?
Choreographed by Doug & Jackie Miranda
Description:32 count, 4 wall, beginner/intermediate line dance
Music:Tequila by The Champs
1-4Rock left to side, recover to right, step left together, hold
5-8Rock right to side, recover to left, step right together, hold
1-4Step left forward, pivot a ½ turn right stepping forward on right, step left slightly forward, hold
5-8Step right forward, turn ¼ left on left, step right together, hold
1-2Touch left forward as you bring fists in front of you and knock them together, step down on left and knock fists together again
3-4Touch right forward as you bring fists behind you and knock them together, step down on right and knock fists together again (still behind your back)
5-8Repeat 1-4
1-4Step left to side, cross right behind left, step left to side, cross right over left
5-8Step left to side for 2 counts as you slide right next to left, step right together, hold on count 8(weight on right)
Whenever you hear "Tequila" which will be on count 39, pretend like you are holding a shot glass in your right hand and bring it up to your mouth as if you are drinking it: tilt the shot glass like you are taking a "shot of tequila" for count 39, tilt it back down for count 40
To face the front at the end where you hear "Tequila", you will do the weave in counts 25-28 where after you cross right over left, simply unwind into a ¾ turn left to face the front and take your last shot of tequila
Choreographed by: Pim van Grootel & Nina Danner (July 09)
Music: Tequila by Los Lobos
Descriptions: 32 count - 4 wall - Beginner level line dance
Starts after: 32 counts
Mambo R Fwd, Hold, Mambo L Bwd, Hold
1 RF Rock forward
2 LF Recover weight on left
3 RF Step back
4 Hold
5 LF Rock back
6 RF Recover weight on right
7 RF Step forward
8 Hold
Out, Out, In, In, Pivot ½ L, Step Fwd, Hold
1 RF Step to right side
2 LF Step to left side
3 RF Step back to center
4 LF Step back to center
5 RF Step forward
6 LF ½ turn left stepping forward
7 RF Step forward
8 Hold
Step, Lock, Step, Step, Lock, Step, Hold
1 LF Step forward
2 RF Lock behind LF
3 LF Step forward
4 RF Step forward
5 LF Lock behind RF
6 RF Step forward
7 LF Step forward
8 Hold
Step Fwd, Pivot ½ L, Step Fwd, Hold, ¾ Turn R, Cross, Hold
1 RF Step forward
2 LF ½ turn left stepping forward
3 RF Step forward
4 Hold
5 LF ½ turn right stepping back
6 RF ¼ turn right stepping to left side
7 LF Cross over RF
8 Hold
AFTER wall 4 and 8, By count 30 You hold for 2 counts and act like you drinking a Tequila and shout out the word TEQUILA.
AFTER wall 11, By count 29 you turning to 12 o’ clock and doing to same as the tags after wall 4 and 8.
Down Memory Lane - Chaca Chaca
This was such a hit when it was first released. I remember we had such excitement with the HITCH as we say Hey!. It's more fun to dance contra style .
Chaca Chaca
Choreographed by: MIchael Seurer (June 04)
Music: Chaca Chaca by Rosanna Rocci
Descriptions: 40 count - 2 wall - Unrated Beginner level line dance
Vine Right , Vine Left
1-2 step right on right , cross left behind right and step
3-4 step right on right , touch left beside right and clap
5-6 step left on left , cross right behind left and step
7-8 step left on left , touch right beside left and clap
Forward Shuffles
9&10 forward shuffle (right , left ,right)
11&12 forward shuffle (left , right , left)
13&14 forward shuffle (right , left , right)
15&16 forward shuffle (left , right , left)
Back Up Steps, Touch, Clap, Forward Steps
17-18 step back on right, step back on left
19-20 step back on right, touch left back and clap
21-22 step forward on left, step forward on right
23-24 step forward on left, touch right next to left and clap
Vine Right , Vine Left ,1/2 Turn To The Left , Stomp
25-26 Step right on right,cross left behind right and step
27-28 Step right on right, touch left beside right and clap
29-30 Step left on left,cross right behind left and step
31 Step left on left making a 1/2 turn to the left
32 Stomp right next to left and clap
Hip Bumps
33-34 Bump hips right twice
35-36 Bump hips left twice
37-38 Bump hips right, bump hips left
39-40 Repeat counts 37-38
This Dance Is Sometimes Done Contra Style. On The Back Steps, It Is Fun To Hitch On Count 20 And Yell "Hey" Then Walk Forward.
Chaca Chaca
Choreographed by: MIchael Seurer (June 04)
Music: Chaca Chaca by Rosanna Rocci
Descriptions: 40 count - 2 wall - Unrated Beginner level line dance
Vine Right , Vine Left
1-2 step right on right , cross left behind right and step
3-4 step right on right , touch left beside right and clap
5-6 step left on left , cross right behind left and step
7-8 step left on left , touch right beside left and clap
Forward Shuffles
9&10 forward shuffle (right , left ,right)
11&12 forward shuffle (left , right , left)
13&14 forward shuffle (right , left , right)
15&16 forward shuffle (left , right , left)
Back Up Steps, Touch, Clap, Forward Steps
17-18 step back on right, step back on left
19-20 step back on right, touch left back and clap
21-22 step forward on left, step forward on right
23-24 step forward on left, touch right next to left and clap
Vine Right , Vine Left ,1/2 Turn To The Left , Stomp
25-26 Step right on right,cross left behind right and step
27-28 Step right on right, touch left beside right and clap
29-30 Step left on left,cross right behind left and step
31 Step left on left making a 1/2 turn to the left
32 Stomp right next to left and clap
Hip Bumps
33-34 Bump hips right twice
35-36 Bump hips left twice
37-38 Bump hips right, bump hips left
39-40 Repeat counts 37-38
This Dance Is Sometimes Done Contra Style. On The Back Steps, It Is Fun To Hitch On Count 20 And Yell "Hey" Then Walk Forward.
Down memory lane - Islands In The Stream
This is surely a Golden oldie dance...a great combination of an evergreen song , famous singers and good dance choreography.
Islands In The Stream
Choreographed by: Karen Jones (May 99)
Music: Islands In The Stream by Kenny Rogers & Dolly Parton
Descriptions: 32 count - 4 wall - Intermediate level line dance
1-3 Left foot step side left, right foot rock behind left left foot, recover weight
4&5 Right foot side step, left foot close next to right, right foot step to right side
6-7 Left foot cross over right, unwind a full turn right (weight ending on right foot)
8&1 Left foot side step, right foot close next to left, left foot step to left side
2-3 Right foot rock behind left, recover on to left foot
4&5 Right foot kick diagonally forward, step back slightly on ball of right foot, left foot cross over right
6-7 Right foot rock out to right side, recover weight on to left foot
8&1 Right foot step behind left, left foot to left side, right foot replace slightly to right side
2&3 Left foot behind right, ¼ left stepping right foot to right side, replace left
4&5 Right shuffle forward (stepping right together right)
6 Pivot ½ turn right stepping weight back on to left foot while pivoting on ball of right foot
7 Hold
8-1 Right foot rock back, recover weight forward on to left foot
2-3 Right foot cross over left angling body to left corner, left foot cross over right angling body to right corner
Alternative easier steps: just walk forward right left on balls of feet to enable the angling of the body
4&5 Right foot cross over left, left ball of foot step to left side, right foot replace slightly to right side
Alternative easier steps: triple in place right left right
6-7 Left foot cross over right, right foot step back
&8 Left foot step back slightly further than right foot, right foot cross over left
Islands In The Stream
Choreographed by: Karen Jones (May 99)
Music: Islands In The Stream by Kenny Rogers & Dolly Parton
Descriptions: 32 count - 4 wall - Intermediate level line dance
1-3 Left foot step side left, right foot rock behind left left foot, recover weight
4&5 Right foot side step, left foot close next to right, right foot step to right side
6-7 Left foot cross over right, unwind a full turn right (weight ending on right foot)
8&1 Left foot side step, right foot close next to left, left foot step to left side
2-3 Right foot rock behind left, recover on to left foot
4&5 Right foot kick diagonally forward, step back slightly on ball of right foot, left foot cross over right
6-7 Right foot rock out to right side, recover weight on to left foot
8&1 Right foot step behind left, left foot to left side, right foot replace slightly to right side
2&3 Left foot behind right, ¼ left stepping right foot to right side, replace left
4&5 Right shuffle forward (stepping right together right)
6 Pivot ½ turn right stepping weight back on to left foot while pivoting on ball of right foot
7 Hold
8-1 Right foot rock back, recover weight forward on to left foot
2-3 Right foot cross over left angling body to left corner, left foot cross over right angling body to right corner
Alternative easier steps: just walk forward right left on balls of feet to enable the angling of the body
4&5 Right foot cross over left, left ball of foot step to left side, right foot replace slightly to right side
Alternative easier steps: triple in place right left right
6-7 Left foot cross over right, right foot step back
&8 Left foot step back slightly further than right foot, right foot cross over left
Down memory lane :Fanilow Eyes
This evergreen song will always make Fanilow Eyes a favourite dance for many line dancers.
Fanilow Eyes
Choreographed by: Scott & A J Herbert & Doug & Jackie Miranda (USA) Mar 07
Music: Cant Take My Eyes Off You by Barry Manilow (CD: The Greatest Songs of the Sixties )
Descriptions: Phrased - - wall - Intermediate level line dance
Sequence: AAAA, BCC, AA, B(1-12, plus 29-36), C to the end
1-4 Step R forward, sweep L across R, step L over R, step back R
5-8 Step side L, hold, cross rock R over L, recover L
1-4 Step side R, step L over R, step side R, step L behind R
5-8 Step side R, hold, cross rock L over R, recover R
1-4 ¼ turn L step forward L, ¼ turn L step side R, ¼ turn L step back L, drag R back towards L
5-8 Step back R, step L beside R, step R forward, hold
1-4 Step forward L, pivot ½ R, step forward L, hold
5-8 Step forward R, pivot ½ L, step forward R, step L behind R
1-2 Step forward on R, turn1/2 L and touch L forward as you snap fingers
3-4 Step down on L, turn ½ R and touch R forward as you snap fingers
5-6 Step down on R, turn ½ turn L as you lean back on R and kick L forward
7&8 Step back on L, step R next to L, step forward on L
(This is a repeat of the 8 counts above)
1-2 Step forward on R, turn1/2 L and touch L forward as you snap fingers
3-4 Step down on L, turn ½ R and touch R forward as you snap fingers
5-6 Step down on R, turn ½ turn L as you lean back on R and kick L forward
7&8 Step back on L, step R next to L, step forward on L
1-4 Make a full turn rolling to R side by stepping ¼ R on R, turn 1/4 turn R stepping L to L side, turn ½ turn R stepping R to R side, touch L out to L side as you throw arms up
5-8 Make a full turn rolling to L side by stepping ¼ L on L, turn 1/4 turn L stepping R to R side, turn ½ turn L stepping L to L side, touch R out to R side as you throw arms up
1-4 Rock forward on R, recover on L, rock back on R, recover forward on L
5-8 Step R out to R side so feet are apart, hold for counts 6,7,8 as you slowly raise arms from sides upwards (weight solid on R)
1-4 Hold on count 1, sway L, sway, R, sway L on the words (weight ending on L)
1-2 Side rock R to R side, recover on L
3&4 Cross R behind L, step L to L side, cross R over L
5-6 Side rock L to L side, recover on R
7&8 Cross L behind R, step R to R side, cross L over R
1-2 Rock forward on R, recover on L
3&4 Make a ½ turn R and shuffle forward R, L, R
5-6 Step forward on L, make a ½ turn R stepping forward on R (weight on R)
7&8 Shuffle forward L, R, L
1-4 Cross R over L, point L to L side, cross L over R, point R to R side (weight on L)
5-8 Cross R behind L, point L to L side, cross L behind R, point R to R side (weight on L)
1-4 Cross R over L, step back on L, step R to R side, cross L over R
5-8 Step R out to R side so feet are apart (weight on R), sway L, R, L for counts 6,7,8
(Scott & A J) Herbert, (Doug & Jackie Miranda)
Fanilow Eyes
Choreographed by: Scott & A J Herbert & Doug & Jackie Miranda (USA) Mar 07
Music: Cant Take My Eyes Off You by Barry Manilow (CD: The Greatest Songs of the Sixties )
Descriptions: Phrased - - wall - Intermediate level line dance
Sequence: AAAA, BCC, AA, B(1-12, plus 29-36), C to the end
1-4 Step R forward, sweep L across R, step L over R, step back R
5-8 Step side L, hold, cross rock R over L, recover L
1-4 Step side R, step L over R, step side R, step L behind R
5-8 Step side R, hold, cross rock L over R, recover R
1-4 ¼ turn L step forward L, ¼ turn L step side R, ¼ turn L step back L, drag R back towards L
5-8 Step back R, step L beside R, step R forward, hold
1-4 Step forward L, pivot ½ R, step forward L, hold
5-8 Step forward R, pivot ½ L, step forward R, step L behind R
1-2 Step forward on R, turn1/2 L and touch L forward as you snap fingers
3-4 Step down on L, turn ½ R and touch R forward as you snap fingers
5-6 Step down on R, turn ½ turn L as you lean back on R and kick L forward
7&8 Step back on L, step R next to L, step forward on L
(This is a repeat of the 8 counts above)
1-2 Step forward on R, turn1/2 L and touch L forward as you snap fingers
3-4 Step down on L, turn ½ R and touch R forward as you snap fingers
5-6 Step down on R, turn ½ turn L as you lean back on R and kick L forward
7&8 Step back on L, step R next to L, step forward on L
1-4 Make a full turn rolling to R side by stepping ¼ R on R, turn 1/4 turn R stepping L to L side, turn ½ turn R stepping R to R side, touch L out to L side as you throw arms up
5-8 Make a full turn rolling to L side by stepping ¼ L on L, turn 1/4 turn L stepping R to R side, turn ½ turn L stepping L to L side, touch R out to R side as you throw arms up
1-4 Rock forward on R, recover on L, rock back on R, recover forward on L
5-8 Step R out to R side so feet are apart, hold for counts 6,7,8 as you slowly raise arms from sides upwards (weight solid on R)
1-4 Hold on count 1, sway L, sway, R, sway L on the words (weight ending on L)
1-2 Side rock R to R side, recover on L
3&4 Cross R behind L, step L to L side, cross R over L
5-6 Side rock L to L side, recover on R
7&8 Cross L behind R, step R to R side, cross L over R
1-2 Rock forward on R, recover on L
3&4 Make a ½ turn R and shuffle forward R, L, R
5-6 Step forward on L, make a ½ turn R stepping forward on R (weight on R)
7&8 Shuffle forward L, R, L
1-4 Cross R over L, point L to L side, cross L over R, point R to R side (weight on L)
5-8 Cross R behind L, point L to L side, cross L behind R, point R to R side (weight on L)
1-4 Cross R over L, step back on L, step R to R side, cross L over R
5-8 Step R out to R side so feet are apart (weight on R), sway L, R, L for counts 6,7,8
(Scott & A J) Herbert, (Doug & Jackie Miranda)
Down Memory Lane - Madu & Racun
I have provided here the lyrics for you to sing along. As mentioned all old dances will be taught/revised for Sat/Mon classes while we focus on "hot" new dances for Wed classes. So try not to miss classes. You'll be surprised what fun it is to recall old dances.
See this video here by our Sabah friends led by Nancy Fung..I can see our Annie Wong !
Madu Dan Racun
Choreographed by: Doris Lim, Ipoh (June 04)
Music: Madu Dan Racun by Evie Martha & Cuna Cahyati
Descriptions: 32 count - 4 wall - Beginner level line dance
12 Step L forward diagonal L, recover on R
3&4 Triple step L,R,L in place
56 Step R forward diagonal R, recover on L
7&8 Triple step R,L,R in place
12 Turn 1/4 R and step L to L, step R behind L (3:00)
3&4 Turn 1/4 L shuffle fwd L,R,L (12:00)
56 Turn 1/4 L and step R to R, step L behind R (9:00)
7&8 Turn 1/4 R shuffle fwd R,L,R (12:00)
12 Step L fwd, pivot 1/2 R (6:00)
3&4 L shuffle fwd L,R,L56 Full turn L on R,L
7&8 R shuffle fwd R,L,R
12 Step L forward across R, touch R toe to R side
34 Step R forward across L, touch L toe to L side
56 Step L across R, step back on R
78 Making 1/4 turn L step L to L side, step R beside L (3:00)
Tag : 16 count on 4th and 8th walls facing 12:00
12 Rock fwd L, recover R
3&4 Shuffle back L,R,L
56 Rock back R, recover L
7&8 Shuffle fwd R,L,R
1234 Vine to Left on L,R,L, touch R beside L
5678 Traveling full turn to R on R,L,R, claps
Madu Dan Racun
Engkau Yang Cantik
Engkau Yang Manis
Engkau Yang Manja
Selalu Tersipu
Rawan Sikapmu
Di Balik Kemelutmu
Di Remang Kabutmu
Di Tabir Mega-Megamu
Ku Terlihat
Dua Tangan Di Balik Punggung Mu
Madu Di Tangan Kanan Mu
Racun Di Tangan Kiri Mu
Aku Tak Tahu Mana Yang
Akan Kau Berikan Padaku
See this video here by our Sabah friends led by Nancy Fung..I can see our Annie Wong !
Madu Dan Racun
Choreographed by: Doris Lim, Ipoh (June 04)
Music: Madu Dan Racun by Evie Martha & Cuna Cahyati
Descriptions: 32 count - 4 wall - Beginner level line dance
12 Step L forward diagonal L, recover on R
3&4 Triple step L,R,L in place
56 Step R forward diagonal R, recover on L
7&8 Triple step R,L,R in place
12 Turn 1/4 R and step L to L, step R behind L (3:00)
3&4 Turn 1/4 L shuffle fwd L,R,L (12:00)
56 Turn 1/4 L and step R to R, step L behind R (9:00)
7&8 Turn 1/4 R shuffle fwd R,L,R (12:00)
12 Step L fwd, pivot 1/2 R (6:00)
3&4 L shuffle fwd L,R,L56 Full turn L on R,L
7&8 R shuffle fwd R,L,R
12 Step L forward across R, touch R toe to R side
34 Step R forward across L, touch L toe to L side
56 Step L across R, step back on R
78 Making 1/4 turn L step L to L side, step R beside L (3:00)
Tag : 16 count on 4th and 8th walls facing 12:00
12 Rock fwd L, recover R
3&4 Shuffle back L,R,L
56 Rock back R, recover L
7&8 Shuffle fwd R,L,R
1234 Vine to Left on L,R,L, touch R beside L
5678 Traveling full turn to R on R,L,R, claps
Madu Dan Racun
Engkau Yang Cantik
Engkau Yang Manis
Engkau Yang Manja
Selalu Tersipu
Rawan Sikapmu
Di Balik Kemelutmu
Di Remang Kabutmu
Di Tabir Mega-Megamu
Ku Terlihat
Dua Tangan Di Balik Punggung Mu
Madu Di Tangan Kanan Mu
Racun Di Tangan Kiri Mu
Aku Tak Tahu Mana Yang
Akan Kau Berikan Padaku
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
You Can Dance demo by Mirandas
This old dance will be our "new" dance on Sat 17 July 2010 and to be repeated the following Mon too. I love this song "Save Last Dance For Me" and if you can recall we did a different (easier) line dance to this song a couple of years ago.
You Can Dance
Choreographed by: Doug & Jackie Miranda (Nov 05)
Music: Save The Last Dance For Me by Michael Buble (CD: It's Time)
Descriptions: Phrased wall -
Sequence: AAB, AB, AAB (see note at end of step sheet)
Part A
Rhumba Box: Side Left, Step Together, Step Forward, Hold; Side Right, Step Together, Step Back, Hold
1-4 Step left to left side, slide right next to left, step left forward, hold (weight on left)
5-8 Step right to right side, slide left next to right, step back on right, hold (weight on right)
Back Coaster Step, Hold; Rock Forward, Recover, ½ Right, Hold
1-4 Step back on left, bring right next to left, step forward on left, hold (weight on left)
5-8 Rock forward on right, recover back on left, make ½ turn right, hold (weight on right)
Rock Forward, Recover, ½ Turn Left, Hold; Cross, ¼ Right, ¼ Turn Right, Hold
1-4 Rock forward on left, recover back on right, make ½ turn left and turn body to left diagonal, hold (weight on left)
5-8 Cross right over left, make ¼ turn right by stepping back on left, make ¼ turn right as you step right to right side, hold (you will have completed a ½ turn right)
Cross, Side Step, Step Together, Hold; Cross, ¼ Turn Right, ¼ Turn Right, Hold
1-4 Cross left over right, step right to right side and slightly raise up on balls of both feet, step left next to right and lower body as you angle body slightly to left diagonal, hold
5-8 Cross right over left, make a ¼ turn right by stepping back on left, make ¼ turn right as you step right to right side (you will have completed a ½ turn right), hold
Cross, Side Step, Step Together, Hold; Cross, Side Step, Step Together. Hold
1-4 Cross left over right, step right to right side and slightly raise up on balls of both feet, step left next to right and lower body as you angle body slightly to left diagonal, hold
5-8 Cross right over left, step left to left side and slightly raise up on balls of both feet, step right next to left and lower body, as you angle body slightly to right diagonal, hold
Cross, Side, Behind, Sweep; Behind, Side, Cross, Hitch ¼ Turn Right
1-4 Cross left over right, step right to right side, step left behind right, as you touch right to floor sweep right behind left (count 4)
5-8 Continue to bring right behind left and step down on right, step left to left side, cross right over right, hitch left knee into a turn ¼ right (make it a low hitch, keeping left close next to right)
Rock Forward, Back, Forward, Hitch ½ Turn Left; Rock Forward, Back, Forward, Hitch ¼ Turn Right
1-4 Rock forward on left, rock back on right, rock forward on left, hitch right knee as you make a ½ turn left
5-8 Rock forward on right, rock back on left, rock forward on right, hitch left knee as you make a ¼ turn right
Mambo Forward, Hold; Mambo Back, Hold
1-4 Rock forward on left, recover back on right, step left next to right, hold
5-8 Rock back on right, recover forward on left, step right next to left, hold
½ Turn Right, ½ Turn Right, Stomp To Left Side, Hold; Bump Hips Right, Left, Right
1-4 Step forward on left, make a ½ turn right, step forward on left, make a ½ turn right
5-6 Stomp left to left side, hold
7&8 Bumps hips right, left, right (weight ending on right)
Part B
Side Rock Left, Recover, Triple In Place; Side Rock Right, Recover, Triple In Place
1-2 Side rock left to left side, recover on right
3&4 Triple in place left, right, left
5-6 Side rock right to right side, recover on left
7&8 Triple in place right, left, right
Rock Left Forward. Recover, Shuffle Back; Rock Right Back, Recover, Shuffle Forward
1-2 Rock forward on left, recover back on right
3&4 Shuffle back left, right, left
5-6 Rock back on right, recover forward on left
7&8 Shuffle forward right, left, right
Step Forward, ½ Turn Right, Shuffle Forward; Step Forward, ½ Turn Left, Shuffle Forward
1-2 Step forward on left, make a ½ turn right
3&4 Shuffle forward left, right, left
5-6 Step forward on right, make a ½ turn left
7&8 Shuffle forward right, left, right
½ Turn Right, ½ Turn Right, Stomp To Left Side, Hold; Bump Hips Right, Left Right
1-4 Step forward on left, make a ½ turn right, step forward on left, make a ½ turn right
5-6 Stomp left to left side, hold
7&8 Bumps hips right, left, right (weight ending on right)
SEQUENCE: AAB, AB, AA (With a 3 count HOLD where the music pauses, and eliminate the last 4 counts of Part A (stomp LEFT to LEFT side, hold and hip bumps). There will be a dramatic pause in the music which is very easily distinguishable. To "hit" this pause in the music, you will dance Set 1 (Rhumba box) and then you will begin to do the back coaster step of Set 2 by stepping back on your Left for count 1 but you will not complete the coaster step. Instead HOLD for counts 2,3,4 with weight on the Left. Then simply continue dancing Set 2 with count 5 (Rock forward on RIGHT, recover back on LEFT, make ½ turn RIGHT, hold) and continue to the end of Part A, but you will eliminate counts 5-8 of Set 9 (stomp LEFT, hold, hip bumps) which are the last 4 counts of Part A. After the two ½ turns, you will go straight into B, Dancing Sets 1-3 and then for the dramatic ending, eliminate set 4 and end by stomping your Left to the Left side, and bump hips RIGHT, LEFT, RIGHT
You Can Dance
Choreographed by: Doug & Jackie Miranda (Nov 05)
Music: Save The Last Dance For Me by Michael Buble (CD: It's Time)
Descriptions: Phrased wall -
Sequence: AAB, AB, AAB (see note at end of step sheet)
Part A
Rhumba Box: Side Left, Step Together, Step Forward, Hold; Side Right, Step Together, Step Back, Hold
1-4 Step left to left side, slide right next to left, step left forward, hold (weight on left)
5-8 Step right to right side, slide left next to right, step back on right, hold (weight on right)
Back Coaster Step, Hold; Rock Forward, Recover, ½ Right, Hold
1-4 Step back on left, bring right next to left, step forward on left, hold (weight on left)
5-8 Rock forward on right, recover back on left, make ½ turn right, hold (weight on right)
Rock Forward, Recover, ½ Turn Left, Hold; Cross, ¼ Right, ¼ Turn Right, Hold
1-4 Rock forward on left, recover back on right, make ½ turn left and turn body to left diagonal, hold (weight on left)
5-8 Cross right over left, make ¼ turn right by stepping back on left, make ¼ turn right as you step right to right side, hold (you will have completed a ½ turn right)
Cross, Side Step, Step Together, Hold; Cross, ¼ Turn Right, ¼ Turn Right, Hold
1-4 Cross left over right, step right to right side and slightly raise up on balls of both feet, step left next to right and lower body as you angle body slightly to left diagonal, hold
5-8 Cross right over left, make a ¼ turn right by stepping back on left, make ¼ turn right as you step right to right side (you will have completed a ½ turn right), hold
Cross, Side Step, Step Together, Hold; Cross, Side Step, Step Together. Hold
1-4 Cross left over right, step right to right side and slightly raise up on balls of both feet, step left next to right and lower body as you angle body slightly to left diagonal, hold
5-8 Cross right over left, step left to left side and slightly raise up on balls of both feet, step right next to left and lower body, as you angle body slightly to right diagonal, hold
Cross, Side, Behind, Sweep; Behind, Side, Cross, Hitch ¼ Turn Right
1-4 Cross left over right, step right to right side, step left behind right, as you touch right to floor sweep right behind left (count 4)
5-8 Continue to bring right behind left and step down on right, step left to left side, cross right over right, hitch left knee into a turn ¼ right (make it a low hitch, keeping left close next to right)
Rock Forward, Back, Forward, Hitch ½ Turn Left; Rock Forward, Back, Forward, Hitch ¼ Turn Right
1-4 Rock forward on left, rock back on right, rock forward on left, hitch right knee as you make a ½ turn left
5-8 Rock forward on right, rock back on left, rock forward on right, hitch left knee as you make a ¼ turn right
Mambo Forward, Hold; Mambo Back, Hold
1-4 Rock forward on left, recover back on right, step left next to right, hold
5-8 Rock back on right, recover forward on left, step right next to left, hold
½ Turn Right, ½ Turn Right, Stomp To Left Side, Hold; Bump Hips Right, Left, Right
1-4 Step forward on left, make a ½ turn right, step forward on left, make a ½ turn right
5-6 Stomp left to left side, hold
7&8 Bumps hips right, left, right (weight ending on right)
Part B
Side Rock Left, Recover, Triple In Place; Side Rock Right, Recover, Triple In Place
1-2 Side rock left to left side, recover on right
3&4 Triple in place left, right, left
5-6 Side rock right to right side, recover on left
7&8 Triple in place right, left, right
Rock Left Forward. Recover, Shuffle Back; Rock Right Back, Recover, Shuffle Forward
1-2 Rock forward on left, recover back on right
3&4 Shuffle back left, right, left
5-6 Rock back on right, recover forward on left
7&8 Shuffle forward right, left, right
Step Forward, ½ Turn Right, Shuffle Forward; Step Forward, ½ Turn Left, Shuffle Forward
1-2 Step forward on left, make a ½ turn right
3&4 Shuffle forward left, right, left
5-6 Step forward on right, make a ½ turn left
7&8 Shuffle forward right, left, right
½ Turn Right, ½ Turn Right, Stomp To Left Side, Hold; Bump Hips Right, Left Right
1-4 Step forward on left, make a ½ turn right, step forward on left, make a ½ turn right
5-6 Stomp left to left side, hold
7&8 Bumps hips right, left, right (weight ending on right)
SEQUENCE: AAB, AB, AA (With a 3 count HOLD where the music pauses, and eliminate the last 4 counts of Part A (stomp LEFT to LEFT side, hold and hip bumps). There will be a dramatic pause in the music which is very easily distinguishable. To "hit" this pause in the music, you will dance Set 1 (Rhumba box) and then you will begin to do the back coaster step of Set 2 by stepping back on your Left for count 1 but you will not complete the coaster step. Instead HOLD for counts 2,3,4 with weight on the Left. Then simply continue dancing Set 2 with count 5 (Rock forward on RIGHT, recover back on LEFT, make ½ turn RIGHT, hold) and continue to the end of Part A, but you will eliminate counts 5-8 of Set 9 (stomp LEFT, hold, hip bumps) which are the last 4 counts of Part A. After the two ½ turns, you will go straight into B, Dancing Sets 1-3 and then for the dramatic ending, eliminate set 4 and end by stomping your Left to the Left side, and bump hips RIGHT, LEFT, RIGHT
Quarter After One
This dance has been on the top list for both USA and UK for many months. It must be the very popular song which most of us may recognise from the radio waves.
Quarter After One
Choreographed by: Levi J Hubbard (Jan 10)
Music: Need You Now by Lady Antebellum (CD: Single)
Descriptions: 56 count - 4 wall - Intermediate level line dance
R Side Rock-Recover, Cross & Cross, ¼ Turn (R), ¼ Turn (R), Shuffle Forward
1-2 Rock right to side, recover to left
3&4 Crossing chassé right, left, right
5-6 Turn ¼ right and step left back, turn ¼ right and step right forward
7&8 Chassé forward stepping (left, right, left)
Forward Rock-Recover, 3 Steps Back, Coaster Step, Step Forward
1-2 Rock right forward, recover to left
3-4 Step right back, step left back
5-6 Step right back, step left back
&7 Step right together, step left forward
8 Step right forward
L Side Rock-Recover, Cross & Cross, ¼ Turn (Left), ¼ Turn (Left) Shuffle Forward
1-2 Rock left to side, recover to right
3&4 Crossing chassé left, right, left
5-6 Turn ¼ left and step right back, turn ¼ left and step left forward
7&8 Chassé forward right, left, right
Forward Rock-Recover, 3 Steps Back, Coaster Step, Step Forward
1-2 Rock left forward, recover to right
3-4 Step left back, step right back
5-6 Step left back, step right back
&7 Step left together, step right forward
8 Step left forward
Cross Rock-Recover, Side Sways, Side Shuffle (R), Cross Over, ¾ Spiral Turn (R)
1-2 Cross/rock right over left, recover to left
3-4 Step right to side (sway), step left to side (sway)
5&6 Shuffle to side stepping (right, left, right)
7-8 Cross/touch left over right, unwind ¾ right (weight to right)
Step Lock Forward, ½ Pivot (Left), ½ Shuffle Turn (Left), Coaster Step
1&2 Locking chassé forward left, right, left
3-4 Step right forward, turn ½ left (weight to left)
5&6 Triple in place turning ½ left stepping (right, left, right)
7&8 Step left back, step right together, step left forward
Jazz Box Cross, Full Turn (Right), Side Step, Cross
1-2 Cross right over left, step left to side
3-4 Step right to side, cross left over right
5-6 Turn ¼ right and step right forward, turn ¼ right and step left to side (3:00)
7-8 Turn ½ right and step right to side, cross left over right
Option: you can leave the turns out if you like and just weave to the right
TAG: AFTER the 2nd time through ADD following then proceed to start from the beginning
1-2 Step right to side, touch left together (snap fingers)
3-4 Step left to side, touch right together (snap fingers)
Quarter After One
Choreographed by: Levi J Hubbard (Jan 10)
Music: Need You Now by Lady Antebellum (CD: Single)
Descriptions: 56 count - 4 wall - Intermediate level line dance
R Side Rock-Recover, Cross & Cross, ¼ Turn (R), ¼ Turn (R), Shuffle Forward
1-2 Rock right to side, recover to left
3&4 Crossing chassé right, left, right
5-6 Turn ¼ right and step left back, turn ¼ right and step right forward
7&8 Chassé forward stepping (left, right, left)
Forward Rock-Recover, 3 Steps Back, Coaster Step, Step Forward
1-2 Rock right forward, recover to left
3-4 Step right back, step left back
5-6 Step right back, step left back
&7 Step right together, step left forward
8 Step right forward
L Side Rock-Recover, Cross & Cross, ¼ Turn (Left), ¼ Turn (Left) Shuffle Forward
1-2 Rock left to side, recover to right
3&4 Crossing chassé left, right, left
5-6 Turn ¼ left and step right back, turn ¼ left and step left forward
7&8 Chassé forward right, left, right
Forward Rock-Recover, 3 Steps Back, Coaster Step, Step Forward
1-2 Rock left forward, recover to right
3-4 Step left back, step right back
5-6 Step left back, step right back
&7 Step left together, step right forward
8 Step left forward
Cross Rock-Recover, Side Sways, Side Shuffle (R), Cross Over, ¾ Spiral Turn (R)
1-2 Cross/rock right over left, recover to left
3-4 Step right to side (sway), step left to side (sway)
5&6 Shuffle to side stepping (right, left, right)
7-8 Cross/touch left over right, unwind ¾ right (weight to right)
Step Lock Forward, ½ Pivot (Left), ½ Shuffle Turn (Left), Coaster Step
1&2 Locking chassé forward left, right, left
3-4 Step right forward, turn ½ left (weight to left)
5&6 Triple in place turning ½ left stepping (right, left, right)
7&8 Step left back, step right together, step left forward
Jazz Box Cross, Full Turn (Right), Side Step, Cross
1-2 Cross right over left, step left to side
3-4 Step right to side, cross left over right
5-6 Turn ¼ right and step right forward, turn ¼ right and step left to side (3:00)
7-8 Turn ½ right and step right to side, cross left over right
Option: you can leave the turns out if you like and just weave to the right
TAG: AFTER the 2nd time through ADD following then proceed to start from the beginning
1-2 Step right to side, touch left together (snap fingers)
3-4 Step left to side, touch right together (snap fingers)
Revising our old favourite line dances for our memory bank
This is our plan:
1.Old favouites for Sat/Mon class-
So far we have done Fanilow Eyes & Make My Day. Those dances which are engraved in our minds include Come Dance With Me, Magic Cha Cha, Singapore Swing & Ghost Train. Our next few dances will be Islands in the Stream, Rock around the clock, Chaca Chaca and Madu & Racun. We will also be learning a very beautiful old dance "You Can dance" by the Mirandas.
After a while we should have enough dances for an hour of continuous dancing before a new dance each week.
2.New Current HOT dances for Wed -
Our selection of current popular dances will keep us updated in Line Dance !
Each class will begin with an hour of continuous dancing before the new teach.
The Wed revision dances will be different from the Sat/mon dances.
Let's hope our plan to build a good data bank of good dances in our head will be successful. Happy Dancing.
1.Old favouites for Sat/Mon class-
So far we have done Fanilow Eyes & Make My Day. Those dances which are engraved in our minds include Come Dance With Me, Magic Cha Cha, Singapore Swing & Ghost Train. Our next few dances will be Islands in the Stream, Rock around the clock, Chaca Chaca and Madu & Racun. We will also be learning a very beautiful old dance "You Can dance" by the Mirandas.
After a while we should have enough dances for an hour of continuous dancing before a new dance each week.
2.New Current HOT dances for Wed -
Our selection of current popular dances will keep us updated in Line Dance !
Each class will begin with an hour of continuous dancing before the new teach.
The Wed revision dances will be different from the Sat/mon dances.
Let's hope our plan to build a good data bank of good dances in our head will be successful. Happy Dancing.
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
Current Top Dances in UK & USA
We may doing a few of these most popular dances soon:-
Top from UK (Linedancer)
1. Quarter After One
2. Gave It All Away
3. Rhyme Or Reason
4. Murder My Heart
5. Bobbi With an I
Top from USA (Worlds)
1. Bobbi With An I
2. Quarter After One
3. Dod-gone Blues- Done
4. American Cowboy
5. Stuff U Gonna Watch - Done
Other current dances worth considering are :
1. Peek A Boo
2. Keep Sweating
3. First Time (a split floor to the earlier dance we did, For The First Time)
4. Buleria
Top from UK (Linedancer)
1. Quarter After One
2. Gave It All Away
3. Rhyme Or Reason
4. Murder My Heart
5. Bobbi With an I
Top from USA (Worlds)
1. Bobbi With An I
2. Quarter After One
3. Dod-gone Blues- Done
4. American Cowboy
5. Stuff U Gonna Watch - Done
Other current dances worth considering are :
1. Peek A Boo
2. Keep Sweating
3. First Time (a split floor to the earlier dance we did, For The First Time)
4. Buleria
Monday, July 5, 2010
Line Dance Charity Project for Sabah Poor
I would like to propose an annual Line Dance Project to be co-organised by all Line Dance groups in KK to raise funds for the rural poor in Sabah, mainly in the interior.
We can host a dinner show similar to the recent fund raising function in Kuching and invite Philip Sobrielo for a MJ performance. Tickets will be sold to both line dancers and the public.
A tentative programme can be as follows:-
5.30pm to 7.30 pm - Jamming Party
7.30pm - Dinner starts (sit down)
8.00pm - a MJ Performance by Philip Sobrielo and backed by local line dancers.
8.30pm - Philip to teach 1 or 2 entertaining Fun Hip Hop line dance to both line dancers as well as non line dancers. Non Line dancers will be encouraged to try out a line dance !
9.30pm to 12pm Jamming Party
We will need 3 to 4 months of preparation. All teachers will meet to discuss and finalise details. Each group can submit 10 dances and a final list will be distributed to all groups so that we can learn each other's dances.
Please give your feedback on this idea.
We can host a dinner show similar to the recent fund raising function in Kuching and invite Philip Sobrielo for a MJ performance. Tickets will be sold to both line dancers and the public.
A tentative programme can be as follows:-
5.30pm to 7.30 pm - Jamming Party
7.30pm - Dinner starts (sit down)
8.00pm - a MJ Performance by Philip Sobrielo and backed by local line dancers.
8.30pm - Philip to teach 1 or 2 entertaining Fun Hip Hop line dance to both line dancers as well as non line dancers. Non Line dancers will be encouraged to try out a line dance !
9.30pm to 12pm Jamming Party
We will need 3 to 4 months of preparation. All teachers will meet to discuss and finalise details. Each group can submit 10 dances and a final list will be distributed to all groups so that we can learn each other's dances.
Please give your feedback on this idea.
Sunday, July 4, 2010
JB Function: Dance for Good Health Peace & Joy
The VIP guest of honour is Niels Poulson and we should make a date with him and the Lim sisters (organizers)
Below is the Programme & Jamming List from the organizer Danz4Peace:-
Date: 12TH. DEC. SUNDAY 10am – 6pm
Programme & Jamming List
Come dance with me (Jo Thompson )
Come on and dance ( Peter & Alison )
Magic cha cha
Rock around the clock
Madu & racun ( Doris Lim )*
Man chang fei*
Cowgirl’s twist ( Bill Bader )
Waltz across Texas ( L&JNielson )
Linda Eh! ( IWeisburd )
Jo N’ Jo tango ( Jo Thompsom Syzmanski )
Linedancebolgen ( Niels Poulsen )
DN Waltz ( NPoulsen)
Looky Looky ( Jennifer Choo)*
Japanese rumba ( Kenny Teh )*
Dancing in the streets ( Leong Mei Ling )*
11am- 11.30am
Sunshine Walk*
Under the sun ( Kathy&Sue )
Teresa Teng ( RepG )*
Let’s chill ( VScott )
Body cha (NP)
My Next Love (NP)
Don’t Cha Wish ( AmyXSohn )*
Go Greased Lightning ( MBurton )
Totoy Bibbo ( DLardiana )
The Princess Stroll (JPL)*
From Me to you ( YeoYP )*
Pretty women ( JChoo )*
Poker face ( Bennet/Kinser/Klinner )
Cha cha with me (NP)
Quando when quando ( Teresa&Vera )
Chica boom boom ( VMorris )
Aloha ( LaneLee )*
1pm -1.30pm
Thai hati ( KTeh )*
Arriba ( LaneLee )*
Volare ( FTrace )
Gossip girls ( JohnNG )*
My Lady ( EmilyMah )*
Baby com’ on / BCO (BCarpenter/RachelM)
Out & Jump ( RepG )*
Holding onto yesterday ( Peter&Alison )
Hello Dolly ( LKurtela )
Nobody, but you ( EmilyWoo )
Fujiyama Mama ( DBailey )
Chill factor ( Daniel&Hayley )
DhoomDhoom ( AmyXSohn )*
Kira’s waltz ( Dornstedt )
Aba-ni-bi ( JnSLinedancer )*
Passion ( LLo&Mickers )
Love, love me do ( JChoo )*
Mi amor ( LeongML )*
Korean waltz ( JohnNG )*
Flip flop & fly ( FTrace )
Dutch Treat ( Dornstedt )
Swing time ( NP )
With these eyes ( NP )
Rilassamento ( Anita Wittenberg )
My Radio cha ( EddieTang )*
What should I do (JohNg )*
Dog gone blues (JTS&MB&MB )
Ave Maria ( SWalton )
Japanese cha cha ( KTeh )*
Lover’s heart ( FSittrop )
The birds and the bees ( MPerron )
Swedish delight ( LouiseE )
Gleehab ( GLafferty )
Roomba ( GMundy )
Strong Baby ( Queendy&Emily )
Wade in the water ( NP )
You know me ( NP )
Cuban kiss ( NP )
MatahariKu ( MTaufik )*
Keep sweating ( Queendy&Emily )
Like Baby ( JaniceK )*
Martini’s moment ( FSittrop )
Dance of Love ( JChoo )*
Catch this moment ( JulietLam )
Tennessee Waltz ( MTao )
Xiang si he pan ( LeongML )*
Funky fire dance ( JohnNG )*
Cumbia semana ( Iweisburd )
Win the race ( CLarsen )
Pii pii ( NP )
Desert walk ( NP )
The Stroma dance ( NP )
Evergreen waltz ( Jan&ConnieVdB )
Dec 12th 2010 STANDBY LIST
Who did you call Darlin’
Sway me now
Hot tamales
Crazy foot mambo
Vertical expressions
Body in motion
Wanna be Elvis
All my Heart
I saw you standing there
Doctor doctor
Splish splash
Tango with the sheriff
Chaca chaca
Cowboy cha cha
Am I?
Mars attack
Below is the Programme & Jamming List from the organizer Danz4Peace:-
Date: 12TH. DEC. SUNDAY 10am – 6pm
Programme & Jamming List
Come dance with me (Jo Thompson )
Come on and dance ( Peter & Alison )
Magic cha cha
Rock around the clock
Madu & racun ( Doris Lim )*
Man chang fei*
Cowgirl’s twist ( Bill Bader )
Waltz across Texas ( L&JNielson )
Linda Eh! ( IWeisburd )
Jo N’ Jo tango ( Jo Thompsom Syzmanski )
Linedancebolgen ( Niels Poulsen )
DN Waltz ( NPoulsen)
Looky Looky ( Jennifer Choo)*
Japanese rumba ( Kenny Teh )*
Dancing in the streets ( Leong Mei Ling )*
11am- 11.30am
Sunshine Walk*
Under the sun ( Kathy&Sue )
Teresa Teng ( RepG )*
Let’s chill ( VScott )
Body cha (NP)
My Next Love (NP)
Don’t Cha Wish ( AmyXSohn )*
Go Greased Lightning ( MBurton )
Totoy Bibbo ( DLardiana )
The Princess Stroll (JPL)*
From Me to you ( YeoYP )*
Pretty women ( JChoo )*
Poker face ( Bennet/Kinser/Klinner )
Cha cha with me (NP)
Quando when quando ( Teresa&Vera )
Chica boom boom ( VMorris )
Aloha ( LaneLee )*
1pm -1.30pm
Thai hati ( KTeh )*
Arriba ( LaneLee )*
Volare ( FTrace )
Gossip girls ( JohnNG )*
My Lady ( EmilyMah )*
Baby com’ on / BCO (BCarpenter/RachelM)
Out & Jump ( RepG )*
Holding onto yesterday ( Peter&Alison )
Hello Dolly ( LKurtela )
Nobody, but you ( EmilyWoo )
Fujiyama Mama ( DBailey )
Chill factor ( Daniel&Hayley )
DhoomDhoom ( AmyXSohn )*
Kira’s waltz ( Dornstedt )
Aba-ni-bi ( JnSLinedancer )*
Passion ( LLo&Mickers )
Love, love me do ( JChoo )*
Mi amor ( LeongML )*
Korean waltz ( JohnNG )*
Flip flop & fly ( FTrace )
Dutch Treat ( Dornstedt )
Swing time ( NP )
With these eyes ( NP )
Rilassamento ( Anita Wittenberg )
My Radio cha ( EddieTang )*
What should I do (JohNg )*
Dog gone blues (JTS&MB&MB )
Ave Maria ( SWalton )
Japanese cha cha ( KTeh )*
Lover’s heart ( FSittrop )
The birds and the bees ( MPerron )
Swedish delight ( LouiseE )
Gleehab ( GLafferty )
Roomba ( GMundy )
Strong Baby ( Queendy&Emily )
Wade in the water ( NP )
You know me ( NP )
Cuban kiss ( NP )
MatahariKu ( MTaufik )*
Keep sweating ( Queendy&Emily )
Like Baby ( JaniceK )*
Martini’s moment ( FSittrop )
Dance of Love ( JChoo )*
Catch this moment ( JulietLam )
Tennessee Waltz ( MTao )
Xiang si he pan ( LeongML )*
Funky fire dance ( JohnNG )*
Cumbia semana ( Iweisburd )
Win the race ( CLarsen )
Pii pii ( NP )
Desert walk ( NP )
The Stroma dance ( NP )
Evergreen waltz ( Jan&ConnieVdB )
Dec 12th 2010 STANDBY LIST
Who did you call Darlin’
Sway me now
Hot tamales
Crazy foot mambo
Vertical expressions
Body in motion
Wanna be Elvis
All my Heart
I saw you standing there
Doctor doctor
Splish splash
Tango with the sheriff
Chaca chaca
Cowboy cha cha
Am I?
Mars attack
Friday, July 2, 2010
Our next Workshop: Meet Niels Poulson in Johor Bahru
The workshop/function is free. You only pay for your own flight,accomodation and personal expenses.
Danz4Peace is organizing their 6th annual Line Dance Function in Johor Bahru on 12 Dec 2010 from 10am to 6pm. Niels Poulsen will be coming to their event DANCE FOR GOOD HEALTH PEACE & JOY. Check for bargain flights now!!!.
We have enjoyed Niels Poulsons dances like Cuban Kiss, Pii Pii and Hot Hot Hot (many years ago)
I will be attending. Please join. It will be good fun if many of us can go.
Danz4Peace is organizing their 6th annual Line Dance Function in Johor Bahru on 12 Dec 2010 from 10am to 6pm. Niels Poulsen will be coming to their event DANCE FOR GOOD HEALTH PEACE & JOY. Check for bargain flights now!!!.
We have enjoyed Niels Poulsons dances like Cuban Kiss, Pii Pii and Hot Hot Hot (many years ago)
I will be attending. Please join. It will be good fun if many of us can go.
Thursday, July 1, 2010
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