Watch it ! The Pirates of The Caribbean landed in KK on 29 Aug 2012. See all the smiling faces? They have seen their target ! Captain Hook came with sword and HOOK. Where is Captain Jack Sparrow and Blackbeard, the most feared pirate of all?? Missing Pirates are Loi, Diana, Janet , Amanda, Jeanie and Margaret Sinsua, Fung
Every Mon and Wed - Zumba Fitness class
No More Line Dance classes
Thursday, June 30, 2011
Fly With Me - new dance by Mei Ling
Fly With Me
Count:64 Wall: 2 Level: Easy Intermediate
Leong Mei Ling (May 2011)
Music: Fly With Me (Lena’s Song) by Leyla Yilbar Norgren; From the movie Wie Im Himmel (As It Is In Heaven)
1-2Step R forward, lock L behind R
3&4Step R forward, close L beside R, step R forward
5-6Step L forward, 3/4 turn right step on R
7-8Step L to side, close R beside, step L to side [9:00]
1-2Transfer weight back to R swaying hips to right, sway to left
3&4Cross R over L, step ball of L to side, cross R over L
5-6Rock L to side, recover weight to R
7&8Step L behind R, step R to side, step L across R
1-2Rock R to side, recover weight to L
3&4Step R behind L, step L to side, step R slight across L
5-6Rock L forward, recover weight to R
7&81/4 turn left step L to side, close R beside L, 1/4 turn left step L forward [3:00]
1&21/4 turn left step R to side, step L beside R, 1/4 turn left step R back [9:00]
3-61/4 turn left step/sway L to side, sway R, sway L, sway R [6:00]
7&8Step L back, close R beside L, step L forward
1-2Step R forward, point L to side
&3Step L beside R, point R to right
4-61/2 turn right step R beside L, point L to left, step L beside R [12:00]
7-8Rock R to side, recover weight to L
1-3Rock R back, recover weight to L, 1/2 turn left step R back [6:00]
4-6Rock L back, recover weight to R, 1/2 turn right step L back [12:00]
7-8Sweep R front to back stepping behind L, step L to side
1&2Step R forward, step L beside R, step R forward
3-4Rock L forward, recover weight to R
5&6Step L back, close R beside L, step L back
7-8Rock R back, recover weight to L [12:00]
1-2Step R forward, step L forward (preparing to turn)
3-41/2 turn right step R to side, step L forward [6:00]
5&6Rock R forward, recover weight to L, step back R
7&8Step L back, step R beside L, step L forward
TAG after Wall 2 and Wall 4
1-4Step R, R knee bent with most of body’s weight on R (left leg extended in a point to left) Move R arm straight from over head downward right in an arc
5-8Transfer weight to L, L knee bent with most of body’s weight on L, move L arm straight from over head downward left in an arc (right left extended in a point to right)
Wednesday, June 29, 2011
Kuching Workshop :Suspicious Minds taught on 29 June 2011
Beautiful song by Clay Aitkin.
This is a 64 count 2-wall cha cha with a Waltz tag at the end of the 3rd wall, facing the back.
Challenging but 100% enjoyable . Something different
stepsheet from yipee.
Choreographed by: Simon Ward (Australia)
Music: Suspicious Minds by Clay Aitkin [CD: Tried & True]
Descriptions: 64 count, 2 wall, Intermediate level line dance
1-9 Walk Right, Left, Right, Lock/Step, Fwd Pivot ½, ¼ Turn Chasse
1-3 Step right forward, step left forward, step right forward
4&5 Step left forward, lock/step right behind left, step left forward
6-7 Step right forward, turn ½ turn left stepping onto left
8&1 Turn ¼ turn left stepping right to right side, step left beside right, step right to right side
10-17 Cross/Rock, Chasse ¼ Turn Left, Fwd ½ Pivot, Lock/Step Fwd
2-3 Cross/rock left over right at 45 deg right, recover weight back on right
4&5 Step left to left side, step right beside left, turn ¼ left stepping forward on left
6-7 Step right forward, turn ½ turn left stepping onto left
8&1 Step right forward, step left beside right, step right forward
18-25 Cross/Step, Side, Weave, Rock Side, Recover, Cross Shuffle
2-3 Cross/step left over right, step right to right side
4&5 Step left behind right, step right to right side, cross/step left over right
6-7 Rock/step right to right side, recover weight onto left
8&1 Cross/step right over left, step left to left side, cross/step right over left
26-33 ¼ Turn Left, ½ Turn Left, Coaster Cross Step, Hold, Side Cross, Weave
2-3 Turn ¼ turn left stepping forward on left, turn ½ turn left stepping back on right
4&5 Step back on left, step right beside left, cross/step left over right
6&7 Hold, step right slightly to right, cross/step left over right
8&1 Step right behind left, step left slightly to left, cross/step right over left
34-41 Rock Side, Recover, Shuffle Fwd At 45 Deg, Rock Side, ¼ Turn,
2-3 Rock/step left to left side, recover weight onto right
4&5 Turn 45 deg right stepping forward on left, step right beside left, step forward on left
6-7 Rock/step right to right side, turn ¼ turn left stepping onto left
8&1 Step right forward, step left beside right, step right forward
42-49 Step Fwd, ½ Pivot, ½ Shuffle Right, Full Turn, ½ Shuffle Right
2-3 Step left forward, turn ½ turn right stepping onto right
4&5 Turn ¼ turn right stepping left to left side, step right beside left, turn ¼ turn right stepping left back
6-7 Turn ½ turn right stepping right forward, turn ½ turn right stepping left back
8&1 Turn ¼ turn right stepping right to right side, step left beside right, turn ¼ turn right stepping right forward
50-56 Step Fwd, ½ Pivot, Shuffle Fwd Left, Cross/Rock, Recover, Step Right Side
2-3 Step left forward, turn ½ turn right stepping onto right
4&5 Step left forward, step right beside left, step left forward
6-8 Cross/rock right over left at 45 deg left, recover back on left, step right to right side
57-64 Cross/Rock, Recover, Step Side, Cross/Rock. Recover, Step Together, Fwd, ½ Pivot, Fwd, ½ Pivot, Step Together
1-2& Cross/rock left over right at 45 deg right, recover weight back on right, step left slightly to left
3-4& Cross/rock right over left at 45 deg left, recover weight back on left, step right beside left
5-6 Step left forward, turn ½ turn right stepping onto right
7-8& Step left forward, turn ½ turn right stepping onto right, step left beside right
Waltz TAG: Starts on Wall 4 (facing the back).
Leave the "&" count out at the end of the cha cha so you can start the waltz on the left foot.
1-6 Fwd, Step In Place Right, Left, Step Back, ½ Turn, Step Fwd
1-3 Step left forward, step right beside left, step left beside right
4-6 Step right back, turn ½ turn left stepping forward on left, step right slightly forward
7-12 Fwd, Step In Place Right, Left, Step Back, ½ Turn, Step Fwd
1-6 Repeat previous 6 counts
13-18 Turn 45 Deg R Step Fwd, Step In Place Right, Left, Step Back, Step In Place Left, Right
1-3 Turn 45 deg right stepping forward on left, step right beside left, step left beside right
4-6 Step right back, step left beside right facing 12.00, step right beside left
19-24 Turn 45 Deg L Step Fwd, Step In Place Right, Left, Step Back, Step In Place Left, Right
1-3 Turn 45 deg left stepping forward on left, step right beside left, step left beside right
4-6 Step right back, step left beside right facing 12.00, step right beside left
25-30 Cross/Step, Rock Side, Recover, Cross/Step, ¼ Turn Right, ¼ Turn Right
1-3 Cross/step left over right, rock right to right side, recover weight onto left
4-6 Cross/step right over left, Turn ¼ turn right stepping left slightly back, Turn ¼ turn right stepping right to right side
31-36 Cross/Step, Rock Side, Recover, Cross/Step, ¼ Turn Right, ¼ Turn Right
1-6 Repeat previous 6 counts
1-30 Repeat Again Up Until Count 30 Then Do The Following 4& Counts
Left Fwd, ½ Pivot Right, Left Fwd, ½ Pivot Right, Step Together
1-4& Step left forward, turn ½ turn right stepping onto right, Step left forward, turn ½ turn right stepping onto right, Step left beside right
This is a 64 count 2-wall cha cha with a Waltz tag at the end of the 3rd wall, facing the back.
Challenging but 100% enjoyable . Something different
stepsheet from yipee.
Choreographed by: Simon Ward (Australia)
Music: Suspicious Minds by Clay Aitkin [CD: Tried & True]
Descriptions: 64 count, 2 wall, Intermediate level line dance
1-9 Walk Right, Left, Right, Lock/Step, Fwd Pivot ½, ¼ Turn Chasse
1-3 Step right forward, step left forward, step right forward
4&5 Step left forward, lock/step right behind left, step left forward
6-7 Step right forward, turn ½ turn left stepping onto left
8&1 Turn ¼ turn left stepping right to right side, step left beside right, step right to right side
10-17 Cross/Rock, Chasse ¼ Turn Left, Fwd ½ Pivot, Lock/Step Fwd
2-3 Cross/rock left over right at 45 deg right, recover weight back on right
4&5 Step left to left side, step right beside left, turn ¼ left stepping forward on left
6-7 Step right forward, turn ½ turn left stepping onto left
8&1 Step right forward, step left beside right, step right forward
18-25 Cross/Step, Side, Weave, Rock Side, Recover, Cross Shuffle
2-3 Cross/step left over right, step right to right side
4&5 Step left behind right, step right to right side, cross/step left over right
6-7 Rock/step right to right side, recover weight onto left
8&1 Cross/step right over left, step left to left side, cross/step right over left
26-33 ¼ Turn Left, ½ Turn Left, Coaster Cross Step, Hold, Side Cross, Weave
2-3 Turn ¼ turn left stepping forward on left, turn ½ turn left stepping back on right
4&5 Step back on left, step right beside left, cross/step left over right
6&7 Hold, step right slightly to right, cross/step left over right
8&1 Step right behind left, step left slightly to left, cross/step right over left
34-41 Rock Side, Recover, Shuffle Fwd At 45 Deg, Rock Side, ¼ Turn,
2-3 Rock/step left to left side, recover weight onto right
4&5 Turn 45 deg right stepping forward on left, step right beside left, step forward on left
6-7 Rock/step right to right side, turn ¼ turn left stepping onto left
8&1 Step right forward, step left beside right, step right forward
42-49 Step Fwd, ½ Pivot, ½ Shuffle Right, Full Turn, ½ Shuffle Right
2-3 Step left forward, turn ½ turn right stepping onto right
4&5 Turn ¼ turn right stepping left to left side, step right beside left, turn ¼ turn right stepping left back
6-7 Turn ½ turn right stepping right forward, turn ½ turn right stepping left back
8&1 Turn ¼ turn right stepping right to right side, step left beside right, turn ¼ turn right stepping right forward
50-56 Step Fwd, ½ Pivot, Shuffle Fwd Left, Cross/Rock, Recover, Step Right Side
2-3 Step left forward, turn ½ turn right stepping onto right
4&5 Step left forward, step right beside left, step left forward
6-8 Cross/rock right over left at 45 deg left, recover back on left, step right to right side
57-64 Cross/Rock, Recover, Step Side, Cross/Rock. Recover, Step Together, Fwd, ½ Pivot, Fwd, ½ Pivot, Step Together
1-2& Cross/rock left over right at 45 deg right, recover weight back on right, step left slightly to left
3-4& Cross/rock right over left at 45 deg left, recover weight back on left, step right beside left
5-6 Step left forward, turn ½ turn right stepping onto right
7-8& Step left forward, turn ½ turn right stepping onto right, step left beside right
Waltz TAG: Starts on Wall 4 (facing the back).
Leave the "&" count out at the end of the cha cha so you can start the waltz on the left foot.
1-6 Fwd, Step In Place Right, Left, Step Back, ½ Turn, Step Fwd
1-3 Step left forward, step right beside left, step left beside right
4-6 Step right back, turn ½ turn left stepping forward on left, step right slightly forward
7-12 Fwd, Step In Place Right, Left, Step Back, ½ Turn, Step Fwd
1-6 Repeat previous 6 counts
13-18 Turn 45 Deg R Step Fwd, Step In Place Right, Left, Step Back, Step In Place Left, Right
1-3 Turn 45 deg right stepping forward on left, step right beside left, step left beside right
4-6 Step right back, step left beside right facing 12.00, step right beside left
19-24 Turn 45 Deg L Step Fwd, Step In Place Right, Left, Step Back, Step In Place Left, Right
1-3 Turn 45 deg left stepping forward on left, step right beside left, step left beside right
4-6 Step right back, step left beside right facing 12.00, step right beside left
25-30 Cross/Step, Rock Side, Recover, Cross/Step, ¼ Turn Right, ¼ Turn Right
1-3 Cross/step left over right, rock right to right side, recover weight onto left
4-6 Cross/step right over left, Turn ¼ turn right stepping left slightly back, Turn ¼ turn right stepping right to right side
31-36 Cross/Step, Rock Side, Recover, Cross/Step, ¼ Turn Right, ¼ Turn Right
1-6 Repeat previous 6 counts
1-30 Repeat Again Up Until Count 30 Then Do The Following 4& Counts
Left Fwd, ½ Pivot Right, Left Fwd, ½ Pivot Right, Step Together
1-4& Step left forward, turn ½ turn right stepping onto right, Step left forward, turn ½ turn right stepping onto right, Step left beside right
Kuching Workshop dance -Alabama Slammin' taught on 27 June 2011
Alabama Slammin'
Count:48 Wall: 2 Level: Intermediate
Rachael McEnaney (UK) June 2011
Music: “If You Want My Love” – Laura Bell Bundy (album: Achin & Shakin) approx 112bpm
Count In: 32 counts from start of track – dance begins on vocals
[1 – 8] Rock forward R, ¾ turn R, R sailor with ¼ turn R, L kick ball side.
1 - 2Rock forward on right (1), recover weight onto left (2) 12.00
3 - 4Make ½ turn right stepping forward on right (3), make ¼ turn right stepping left to left side (4) 9.00
5 & 6Cross right behind left (5), make ¼ turn right stepping left next to right (&), step forward on right (6) 12.00
7 & 8Kick left foot forward (7), step left next to right (&), take big step to right side (8) 12.00
[9 – 16] L tap x2, step side L, R sailor ¼ turn, L toe tap then 2x heel jacks
1 & 2Tap left toe next to right (1), tap left toe next to right again (&), step left to left side (2) 12.00
3 & 4Cross right behind left (3), make ¼ turn right stepping left next to right (&), step forward on right (4) 3.00
5 & 6Touch left toe next to right (5), step back on left (&), touch right heel forward (6) 3.00
& 7 & 8Step right foot in place (&), touch left toe next to right (7), step back on left (&), touch right heel forward (8) 3.00
[17 – 24] R recover, L side rock, L behind side cross, R side rock, R sailor ¼ turn
& 1 - 2Step in place with right foot (&), rock left to left side (1), recover weight to right (2) 3.00
3 & 4Cross left behind right (3), step right to right side (&), cross left over right (4) 3.00
5 - 6Rock right to right side (5), recover weight to left (6) 3.00
7 & 8Cross right behind left (7), make ¼ turn right stepping left next to right (&), step forward on right (8) 6.00
[25 – 32] Step fwd on L, pivot ½ turn R, full turn R travelling fwd (or 2 walks), L mambo, run back RLR
1 - 2Step forward on left (1), pivot ½ turn right (2) 12.00
3 - 4Make ½ turn right stepping back on left (3), make ½ turn right stepping forward on right (4) easy option: Walk forward left right (3,4) 12.00
5 & 6Rock forward on left (3), recover weight onto right (&), step back on left (4), 12.00
7 & 8Step back on right (7), step back on left (&), step back on right (8) 12.00
[33 – 40] Big step back on L, hold, ball walk walk,
1, 2 & 3, 4Take big step back on left (1), hold (2), step in place on ball of right (&), step forward on left (3), step forward on right (4) 12.00
5 - 6Tap left toe forward bumping hips forward (5), step forward on left (6) 12.00
7 - 8Step forward on right (7), pivot ¼ turn left (8) 9.00
[41 – 48] R crossing shuffle, ¾ turn R, 2x heel switches, big step forward L
1 & 2Cross right over left (1), step left to left side (&), cross right over left (2) 9.00
3 – 4Make ¼ turn right stepping back on left (3), make ½ turn right stepping forward on left (4) 6.00
5 & 6Touch left heel forward (5), step in place with left (&), touch right heel forward (6) 6.00
& 7 – 8Step in place with ball of right (&), take big step forward on left (lean back slightly and imagine stepping over a box) (7), brush right foot forward (8) 6.00
Doctor Doctor taught on 27 June 2011
A very enjoyable jamming dance at the Kuching party.
Count:80 Wall: 4 Level: Intermediate level
Masters In Line (Mar 04)
Music: Bad Case Of Loving You by Robert Palmer
1-2 Walk forward on right foot, walk forward on left foot
3-4 Walk forward on right foot, kick left foot forward and clap hands
5-6 Walk back on left foot, walk back on right foot
7-8 Walk back on left foot, touch right toe next to left foot and clap hands
9-10 Stomp right foot forward to right diagonal, swivel left heel towards right heel
11-12 Swivel left toe towards right heel, swivel left heel towards right heel
13-14 Stomp left foot forward to left diagonal, swivel right heel towards left heel
15-16 Swivel right toe towards left heel, swivel right heel towards left heel
&17-18 Step right foot back, step left foot back (feet shoulder width apart) clap hands
&19-24 Repeat steps &17-18 three times
25-26 Make a ¼ turn right and step forward on right foot, make ½ turn right and step back on left foot
27-28 Make a ¼ turn right and step right foot to right side, touch left toe next to right foot
29-30 Make a ¼ turn left and step left foot forward, make a ½ turn left and step back on right foot
31-32 Make a ¼ turn left and step left foot to left side, touch right toe next to left foot
33&34 Step right foot forward, step left foot next to right foot, step right foot forward
35-36 Step forward on left foot, pivot ½ turn right
37&38 Step forward on left foot, step right foot next to left foot, step forward on left foot
39-40 Step forward on right foot, unwind a ¾ turn left
41&42 Step right foot to right side, step left foot next to right, step right foot to right side
43-44 Rock back on left foot, rock forward on right foot
45&46 Step left foot to left side. Step right foot next to left foot, step left foot to left side
47-48 Rock back on right foot, rock forward on left foot
49-50 Touch right toe to right side, make a ½ turn right on ball of left foot, stepping right foot next to left foot
51-52 Touch left toe to left side, step left foot next to right foot
53-56 Repeat steps 49-52
57&58 Touch right heel forward, step right foot next to left foot, touch left toe back
&59&60 Make a ¼ turn left stepping left foot next to right foot, touch right toe back, step right foot next to left foot, touch left heel forward
&61&62 Step left foot next to right foot, touch right heel forward, step right foot next to left foot, touch left toe back
&63&64 Make a ¼ turn left stepping left foot next to right foot, touch right toe back, step right foot next to left foot, touch left heel forward
&65 Step left foot back, stomp right foot big step forward
66-68 Bounce heels 3 times as you make a ½ turn left (weight ends on right foot)
&69 Step left foot back, stomp right foot big step forward
70-72 Bounce heels 3 times as you make a ½ turn left (weight ends on left foot)
73-74 Stomp right foot to right side, stomp left foot to left side
75-76 Clap hands twice
77-78 Put right hand on right hip, put left hand on left hip
79-80 Roll hips anti-clockwise
RESTART: After count 32 of the second wall restart the dance again.
TAG & RESTART: Counting the restart as another wall the four count tag happens on the fifth wall after count 32 of the dance.
1-2 Step right foot out to right side as you pop left knee in, taking weight on left foot pop right knee in
3-4 Taking weight on right foot pop left knee in, taking weight on left foot pop right knee in
After the four-count tag, restart the dance again, the tag is very easy to hear.
Count:80 Wall: 4 Level: Intermediate level
Masters In Line (Mar 04)
Music: Bad Case Of Loving You by Robert Palmer
1-2 Walk forward on right foot, walk forward on left foot
3-4 Walk forward on right foot, kick left foot forward and clap hands
5-6 Walk back on left foot, walk back on right foot
7-8 Walk back on left foot, touch right toe next to left foot and clap hands
9-10 Stomp right foot forward to right diagonal, swivel left heel towards right heel
11-12 Swivel left toe towards right heel, swivel left heel towards right heel
13-14 Stomp left foot forward to left diagonal, swivel right heel towards left heel
15-16 Swivel right toe towards left heel, swivel right heel towards left heel
&17-18 Step right foot back, step left foot back (feet shoulder width apart) clap hands
&19-24 Repeat steps &17-18 three times
25-26 Make a ¼ turn right and step forward on right foot, make ½ turn right and step back on left foot
27-28 Make a ¼ turn right and step right foot to right side, touch left toe next to right foot
29-30 Make a ¼ turn left and step left foot forward, make a ½ turn left and step back on right foot
31-32 Make a ¼ turn left and step left foot to left side, touch right toe next to left foot
33&34 Step right foot forward, step left foot next to right foot, step right foot forward
35-36 Step forward on left foot, pivot ½ turn right
37&38 Step forward on left foot, step right foot next to left foot, step forward on left foot
39-40 Step forward on right foot, unwind a ¾ turn left
41&42 Step right foot to right side, step left foot next to right, step right foot to right side
43-44 Rock back on left foot, rock forward on right foot
45&46 Step left foot to left side. Step right foot next to left foot, step left foot to left side
47-48 Rock back on right foot, rock forward on left foot
49-50 Touch right toe to right side, make a ½ turn right on ball of left foot, stepping right foot next to left foot
51-52 Touch left toe to left side, step left foot next to right foot
53-56 Repeat steps 49-52
57&58 Touch right heel forward, step right foot next to left foot, touch left toe back
&59&60 Make a ¼ turn left stepping left foot next to right foot, touch right toe back, step right foot next to left foot, touch left heel forward
&61&62 Step left foot next to right foot, touch right heel forward, step right foot next to left foot, touch left toe back
&63&64 Make a ¼ turn left stepping left foot next to right foot, touch right toe back, step right foot next to left foot, touch left heel forward
&65 Step left foot back, stomp right foot big step forward
66-68 Bounce heels 3 times as you make a ½ turn left (weight ends on right foot)
&69 Step left foot back, stomp right foot big step forward
70-72 Bounce heels 3 times as you make a ½ turn left (weight ends on left foot)
73-74 Stomp right foot to right side, stomp left foot to left side
75-76 Clap hands twice
77-78 Put right hand on right hip, put left hand on left hip
79-80 Roll hips anti-clockwise
RESTART: After count 32 of the second wall restart the dance again.
TAG & RESTART: Counting the restart as another wall the four count tag happens on the fifth wall after count 32 of the dance.
1-2 Step right foot out to right side as you pop left knee in, taking weight on left foot pop right knee in
3-4 Taking weight on right foot pop left knee in, taking weight on left foot pop right knee in
After the four-count tag, restart the dance again, the tag is very easy to hear.
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
A wonderful Workshop in Kuching & looking forward to the next on 18 Dec with Rachel McEnaney
All of us had a wonderful time in Kuching learning 5 dances from Simon Ward and thoroughly enjoyed a fun filled dinner cum show in the evening. We were entertained by Simon, Philip Sobrielo , the Karar Line Dancers and others with their spectacular dance performances.
Simon is a very talented dancer, choreographer & teacher with a very warm & cheerful personality.
All of Simon's workshop dances are new ones and are not officially released yet as he is going to use them for his USA and Europe tour. So he has requested that we do not post them up on websites any where. BUT WE CAN VIEW the dances FROM OUR VIDEO CLIPS !
These are the workshop dances-
1. If I knew Then - waltz with a couple of restarts
2. Alabama Slammin' - choreo by Rachel McEnaney
3. Under My Skin- pop
4. Suspicious Minds - cha cha with a waltz tag
5. Show Me The Love - NC2, a super challenging dance with tags & restarts & modifed steps
I shall share all 5 dances in class soon.
Simon is a very talented dancer, choreographer & teacher with a very warm & cheerful personality.
All of Simon's workshop dances are new ones and are not officially released yet as he is going to use them for his USA and Europe tour. So he has requested that we do not post them up on websites any where. BUT WE CAN VIEW the dances FROM OUR VIDEO CLIPS !
These are the workshop dances-
1. If I knew Then - waltz with a couple of restarts
2. Alabama Slammin' - choreo by Rachel McEnaney
3. Under My Skin- pop
4. Suspicious Minds - cha cha with a waltz tag
5. Show Me The Love - NC2, a super challenging dance with tags & restarts & modifed steps
I shall share all 5 dances in class soon.
Monday, June 27, 2011
Larger Than Life - Line Dance
This must be the most danced from Simon's choreography.
Let's learn.
Count:48 Wall: 2 Level: advanced
Simon Ward
Music: Larger Than Life by The Backstreet Boys
1-2Walk forward right, left
3&4&Turning body to 45 degrees left, jump feet apart; turning body to center, jump feet at center; turning body at 45 degrees right, jump feet apart; facing front wall, hop left back to center, raising right foot off the ground
5&6Shuffle forward right, left, right
7&8Step left forward, pivot ½ turn right taking weight onto right, step left slightly forward
1&2&Shuffle forward, right, left, right, make ½ turn right on right foot
3&4Shuffle backward left, right, left
&5&6Step right slightly back, touch left heel forward, step left down at center, touch right next to left (ball jack)
7&8Drop weight onto right bumping hip to right on same count, step slightly back on left, touch right heel forward
&1&2Step right down at center, step left slightly forward, brush right heel forward, raise right knee and slap knee with right hand
&3&4Touch right heel forward, raise right foot out to right and slap outside of right foot with right hand, step slightly forward, raise left knee and slap with left hand
&Step down on left
5&6&Brush right heel forward, raise right knee and slap knee with right hand, touch right heel forward, raise right foot out to right and slap outside of right foot with right hand
7&8Step right slightly forward, raise left knee and slap left knee with left hand, step down on left
1-2Step right forward, pivot ¼ turn left, taking weight on left
3&4Cross/step right over left, step left to left, cross/step right over left
5&6Rock left to left, rock/return right to center, cross/step left over right
7&8Step right to right, twist heels to right, twist heels to left making a ¼ turn right (weight finishes on right)
1-2Step left forward, pivot ½ turn right taking weight onto right
3&4Step left forward bumping hips left, right, left (forward, back, forward)
&5&6Turn a ½ turn left on left foot, step right back bumping hips right, left, right (back, forward, back)
&7&8Turn a ½ turn left on right foot, triple step forward left, right, left
1-2Step right forward, pivot ½ turn left taking weight onto left
3&4Triple step forward right, left, right
5&6&7&Touch left heel forward, slightly slide right toward left, repeat 2 more times
8Step left foot forward, turn ½ turn right on left foot to restart dance (this turn happens on count 1 of dance)
On 2nd wall, leave out the last 8 counts. After count 40, start dance again going forward. (facing front wall)
Now you are going to kill me, but it is really cool so give it a try. This is where the music changes. You will go into the dance like you normally would. (you should be facing the front wall)
1-8Step right forward, extend arms out and up slowly for 8 counts (fists closed)
1-8Step left forward, with arms extended out slowly bring them down for 8 counts (hands open up)
1-8Step right to right and extend arms out and up slowly for 8 counts (fists closed)
1-4With arms extended out, slowly bring them down for 4 counts (hands open up)
1-8Tap both heels on the spot for 8 counts -- arms by sides
1-4Walk forward right, left, right, pivot ½ turn left taking weight onto left and punching right arm up
Restart dance
This dance is dedicated to all the Americans that I met during my stay in August through November 1999. Thank you so much for everything, I had a BLAST. You are all way too much fun. Ciao and God bless
-- Simon Ward
Let's learn.
Count:48 Wall: 2 Level: advanced
Simon Ward
Music: Larger Than Life by The Backstreet Boys
1-2Walk forward right, left
3&4&Turning body to 45 degrees left, jump feet apart; turning body to center, jump feet at center; turning body at 45 degrees right, jump feet apart; facing front wall, hop left back to center, raising right foot off the ground
5&6Shuffle forward right, left, right
7&8Step left forward, pivot ½ turn right taking weight onto right, step left slightly forward
1&2&Shuffle forward, right, left, right, make ½ turn right on right foot
3&4Shuffle backward left, right, left
&5&6Step right slightly back, touch left heel forward, step left down at center, touch right next to left (ball jack)
7&8Drop weight onto right bumping hip to right on same count, step slightly back on left, touch right heel forward
&1&2Step right down at center, step left slightly forward, brush right heel forward, raise right knee and slap knee with right hand
&3&4Touch right heel forward, raise right foot out to right and slap outside of right foot with right hand, step slightly forward, raise left knee and slap with left hand
&Step down on left
5&6&Brush right heel forward, raise right knee and slap knee with right hand, touch right heel forward, raise right foot out to right and slap outside of right foot with right hand
7&8Step right slightly forward, raise left knee and slap left knee with left hand, step down on left
1-2Step right forward, pivot ¼ turn left, taking weight on left
3&4Cross/step right over left, step left to left, cross/step right over left
5&6Rock left to left, rock/return right to center, cross/step left over right
7&8Step right to right, twist heels to right, twist heels to left making a ¼ turn right (weight finishes on right)
1-2Step left forward, pivot ½ turn right taking weight onto right
3&4Step left forward bumping hips left, right, left (forward, back, forward)
&5&6Turn a ½ turn left on left foot, step right back bumping hips right, left, right (back, forward, back)
&7&8Turn a ½ turn left on right foot, triple step forward left, right, left
1-2Step right forward, pivot ½ turn left taking weight onto left
3&4Triple step forward right, left, right
5&6&7&Touch left heel forward, slightly slide right toward left, repeat 2 more times
8Step left foot forward, turn ½ turn right on left foot to restart dance (this turn happens on count 1 of dance)
On 2nd wall, leave out the last 8 counts. After count 40, start dance again going forward. (facing front wall)
Now you are going to kill me, but it is really cool so give it a try. This is where the music changes. You will go into the dance like you normally would. (you should be facing the front wall)
1-8Step right forward, extend arms out and up slowly for 8 counts (fists closed)
1-8Step left forward, with arms extended out slowly bring them down for 8 counts (hands open up)
1-8Step right to right and extend arms out and up slowly for 8 counts (fists closed)
1-4With arms extended out, slowly bring them down for 4 counts (hands open up)
1-8Tap both heels on the spot for 8 counts -- arms by sides
1-4Walk forward right, left, right, pivot ½ turn left taking weight onto left and punching right arm up
Restart dance
This dance is dedicated to all the Americans that I met during my stay in August through November 1999. Thank you so much for everything, I had a BLAST. You are all way too much fun. Ciao and God bless
-- Simon Ward
Winner of Mini Dance Competition in Kuching !
Dancing With The Stars was a 'surprise' competition among line dance instructors at the Karar Line Dance Dinner. All dance instructors were paired and were asked to perform any dance of their choice for 2 minutes only.
Simon Ward was the judge & Jennifer Choo and I won the Trophy and a hamper of goodies with. . . Snap Your Fingers
Simon Ward was the judge & Jennifer Choo and I won the Trophy and a hamper of goodies with. . . Snap Your Fingers
Sunday, June 19, 2011
Sae Min Danced MAKE MY DAY in our class
It is the correct footwork that move the hips - and of course with the correct body posture -wow!
14 of us shall get to see Sae Min compete in the APDX competition in KL this coming Aug.
14 of us shall get to see Sae Min compete in the APDX competition in KL this coming Aug.
Thursday, June 16, 2011
Go Grease Lightning
Let's learn this dance again. Its FUN and not difficult at all.
Go Greased Lightning
Choreographed by: Michele Burton & Michael Barr (Nov 06)
Music: Greased Lightning by John Travolta (CD: Grease Soundtrack)
Descriptions: Phrased wall - Intermediate level line dance
Sequence: Arm Intro, AB, AB, Mini A, Mini A, CCCC, turn to the front wall and do Mini A, Mini A, C, turn to the front wall and do B, ENDING
Arm Intro
"It's automatic" pose: right arm straight up in air, point finger to sky, left hand on hip, fingers pointing to floor, left leg straight, right knee popped, facing right
"It's systematic" pose: pull arms in toward waist, elbows bent, forearms facing upward, feet apart, legs straight
"It's hydromatic" pose: roll hips during "hy...dromatic", place arms in 'T' on last beat
Why, it's greased lightning: circular arm motion. On the word "greased", left arm comes to thigh, right arm still in 'T'. On the word "light", left arm even with right arm. On the word "ning", left arm continues to do full circle around and back to right arm, left elbow nudge, nudge, nudge to left while shifting weight to left foot and sliding right foot to left
Part A
Shuffle Right, Rock Step, Shuffle Left, Rock Step
1&2-3-4 Right step right; left step beside right; right step right; left rock back; right step in place
5&6-7-8 Left step left; right step beside left; left step left; right rock back; left step in place
Shuffles On Right Diagonal/Left Diagonal, Vaudeville Walks
1&2-3&4 Right diagonal shuffle in place; left diagonal shuffle in place
5-8 Right step with twisting motion right; left step with twisting motion left; right step with twisting motion right; left step with twisting motion left (these 4 counts move forward)
Step Touch, ½ Turn Touch, Step Touch, ½ Turn Touch
1-4 Step forward on right foot; touch left beside right; turn ½ left, stepping forward on left foot; touch right beside left
5-8 Step forward on right foot; touch left beside right; turn ½ left, stepping forward on left foot; touch right beside left
Jump Up Clap, Jump Back Clap, Toe Heel Right Diagonal, Toe Heel Left Diagonal
&1-2&3-4 Right foot step forward; left foot step forward; clap; right foot step back; left foot step back; clap
5-6 Right toe touch to forward right diagonal; drop right heel and snap fingers
7-8 Left toe touch to forward left diagonal; drop left heel and snap fingers
Cross Hold, Side Hold, Cross Back Side, Hold
1-4 Right cross over left; hold; left step to left; hold (arms swing right, then left)
5-8 Right cross over left; left step back; right step right; hold
Cross Hold, Side Hold, Cross Back Side Together - With Shimmies
1-4 Left cross over right; hold; right step to right; (arms swing left, then right)
5-8 Left cross over right; right step back; left step left; right step beside left (shoulder shimmies counts 5-8)
Out Together, Out Together (Jumping Jacks), Run (Slightly) Forward
1-4 Jump both feet apart; jump both feet together; jump both feet apart; jump both feet together
5&6&7&8 On balls of feet, run slightly forward, starting with the right foot, ending with feet together
Part B - Go Greased Lightning
Right Hand Move
1 Jump feet apart while placing right arm to right (looking & pointing index finger to 3:00)
2-8 Knee bounce while moving right hand/arm to position straight in front of body, parallel to ground
Watch the movie. Bounce with knee bend to beat of music. You're looking straight ahead now by count 8
Arm Movement In, Up, In, Out
1-4 Bring right hand in, elbow pointing at floor, hand fisted; shoot it straight up in air; bring it back in to body, shoot it out straight to right
5-8 Repeat 1-4. Hips can move side to side, keeping in time to the music
Left Hand Move
1-8 With feet still apart, place left arm to left (looking & pointing index finger to 9:00), knee bounce while moving left hand/arm to position straight in front of body, parallel to ground
Watch the movie. Bounce with knee bend to beat of music. You're looking straight ahead by count 8
Arm Movement In, Up, In, Out
1-4 Bring left hand in, elbow pointing at floor, hand fisted; shoot left hand straight up; bring it back in to body. Shoot it out straight to left
5-8 Repeat 1-4. Hips can move side to side, keeping in time to the music
Arm Poses To Beat (Hands Fisted For Entire Sequence)
1-3 Bring both hands in, elbows pointing at floor, hands fisted; shoot both arms straight up; bring both arms to 'T' position
4-5 Hold; hold
6-7 Bring both arms forward, straight in front of you; pull arms in toward waist, elbows bent, forearms facing upward
8 Hold
Shoulder Drops, Step In Place (Bringing Feet Together)
1-4 Rotate shoulder drops, right, left, right, left
If they go the other way, not to worry
5&6&7&8 Step left right left right left right left, on balls of feet, bringing feet together and moving backwards)
Throughout this count of 8, arms are still in the position from the previous count of 8
Part "Mini A"
1-32 Do the first 32 counts of Part A
Part C - Modified Hand Jive
1-4 Slap thighs with both hands; clap; cross right hand over left; cross left hand over right
5-8 Touch right fist on top of left fist; touch left fist on top of right fist; hitch hike right thumb over right shoulder; hitch hike left thumb over left shoulder
& Jump ¼ turn to the left
ENDING: Walk to a clump in the middle of the floor and give your audience a pose for a fabulous Broadway ending
Go Greased Lightning
Choreographed by: Michele Burton & Michael Barr (Nov 06)
Music: Greased Lightning by John Travolta (CD: Grease Soundtrack)
Descriptions: Phrased wall - Intermediate level line dance
Sequence: Arm Intro, AB, AB, Mini A, Mini A, CCCC, turn to the front wall and do Mini A, Mini A, C, turn to the front wall and do B, ENDING
Arm Intro
"It's automatic" pose: right arm straight up in air, point finger to sky, left hand on hip, fingers pointing to floor, left leg straight, right knee popped, facing right
"It's systematic" pose: pull arms in toward waist, elbows bent, forearms facing upward, feet apart, legs straight
"It's hydromatic" pose: roll hips during "hy...dromatic", place arms in 'T' on last beat
Why, it's greased lightning: circular arm motion. On the word "greased", left arm comes to thigh, right arm still in 'T'. On the word "light", left arm even with right arm. On the word "ning", left arm continues to do full circle around and back to right arm, left elbow nudge, nudge, nudge to left while shifting weight to left foot and sliding right foot to left
Part A
Shuffle Right, Rock Step, Shuffle Left, Rock Step
1&2-3-4 Right step right; left step beside right; right step right; left rock back; right step in place
5&6-7-8 Left step left; right step beside left; left step left; right rock back; left step in place
Shuffles On Right Diagonal/Left Diagonal, Vaudeville Walks
1&2-3&4 Right diagonal shuffle in place; left diagonal shuffle in place
5-8 Right step with twisting motion right; left step with twisting motion left; right step with twisting motion right; left step with twisting motion left (these 4 counts move forward)
Step Touch, ½ Turn Touch, Step Touch, ½ Turn Touch
1-4 Step forward on right foot; touch left beside right; turn ½ left, stepping forward on left foot; touch right beside left
5-8 Step forward on right foot; touch left beside right; turn ½ left, stepping forward on left foot; touch right beside left
Jump Up Clap, Jump Back Clap, Toe Heel Right Diagonal, Toe Heel Left Diagonal
&1-2&3-4 Right foot step forward; left foot step forward; clap; right foot step back; left foot step back; clap
5-6 Right toe touch to forward right diagonal; drop right heel and snap fingers
7-8 Left toe touch to forward left diagonal; drop left heel and snap fingers
Cross Hold, Side Hold, Cross Back Side, Hold
1-4 Right cross over left; hold; left step to left; hold (arms swing right, then left)
5-8 Right cross over left; left step back; right step right; hold
Cross Hold, Side Hold, Cross Back Side Together - With Shimmies
1-4 Left cross over right; hold; right step to right; (arms swing left, then right)
5-8 Left cross over right; right step back; left step left; right step beside left (shoulder shimmies counts 5-8)
Out Together, Out Together (Jumping Jacks), Run (Slightly) Forward
1-4 Jump both feet apart; jump both feet together; jump both feet apart; jump both feet together
5&6&7&8 On balls of feet, run slightly forward, starting with the right foot, ending with feet together
Part B - Go Greased Lightning
Right Hand Move
1 Jump feet apart while placing right arm to right (looking & pointing index finger to 3:00)
2-8 Knee bounce while moving right hand/arm to position straight in front of body, parallel to ground
Watch the movie. Bounce with knee bend to beat of music. You're looking straight ahead now by count 8
Arm Movement In, Up, In, Out
1-4 Bring right hand in, elbow pointing at floor, hand fisted; shoot it straight up in air; bring it back in to body, shoot it out straight to right
5-8 Repeat 1-4. Hips can move side to side, keeping in time to the music
Left Hand Move
1-8 With feet still apart, place left arm to left (looking & pointing index finger to 9:00), knee bounce while moving left hand/arm to position straight in front of body, parallel to ground
Watch the movie. Bounce with knee bend to beat of music. You're looking straight ahead by count 8
Arm Movement In, Up, In, Out
1-4 Bring left hand in, elbow pointing at floor, hand fisted; shoot left hand straight up; bring it back in to body. Shoot it out straight to left
5-8 Repeat 1-4. Hips can move side to side, keeping in time to the music
Arm Poses To Beat (Hands Fisted For Entire Sequence)
1-3 Bring both hands in, elbows pointing at floor, hands fisted; shoot both arms straight up; bring both arms to 'T' position
4-5 Hold; hold
6-7 Bring both arms forward, straight in front of you; pull arms in toward waist, elbows bent, forearms facing upward
8 Hold
Shoulder Drops, Step In Place (Bringing Feet Together)
1-4 Rotate shoulder drops, right, left, right, left
If they go the other way, not to worry
5&6&7&8 Step left right left right left right left, on balls of feet, bringing feet together and moving backwards)
Throughout this count of 8, arms are still in the position from the previous count of 8
Part "Mini A"
1-32 Do the first 32 counts of Part A
Part C - Modified Hand Jive
1-4 Slap thighs with both hands; clap; cross right hand over left; cross left hand over right
5-8 Touch right fist on top of left fist; touch left fist on top of right fist; hitch hike right thumb over right shoulder; hitch hike left thumb over left shoulder
& Jump ¼ turn to the left
ENDING: Walk to a clump in the middle of the floor and give your audience a pose for a fabulous Broadway ending
Yeee Haa ! ! & Shoop Shoop & When I'm 64 & Please Don't Tease
Loi and Myself will bring our SABAH flag (to decorate the dance hall)to Kuching on 25 June in the Simon Ward Workshop cum 10th Anniversary Party of the Karar Line Dance Group.
The following are some of the easier & rather enjoyable jamming dances for the party.
Count:32 Wall: 2 Level: Beginner/Intermediate level
Simon Ward (Nov 03)
Music: Take Me Home by The Hermes House Band
1&2 Shuffle to R side, R-L-R
3-4 Rock/step L behind R, recover onto R
5&6 Shuffle to L side, L-R-L
7-8 Rock/step R behind L, recover onto L
9-10 Turn a ¼ turn L & step R slightly back, turn a further ½ turn L & step L forward
11-12 Rock/step R forward, recover onto L
13-16 Step R back taking R arm forward, for following 3 beats tap R heel turning ½ turn R raising R arm and following into ½ turn taking wt onto R
17-18 Rock/step L forward, recover onto R
19&20 Turn a full turn L with a triple step in place (L,R,L)
21-22 Rock/step R forward, recover onto L
23&24 Turn a full turn R with a triple step in place (R,L,R)
25-26& Rock/step L forward, Rock/step R back, step L beside R
27-28 Step R forward, pivot ½ turn L taking weight onto L
29-30 Step R forward turning ¾ turn L on R foot, touch L beside R
31&32 Shuffle to L side L,R,L slightly hitching R knee on count 32
On the 5th wall you will do the following for a bit of fun. (12:00 wall)
1-4 Step R to R side tapping heel on the spot for 4 beats turning into a ¼ R (bring R arm from L to R from counts 1-4) Lean the body for a bit of style
5-8 Step L forward, pivot ½ turn R taking weight onto L, turn a further ¼ turn R & step L slightly L (back to 12.00 wall), step R beside L
9-16 Repeat above steps on opposite foot with opposite arm (L hand side)
17-24 Step R slightly to R tapping R heel & bumping R hip 4 times, repeat on L (click fingers)
25-28 Step R forward, pivot ½ turn L taking weight onto L, repeat (slow pivots)
29-32 Step R to R side & bring arms down, out & up slowly for 4 beats
Restart dance (slowly)
The song slows down in certain parts where you just go with the flow and it will all fall into place. Try it contra, looks great on the floor.
Count:32 Wall: 4 Level: intermediate
Choreographer:Simon Ward
Music: The Shoop Shoop Song (It's In His Kiss) by Cher
1&2Step right to right side, step left next to right, step right to right side turning ¼ turn right
3&4Step left to left side, step right next to left, step left to left side turning ¼ turn right
5&6Step right to right side, step left next to right, step right to right side turning ¼ turn right
7&8Step left to left side, step right next to left, step left to left side turning ¼ turn right
1-2Step right back arcing left leg around, step left back arcing right leg around
3&4Step right back, step left next to right, step right slightly forward (coaster step)
5-6Step left forward, lock/step right behind
&7-8Step left slightly forward, step right forward turning a full turn left, come out of full turn & step left forward
1-4Step forward right at 45 degrees right, slide left next to right, repeat
5-8Step forward left at 45 degrees left, slide right next to left, repeat touching right next to left
Do this twice on walls 2 & 4
&1-2Step right slightly to right, step left slightly to left, flick right behind left looking left
3&4Turn ¼ turn right & step right forward, step left next to right, step right forward
5-6Turn full turn right stepping left, right
7-8Step left forward, slide right next to left and touch
On walls 2 & 4 you will repeat the last 8 counts at end of dance
Count:32 Wall: 4 Level: Beginner
Yeo Yu Puay (Dec ’10)
Music: When I’m 64 by The Beatles (Album: Sgt Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band)
Intro: 24 beats (start on vocals)
[1-8] Toe struts forward with finger snaps
1–2Touch R forward, drop R heel
3-4Touch L toe forward, drop L heel
5–6Touch R forward, drop R heel
7-8Touch L toe forward, drop L heel
(Snap RH fingers on counts 2,4,6 and 8)
[9-16] Vine Right with touch, Vine Left with hitch
1–2Step R to right, step L behind R
3-4Step R to right, touch L beside R
5-6Step L to left, step R behind L
7-8Step L to left, hitch R across L
[17-24] Diagonal back steps with touches and claps
1-2Step R diagonally back, touch L beside R
3–4Step L diagonally back, touch R beside L
5-6Step R diagonally back, touch L beside R
6-8Step L diagonally back, touch R beside L
(Clap hands on counts 2, 4, 6 and 8)
[25-32] Kick ball changes (2x), hip rolls turning ¼ left
1&2Kick R forward, step onto ball of R, step L beside R
3&4Kick R forward, step onto ball of R, step L beside R
5–8Touching R slightly forward, roll hips anti-clockwise twice using the momentum to turn ¼ left (weight remains on L)
Tags: At the end of walls 4 and 8 (you’ll be facing the front wall both times)
1-4Bump hips R L R L
Ending: On wall 11 (you’ll be facing the back wall), do the first 8 beats of the dance, then do this:
[9-16] Vine Right with cross, ½ unwind right and hands
1-2Step R to right, step L behind R
3-4Step R to right, cross L over R
5Unwind ½ right
6-7Throw right hand up, throw left hand up (palms facing forward - making a V shape)
Please Don't Tease
Count:64 Wall: 2 Level: High Beginner
Yeo Yu Puay (Malaysia) March 2011
Music: Please Don’t Tease by Cliff Richard (Album: The Hit List Disc 2)
Intro: 16 beats
[1-8] Side shuffle, Back Rock (R & L)
1&2Step R to right(1), Step L beside R(&), Step R to right(2)
3-4Rock L back(3), Recover weight onto R(4)
5&6Step L to left(5), Step R beside L(&), Step L to left(6)
7-8Rock R back(7), Recover weight onto L(8)
[9-16] Half turning shuffle, Back Rock, 2 kick ball changes
1&2Shuffle forward R(1) L(&) R(2) turning a gradual ½ left
3-4Rock L back(3), Recover weight onto R(4)
5&6Kick L forward(5), Step L beside R(&), Step R beside L(6)
7&8Repeat 5&6
[17-24] Side Shuffle, Back Rock (L & R)
1&2Step L to left(1), Step R beside L(&), Step L to left(2)
3-4Rock R back(3), Recover weight onto L(4)
5&6Step R to right(5), Step L beside R(&), Step R to right(6)
7-8Rock L back(7), Recover weight onto R(8)
[25-32] Half turning shuffle, Back rock, 2 kick ball changes
1-2Shuffle forward L(1) R(&) L(2) turning a gradually ½ right
3-4Rock R back(3), Recover weight onto L(4)
5-6Kick R forward(5), Step R beside L(&), Step L beside R(6)
7-8Repeat 5&6
[33-40] Forward shuffle, Half pivot (2x)
1&2Step R forward(1), Step L beside R(&), Step R forward(2)
3-4Step L forward(3), Turn ½ right shifting weight to R(4)
5&6Step L forward(5), Step R beside L(&), Step L forward(6)
7-8Step R forward(7), Turn ½ left shifting weight to L(8)
[41-48] Jazz Box (toe struts)
1-2Touch R toe across L(1), Step down on R(2)
3-4Touch L toe back(3), Step down on L(4)
5-6Touch R toe to right(5), Step down on R(6)
7-8Touch L toe beside R(7), Step down on L(8)
[49-56] Out out, Hold, Hip bumps
&1Step R to right(&), Step L to left(1) (keep weight on R)
2-4Hold (2-4)
5-6Bump hips to L(5), Hold (6)
7-8Bump hips to R(7), Hold (8) (make sure weight ends on R)
[57-64] Forward shuffles (L & R), ½ Pivot, Toe Strut
1&2Step L forward(1), Step R beside L(&), Step L forward(2)
3&4Step R forward(3), Step L beside R(&), Step R forward(4)
5-6Step L forward(5), Turn ½ right shifting weight to R(6)
7-8Touch L toe beside R(7), Step down on L(8)
Start again!
TAG – do this on after walls 2 and 4 (both times facing 12 o’clock)
[1-8] Side Together Side Touch (R & L) with hands
1-2Step R to right(1), Step L beside R(2)
3-4Step R to right(3), Touch L beside R(4)
5-6Step L to left(5), Step R beside L(6)
7-8Step L to left(7), Touch R beside R(8)
As you do these 8 beats, roll your forearms forward one over the other
[9-16] Rocking Chair, 2 Half Pivots
1-2Rock R forward(1), Recover weight onto L(2)
3-4Rock R back(3), Recover weight onto L(4)
5-6Step R forward(5), Turn ½ left shifting weight onto L(6)
7-8Step R forward(7), Turn ½ left shifting weight onto L(8)
[17-24] Repeat 1-8
[25-32] Out Out Hold, Hip roll, Shimmy
& 1-2Step R to right(&), Step L to left(1) (weight on R), Hold(2)
3-6Roll hip one circle anti-clockwise with weight ending on R
7-8Shimmy, moving weight from R to L
The following are some of the easier & rather enjoyable jamming dances for the party.
Count:32 Wall: 2 Level: Beginner/Intermediate level
Simon Ward (Nov 03)
Music: Take Me Home by The Hermes House Band
1&2 Shuffle to R side, R-L-R
3-4 Rock/step L behind R, recover onto R
5&6 Shuffle to L side, L-R-L
7-8 Rock/step R behind L, recover onto L
9-10 Turn a ¼ turn L & step R slightly back, turn a further ½ turn L & step L forward
11-12 Rock/step R forward, recover onto L
13-16 Step R back taking R arm forward, for following 3 beats tap R heel turning ½ turn R raising R arm and following into ½ turn taking wt onto R
17-18 Rock/step L forward, recover onto R
19&20 Turn a full turn L with a triple step in place (L,R,L)
21-22 Rock/step R forward, recover onto L
23&24 Turn a full turn R with a triple step in place (R,L,R)
25-26& Rock/step L forward, Rock/step R back, step L beside R
27-28 Step R forward, pivot ½ turn L taking weight onto L
29-30 Step R forward turning ¾ turn L on R foot, touch L beside R
31&32 Shuffle to L side L,R,L slightly hitching R knee on count 32
On the 5th wall you will do the following for a bit of fun. (12:00 wall)
1-4 Step R to R side tapping heel on the spot for 4 beats turning into a ¼ R (bring R arm from L to R from counts 1-4) Lean the body for a bit of style
5-8 Step L forward, pivot ½ turn R taking weight onto L, turn a further ¼ turn R & step L slightly L (back to 12.00 wall), step R beside L
9-16 Repeat above steps on opposite foot with opposite arm (L hand side)
17-24 Step R slightly to R tapping R heel & bumping R hip 4 times, repeat on L (click fingers)
25-28 Step R forward, pivot ½ turn L taking weight onto L, repeat (slow pivots)
29-32 Step R to R side & bring arms down, out & up slowly for 4 beats
Restart dance (slowly)
The song slows down in certain parts where you just go with the flow and it will all fall into place. Try it contra, looks great on the floor.
Count:32 Wall: 4 Level: intermediate
Choreographer:Simon Ward
Music: The Shoop Shoop Song (It's In His Kiss) by Cher
1&2Step right to right side, step left next to right, step right to right side turning ¼ turn right
3&4Step left to left side, step right next to left, step left to left side turning ¼ turn right
5&6Step right to right side, step left next to right, step right to right side turning ¼ turn right
7&8Step left to left side, step right next to left, step left to left side turning ¼ turn right
1-2Step right back arcing left leg around, step left back arcing right leg around
3&4Step right back, step left next to right, step right slightly forward (coaster step)
5-6Step left forward, lock/step right behind
&7-8Step left slightly forward, step right forward turning a full turn left, come out of full turn & step left forward
1-4Step forward right at 45 degrees right, slide left next to right, repeat
5-8Step forward left at 45 degrees left, slide right next to left, repeat touching right next to left
Do this twice on walls 2 & 4
&1-2Step right slightly to right, step left slightly to left, flick right behind left looking left
3&4Turn ¼ turn right & step right forward, step left next to right, step right forward
5-6Turn full turn right stepping left, right
7-8Step left forward, slide right next to left and touch
On walls 2 & 4 you will repeat the last 8 counts at end of dance
Count:32 Wall: 4 Level: Beginner
Yeo Yu Puay (Dec ’10)
Music: When I’m 64 by The Beatles (Album: Sgt Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band)
Intro: 24 beats (start on vocals)
[1-8] Toe struts forward with finger snaps
1–2Touch R forward, drop R heel
3-4Touch L toe forward, drop L heel
5–6Touch R forward, drop R heel
7-8Touch L toe forward, drop L heel
(Snap RH fingers on counts 2,4,6 and 8)
[9-16] Vine Right with touch, Vine Left with hitch
1–2Step R to right, step L behind R
3-4Step R to right, touch L beside R
5-6Step L to left, step R behind L
7-8Step L to left, hitch R across L
[17-24] Diagonal back steps with touches and claps
1-2Step R diagonally back, touch L beside R
3–4Step L diagonally back, touch R beside L
5-6Step R diagonally back, touch L beside R
6-8Step L diagonally back, touch R beside L
(Clap hands on counts 2, 4, 6 and 8)
[25-32] Kick ball changes (2x), hip rolls turning ¼ left
1&2Kick R forward, step onto ball of R, step L beside R
3&4Kick R forward, step onto ball of R, step L beside R
5–8Touching R slightly forward, roll hips anti-clockwise twice using the momentum to turn ¼ left (weight remains on L)
Tags: At the end of walls 4 and 8 (you’ll be facing the front wall both times)
1-4Bump hips R L R L
Ending: On wall 11 (you’ll be facing the back wall), do the first 8 beats of the dance, then do this:
[9-16] Vine Right with cross, ½ unwind right and hands
1-2Step R to right, step L behind R
3-4Step R to right, cross L over R
5Unwind ½ right
6-7Throw right hand up, throw left hand up (palms facing forward - making a V shape)
Please Don't Tease
Count:64 Wall: 2 Level: High Beginner
Yeo Yu Puay (Malaysia) March 2011
Music: Please Don’t Tease by Cliff Richard (Album: The Hit List Disc 2)
Intro: 16 beats
[1-8] Side shuffle, Back Rock (R & L)
1&2Step R to right(1), Step L beside R(&), Step R to right(2)
3-4Rock L back(3), Recover weight onto R(4)
5&6Step L to left(5), Step R beside L(&), Step L to left(6)
7-8Rock R back(7), Recover weight onto L(8)
[9-16] Half turning shuffle, Back Rock, 2 kick ball changes
1&2Shuffle forward R(1) L(&) R(2) turning a gradual ½ left
3-4Rock L back(3), Recover weight onto R(4)
5&6Kick L forward(5), Step L beside R(&), Step R beside L(6)
7&8Repeat 5&6
[17-24] Side Shuffle, Back Rock (L & R)
1&2Step L to left(1), Step R beside L(&), Step L to left(2)
3-4Rock R back(3), Recover weight onto L(4)
5&6Step R to right(5), Step L beside R(&), Step R to right(6)
7-8Rock L back(7), Recover weight onto R(8)
[25-32] Half turning shuffle, Back rock, 2 kick ball changes
1-2Shuffle forward L(1) R(&) L(2) turning a gradually ½ right
3-4Rock R back(3), Recover weight onto L(4)
5-6Kick R forward(5), Step R beside L(&), Step L beside R(6)
7-8Repeat 5&6
[33-40] Forward shuffle, Half pivot (2x)
1&2Step R forward(1), Step L beside R(&), Step R forward(2)
3-4Step L forward(3), Turn ½ right shifting weight to R(4)
5&6Step L forward(5), Step R beside L(&), Step L forward(6)
7-8Step R forward(7), Turn ½ left shifting weight to L(8)
[41-48] Jazz Box (toe struts)
1-2Touch R toe across L(1), Step down on R(2)
3-4Touch L toe back(3), Step down on L(4)
5-6Touch R toe to right(5), Step down on R(6)
7-8Touch L toe beside R(7), Step down on L(8)
[49-56] Out out, Hold, Hip bumps
&1Step R to right(&), Step L to left(1) (keep weight on R)
2-4Hold (2-4)
5-6Bump hips to L(5), Hold (6)
7-8Bump hips to R(7), Hold (8) (make sure weight ends on R)
[57-64] Forward shuffles (L & R), ½ Pivot, Toe Strut
1&2Step L forward(1), Step R beside L(&), Step L forward(2)
3&4Step R forward(3), Step L beside R(&), Step R forward(4)
5-6Step L forward(5), Turn ½ right shifting weight to R(6)
7-8Touch L toe beside R(7), Step down on L(8)
Start again!
TAG – do this on after walls 2 and 4 (both times facing 12 o’clock)
[1-8] Side Together Side Touch (R & L) with hands
1-2Step R to right(1), Step L beside R(2)
3-4Step R to right(3), Touch L beside R(4)
5-6Step L to left(5), Step R beside L(6)
7-8Step L to left(7), Touch R beside R(8)
As you do these 8 beats, roll your forearms forward one over the other
[9-16] Rocking Chair, 2 Half Pivots
1-2Rock R forward(1), Recover weight onto L(2)
3-4Rock R back(3), Recover weight onto L(4)
5-6Step R forward(5), Turn ½ left shifting weight onto L(6)
7-8Step R forward(7), Turn ½ left shifting weight onto L(8)
[17-24] Repeat 1-8
[25-32] Out Out Hold, Hip roll, Shimmy
& 1-2Step R to right(&), Step L to left(1) (weight on R), Hold(2)
3-6Roll hip one circle anti-clockwise with weight ending on R
7-8Shimmy, moving weight from R to L
Shake It Out
Song by Belle Perez. We have danced to many of her songs eg La colegiala, Amame, Rebel Amor,etc .
Choreographed by: Francien Sittrop (Netherlands)
Music: Shake It Out by Belle Perez [CD: Single]
Descriptions: 32 count, 4 wall, Beginner/Intermediate level line dance
Intro: Start after 8 counts from the beginning
1–8 Hip Bumps R, Coaster Step, Runs Fwd X3, Mambo Step
1&2 Touch R Diag. Fwd and Bump Hips R,L,R (Weight stays on L)
3&4 Step R back, Step L next to R, Step R fwd
5&6 Run small steps fwd L,R,L
7&8 Rock R fwd, Recover on L, Step R back
9-16 Coaster Step, Rock Recover, ½ R Step Fwd. ¼ R Step Side, L Mambo With Touch
1&2 Step L back, Step R next to L , Step L fwd
3&4 Rock R fwd, Recover on L, ½ Turn R step R fwd (06.00)
5&6 ¼ Turn R rock L to the L side, Recover on R, Step L over R (09.00)
7&8 Rock R to R side(with Hips), Recover on L, Touch R next to L
**** RESTARTS On Walls 2, 6, 7, after count 16, Start again with count 1.
17-24 Samba Step, Lock Step Fwd, R Mambo Fwd, Sailor ½ Turn L
1&2 Cross R over L, Rock L to L side, Recover on R
3&4 Step L fwd, Lock R behind L, Step L fwd
5&6 Rock R fwd, Recover on L, Step R back
7&8 Cross L behind R with ½ Turn L , Step R to R side, Step L to L side (03.00)
25-32 Samba Step, Samba ¼ Turn L, Side Hip Bumps, Sailor Stomp ¼ Turn L
1&2 Cross R over L, Rock L to L side, Recover on R
3&4 Cross L over R, ¼ L step R back, Step L fwd (12.00)
5&6 Step R to R side and bump hips R,L,R
7&8 Cross L behind R with ¼ Turn L, Stomp R to R side, Stomp L to the L side (09.00)
ENDING: Last wall of the dance ends on the back wall. Then Cross R over L and make ½ Turn L to face the front wall again
Have Fun And Enjoy
Choreographed by: Francien Sittrop (Netherlands)
Music: Shake It Out by Belle Perez [CD: Single]
Descriptions: 32 count, 4 wall, Beginner/Intermediate level line dance
Intro: Start after 8 counts from the beginning
1–8 Hip Bumps R, Coaster Step, Runs Fwd X3, Mambo Step
1&2 Touch R Diag. Fwd and Bump Hips R,L,R (Weight stays on L)
3&4 Step R back, Step L next to R, Step R fwd
5&6 Run small steps fwd L,R,L
7&8 Rock R fwd, Recover on L, Step R back
9-16 Coaster Step, Rock Recover, ½ R Step Fwd. ¼ R Step Side, L Mambo With Touch
1&2 Step L back, Step R next to L , Step L fwd
3&4 Rock R fwd, Recover on L, ½ Turn R step R fwd (06.00)
5&6 ¼ Turn R rock L to the L side, Recover on R, Step L over R (09.00)
7&8 Rock R to R side(with Hips), Recover on L, Touch R next to L
**** RESTARTS On Walls 2, 6, 7, after count 16, Start again with count 1.
17-24 Samba Step, Lock Step Fwd, R Mambo Fwd, Sailor ½ Turn L
1&2 Cross R over L, Rock L to L side, Recover on R
3&4 Step L fwd, Lock R behind L, Step L fwd
5&6 Rock R fwd, Recover on L, Step R back
7&8 Cross L behind R with ½ Turn L , Step R to R side, Step L to L side (03.00)
25-32 Samba Step, Samba ¼ Turn L, Side Hip Bumps, Sailor Stomp ¼ Turn L
1&2 Cross R over L, Rock L to L side, Recover on R
3&4 Cross L over R, ¼ L step R back, Step L fwd (12.00)
5&6 Step R to R side and bump hips R,L,R
7&8 Cross L behind R with ¼ Turn L, Stomp R to R side, Stomp L to the L side (09.00)
ENDING: Last wall of the dance ends on the back wall. Then Cross R over L and make ½ Turn L to face the front wall again
Have Fun And Enjoy
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
Latin Technique with Sae Min- Make My Day ,15 June 2011
Make My Day
Count:32 Wall: 4 Level: Improver Cha Cha
Francien Sittrop (December 08)
Music: Pussycat Dolls – Perhaps, Perhaps, Perhaps -Album: Doll Domination
Intro : Start on vocals (after 16 counts)
(1 – 9) Side, Rock fwd , Recover, Cha-Cha R, Cross, Unwind full Turn, Cha-cha L
1 Step L to L side
2 – 3 Rock R across L , Recover on L
4 & 5 Step R to R side, Step L next to R, Step R to R side
6 – 7 Step L across R, Full Turn R (12.00)
8 & 1 Step L to L side, Step R next to L, Step L to L side
(10-17) ¼ Turn R, Recover, Cha-cha R, ¼ Turn L, Recover , Kick Ball Cross
2 – 3 Make ¼ Turn R and step R back(3.00) and look over your R shoulder (9.00) ,make ¼ Turn L and recover on L (12.00)
4 & 5 Step R to R side, Step L next to R, Step R to R side (12.00)
6 – 7 Make ¼ Turn L and step L back(9.00) and look over your L shoulder(3.00),recover on R ( 9.00)
8 & 1 Kick L fwd, Step L next to R, Step R across L (9.00)
(18-25) Hip Sways L, R, Behind ,Side, Cross, Hold, And Cross, Hold, And Cross
2 – 3 Step L to L side and sway Hip L, Sway Hip R,
4 & 5 Step L behind R, Step R to R side, Step L across R
6 & 7 Hold, Step R to R side, Step L across R
8 & 1 Hold, Step R to R side, Step L across R
(26-32) Rock Side , Recover , Behind, ¼ L fwd, ¼ L side, Rock fwd, Recover, Coaster step
2 – 3 Rock R to R side, Recover on L
4 & 5 Step R behind L, ¼ Turn L and step L fwd, ¼ L and Step R to R side (3.00)
6 – 7 Rock L across R, Recover on R
8 & Step L back, Step R next to L
Dance up until count 13 (Cha - Cha R ) . Touch L back and make ¾ Turn L to the front wall.
Waltz Technique With Sae Min -Door of Life, 15 June 2011
Description: 48 Count Waltz Line Dance - 2 Wall - Difficulty: Intermediate/Advanced - Revised June 2007
Choreographer: Michael Barr, A Waltz In Time Productions, Corning, CA.
Suggested music: “The Door of The Life” by Mariya Takeuchi, CD: Denim (Warner Music Japan) 48 ct. lead
Song Information: A special thank you to Michiko Tomiya for informing me of this song.
Prepared by: Michael Barr, Instructor/Choreographer
1 - 2 - 3 Step L forward on the right diagonal; Step R next to left; Step L in place facing the left diagonal
4 - 5 - 6 Step R forward on the left diagonal; Turn ¼ right stepping back on L; Turn ¼ right stepping R side right
1 - 2 - 3 Step L forward on the right diagonal; Step R next to left; Step L in place facing the left diagonal
4 - 5 - 6 Step R forward on the left diagonal; Turn ¼ right stepping back on L; Turn ½ right stepping R forward (3 o’clock)
1 - 2 - 3 Press ball of L forward into floor; Return weight to R in place; Step L back on left diagonal
4 - 5 - 6 Step R back crossing over left on the left diagonal; Step L back; Turn ½ right stepping forward on R (9 o’clock)
1 - 2 - 3 Step forward onto ball of L; Turn ¼ right stepping ball of R next to left; Step L in front of right
&4 &5 Step R side right; Step L behind right; Step R side right; Step L in front of right
&6 & Step R side right; Step L behind right; (&) Turn ¼ right stepping forward on R (3 o’clock)
* Easier option for 4-5-6:
4 - 5 - 6 Step R side right; Step L behind right; Turn ¼ right stepping forward on R (3 o’clock)
1 - 2 - 3 Step L forward; Turn ½ right on balls of both feet; Change weight to right
4 - 5 - 6 Step L forward (prep); Turn ½ left stepping back on R; Turn ½ left stepping forward on L (9 o’clock)
1 - 2 - 3 Step R forward (prep); Turn ½ right stepping back on L; Turn ½ right stepping forward on R
4 - 5 - 6 Step L forward; Step forward onto ball of R; Return weight to L as you turn ¼ left (6 o’clock)
* Harder option for 1-2-3:
1-2-3-& Step R forward; Step L forward starting a full turn right; Finish turn with weight still on L; (&) Step forward onto R
1 - 2 - 3 Step R forward on left diagonal; Step L next to right; Step R in place facing right diagonal
4 - 5 - 6 Step L forward on right diagonal; Step R next to left; Step L in place facing left diagonal (6 o’clock)
43-48 CROSS (prep) 1/4-1/2 TURN RIGHT – * SYNCOPATED TURNS (paddle turn)
1 - 2 - 3 Step R forward on left diagonal; Turn ¼ right stepping back on L; Turn ½ right stepping forward on R (3 o’clock)
&4 (&) Step onto ball of L slightly forward; Turn ½ right stepping R in place
&5 (&) Step onto ball of L slightly forward; Turn ½ right stepping R in place
&6 (&) Step onto ball of L slightly forward; Turn ¼ right stepping R in place (6 o’clock – facing right diagonal)
* Easier option for 4-5-6: Drop the ‘&’ counts and do a Slow ¼ pivot turn to your right
4 - 5 - 6 (4)Step L forward; (5)Turn ¼ right on balls of both feet; (6)Change weight to right (6 o’clock)
Begin again!!!
Step Sheet Courtesy of LineDanceFun on the Internet at www.linedancefun.com
Thursday, June 9, 2011
Wed 15 June - Meet Sae Min Lim in our class
Sae Min, a friendly line dancer cum Ballroom dancer from KL will be in KK on a business trip and would like to meet up with us in our class. He runs a dance studio in KL and has won some dance competitions over the last 15 years of dancing.
Some of us have met him in KL during the Cato Larsen Workshop 2 years back.
We shall ask him to dance for us & maybe share a dance with us.
Do read more about Sae Min below:-
Sae Min Lim's Experience
I Dance Studio
October 2009 – Present (1 year 9 months)
Managing a dance studio that teaches primarily ISTD syllabus dances from the faculty of Modern Ballroom, Latin American, Country & Western Line Dancing, Disco Freestyle.
Malaysian Ballroom Dance Teachers Berhad
Education Management industry
August 2009 – Present (1 year 11 months)
3.Regional Manager, Marketing & Communications, Corporate
ObTech Asia Pacific
Privately Held; Information Technology and Services industry
May 2005 – Present (6 years 2 months)
Oversees the company's Marketing and Communications for Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, Philippines and in support of other countries as and when needed.
Ballroom (Advanced, 15 years experience)
Disco (Advanced, 15 years experience)
Event Management (Advanced, 10 years experience)
Wedding Planning (Advanced, 10 years experience)
Marketing Management (Advanced, 10 years experience)
Sae Min Lim's Languages
English (Native or bilingual proficiency)
Mandarin (Native or bilingual proficiency)
Bahasa Malaysia (Native or bilingual proficiency)
Hokkien (Elementary proficiency)
Hakka (Elementary proficiency)
Cantonese (Elementary proficiency)
Some of us have met him in KL during the Cato Larsen Workshop 2 years back.
We shall ask him to dance for us & maybe share a dance with us.
Do read more about Sae Min below:-
Sae Min Lim's Experience
I Dance Studio
October 2009 – Present (1 year 9 months)
Managing a dance studio that teaches primarily ISTD syllabus dances from the faculty of Modern Ballroom, Latin American, Country & Western Line Dancing, Disco Freestyle.
Malaysian Ballroom Dance Teachers Berhad
Education Management industry
August 2009 – Present (1 year 11 months)
3.Regional Manager, Marketing & Communications, Corporate
ObTech Asia Pacific
Privately Held; Information Technology and Services industry
May 2005 – Present (6 years 2 months)
Oversees the company's Marketing and Communications for Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, Philippines and in support of other countries as and when needed.
Ballroom (Advanced, 15 years experience)
Disco (Advanced, 15 years experience)
Event Management (Advanced, 10 years experience)
Wedding Planning (Advanced, 10 years experience)
Marketing Management (Advanced, 10 years experience)
Sae Min Lim's Languages
English (Native or bilingual proficiency)
Mandarin (Native or bilingual proficiency)
Bahasa Malaysia (Native or bilingual proficiency)
Hokkien (Elementary proficiency)
Hakka (Elementary proficiency)
Cantonese (Elementary proficiency)
Tuesday, June 7, 2011
Danz4Peace Programme on 18 Dec 2011
WE can all go for a day trip (Sunday) via Air Asia (depart 7am morning flight and return 8 pm flight).
Its such an opportunity for us to be taught by reputable choreographer and teacher Rachel McEnaney.
DATE: 18TH. Dec 2011 Sunday
TIME: 10am till 6pm
8, Jalan Keris, Taman Sri Tebrau,
Johor Bahru, Johor,
1. Come dance with me ..... JThompson
2. Come on and dance ....... Peter&Alison
3. Magic cha cha ( Ruth&Pauline )
4. Madu & racun ( DorisLim )
5. Man chang Fei
6. Ghost train ( KathyHundayi )
7. Cowgirl’s twist ( BillBader )
8. Pizziricco ( DynamiteDot )
9. Rock around the clock
10. 4-3=0 ( JeniferRWolf )
11. Vertical expressions (RobbieMHickie)
12. Walk of life ( RachaelMcE )
13. Mack the knife ( RachaelMcE )
14. American pop ( MicheleB )
15. Zoobi doobi ( JenniferChoo )
16. Aces go places ( Jennifer&Eddie )
11- 11.30am
1. 1-2-3-4 ( NielsP )
2. Ja ja mbo ( KennyTeh )
3. Time to zouk ( EdwardTam )
4. Black magic ( AmyChristianSohn )
5. Wo wen tien ( JohnNg )
6. Mars attack ( RachaelMcE )
7. My guy ( RachaelMcE )
8. Who did you call darlin’ ( Kevin&MariaS )
9. Cupid arrow cha ( MargaretKoay )
12noon – 12.30pm
12.30pm – 1pm
1. Walking in the rain ( MaggieG )
2. Sunshine ( Darren&RoyV )
3. Sunshine walk ( BCSGJB )
4. Joget senang hati ( LeongMeiLing )
5. Zhang sheng (LeongMeiLing )
6. Bobbi with an I ( RachaelMcE )
7. Toes ( RachaelMcE )
8. Cha cha romo ( Alison&Gordon )
9. Claudia’s waltz ( WandaHeldt )
1pm – 1.20pm
1.20pm – 2pm
1. Dancing in circles ( RachaelMcE )
2. Everything I do ( RachaelMcE )
3. Make this day ( RachaelMcE )
4. Matahari (MasniTaufik )
5. To All the Girls I loved before ( DumaKristina )
6. Ringa ding ( Allen&Zan )
7. My lady ( EmilyMah )
8. Presenting my heart ( EmilyMah )
9. Dance for life ( RobinSin )
10. Please don’t tease (YeoYuPuay )
11. Black or White ( PhilipSobrielo
2pm – 3pm
3pm – 4pm
1. My Pretty Belinda ( VickiM )
2. Sexy Sarawak ( RepGhazali )
3. Bookacha ( RepGhazali )
4. Bingo ( Mr.K )
5. Itaewon Freedom ( S-YEom& YNJun )
6. Quando when quando
7. Romance ( MartieP )
8. Your world ( NielsP )
9. Body cha ( NielsP )
10. Johnny got a boom boom ( DarrenB )
11. Ooh I like that ( RachaelMcE )
12. Don’t miss a thing ( RachaelMcE )
13. Soul food ( LorenzoGEvans )
14. Snowflakes ( SimonW )
15. Burlesque (NormG / PhilipS )
16. Twist with the Fat Boys (RoyV&WillB )
17. Wonderland waltz ( RobF )
4pm – 6pm
1. Fortune foxtrot ( JoTSyzmanski)
2. Mambo rock ( AngelsHGuix )
3. Swan ( DanielT )
4. Razor Sharp ( StephenSunter )
5. Aryati ( FrancienS )
6. Zenyatta’s waltz ( MichelleB )
7. New train ( KarenB/NielsP )
8. All you can ( MichaelV-Lobos )
9. What! ( FrankieCull )
10. Let it BE ( RachaelMcE )
11. Snap your fingers ( RachaelMcE )
12. Americano ( SimonW )
13. My Hero ( NielsP )
14. Hello Dolly ( LorraineK )
15. Unmistakable ( SamArvidson )
16. Eeny meny miny mo ( LynneM )
17. Mi gran amor ( FrancienS )
18. Chicken walk jive ( PatStott )
19. Timeless ( MichaelV-Lobos )
20. Raise your glass ( RachaelMcE )
21. Shanghai surprise ( RachaelMcE )
22. Papi ( Rachael McE )
23. Victory ( JenniferChoo )
24. You make things better ( EddieTang )
25. Doctor doctor (MIL )
26. Chill factor (Daniel&Hayley )
27. Tap room boogie ( RobbieMH&KHW )
28. All my heart (BillBader )
Dear Friends,
This will be our 7th.year hosting this event. Due to the tight schedule we regret to say that we will NOT be entertaining requests this year. We do hope you will enjoy the event nevertheless. After all the aim of DANCE FOR GOOD HEALTH PEACE & JOY is to foster fellowship among line dancers near and far .......
Its such an opportunity for us to be taught by reputable choreographer and teacher Rachel McEnaney.
DATE: 18TH. Dec 2011 Sunday
TIME: 10am till 6pm
8, Jalan Keris, Taman Sri Tebrau,
Johor Bahru, Johor,
1. Come dance with me ..... JThompson
2. Come on and dance ....... Peter&Alison
3. Magic cha cha ( Ruth&Pauline )
4. Madu & racun ( DorisLim )
5. Man chang Fei
6. Ghost train ( KathyHundayi )
7. Cowgirl’s twist ( BillBader )
8. Pizziricco ( DynamiteDot )
9. Rock around the clock
10. 4-3=0 ( JeniferRWolf )
11. Vertical expressions (RobbieMHickie)
12. Walk of life ( RachaelMcE )
13. Mack the knife ( RachaelMcE )
14. American pop ( MicheleB )
15. Zoobi doobi ( JenniferChoo )
16. Aces go places ( Jennifer&Eddie )
11- 11.30am
1. 1-2-3-4 ( NielsP )
2. Ja ja mbo ( KennyTeh )
3. Time to zouk ( EdwardTam )
4. Black magic ( AmyChristianSohn )
5. Wo wen tien ( JohnNg )
6. Mars attack ( RachaelMcE )
7. My guy ( RachaelMcE )
8. Who did you call darlin’ ( Kevin&MariaS )
9. Cupid arrow cha ( MargaretKoay )
12noon – 12.30pm
12.30pm – 1pm
1. Walking in the rain ( MaggieG )
2. Sunshine ( Darren&RoyV )
3. Sunshine walk ( BCSGJB )
4. Joget senang hati ( LeongMeiLing )
5. Zhang sheng (LeongMeiLing )
6. Bobbi with an I ( RachaelMcE )
7. Toes ( RachaelMcE )
8. Cha cha romo ( Alison&Gordon )
9. Claudia’s waltz ( WandaHeldt )
1pm – 1.20pm
1.20pm – 2pm
1. Dancing in circles ( RachaelMcE )
2. Everything I do ( RachaelMcE )
3. Make this day ( RachaelMcE )
4. Matahari (MasniTaufik )
5. To All the Girls I loved before ( DumaKristina )
6. Ringa ding ( Allen&Zan )
7. My lady ( EmilyMah )
8. Presenting my heart ( EmilyMah )
9. Dance for life ( RobinSin )
10. Please don’t tease (YeoYuPuay )
11. Black or White ( PhilipSobrielo
2pm – 3pm
3pm – 4pm
1. My Pretty Belinda ( VickiM )
2. Sexy Sarawak ( RepGhazali )
3. Bookacha ( RepGhazali )
4. Bingo ( Mr.K )
5. Itaewon Freedom ( S-YEom& YNJun )
6. Quando when quando
7. Romance ( MartieP )
8. Your world ( NielsP )
9. Body cha ( NielsP )
10. Johnny got a boom boom ( DarrenB )
11. Ooh I like that ( RachaelMcE )
12. Don’t miss a thing ( RachaelMcE )
13. Soul food ( LorenzoGEvans )
14. Snowflakes ( SimonW )
15. Burlesque (NormG / PhilipS )
16. Twist with the Fat Boys (RoyV&WillB )
17. Wonderland waltz ( RobF )
4pm – 6pm
1. Fortune foxtrot ( JoTSyzmanski)
2. Mambo rock ( AngelsHGuix )
3. Swan ( DanielT )
4. Razor Sharp ( StephenSunter )
5. Aryati ( FrancienS )
6. Zenyatta’s waltz ( MichelleB )
7. New train ( KarenB/NielsP )
8. All you can ( MichaelV-Lobos )
9. What! ( FrankieCull )
10. Let it BE ( RachaelMcE )
11. Snap your fingers ( RachaelMcE )
12. Americano ( SimonW )
13. My Hero ( NielsP )
14. Hello Dolly ( LorraineK )
15. Unmistakable ( SamArvidson )
16. Eeny meny miny mo ( LynneM )
17. Mi gran amor ( FrancienS )
18. Chicken walk jive ( PatStott )
19. Timeless ( MichaelV-Lobos )
20. Raise your glass ( RachaelMcE )
21. Shanghai surprise ( RachaelMcE )
22. Papi ( Rachael McE )
23. Victory ( JenniferChoo )
24. You make things better ( EddieTang )
25. Doctor doctor (MIL )
26. Chill factor (Daniel&Hayley )
27. Tap room boogie ( RobbieMH&KHW )
28. All my heart (BillBader )
Dear Friends,
This will be our 7th.year hosting this event. Due to the tight schedule we regret to say that we will NOT be entertaining requests this year. We do hope you will enjoy the event nevertheless. After all the aim of DANCE FOR GOOD HEALTH PEACE & JOY is to foster fellowship among line dancers near and far .......
Don't Miss A Thing by Rachel McEnaney
A very Popular dance by choreographer Rachel McEnaney.
This year super VIP Rachael McEnaney has been invited by the Lim Sisters to grace the event Danz4peace on 18 Dec 2011 in Johor Bahru. She's very expensive but yet again, it's the Lim sister's contribution and gift for us all, so the PARTY is absolutely FREE!
Come and make friends from other regions through DANCE
This a jamming dance for both the Kuching Party (25 June) and JB Party (18 Dec)
Don't Miss a Thing
Count:32 Wall: 2 Level: Intermediate / Advanced
Choreographer:Rachael McEnaney (UK) Sept 2010
Music: “Don’t Want To Miss A Thing” – Aaron Kelly (American Idol CD Season 9) – Approx 64bpm
Count In: Dance begins on vocals first step is on “Stay” – approx 30seconds from start of track
Notes: There is 1 tag on 5th wall at the end of the dance.
(1 – 9) L side basic with ¼ turn R, step L ¾ pivot R, L side rock cross, R side rock cross, full turn R
1 2 &Step left to left side (1), close right slightly behind left (2), recover weight onto left: forward & slightly across right (like a back rock) (&) 12.00
3 4 &Make ¼ turn right stepping forward on right (3), step forward on left (4), pivot ¾ turn right weight ends on right (&) 12.00
5 & 6Rock left to left side (5), recover weight onto right (&), cross left over right (6), 12.00
& 7 &Rock right to right side (&), recover weight onto left (7), cross right over left (&) 12.00
8 & 1Make ¼ turn right stepping back on left (8), make ½ turn right stepping forward on right (&), make ¼ turn right stepping left to left side (1) 12.00
(10 – 16) L side basic and R side basic with ½ turn L, L side basic, R sweep, R cross, L back, R side
2 &Close right slightly behind left (2), recover weight onto left: forward & slightly across right (like a back rock) (&), 12.00
3 4 &Make ¼ turn left stepping back on right (3), make ¼ turn left stepping left to left side (4), cross right over left (&)
Note: on counts 3 – 4 try to make this look like a smooth ½ turn rather than 2 ¼’s – most of the turn is made on count 3. 6.00
5 6 &Step left to left side (5), close right slightly behind left (6), recover weight onto left: forward & slightly across right (like a back rock) (&) 6.00
7 & 8 &Sweep right foot around from back to front bend left knee slightly (7), cross right over left (&), step back on left (8), step right to right side (&) 6.00
(17 – 25) Cross L with R sweep, cross R, ¼ turn, ½ turn, full pivot turn, step back R, L coaster with rock, L behind side cross. (Alternative for big turn)
1Cross left over right bending left knee slightly as you do so sweep right foot round again from back to front (1) 6.00
2 & 3Cross right over left (2), make ¼ turn right stepping back on left (&), make ½ turn right stepping forward on right (3) 3.00
& 4 & 5Step forward on left (&), pivot ½ turn right weight on right (4), make another ½ turn right as you step back on left (&) step back on right (5) 3.00
Easy option: Here is easy option instead of the turn on counts 2- 5: Cross right over left (2), step left to left side (&), cross right behind left (3),
make ¼ turn left stepping forward on left (&), rock forward on right (4), recover weight onto left (&), step back on right (5) 3.00
6 & 7 &Step back on left (6), step right next to left (&), rock forward on left (7), recover weight onto right (&) 3.00
8 & 1Cross left behind right (8), step right to right side (&), cross rock left over right (1) 3.00
(26 – 32) Weave to L, R cross rock, L fall away turn
2 & 3Recover weight back onto right (2), step left to left side (&), cross right over left (3), 3.00
& 4 &Step left to left side (&), cross right behind left (4), step left to left side (&) 3.00
5Cross rock right over left – body facing L diagonal (5) styling: think of this almost as a lunge – or as a long ‘slow’ step 1.30
6 &Recover weight back onto left (6), make 1/8 turn left stepping back on right to face 12.00 (&), 12.00
7 &Make ¼ turn left stepping forward on left (7), make ¼ turn left stepping right to right side (&) 6.00
8 &Rock back on left (8), recover weight forward onto right foot (&) 6.00
TAG: 5th wall begins facing 12.00 – at the end of 5th wall you will be facing the back.
Add the 2 counts below then continue the dance from count 5 in the first section (so you will miss out first 4 counts of dance). 6.00
1 & 2 &Body should be angled naturally towards left diagonal due to the last step of the dance. Rocking chair on diagonal: Rock forward on left diagonal (1), recover weight onto right (&), rock back on left (2), recover weight onto right (&) 4.30
You will then continue from count 5 in section 1 squaring up to face back wall to do: Left side rock cross (5&6), right side rock cross (&7&), full turn (8&) and continue dance as normal. 6.00
www.dancejam.co.uk - Rachaeldance@me.com - Tel: 07968 181933
This year super VIP Rachael McEnaney has been invited by the Lim Sisters to grace the event Danz4peace on 18 Dec 2011 in Johor Bahru. She's very expensive but yet again, it's the Lim sister's contribution and gift for us all, so the PARTY is absolutely FREE!
Come and make friends from other regions through DANCE
This a jamming dance for both the Kuching Party (25 June) and JB Party (18 Dec)
Don't Miss a Thing
Count:32 Wall: 2 Level: Intermediate / Advanced
Choreographer:Rachael McEnaney (UK) Sept 2010
Music: “Don’t Want To Miss A Thing” – Aaron Kelly (American Idol CD Season 9) – Approx 64bpm
Count In: Dance begins on vocals first step is on “Stay” – approx 30seconds from start of track
Notes: There is 1 tag on 5th wall at the end of the dance.
(1 – 9) L side basic with ¼ turn R, step L ¾ pivot R, L side rock cross, R side rock cross, full turn R
1 2 &Step left to left side (1), close right slightly behind left (2), recover weight onto left: forward & slightly across right (like a back rock) (&) 12.00
3 4 &Make ¼ turn right stepping forward on right (3), step forward on left (4), pivot ¾ turn right weight ends on right (&) 12.00
5 & 6Rock left to left side (5), recover weight onto right (&), cross left over right (6), 12.00
& 7 &Rock right to right side (&), recover weight onto left (7), cross right over left (&) 12.00
8 & 1Make ¼ turn right stepping back on left (8), make ½ turn right stepping forward on right (&), make ¼ turn right stepping left to left side (1) 12.00
(10 – 16) L side basic and R side basic with ½ turn L, L side basic, R sweep, R cross, L back, R side
2 &Close right slightly behind left (2), recover weight onto left: forward & slightly across right (like a back rock) (&), 12.00
3 4 &Make ¼ turn left stepping back on right (3), make ¼ turn left stepping left to left side (4), cross right over left (&)
Note: on counts 3 – 4 try to make this look like a smooth ½ turn rather than 2 ¼’s – most of the turn is made on count 3. 6.00
5 6 &Step left to left side (5), close right slightly behind left (6), recover weight onto left: forward & slightly across right (like a back rock) (&) 6.00
7 & 8 &Sweep right foot around from back to front bend left knee slightly (7), cross right over left (&), step back on left (8), step right to right side (&) 6.00
(17 – 25) Cross L with R sweep, cross R, ¼ turn, ½ turn, full pivot turn, step back R, L coaster with rock, L behind side cross. (Alternative for big turn)
1Cross left over right bending left knee slightly as you do so sweep right foot round again from back to front (1) 6.00
2 & 3Cross right over left (2), make ¼ turn right stepping back on left (&), make ½ turn right stepping forward on right (3) 3.00
& 4 & 5Step forward on left (&), pivot ½ turn right weight on right (4), make another ½ turn right as you step back on left (&) step back on right (5) 3.00
Easy option: Here is easy option instead of the turn on counts 2- 5: Cross right over left (2), step left to left side (&), cross right behind left (3),
make ¼ turn left stepping forward on left (&), rock forward on right (4), recover weight onto left (&), step back on right (5) 3.00
6 & 7 &Step back on left (6), step right next to left (&), rock forward on left (7), recover weight onto right (&) 3.00
8 & 1Cross left behind right (8), step right to right side (&), cross rock left over right (1) 3.00
(26 – 32) Weave to L, R cross rock, L fall away turn
2 & 3Recover weight back onto right (2), step left to left side (&), cross right over left (3), 3.00
& 4 &Step left to left side (&), cross right behind left (4), step left to left side (&) 3.00
5Cross rock right over left – body facing L diagonal (5) styling: think of this almost as a lunge – or as a long ‘slow’ step 1.30
6 &Recover weight back onto left (6), make 1/8 turn left stepping back on right to face 12.00 (&), 12.00
7 &Make ¼ turn left stepping forward on left (7), make ¼ turn left stepping right to right side (&) 6.00
8 &Rock back on left (8), recover weight forward onto right foot (&) 6.00
TAG: 5th wall begins facing 12.00 – at the end of 5th wall you will be facing the back.
Add the 2 counts below then continue the dance from count 5 in the first section (so you will miss out first 4 counts of dance). 6.00
1 & 2 &Body should be angled naturally towards left diagonal due to the last step of the dance. Rocking chair on diagonal: Rock forward on left diagonal (1), recover weight onto right (&), rock back on left (2), recover weight onto right (&) 4.30
You will then continue from count 5 in section 1 squaring up to face back wall to do: Left side rock cross (5&6), right side rock cross (&7&), full turn (8&) and continue dance as normal. 6.00
www.dancejam.co.uk - Rachaeldance@me.com - Tel: 07968 181933
Sunday, June 5, 2011
Beyond Your Eyes for Wed June 8 2011
Beyond Your Eyes
count:32 Wall: 4 Level: Improver / Intermediate
Choreographer:Peter & Alison, TheDanceFactoryUK, 2011
Music: Beyond Your Eyes – Jessica Martinsson (98bpm)
Start after 20 count intro on verse vocals
[1-8] L kick ball step, L fwd rock/recover/ ¼ L, R cross step, ½ R hinge, L fwd
1&2Kick L forward, step L together, step R forward
3&4Rock L forward, recover weight on R, turning ¼ left step L side (9 o’clock)
5-6Cross step R over L, turning ¼ right step L back
7-8Turning ¼ right step R side, step L forward (3 o’clock)
[9-16] ¼ R syncopated jazz box, 2X ¼ R paddle turns, L fwd cha
1-2Cross R over L, turning ¼ right step L back (6 o’clock)
&3-4Step R side, step L forward, step R forward
&5Hitch L knee up while turning ¼ right on R, point L side
&6Hitch L knee up while turning ¼ right on R, point L side (12 o’clock)
7&8Step L forward, step R together, step L forward
[17-24] R fwd mambo, L back mambo cross, 2X ball cross R, R side, L touch together
1&2Rock R forward, recover weight on L, step R back
3&4Rock L back, recover weight on R, cross step L over R
&5Step R side, cross step L over R
&6Step R side, cross step L over R
7-8Step R side, touch L together
[25-32] ¼ L shuffle, ½ L shuffle, L coaster, R fwd 2
1&2Turning ¼ left step L forward, step R together, step L forward (9 o’clock)
3&4Turning ½ left step R back, step L together, step R back (3 o’clock)
5&6Step L back, step R together, step L forward
7&8Step R forward, pivot ½ left step R forward (9 o’clock)
TAG: Walls 2 & 4
At the end of wall 2 (facing back wall) and wall 4 (front wall) add the following 4 count tag and begin dance again:
1-4L fwd mambo, R back mambo
1&2Rock L forward, recover weight on R, step L together
3&4Rock R back, recover weight on L, step R together
Contact: Tel: 01462 7352778 - Website: www.thedancefactoryuk.co.uk
Wednesday, June 1, 2011
A Kind Of Hush for Wed 8 June 2011
An old favourite song to enjoy
A Kind of Hush
Count:32 Wall: 4 Level: High Beginner
Choreographer:Doug and Jackie Miranda
Music: “There’s A Kind Of Hush” by The Carpenters
This dance is dedicated to Sandra Ma, President of the Taipei Line Dance Association, and the line dancers of Taipei, Taiwan…
Making friends across the world through Dance!
Set 1: Step Forward, Touch, Step Back, Touch, Side, Behind, Side, ¼ Turn Right, Brush
1-4Step forward on R, touch L next to R, step back on L, touch R next to L
5-8Step R to R side, step L behind R, step R to R side, turn ¼ turn R as you brush L forward
Set 2: Rock Forward, Recover, Rock Back, Recover, Step Forward, ½ Turn Right, Step Forward, Hold
1-4Rock forward on L, recover on R, rock back on L, recover on R
5-8Step forward on L, turn ½ turn R with weight ending forward on R, step forward on L ( weight on L), hold
Set 3: Side Rock, Recover, Cross, Hold; Side Rock, Recover, Cross, Hold (Slightly traveling Forward)
1-4Side rock R to R side, recover on L, cross R over L, hold (weight on R)
5-8Side rock L to L side, recover on R, cross L over R, hold (weight on L)
Note: Slightly travel forward for these 8 counts
Set 4: Step Forward, ½ Turn Left, Step Forward, Hold; Full Turn Forward, Step Forward, Hold
1-4Step forward on R, turn ½ turn L, step forward on R, hold
5-8Turn a full turn R traveling forward by turning ½ turn R stepping back on L, turn another ½ turn R stepping forward on R, step forward on L, hold (weight on L)
Note: Option - to eliminate the full turn for counts 5-8 above, simple walk forward L, R, L, hold (weight on L)
Start Again
Contact: 2267 Century Avenue, Riverside, CA 92506 (951)276-4459
Email: Bonanzab@aol.com - Website: http://www.djdancing.com
A Kind of Hush
Count:32 Wall: 4 Level: High Beginner
Choreographer:Doug and Jackie Miranda
Music: “There’s A Kind Of Hush” by The Carpenters
This dance is dedicated to Sandra Ma, President of the Taipei Line Dance Association, and the line dancers of Taipei, Taiwan…
Making friends across the world through Dance!
Set 1: Step Forward, Touch, Step Back, Touch, Side, Behind, Side, ¼ Turn Right, Brush
1-4Step forward on R, touch L next to R, step back on L, touch R next to L
5-8Step R to R side, step L behind R, step R to R side, turn ¼ turn R as you brush L forward
Set 2: Rock Forward, Recover, Rock Back, Recover, Step Forward, ½ Turn Right, Step Forward, Hold
1-4Rock forward on L, recover on R, rock back on L, recover on R
5-8Step forward on L, turn ½ turn R with weight ending forward on R, step forward on L ( weight on L), hold
Set 3: Side Rock, Recover, Cross, Hold; Side Rock, Recover, Cross, Hold (Slightly traveling Forward)
1-4Side rock R to R side, recover on L, cross R over L, hold (weight on R)
5-8Side rock L to L side, recover on R, cross L over R, hold (weight on L)
Note: Slightly travel forward for these 8 counts
Set 4: Step Forward, ½ Turn Left, Step Forward, Hold; Full Turn Forward, Step Forward, Hold
1-4Step forward on R, turn ½ turn L, step forward on R, hold
5-8Turn a full turn R traveling forward by turning ½ turn R stepping back on L, turn another ½ turn R stepping forward on R, step forward on L, hold (weight on L)
Note: Option - to eliminate the full turn for counts 5-8 above, simple walk forward L, R, L, hold (weight on L)
Start Again
Contact: 2267 Century Avenue, Riverside, CA 92506 (951)276-4459
Email: Bonanzab@aol.com - Website: http://www.djdancing.com
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