Music Just composed for this dance- DIGITALSTORENETWORK Production - BACHATA STYLE Start with music - Sequence: A-B(Short)-C-A-B-B-C-B-A-A
INTRODUCTION - 56 Count (1-8) BACHATA SWAY ON PLACE, POINT, BACHATA SWAY ON PLACE, POINT, TURN 1/8 L 1 - 2 - 3 - 4Sway hip on R-L-R, point L beside R with hip movement 12:00
5 - 6 - 7 - 8Sway hip on R-L-R, point L beside R with hip movement turning 1/8 L 12:00
(9-16) SIDE TO SIDE BACHATA ON DIAGONAL R, TURN 1/4 R, SIDE TO SIDE BACHATA ON DIAGONAL L 1 - 2 - 3 - 4Step R side on diagonal R, step L beside R, step R side, point L turning 1/4 R Face 10:30
5 - 6 - 7 - 8Step L side on diagonal L, step R beside L, step R side, point L turning 1/8 L Face 1:30
(17-24) CROSS, CLOSE, CROSS, SWEEP, CROSS, CLOSE, CROSS, SWEEP 1 -2 - 3 - 4Cross R over L, close L to R (12:00), cross R over L, sweep around L side 12:00
5 - 6 - 7 - 8Cross L over R, close R to L (12:00), cross L over R, sweep around R side
(25-32) FORWARD, SWAY, PRISSY WALK, RECOVER 1 - 2 - 3 -4Step R forward, sway on L-R, point L beside R with hip movement 12:00
5 - 6Cross L over R 12:00
7 - 8Cross R over L, recover
(33-40) LOCK, BACK, CHA CHA LOCK BACK, TRAVELING BACK FULL TURN, HITCH 1 - 2Lock R to L, step L back Face on 12:00
3 & 4Lock R to L, step L back, lock R to L
5 - 6 - 7 - 8Turn 1/2 L and step L forward, close R to L turning 1/2 L, step L back, hitch R with hip movement
(41-48) BACHATA SWAY ON PLACE, POINT, BACHATA SWAY ON PLACE, POINT 1 - 2 - 3 - 4Sway hip on R-L-R, point L beside R with hip movement 12:00
5 - 6 - 7 - 8Sway hip on R-L-R, point L beside R with hip movement
(49-56) SINGLE SIDE BACHATA R-L FOR 2 TIMES 1 - 2 - 3 - 4Step R side, point L beside R with hip movement, step L side, point R beside L 12:00
5 - 6 - 7 - 8Step R side, point L beside R with hip movement, step L side, point R beside L
SIDE A 32 Count (1-8) BASIC BACHATA WALK FW ON R DIAGONAL, HITCH, STEP SIDE AND SWAY HIP, HITCH R TURNING 1/2 L LEGEND1 - 2 - 3 - 4Walk forward with R-L-R on diagonal R, hitch L Face 1:30
5 - 6 - 7 - 8Step L side and sway hip on L-R-L, hitch R turning 1/2 on L (Arrive in the same diagonal but in opposite direction)
(9-16) BASIC BACHATA WALK FW ON R DIAGONAL, HITCH, STEP SIDE AND SWAY HIP, HITCH R TURNING 1/4 R1 - 2 - 3 - 4Walk forward with R-L-R on diagonal R, hitch L Face 7:30
5 - 6 - 7 - 8Step L side and sway hip on L-R-L, hitch R turning 1/4 on R (Arrive on 10:30)
(17-24) BASIC BACHATA WALK FW ON L DIAGONAL, HITCH, STEP SIDE AND SWAY HIP, HITCH R TURNING 1/2 L1 - 2 - 3 - 4Walk forward with R-L-R on diagonal L, hitch L Face 10:30
5 - 6 - 7 - 8Step L side and sway hip on L-R-L, hitch R turning 1/2 on L (Arrive in the same diagonal but in opposite direction)
(25-32) BASIC BACHATA WALK FW ON L DIAGONAL, HITCH, STEP SIDE AND SWAY HIP, HITCH R TURNING 3/8 1 - 2 - 3 - 4Walk forward with R-L-R on diagonal L, hitch L Face 4:30
5 - 6 - 7 - 8Step L side and sway hip on L-R-L, hitch R turning 3/8 on L (Arrive on 12:00)
SIDE B 56 Count (1-8) SIDE MAMBO, RECOVER WITH PASITOS, SIDE MAMBO, RECOVER WITH PASITOS 1 - 2 - 3 & 4Step R side, recover L, close R to L, step ball R-L (With hip movements) 12:00
5 - 6 - 7 & 8Step L side, recover R, close R to L, step ball L-R (With hip movements) 12:00
(9-16) SIDE TO SIDE BACHATA, TRAVELING SIDE FULL TURN 1 - 2 - 3 - 4Step R side, step L beside R, step R side, point L 12:00
5 - 6 - 7 - 8Step L side, turn ½ L stepping R next L, turn ½ L and step L side, bump R
(17-24) CROSSVINE L, HITCH L, CROSSVINE R, SWEEP 1 - 2 - 3 - 4Cross R over L, step L side, cross R back L, hitch L (on diagonal R)
5 - 6 - 7 - 8Cross L over R, step R side, cross L back R, sweep R toe around (since R side)12:00
(25-32) SWEEP BACK, SWEEP BACK, POINT R FW, POINT L FW, POINT R FW 1 - 2Sweep R toe back with semicircle movement (from side) and step
3&4Sweep L toe back with semicircle movement and step (3&), point R forward
5 - 6 -7 - 8Step R , point L forward, step L, point R forward 12:00
(33-40) TRAVELING HALF TURN FORWARD ON R, POINT, TRAVELING HALF TURN FORWARD ON L, HITCH 1 - 2 - 3 - 4Step R, turn 1/4 R and step L side, turn 1/4 R and step R back, point L
5 - 6 - 7 - 8Step L, turn 1/4 L and step R side, turn 1/4 L and step L back, hitch R
(41-48) BASIC BACHATA SWAY ON PLACE, POINT, BASIC BACHATA SWAY ON PLACE, POINT 1 - 2 - 3 - 4Sway hip on place on R-L-R, point L next R bumping hip
5 - 6 - 7 - 8Sway hip on place on L-R-L, point R next L bumping hip END OF SHORT B
(49-56) TRAVELING R SIDE FULL TURN, POINT, TRAVELING L SIDE FULL TURN, HITCH AND TURN 1/2 L 1 - 2 - 3 - 4Step R side, close L to R making a R full turn and putting weight on L, step R side, point L
5 - 6 - 7 - 8Step L side, close R to L making a L full turn and putting weight on R, step L side, hitch R turning 1/2 L
SIDE C 56 Count (1-8) SIDE TO SIDE BACHATA, POINT, ROCK, RECOVER, PASITOS 1 - 2 -3 - 4Step R side, step L beside R, step R side, point L
5 - 6 - 7&8Rock forward L (with body wave), recover R, step L side, step ball R-L on place
(9-16) ROCK, RECOVER, PASITOS, SIDE TO SIDE BACHATA 1 - 2 -3&4Rock forward R (with body wave), recover L, step R side, step ball L-R on place
5 - 6 - 7 - 8Step L side, step R beside L, step L side, point R
(17-24) ROCK, RECOVER, PASITOS, ROCK, RECOVER, PASITOS 1 - 2 -3&4Rock forward R (with body wave), recover L, step R side, step ball L-R on place
5 - 6 - 7&8Rock forward L (with body wave), recover R, step L side, step ball R-L on place
(25-28) FORWARD, HITCH AND TURN 1/2 L, FORWARD, POINT 1 - 2 -3 - 4Step R forward, hitch L and turn 1/2 L, step L forward, point R next to L with hip movement
(29-56) REPEAT (1-28)
NOTES: - * Short B is (1-48) as mark in stepsheet * At the end of 8th side, that is B, stay on main wall (12:00) so DON'T MAKE the half turn script in red. * At the end of 9th side, that is A, change the red script (turning 3/8 on L) with "TURNING 1/4 R". * At the end of last side, that is A, DON'T MAKE TURN, but only a "big step on R side on main wall" and strike pose
Patrizia Porcu (Rome, Italy) - E-Mail: - Home: +39 069807773 Youtube channel: Web page: |