Our first class for 2010 will be Monday 4 Jan. Let's start with a fun & easy dance. And with a revision for Wild Cats Go ! Both dances by Mei Ling. See the video clips below taken recently on Christmas Day and you will agree its gonna be FUN. Mei Ling, in blue top is leading both dances. See step sheets below
Dancing In The Street
Choreographed by: Leong Mei Ling, Malaysia (Dec 09)
Music: Dancing In The Street by Atomic Kitten
Descriptions: 64 count - 2 wall - Beginner/Intermediate level line
Intro: 32 counts
Sequence: 56, 64, TAG [6:00], 56, 64, TAG [12:00], 64 **(8 ct finger snaps)** [12:00], 64, 64....
1-8 Diagonal Step Touches, 3-Point Turn To Right, Touch
1-4 Step R diagonal forward, touch L beside, Step L diagonal forward, touch R beside
5-8 1/4 turn right step R forward, 1/2 turn right step L back, 1/4 turn right step R to side, touch L beside R
9-16 Cross Shuffles, Jazz Box Touch
1&2 (Angle body to 10:30) Cross L over R, step R to right, cross L over R [10:30]
3&4 (Angle body to 1:30) Cross R over L, step L to left, cross R over L [1:30]
5-8 Cross L over R, step R back [square back to wall] , step L to side, touch R beside L [12:00]
18-24 Side Steps Right, Side Steps Left
1-4 Step R to side, step L beside R, stepR to side, touchL beside R
5-8 Step L to side, step R beside L, step L to side, touchR beside L
25-32 Hip Pushes, Hip Bumps
1-2 Press ball of R to right as you push your R hip to right, step on R (R hip back to neutral)
3-4 Press ball of L to left while pushing L hip to left, step on L (L hip back to neutral)
5-8 Bump hips R, L, R, L
33-40 Syncopated Jazz Box, Point, 1/4 Turn Step Together, Point Switches, Together
1-2 Cross R over L, step L back
&3-4 Step ball of R beside L, cross L over R, point R to right
5 1/4 turn right step R beside L [3:00]
6&7&8& Point L to left, step L beside R, point R to right, step R beside L, point L to side, step L beside R
41-48 Rock Forward, Shuffle Back, Rock Back, Shuffle Forward
1-2 Step R forward, recover weight to L
3&4 Step R back, step L beside, step R back
5-6 Step L back, recover weight to R
7&8 Step L forward, step R beside L, step L forward
49-56 Rock Forward, 1/4 Turn Sailor, Rock Forward, Coaster Step
1-2 Step R forward, recover to L
3&4 1/4 turn right step R behind L, step L to side, step R forward
5-6 Step L forward, recover to R
7&8 Step L back, step R beside L, step L forward
RESTART here for the 1st & 3rd rotation of the dance
57-64 Step 1/2 Turn, Step, Hold, Full Turn Right, Step, Touch
1-4 Step R forward, 1/2 turn left placing weight on L, step R forward, hold
5-8 1/2 turn right stepping L back, 1/2 turn right stepping R forward, step L forward, touch R beside
TAG (16 cts): AFTER the 1st & 2nd 64 counts
1-4 (Angle body right) Step R to side, touch L beside, (angle body left) step L to side, touch R beside
5-8 Step R to side as you push right shoulder R, transfer weight back to L push left shoulder left, transfer back to R pushing right shoulder to right, touch L beside
1-8 Do the opposite of the above 8 counts.
**AFTER the 3rd 64 counts [12:00], (there will be an 8-count silence in the music track), Dance the entire 64 counts of the dance as usual but on the 64th count drop/lower the body towards the floor
5-7 1/2 turn right step L back, 1/2 turn right step R forward, step L forward
8 (bend knees and drop body slightly low towards the ground)
Then add these **8 counts alternating finger snaps**:
1-2 Snap fingers (R hand) to bottom right diagonal, snap fingers (L hand) to bottom left diagonal
3-4 Repeat 1-2 but slightly higher up
5-6 Repeat 1-2 but snaps are now about shoulder level
7-8 Repeat 1-2, top right and left diagonals (above head level)
Note: As the fingers snap away, the body will gradually rise to standing position.
Choreographed by:
Leong Mei Ling (Nov/Dec 08)
Now Or Never (from the movie High School Musical 3)
Phrased, 1 wall, Intermediate line dance
Sequence: AABB, AAB, (TAG), BB, FINALE (16 counts)
Intro: 48 counts
PART A (32 counts)
1&2 (Body angled to left diagonal at 10:30) Press ball of right to right side, recover weight to left, step
right beside left
3&4 (Body angled to right diagonal at 1:30) Press ball of left to left side, recover weight to right, step left
beside right
(While doing these steps, imagine yourself bouncing the basketball in front of you first with the right hand, then with the
left. This would also provide you the handstyling for the steps)
5-6 Step forward right, left (Keep body angled to right diagonal at 1:30 until count 8, but steps are still
moving towards 12:00)
7&8 Step right forward, recover on left, step right beside left
(For counts 5-8, imagine yourself dribbling the ball with your right hand on your right side, getting ready for a shoot. Or alternatively you can snap your fingers)
&1 Jump up on both feet (knees bent whilst in mid-air), land feet shoulder-width apart (throw arms down to sides)
2-3 Move shoulders right, left
4&5 Move shoulders right, left, right
6&7 Step left behind right, step right forward to right diagonal, step left forward
8&1 Step right behind left, step left forward to left diagonal, step right forward
2-3 Step left across right, step back right
4-5 1/2 turn left step left forward, 1/2 turn left step back on right
6 1/8 turn left step left to left side, shoulder-width apart [10:30]
7&8& Swivel right heel out to right, swivel back to left and place weight on it,
Swivel left heel out to left, swivel back to right and place weight on it
1 Bottom up body roll (keeping weight mostly on left)
(Easier option: roll shoulders from back to front)
&2 [Still facing 10:30] Bring ball of right next to left, cross left over right
3&4 Step back right, step back left, cross right in front of left
5 Turn 1/8 left, step left to side [9:00]
6-8 Turn 1/4 left, press right to right side (x3)
& Lift right foot slightly off the floor (to prep for the next step for either Part A or B)
(Handstyling option: while paddling, place right arm at chest level, horizontal to the ground, elbow bent and slightly tilted up. Roll forearm in clockwise motion)
PART B (32 counts)
a1-2 Skip slightly on left foot to launch yourself to the right, step right to right side, point left foot
behind right (fully extended)
a3-4 Skip slightly on right foot to launch yourself to the left, step left to left side, point right foot behind left (fully extended)
(Handstyling: Raise both arms above head on the side step[1]. Throw arms down to the direction of the pointed foot [2]. Repeat for the other side [3, 4].)
5-8 Step right to right and bump hip right(4x)
(Handstyling: Draw an aerial ‘C’: swing right arm in a semi-circle (CW) from bottom to right diagonal above head[5]; swing back down in a semi-circle (CCW) to right hip [6]; swing back up again (CW) [7]; swing back
(CCW) midway to chest level and jab elbow to the right at the same time drop head towards right shoulder [8]
a1-2 Skip slightly on right foot to launch yourself to the left, step left to left side, point right foot behind left (fully extended)
a3-4 Skip slightly on left foot to launch yourself to the right, step right to right side, point left foot behind right (fully extended)
5-6 Step left forward and out to left diagonal, step right forward and out to right diagonal
7-8 Step left back to centre, step right back to centre (feet slightly apart)
(Handstyling: Punch right arm forward and to left diagonal [5], punch left arm to right diagonal crossing over extended right arm [6], bring left hand to left hip [7], bring right hand to right hip [8])
a1-2 Skip slightly on right foot to launch yourself to the left, step left to left side, point right foot across and behind left (fully extended)
a3-4 Skip slightly on left foot to launch yourself to the right, step right to right side, point left foot across and behind right (fully extended)
5&6 Kick left to left diagonal, step ball of left next to right, step right across left [12:00]
7-8 Turn 3/4 left step on left, Turn 1/4 left step right to right
(Option: make the 3/4 turn, then jump and land facing 12:00)
1-2 Touch left forward to left diagonal, place weight on left
3-4 Touch right forward to right diagonal, place weight on right (Lean back a little each time you touch forward)
(Handstyling: Using the opposing hand to the stepping foot, elbow bent and hand fisted, swing the forearm from the elbow in a down, down motion as if you’re pounding something with your fist)
&5 Step left beside right, point right to right
6-7 Step right across left, point left to left
8 Step left across right
TAG (4+32 counts
)...this is the part of the song where Zac Efron’s character sings to Vanessa Hudgens’ character.
Musical Crescendo:
1&2&3&4 Take really tiny baby steps back: right, left, right, left, right, left, right (Curl your upper body forward, both hands extended forward and slowly moving in towards chest. Visualise yourself as if you’ve one end of a rope tied around your waist and you’re being pulled very quickly backwards)
HANDS (vocals)
1 ‘STARBURST’ - Step left to left straighten body and raise both arms above head in a ‘V’ (fingers open, palms facing forward)
2-8 Bring raised arms towards chest over 7 counts (hands closed in a fist facing in)
1-3 1/4 turn right step forward right, 1/2 turn right step back left, 1/4 turn right step right to side
4 Hold
5-8 Sway left, hold; Sway right, hold
1-3 1/4 turn left step forward left, 1/2 turn left step back right, 1/4 turn left step left to side
4 Hold
5-8 Sway right, hold; Sway left, hold
&1-2 Step ball of right beside left, cross step left over right, hold
(Hands: extend right arm to right, palm facing forward)
3-4 Cross step right over left, hold
(Hands: place right fist over heart)
5-6 Walk forward left, right
7&8 Small steps forward, left, right; Step left beside right
GRAND FINALE (16 counts)
1-3 Step right to side, step left behind right, 1/4 turn right step right forward,
4-5 Step left forward, 1/2 turn right stepping right forward
6-8 1/4 turn right step left to left, step right behind left, 1/4 turn left step forward left
9-12 Step right forward, 1/2 turn left stepping left forward, 1/4 turn left step right to right, step left in place
1& Punch right arm forward and to left diagonal, Punch left arm across to right diagonal (over right arm)
2& Drop right arm to right side of body (palm facing forward),
Drop left arm to left side of body (palm facing forward)
3& Place right palm to left shoulder, place left palm to the right shoulder
4 Throw both arms up and above head in a ‘V’ for a BIG finish! (TA-DA!)
Watch it ! The Pirates of The Caribbean landed in KK on 29 Aug 2012. See all the smiling faces? They have seen their target ! Captain Hook came with sword and HOOK. Where is Captain Jack Sparrow and Blackbeard, the most feared pirate of all?? Missing Pirates are Loi, Diana, Janet , Amanda, Jeanie and Margaret Sinsua, Fung
Every Mon and Wed - Zumba Fitness class
No More Line Dance classes
Thursday, December 31, 2009
Monday, December 28, 2009
Sunday, December 27, 2009
Holiday Greetings to Everybody
I hope everyone is having a wonderful year end holiday and is looking forward to line dance classes again starting Monday, 4 Jan 2010.
In the meantime do enjoy our Year End Party '09 slideshows of photos and 13 video clips of us happily dancing and enjoying ourselves. And don't forget to view the excellent dance performance and choreography by Rizal, Nadia and Brandon.
Thanks to everyone for contributing to the success of our party.
Our closing for the Party
In the meantime do enjoy our Year End Party '09 slideshows of photos and 13 video clips of us happily dancing and enjoying ourselves. And don't forget to view the excellent dance performance and choreography by Rizal, Nadia and Brandon.
Thanks to everyone for contributing to the success of our party.
Our closing for the Party
Saturday, December 19, 2009
Friday, December 18, 2009
Monday, December 14, 2009
Our Year End Party this Wednesday
Let's dress up for our theme party "Sunshine".You may win the best dressed prize. Judging is based on how colourful & bright you look.
Watch out for our SLIDE SHOW of photos after the party
Remember, there is a penalty to pay if you come dressed all in BLACK. So Table Leaders, please inform your friends.
7.00pm - Arrival of Brightly Dressed Line Dancers
7.30pm - Dinner will be served (on your table)
8.00pm - Dress Parade for everyone. Make sure you stop to smile at the video before turning away. Selection of Best Dressed.
8.20pm - jamming(10 dances)
9.00pm - Special Programme
9.20pm - Jamming (10 dances)
10.00pm - Special programme
10.20pm - Jamming 3 (10 dances)
11.00pm - Goodnight
Sunday, December 13, 2009
Watch our Sat Class video clip - Just 17, Booty Music & My Boogie Shoes
Well done Everybody. Thanks to Michael & Josephine.
Friday, December 11, 2009
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Monday, December 7, 2009
My Boogie Shoes & Booty Music
Please come at 7pm on Wed for revision. We shall do 2 dances, My Boogie Shoes, choreographed by the Mirandas and Booty Music .I can't find any video clips for My Boogie Shoes which is a very ,very simple dance to a great oldie by KC & The Sunshine Band.
Booty Music is currently a very popular dance choreographed by Jackie Miranda, Jo Thompson and Judy Mcdonald. They won 1st prize in the Windy City Line Dance Event. Can't wait to try out this exciting & fun dance. Very challenging in the Shoulder Bumps (not a shimmy)
For Saturday, we shall do Bosa Nova. This will complete all the dances for 2009.
Booty Music performed by the 3 choreographers
Booty Music is currently a very popular dance choreographed by Jackie Miranda, Jo Thompson and Judy Mcdonald. They won 1st prize in the Windy City Line Dance Event. Can't wait to try out this exciting & fun dance. Very challenging in the Shoulder Bumps (not a shimmy)
For Saturday, we shall do Bosa Nova. This will complete all the dances for 2009.
Booty Music performed by the 3 choreographers
Sunday, December 6, 2009
The last 4 New Dances for 2009
Our last 4 classes for 2009 are:-
7 Dec(Mon), 9 Dec (Wed), 12 Dec (Sat)and 14 Dec(Mon).
Then comes our Year End Party on 16 Dec (Wed).
The following dances will be taught.
1. Like a Dream
2. Bosa Nova (voted as the top favourite line dance by Kickit Survey in Oct'09)
3. Boogie Shoes - sorry I cannot find any Video clip
4. Booty Music
Like A Dream
7 Dec(Mon), 9 Dec (Wed), 12 Dec (Sat)and 14 Dec(Mon).
Then comes our Year End Party on 16 Dec (Wed).
The following dances will be taught.
1. Like a Dream
2. Bosa Nova (voted as the top favourite line dance by Kickit Survey in Oct'09)
3. Boogie Shoes - sorry I cannot find any Video clip
4. Booty Music
Like A Dream
Friday, December 4, 2009
Just Seventeen
Just Seventeen. The song is " I saw her Standing There" by the Beatles. The Choreography is by the very popular fun couple Doug & Jackie Miranda (USA)who are professional line dancers and entertainers who have travelled to many countries to conduct line dance workshops. They were the MCs and Instructors for Dance Funtasia '07 which I attended. Have I shown you my photograph with them?
Revision for:- 1. For The First Time 2. You & I and 3. a run through for all the jamming dances, probably a minute or 2 per dance.
The Mirandas in a workshop in Japan. Just Seventeen is one of the dances shown here:-
Just Seventeen
Choreographed by: Doug & Jackie Miranda (Oct 09)
Music: I Saw Her Standing There by The Beatles
Descriptions: 64 count - 4 wall - Beginner/Intermediate level line dance
Start on vocals after 16 count intro
Set 1 Stomp Forward On Right With Claps; Stomp Forward on Left With Claps
1,2& Stomp R forward at slight diagonal to R, clap 2 times on count 2 &
3,4 Hold for count 3, clap on count 4
5,6& Stomp L forward on slight diagonal to L, clap 2 times on count 6 &
7,8 Hold on count 7, clap on 8
Set 2 Rock Forward, Recover, Rock Back, Recover Forward, Step Forward, ¼ Turn Left, Touch, Hold
1-4 Rock forward on R, recover back on L, rock back on R, recover forward on L
5-8 Step forward on R, turn ¼ L transferring weight to L, touch R next to L, hold (weight on L)
Set 3 “Shoop” to Right Side, “Shoop” ¼ Turn Left
1-4 Step R to R side at slight angle, slide L next to R, step R to R side, touch L next to R
(with elbows bent push arms slightly forward and back , forward and back)
5-8 As you make a ¼ turn L, step forward on L, slide R next to L, step forward on L, touch R next to L
(with elbows bent push arms slightly forward and back , forward and back)
Set 4 Step Touches Traveling Back
1-4 Step back on R, touch L next to R, step back on L, touch R next to L
5-8 Repeat steps 1-4 above
Set 5 Step Lock Forward, Brush, ¼ Turn Twist To Left Side
1-4 Step forward on R, lock L behind R, step forward on R, brush L forward into ¼ turn R
5-8 Twist to L side
Set 6 Turn Twist To Right Side, Slide to Left, Hold
1-4 Twist to R side, weight ending on R
5-8 Take a big step slide to L side on L on count 5 (weight on L) and hold for 3 counts (slightly drag R to L)
Set 7 Vine Right, Hitch, ½ Turn Into Vine Left
1-4 Step R to R side, step L behind R, start to make ½ turn R by stepping R into ¼ turn R, make another ¼ turn R as you hitch L
5-8 Step L to L side, step R behind L, step L to L side, touch R next to L
Set 8 Toe Struts Forward, ½ Turn Over Right, Toe Struts Backwards
1-4 Touch R toe forward, step down on heel of R, touch L toe forward, step down on L heel
5-8 Make a ½ turn R as you touch R toe back, step down on R heel, touch L toe back, step down on L heel traveling back slightly
Two EASY RESTARTS: To fit the phrasing of the music, there will be two restarts: After dancing the 64 count pattern 2X (you will have completed 2 walls and be starting the dance for the 3rd time to the back/ 6 o’clock wall); dance only 40 counts of the dance (up to counts 1-4 only of set 5) and then restart at the 3 o’clock wall after the twist to the R. Then dance the 64 count pattern again 2X and dance only 40 counts of the dance and restart at the back/ 6 o’clock wall.
Revision for:- 1. For The First Time 2. You & I and 3. a run through for all the jamming dances, probably a minute or 2 per dance.
The Mirandas in a workshop in Japan. Just Seventeen is one of the dances shown here:-
Just Seventeen
Choreographed by: Doug & Jackie Miranda (Oct 09)
Music: I Saw Her Standing There by The Beatles
Descriptions: 64 count - 4 wall - Beginner/Intermediate level line dance
Start on vocals after 16 count intro
Set 1 Stomp Forward On Right With Claps; Stomp Forward on Left With Claps
1,2& Stomp R forward at slight diagonal to R, clap 2 times on count 2 &
3,4 Hold for count 3, clap on count 4
5,6& Stomp L forward on slight diagonal to L, clap 2 times on count 6 &
7,8 Hold on count 7, clap on 8
Set 2 Rock Forward, Recover, Rock Back, Recover Forward, Step Forward, ¼ Turn Left, Touch, Hold
1-4 Rock forward on R, recover back on L, rock back on R, recover forward on L
5-8 Step forward on R, turn ¼ L transferring weight to L, touch R next to L, hold (weight on L)
Set 3 “Shoop” to Right Side, “Shoop” ¼ Turn Left
1-4 Step R to R side at slight angle, slide L next to R, step R to R side, touch L next to R
(with elbows bent push arms slightly forward and back , forward and back)
5-8 As you make a ¼ turn L, step forward on L, slide R next to L, step forward on L, touch R next to L
(with elbows bent push arms slightly forward and back , forward and back)
Set 4 Step Touches Traveling Back
1-4 Step back on R, touch L next to R, step back on L, touch R next to L
5-8 Repeat steps 1-4 above
Set 5 Step Lock Forward, Brush, ¼ Turn Twist To Left Side
1-4 Step forward on R, lock L behind R, step forward on R, brush L forward into ¼ turn R
5-8 Twist to L side
Set 6 Turn Twist To Right Side, Slide to Left, Hold
1-4 Twist to R side, weight ending on R
5-8 Take a big step slide to L side on L on count 5 (weight on L) and hold for 3 counts (slightly drag R to L)
Set 7 Vine Right, Hitch, ½ Turn Into Vine Left
1-4 Step R to R side, step L behind R, start to make ½ turn R by stepping R into ¼ turn R, make another ¼ turn R as you hitch L
5-8 Step L to L side, step R behind L, step L to L side, touch R next to L
Set 8 Toe Struts Forward, ½ Turn Over Right, Toe Struts Backwards
1-4 Touch R toe forward, step down on heel of R, touch L toe forward, step down on L heel
5-8 Make a ½ turn R as you touch R toe back, step down on R heel, touch L toe back, step down on L heel traveling back slightly
Two EASY RESTARTS: To fit the phrasing of the music, there will be two restarts: After dancing the 64 count pattern 2X (you will have completed 2 walls and be starting the dance for the 3rd time to the back/ 6 o’clock wall); dance only 40 counts of the dance (up to counts 1-4 only of set 5) and then restart at the 3 o’clock wall after the twist to the R. Then dance the 64 count pattern again 2X and dance only 40 counts of the dance and restart at the back/ 6 o’clock wall.
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Christmas gift Ideas - Pretty Bags at a Budget
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Final Jamming List for Year End Party '09
The dances will be arranged as listed below. We get to rest after each round of 10 dances for some exciting programme. Ladies may wear pretty party/evening dresses and dancing shoes with low or high heels and leave our socks and sneakers behind for class practise. Reminder : Our theme is "Sunshine". You may still wear some black eg skirt , pants, shoes BUT add on something colourful....if you come all in black..there is a penalty
Part 1
1. Chica Boom Boom
2. Nobody But You
3. Action
4. Jesse James
5. Speak With Your Heart
6. Toes
7. Love, Love Me Do
8. Go Mama Go
9. Time To Swing
10 Louisiana Swing
Part 2
1. Music'08
2. Let's Get Loud '08
3. 1 2 Step
4. Rumba Fascination
5. El Lado Oscure
6. Boogie Shoes
7. Just 17
8. Booty Music
9. Xiang Xi He Pan
10. One Step At A Time
Part 3
1. Pop,Lock & Drop
2. Scooby Do
3. Why So Serious
4. Tap Room Boogie
5. Sister Kate
6. Bosa Nova
7. Like A Dream
8. For The First Time
9. You & I
10.Vaya Con Dios
Part 1
1. Chica Boom Boom
2. Nobody But You
3. Action
4. Jesse James
5. Speak With Your Heart
6. Toes
7. Love, Love Me Do
8. Go Mama Go
9. Time To Swing
10 Louisiana Swing
Part 2
1. Music'08
2. Let's Get Loud '08
3. 1 2 Step
4. Rumba Fascination
5. El Lado Oscure
6. Boogie Shoes
7. Just 17
8. Booty Music
9. Xiang Xi He Pan
10. One Step At A Time
Part 3
1. Pop,Lock & Drop
2. Scooby Do
3. Why So Serious
4. Tap Room Boogie
5. Sister Kate
6. Bosa Nova
7. Like A Dream
8. For The First Time
9. You & I
10.Vaya Con Dios
New Dance for Wed, 2nd Dec 2009 - Louisiana Swing
Its the the season to be jolly...for light and jolly dances. Louisiana Swing, a simple and upbeat dance is choreographed by: Kate Sala & Robbie McGowan Hickie. Description: 32 count 4 wall, Refer to www.yipee.sg for the stepsheet.
Monday, November 30, 2009
Line Dance Event in Shanghai - 3 to 5 Sept 2010
2010 is coming soon. Shall we gang up and go to Shanghai to meet our favourite choreographers and other line dancers from other countries? and go shopping & sight seeing. The organizer is Judy Chen from USA . Here's something to look forward to:-
WOW 2010 Shanghai September 3-5 ( Friday to Sunday)
Please refer to www. wowlinedance.com for the itinerary
Instructors ..... hey, we have done some of their dances :-
Jo Thompson, Scott Blevins, Rachael McEnaney, Niel Poulsen, Kate Sala etc
After the dance event , there’ll be a tour going to Su-Zou , Hong-Zou , Xi-An -11) & Beijing
The estimate fee for the tour right now is 6660 Yuan ( less than USD$1000 )
Other additional tours can be arranged for you to tour Tibet or JanJiaJe after 9/15/2010.
There are 4 kinds of Fees for WOW 2010.
1) Your International round trip airfare & China visa application fee.
( get a multiple visa, it’s the same price as a single entry visa ).
2) Your hotel fees from 9/1-9/8/2010
( pay through the travel agency on 7/30/2010, we can get group rate)
3)Your 3 day(9/3-5/2010) workshop fees , entertainment fee , meals , transportation (airport pickup & local).
4)Your spending money on 9/1-2, 9/6-7 ( meals & transportation, shopping.....)
Please email all enquiries to Judy Chen JYINGCHEN@HOTMAIL.COM.
Saturday, November 28, 2009
Light & Easy Dances for Mon 30 Nov 2009
So we need a BREAK !
Let's do a super easy dance, CHICA BOOM BOOM that you can learn in 2 minutes, no tags no retarts to a wonderful song by Alex Swing Oscar Sings ( same singer for Coochie Bang Bang and Scooby Do ).
This dance will replace Cumbia Semana in our jamming list for our year end party.(we cancel Cumbia Semana)
Then we shall do another easy dance, TIME TO SWING, a lovely song by Helmut Lotti (same singer for Mandolins in the Moonlight).
We shall revise all our jamming dances. IF and IF we still have time, we shall do an easy waltz, VAYA CON DIOS choreographed by Maggie Gallagher. I love the song by Freddy Fender.
All stepsheets can be found in Yipee (click on our Line Dance Links on the Right side bar)
Thursday, November 26, 2009
New dance for Sat 28 Nov 2009 - Line Dance For The First Time
Note: Venue remains the same but we will be using the opposite side of the hall. The Boy's Brigade will be using our usual place.
You will simply love this romantic song by Rod Stewart. This dance, by Niels Poulsen reminds me of the dance, BURNING (Cato Larson). Maybe its the starting of the dance and the turns.
You may remember Niels for his mind Boggling and leg twisting CUBAN KISS . How we laboured to learn Cuban Kiss with so many practises ...and now I wonder, can we still recall all the 64 steps and 2 restarts? Let's not try as we need to memorise, FOR THE FIRST TIME now.
Only the 2nd set of the dance is tough to execute and memorise . The rest is easy and the 2 restarts and tags are straightforward.
For The First Time
Choreographed by: Niels Poulsen, DK (July 09)
Music: For the First Time by Rod Stewart
Descriptions: 32 count - 4 wall - Intermediate level line dance
Intro: 16 counts from first beat (app. 16 seconds into track). Start with weight on R
* 2 RESTARTS: On wall 3 and 6. On both walls do the first 8 counts, then restart from count 1. On wall 3 you restart facing 3:00 and on wall 6 you restart facing 9:00
* 1 EASY TAG: On wall 8, after 24 counts, facing 3:00. Turn and step ¼ L swaying L (1), swaying R (2), then restart dance turning ¼ L to face 12:00
NOTE: This dance is dedicated to Guyton Mundy
1–8 ¼ L, Jazz ¼ R, Walk 1/8 R, Cross Turn Turn, Basic R, Side Step L, Twist ¼ R
1 Turn ¼ L stepping fw on L and sweeping R foot fw (1) [9:00]
2&3& Cross R over L (2), turn ¼ R stepping back on L (&), step R to R side (3), turn 1/8 R walking fw on L (&) [1:30]
4&5 Square up to 3:00 crossing R over L (4), turn ¼ R stepping back on L (&), turn ¼ R stepping R a big step to R side (5) [9:00]
6&7 Bring L behind R (6), cross R over L (&), step L to L side (7) [9:00]
8 Twist both heels ¼ L turning body ¼ R (8) (weight R) [12:00]
* RESTARTS here on wall 3 restart facing 3:00 and wall 6 restart facing 9:00
9–16 ½ L, Cross, Side Rock L, Full Turn Sweep, Cross, Basic R, Back Back Cross, ¼ L
1 Unwind ½ L onto L foot sweeping R foot fw (1) [6:00]
2&3 Cross R over L (2), rock L to L side (&), recover on R turning ¼ R starting to sweep L to L side (3). [9:00]
Option: Do a pirouette full turn instead on count 3 and 4 (A pirouette: full turn on ball of one foot touching the inside of your knee with the non-turning foot)
4&5 Turn ¾ R on R finishing full turn (4), cross L over R (&), step R a big step to R side (5) [6:00]
6&7 Bring L behind R (6), cross R over L (&), step back on L (7) [6:00]
&8& Step back on R (&), cross L over R (8), turn ¼ L stepping back on R (&) [3:00]
17–24 ½ L, Walk R L, Step Turn Turn, ¼ L Into Sway L R, ¼ L, ½ L
1 Turn ½ L stepping fw on L (1) [9:00]
2–3 Drag and cross R fw and over L (2), drag and cross L fw and over R (3) [9:00]
4&5 Step fw on R (4), turn ½ L stepping onto L (&), turn ½ L stepping back on R (5) [9:00]
6–7 Turn ¼ L stepping L to L side into a sway with upper body (6), recover R into a sway and a slight twist with your upper body to R side (7) [6:00]
8& Turn ¼ L stepping L fw (8), turn ½ L stepping back on R (&) [9:00]
* TAG + RESTART on wall 8 after 24 counts, facing 3:00 and step ¼ L swaying L (1), swaying R (2), then restart dance turning ¼ L to face 12:00
25–32 ¼ L, 1/8 L Walk, Step ½ R, Fw L, Full Turn L, 1/8 L Cross Rock & Cross Rock
1 Turn ¼ L stepping onto L (1) - Note: steps 8&1 are a L rolling vine [6:00]
2&3 Turn 1/8 L walking fw on R (2), step fw L (&), turn ½ R stepping fw on R (3) [10:30]
4&5 Step fw on L (4), turn ½ L stepping back on R (&), turn ½ L stepping fw on L (5) [10:30]
6–7 Sweep R foot 1/8 L into a cross rock with R over L (6), recover weight to L (7) [9:00]
&8& Step R a small step to R side (&), cross rock L over R (8), recover weight to R (&) [9:00]
You will simply love this romantic song by Rod Stewart. This dance, by Niels Poulsen reminds me of the dance, BURNING (Cato Larson). Maybe its the starting of the dance and the turns.
You may remember Niels for his mind Boggling and leg twisting CUBAN KISS . How we laboured to learn Cuban Kiss with so many practises ...and now I wonder, can we still recall all the 64 steps and 2 restarts? Let's not try as we need to memorise, FOR THE FIRST TIME now.
Only the 2nd set of the dance is tough to execute and memorise . The rest is easy and the 2 restarts and tags are straightforward.
For The First Time
Choreographed by: Niels Poulsen, DK (July 09)
Music: For the First Time by Rod Stewart
Descriptions: 32 count - 4 wall - Intermediate level line dance
Intro: 16 counts from first beat (app. 16 seconds into track). Start with weight on R
* 2 RESTARTS: On wall 3 and 6. On both walls do the first 8 counts, then restart from count 1. On wall 3 you restart facing 3:00 and on wall 6 you restart facing 9:00
* 1 EASY TAG: On wall 8, after 24 counts, facing 3:00. Turn and step ¼ L swaying L (1), swaying R (2), then restart dance turning ¼ L to face 12:00
NOTE: This dance is dedicated to Guyton Mundy
1–8 ¼ L, Jazz ¼ R, Walk 1/8 R, Cross Turn Turn, Basic R, Side Step L, Twist ¼ R
1 Turn ¼ L stepping fw on L and sweeping R foot fw (1) [9:00]
2&3& Cross R over L (2), turn ¼ R stepping back on L (&), step R to R side (3), turn 1/8 R walking fw on L (&) [1:30]
4&5 Square up to 3:00 crossing R over L (4), turn ¼ R stepping back on L (&), turn ¼ R stepping R a big step to R side (5) [9:00]
6&7 Bring L behind R (6), cross R over L (&), step L to L side (7) [9:00]
8 Twist both heels ¼ L turning body ¼ R (8) (weight R) [12:00]
* RESTARTS here on wall 3 restart facing 3:00 and wall 6 restart facing 9:00
9–16 ½ L, Cross, Side Rock L, Full Turn Sweep, Cross, Basic R, Back Back Cross, ¼ L
1 Unwind ½ L onto L foot sweeping R foot fw (1) [6:00]
2&3 Cross R over L (2), rock L to L side (&), recover on R turning ¼ R starting to sweep L to L side (3). [9:00]
Option: Do a pirouette full turn instead on count 3 and 4 (A pirouette: full turn on ball of one foot touching the inside of your knee with the non-turning foot)
4&5 Turn ¾ R on R finishing full turn (4), cross L over R (&), step R a big step to R side (5) [6:00]
6&7 Bring L behind R (6), cross R over L (&), step back on L (7) [6:00]
&8& Step back on R (&), cross L over R (8), turn ¼ L stepping back on R (&) [3:00]
17–24 ½ L, Walk R L, Step Turn Turn, ¼ L Into Sway L R, ¼ L, ½ L
1 Turn ½ L stepping fw on L (1) [9:00]
2–3 Drag and cross R fw and over L (2), drag and cross L fw and over R (3) [9:00]
4&5 Step fw on R (4), turn ½ L stepping onto L (&), turn ½ L stepping back on R (5) [9:00]
6–7 Turn ¼ L stepping L to L side into a sway with upper body (6), recover R into a sway and a slight twist with your upper body to R side (7) [6:00]
8& Turn ¼ L stepping L fw (8), turn ½ L stepping back on R (&) [9:00]
* TAG + RESTART on wall 8 after 24 counts, facing 3:00 and step ¼ L swaying L (1), swaying R (2), then restart dance turning ¼ L to face 12:00
25–32 ¼ L, 1/8 L Walk, Step ½ R, Fw L, Full Turn L, 1/8 L Cross Rock & Cross Rock
1 Turn ¼ L stepping onto L (1) - Note: steps 8&1 are a L rolling vine [6:00]
2&3 Turn 1/8 L walking fw on R (2), step fw L (&), turn ½ R stepping fw on R (3) [10:30]
4&5 Step fw on L (4), turn ½ L stepping back on R (&), turn ½ L stepping fw on L (5) [10:30]
6–7 Sweep R foot 1/8 L into a cross rock with R over L (6), recover weight to L (7) [9:00]
&8& Step R a small step to R side (&), cross rock L over R (8), recover weight to R (&) [9:00]
Sunday, November 22, 2009
New dance for Wed , 25 Nov 2009 - Line Dance One Step At A Time
Reminder: class for Monday 23 Nov 2009 is cancelled due to church activity.
The choreographer, Sze performed this dance for us at our Social Night on 31 Oct 2009
One Step At A Time
Choreographed by Hoo Sze Yen [zyenhoo@gmail.com] (September 2008)
Type: 32-count 4-wall beginner/intermediate funky line dance
Music: One Step At A Time by Jordin Sparks (102 BPM)
This dance has two restarts: on the 4th wall and on the 9th wall. The restart happens after dancing 2x8.
1-2 Step RF forward, tap LF next to RF
3-4 Step LF forward, tap RF next to LF
5&6&7 Rock forward on RF, rock back on LF, rock back on RF, rock forward on LF,
rock forward on RF
8 Hitch L knee up
Optional styling: When hitching, add a diagonal downward punch with the right hand
above the hitched knee
1 Kick LF forward
&2 Step LF next to RF, point RF to right
&3 Step RF next to LF, point LF to left (body facing left diagonal forward)
&4 Chest pop out, in
5 Transfer weight to LF (facing 12 o’ clock)
6&7 Cross RF behind LF, step LF to left, ¼ turn left and step RF forward
8 Tap LF next to RF
* The restarts on the 4th and 9th wall happen after this point. Please refer to the note at the end of the stepsheet.
1 Press L ball forward
Note: Make sure your knee does not pass your toes!
2 Rondé LF around RF with ¼ turn left
3&4Cross LF behind RF, step RF to right, step LF in place (sailor step)
5 Step RF in front of LF (keep L ball on ground with heel up)
6 Rock back on LF (keep R ball on ground with heel up)
7&8 Step RF to right, step LF next to RF, cross RF in front of LF
&1 Step L ball behind and a little to the left, cross RF in front of LF
2& Step L ball to left, step RF in place
3 Cross LF in front of RF
4& Step R ball to right, step LF in place
5 Cross RF in front of LF
6 Point LF forward
&7 Step L ball behind RF, ¼ turn right and step RF forward
8 Step LF forward
The choreographer, Sze performed this dance for us at our Social Night on 31 Oct 2009
One Step At A Time
Choreographed by Hoo Sze Yen [zyenhoo@gmail.com] (September 2008)
Type: 32-count 4-wall beginner/intermediate funky line dance
Music: One Step At A Time by Jordin Sparks (102 BPM)
This dance has two restarts: on the 4th wall and on the 9th wall. The restart happens after dancing 2x8.
1-2 Step RF forward, tap LF next to RF
3-4 Step LF forward, tap RF next to LF
5&6&7 Rock forward on RF, rock back on LF, rock back on RF, rock forward on LF,
rock forward on RF
8 Hitch L knee up
Optional styling: When hitching, add a diagonal downward punch with the right hand
above the hitched knee
1 Kick LF forward
&2 Step LF next to RF, point RF to right
&3 Step RF next to LF, point LF to left (body facing left diagonal forward)
&4 Chest pop out, in
5 Transfer weight to LF (facing 12 o’ clock)
6&7 Cross RF behind LF, step LF to left, ¼ turn left and step RF forward
8 Tap LF next to RF
* The restarts on the 4th and 9th wall happen after this point. Please refer to the note at the end of the stepsheet.
1 Press L ball forward
Note: Make sure your knee does not pass your toes!
2 Rondé LF around RF with ¼ turn left
3&4Cross LF behind RF, step RF to right, step LF in place (sailor step)
5 Step RF in front of LF (keep L ball on ground with heel up)
6 Rock back on LF (keep R ball on ground with heel up)
7&8 Step RF to right, step LF next to RF, cross RF in front of LF
&1 Step L ball behind and a little to the left, cross RF in front of LF
2& Step L ball to left, step RF in place
3 Cross LF in front of RF
4& Step R ball to right, step LF in place
5 Cross RF in front of LF
6 Point LF forward
&7 Step L ball behind RF, ¼ turn right and step RF forward
8 Step LF forward
Friday, November 20, 2009
Theme for Year End Party 2009
Its called "SUNSHINE " to reflect all the things we enjoy from Line dancing -
fun, joy, cheer, laughter , heat (from sweat), etc etc and most of all ....Friendship that has been built over so many years of dancing together ! You know , we probably see our dancing buddies more often than any other friends or relatives. I am sure most of us have found so many good friends, just from EXERCISE
Do come dressed in your spectrum of 7 bright colours like the Rainbow and you will be eligible for the BEST DRESSED PRIZE. eg show your spectrum of colours in your hair clips, earings, makeup, clothes, shoes,socks, bangles, belts, scarfs etc etc.
Just in case, our memory fails...Rainbow colours are Voilet, Indigo, Blue, Green, Yellow, Orange, Red. Its the acronym VIBGYOR, which I learnt from school over 40 years ago, oh dear age is showing...
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Line dance YOU AND I for this Sat, 3pm class
This smooth flowing dance is choreographed to one of the most beautiful songs used for line dancing. Both the choreographer and singer are Scandinavian. They are recognised as one of the most talented dancers in the world.
Please note the dance sequence : A A, tag, B,B,B,B.
A is danced to 1 wall only but B is danced to 4 walls. Tag is 8 counts facing 12 0' clock. Its like learning 2 dances as each section is 64 steps. We have to learn 128 steps. Not difficult at all because the choreography is very smooth.
Watch the sole male dancer. He's got neat footwork.He sure is enjoying the dance !
For line dancers who have missed class, you can easily learn from the very clear teacing instructions in the video below:-
You And I
Choreographed by: Oli Geir & Hugrun, Iceland (July 09)
Music: Someday by Hera Bjork (CD: Dansk Melodi Grand Prix 09 [135bpm])
Descriptions: ph count - 4 wall - Intermediate level line dance
32 Counts Intro.
Part A (Dance Part A Two Times)
Slide Left. Hold. Back Rock. Side. Hold. Behind. Step Forward ¼ Turn Right.
1-2 Slide Left to Left side, long step. Hold.
3-4 Rock Right behind Left. Rock forward on Left.
5-6 Step Right to Right side, long step. Hold.
7-8 Step Left behind Right. Turn ¼ turn Right stepping forward on Right. (Facing 3 oclock)
Step Pivot ½ Turn Right. Right Shuffle Forward. Hold. Left Forward Rock.
1-2 Step forward on Left. Pivot ½ Turn Right weight on Left. (Facing 9 oclock)
3-4 Step forward on Right. Step Left beside Right.
5-6 Step forward on Right. Hold.
7-8 Rock Left forward. Rock back on Right.
Step Back. Hold. Sweep Coaster Step Turn ¼ Turn Right. Hold. Forward Rock.
1-2 Step back on Left. Hold.
3-4 Sweep Right out and around from front in to turning ¼ turn Right stepping back on Right. Step Left beside Right. (Facing 12 oclock)
5-6 Step forward on Right. Hold.
7-8 Rock forward on Left. Rock back on Right.
Step Back. Sweep. Step Behind. Sweep. Step Behind. Step, Step Diagonally Right. Hold.
1-2 Step back on Left. Sweep Rigth out and around.
3-4 Step Right behind Left. Sweep Left out and around.
5-6 Step Left behind Right. Step Right diagonally Right.
7-8 Step Left forward diagonally Right. Hold.
Step Diagonally Right. Hold. Step Back. Step Behind. Side Step. Hold. Cross Rock.
1-2 Step Right forward diagonally Right. Hold.
3-4 Step back on Left. Step Right behind Left.
5-6 Step Left to Left side. Hold.
7-8 Cross rock Right over Left. Rock back on Left.
Turn ¼ Turn Right, Step. Step Pivot ¾ Turn Right. Sway Left. Hold. Sway Right. Hold.
1-2 Turn ¼ Turn Right stepping forward on Right. Hold. (Facing 3 oclock)
3-4 Step forward on Left. Pivot ¾ turn Right. (Facing 12 oclock)
5-8 Sway body to Left. Hold. Sway body to Right. Hold.
Turn ½ Turn Right, Step Side. Hold. Cross Rock. Side Step. Hold. Cross Rock.
1-2 Turn ½ turn Right stepping Left to Left side. Hold. (Facing 6 oclock)
3-4 Cross rock Right over Left. Rock back on Left.
5-6 Step Right to Right side. Hold.
7-8 Cross rock Left over Right. Rock back Left.
Turn ¼ Turn Left, Step Forward. Hold. Step Pivot ¼ Turn Left. Cross Step. Hold. Side Step. Together.
1-2 Turn ¼ turn Left stepping forward on Left. Hold.
3-4 Step forward on Right. Pivot ¼ turn Left. (Facing 12 oclock)
5-6 Cross step Right over Left. Hold.
7-8 Step Left to Left side. Step Right beside Left.
TAG: 8 Counts Tag Danced In END Of 2nd Wall
1-2 Step Left to Left Side. Hold
3-4 Rock Right behind Left. Rock forward on Left.
5-8 Step Right to Right side. Hold. Touch Left next to Right. Hold.
Part B
Left Chasse. Back Rock. Kick Ball Cross. Side Rock.
1&2 Step Left into chasse Left, stepping Left, Right, Left.
3-4 Rock back on Right. Rock forward on Left.
5&6 Kick Right diagonally Right. Step Right behind Left. Step Left across Right.
7-8 Rock Right out to Right side. Recover onto Left.
Sailor ½ Turn Right. Step Forw. Toe Touch Forward. Point Side. Hitch ½ Turn Right. Step Lock Step.
1&2 Step Right behind Left. Turn ¼ turn R. stepping Left to left side. Turn ¼ turn R. Step Right forward.
3-4 Step forward on Left. Touch Right toe forward.
5-6 Point Right out to Right side. Hitch up Right knee and turn ½ turn Right. (Facing 12 oclock)
7&8 Step forward on Right. Lock step Left behind Right. Step forward on Right.
Forward Rock. Left Shuffle ½ Turn Left. Right Shuffle ½ Left. Coaster Step.
1-2 Rock forward on Left. Rock back on Right.
3&4 Step Left into shuffle ½ turn Left, stepping Left, Right, Left.
5&6 Step Right into shuffle ½ turn Left, stepping Right, Left, Right.
7&8 Step back on Left. Step Right beside Left. Step forward on Left.
Walk Forward Right & Left. Right Mambo Step. Walk Back Left & Right. Coaster Cross.
1-2 Walk forward Right. Walk forward Left.
3&4 Rock forward on Right. Rock back on Left. Step back on Right.
5-6 Walk back on Left. Walk back on Right.
7&8 Step back on Left. Step Right beside Left. Step Left across Right.
Right Side Rock. Cross Shuffle. Left Side Rock. Cross Shuffle.
1-2 Rock Right out to Right side. Recover onto Left.
3&4 Step Right across Left. Step Left to Left side. Step Right across Left.
5-6 Rock Left out to Left side. Recover onto Right.
7&8 Step Left across Right. Step Right to Right side. Step Left across Right.
½ Turn Left. Cross Rock. Right Chasse ¼ Turn Right. Full Turn Right (Trawelling Forward)
1-2 Turn ¼ turn Left stepping back on Right. Turn ¼ turn Left stepping Left to Left side.
3-4 Cross rock Right over Left. Rock back Left.
5&6 Step Right to right side. Step Left beside Right. Turn ¼ turn Right stepping Right forward.
7-8 Turn ½ turn Right stepping back on Left. Turn ½ turn Right stepping forward on Right.
Forward Rock. Coaster Step. Step Pivot ½ Turn Left. Walk Right. Walk Left.
1-2 Rock forward on Left. Rock Back on Right.
3&4 Step back on Left. Step Right beside Left. Step forward on Left.
5-6 Step forward on Right. Pivot ½ turn Left.
7-8 Walk forward Right. Walk forward Left.
Forward Rock. Coaster Step. Step Across. Side Step. Back Rock.
1-2 Rock forward on Right. Rock back on Left.
3&4 Step back on Right. Step Left beside Right. Step forward on Right.
5-6 Step Left across Right. Step Right to Right side.
7-8 Rock back on Left. Rock forward on Right.
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Additional class On Sat /New Line dance Xiang Si He Pan
Our last class for the 2009 will be on Monday , 14 Dec and our Party will be on Wed 16 Dec. We have so little time left to learn all the wonderful dances that we have lined up.
Hence, effective this Sat 21 Nov, we introduce an additional class on Sat, 3pm to 5 pm, same venue. This means we will have 10 more classes to go before we close for 2009
Our new class schedule will be as follows:-
Nov -21, 25, 28, 30 (class on 23 Nov is cancelled due to church activity)
Dec - 2, 5, 7, 9, 12, 14
(The Sat class is in BOLD letters)
Line Dance Xiang Si He Pan
We did this on Wed 18 Nov 2009. Please note the optional tag in the stepsheet
Xiang Si He Pan
Choreographed by: Leong Mei Ling (Nov 09)
Music: 相思河畔 by 蔡琴
Descriptions: 32 count - 4 wall - Intermediate level line dance
Intro: 32 counts
1-8 Sways, Cross Shuffle, 1/4 Turn Step Back, 1/4 Turn Step Side, Cross
1-3 Sway R, L, R
4&5 Cross L over R, step R to side, cross L over R
6&7 1/4 turn left step R back, 1/4 turn left step L to side, cross R over left
8&1 Rock L to side, recover R, step L across R [6:00]
9-16 1/4 Turn Step, 1/4 Sweep, Weave, Side Rock, Behind Side Forward
2-3 1/4 turn right step R forward, 1/4 right sweep L back to front [12:00]
4&5 Cross L over R, step R to side, step L behind R
6-7 Rock R to side (put some emphasis on the hips), recover to L
8&1 Cross R behind L, step L beside, step R forward
17-24 forward rock, 1 1/4 turn to the back, cross rock 1/4 right, cross rock side
2-3 Step L forward, recover to R
4&5 1/2 turn left step L forward, 1/2 left step R back, 1/4 left step L to side [9:00]
6&7 Cross R over L, recover to L, 1/4 turn right step R forward [12:00]
8&1 Cross L over R, recover to R, larger step L to side (drawing right toe towards L)
25-32 Cross, 1/4 Right Step Together, Run Forward, Back, Back, Back Rock
2-3 Cross R over L, 1/4 right step L back
&4 Close R beside L, step L forward [3:00] (RESTART here on Walls 2 [6:00] & 4 [12:00])
&5 Step forward R, step forward L and press
6-7 Recover weight to R, step back L
8& Rock back on R, recover to L
TAG: AFTER Walls 3 [9:00] & 6 [6:00]
1-2 Sway R, L
3-4 Step R beside L, step L forward
Our Option : just sway Hips to the R, hold and sway to the L, hold
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Our Year End Party 2009
Make a date with KK linedancers to eat, dance and make merry to celebrate the close of another year of fun filled, sweat drenching and sometimes mind boggling line dancing !
Dress Up or Down, the choice is yours as long as the relevant parts are dressed.
Date : Wed,16 Dec 2009
Time : 7pm to 10 pm
Venue : Tanjung Aru Seafood Restaurant ( same venue as for Bronya's party)
Programme: Dinner & Dance
Price : RM30 for a sit down dinner
On weekdays the venue is usually very quiet. Just nice for our crowd.
Table Leaders : Ivy, Moi Lee, Silia, Thien, Voo
Please try to gather 10 pax per table. Dancers may bring their family and friends.
Organiser: Mrs Thien
Our list of jamming dances :
1. Cumbia Semana
2. Nobody But You
3. Cha Cha
4. Aye Amor
5. Love Me Do
6. Go Mama Go
7. Speak With Your Heart
8. El Lado Oscure
9. Tap Room Boogie
10. Pop Lock & Drop
11. Why So serious
12. Scooby Do
13. Jesse James
14. Sister Kate
15. Toes
16. Action
17. Rumba Fascination
18. Music'08
19. Let's Get Loud
20. Xiang...
21. One Step At A Time
22. Time To Swing
23. Just 17
24. Boogie Shoes
25. Booty Music
26. Louisiana Swing
27. Like A Dream
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Line Dance Video of Let's Get Loud '08
Many thanks to Mariana for uploading this video to share with us.
To view the dance, Let's Get Loud '08, choreographed by Bronya, you may visit Mariana Geoffrey Lajitan at Facebook. You can also view some videos of the dances on Bronya's Social Party on 31 Oct 2009at : www.zyenhoo.comThis is the website of Sze, the lady dancing with Bronya. Read about her achievements in a very long list of dance competitions
Enjoyable dance. Good exercise for the whole body.
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Let's get Loud for next week 16 & 18 Nov 2009
Some of us find Music '08 challenging. It sure is. You need to THINK of the 3 sets of steps and dance according to the music !
Like I always say, practise makes perfect and I am sure after our 3rd or 4th lesson into this dance it will be a piece of cake. Just listen to the music a couple of times to understand the phases of the dance.
So for a break , Let's Get Loud '08 by Bronya is a cute 32 step easy little dance by comparison. Steps are very clean & neat too. Straight forward.
You may remember seeing Bronya , Sze and their friends doing this dance at our Social Dinner on the 31Oct 2009. Well, I will try my best to imitate every body action that Bronya used for this dance. Just for FUN and for a good laugh too!
Let's Get Loud 08
Choreographed by: Bronya Bishorek (Oct 08)
Music: Let's Get Loud by Jennifer Lopez (CD: On The 6 [140bpm])
Descriptions: 32 count - 4 wall - Intermediate level line dance
Start dancing on lyrics
Side, Cross Rock, Chasse Left, Cross Rock, Chasse Right
1-3 Step right to right, cross left over right, recover on right
4&5 Chasse left on left, right, left
6-7 Cross right over left, recover on left
8&1 Chasse right on right, left, right
Forward ½ Turn Right, Forward ½ Turn Left
2-3 Step left forward, ½ turn right onto right (6:00)
4&5 Chasse left forward, right, left
6-7 Step right forward, ½ turn left onto left (12:00)
8&1 Chasse right forward, left, right
Point Left, Sailor Step, Point Right, Sailor Step
2-3 Point left across right, point left to side
4&5 Step left across & behind right, step right together, step left to side
6-7 Point right across left, point right to side
8&1 Step right across & behind left, step left together, step right to right
Forward ¼ Turn Right, Forward Rock Recover, Hip Sway, Chasse Side
2-3 Step left forward, ¼ turn right onto right (3:00)
4&5 Step left forward, recover on right, step left together
6-7 Step right to right & sway hip to right, recover on left & sway hip to left
8&1 Chasse side on right, left, right
The count of one is the start of the dance again
TAG: At the END of wall 8
Paddle Turn Right With Hip Flicks, Point Left, Sailor Step
2-5 Turn ¼ right & point left to left with a hip flick. Continue doing the same for counts 3-4-5 until you finish at 12:00
6-7 Point left across right, point left to left
8&1 Step left across & behind right, step right together, step left to side
Paddle Turn Left With Hip Flicks, Cross Rock, Hip Bumps
2-5 Turn ¼ left & point right to right with a hip flick. Continue doing this for counts 3-4-5 until you finish at 12:00
6-7 Cross right over left, recover on left
8&1 Bring right next to left & bump hip right, left, step right to right
1-16 Repeat the last 16 counts and finish facing 12:00
Continue with the dance with wall 10 facing 12:00
Like I always say, practise makes perfect and I am sure after our 3rd or 4th lesson into this dance it will be a piece of cake. Just listen to the music a couple of times to understand the phases of the dance.
So for a break , Let's Get Loud '08 by Bronya is a cute 32 step easy little dance by comparison. Steps are very clean & neat too. Straight forward.
You may remember seeing Bronya , Sze and their friends doing this dance at our Social Dinner on the 31Oct 2009. Well, I will try my best to imitate every body action that Bronya used for this dance. Just for FUN and for a good laugh too!
Let's Get Loud 08
Choreographed by: Bronya Bishorek (Oct 08)
Music: Let's Get Loud by Jennifer Lopez (CD: On The 6 [140bpm])
Descriptions: 32 count - 4 wall - Intermediate level line dance
Start dancing on lyrics
Side, Cross Rock, Chasse Left, Cross Rock, Chasse Right
1-3 Step right to right, cross left over right, recover on right
4&5 Chasse left on left, right, left
6-7 Cross right over left, recover on left
8&1 Chasse right on right, left, right
Forward ½ Turn Right, Forward ½ Turn Left
2-3 Step left forward, ½ turn right onto right (6:00)
4&5 Chasse left forward, right, left
6-7 Step right forward, ½ turn left onto left (12:00)
8&1 Chasse right forward, left, right
Point Left, Sailor Step, Point Right, Sailor Step
2-3 Point left across right, point left to side
4&5 Step left across & behind right, step right together, step left to side
6-7 Point right across left, point right to side
8&1 Step right across & behind left, step left together, step right to right
Forward ¼ Turn Right, Forward Rock Recover, Hip Sway, Chasse Side
2-3 Step left forward, ¼ turn right onto right (3:00)
4&5 Step left forward, recover on right, step left together
6-7 Step right to right & sway hip to right, recover on left & sway hip to left
8&1 Chasse side on right, left, right
The count of one is the start of the dance again
TAG: At the END of wall 8
Paddle Turn Right With Hip Flicks, Point Left, Sailor Step
2-5 Turn ¼ right & point left to left with a hip flick. Continue doing the same for counts 3-4-5 until you finish at 12:00
6-7 Point left across right, point left to left
8&1 Step left across & behind right, step right together, step left to side
Paddle Turn Left With Hip Flicks, Cross Rock, Hip Bumps
2-5 Turn ¼ left & point right to right with a hip flick. Continue doing this for counts 3-4-5 until you finish at 12:00
6-7 Cross right over left, recover on left
8&1 Bring right next to left & bump hip right, left, step right to right
1-16 Repeat the last 16 counts and finish facing 12:00
Continue with the dance with wall 10 facing 12:00
Top 10 Worst Food For You
What's the TOP 10 WORST FOOD that you can eat ?
The following is a transcript from: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CZlVpthaYEs&feature=player_embedded
Worst is No.1
1. Soft Drinks
2. Doughnuts
3. French Fries
4. Hot Dogs
5. Potato Chips
6. Store-bought pastry
7. Fast Food Hamburgers
8. Bacon
9. Canned Soups
10. Fried Cat Fish
By:Nutritionist Natalie http://www.nutritionbynatalie.com/
Let's stay healthy together
Sunday, November 8, 2009
Sabah Open Dancesport Championship -oops ! sorry the closing date is over- 31 Oct 2009
Our blogspot received a comment from Dancesport Malaysia on 4 Nov 2009. I visited their website (www.dancesportmalaysia.blogspot.com) and found the following article posted on October 24, 2009. This website is very informative and I know you will find it awesome.
" ....9th Sabah Open Dancesport Championship 2009
Imperial Ballroom Dancing School of 1st Floor, Lot 6, Bornion Centre, Jalan Kolam, Luyang, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah is organizing the 9th Sabah Open Dancesport Championship 2009. This competition is endorsed by the Malaysian Dancers' Association (MDA). Further details is as follows:-
Date: December 5 2009 (Saturday)
Venue: 1Borneo Ballroom, 1Borneo Hypermall, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah
Events: Ballroom ~ Modern & Latin - Amateur (Open), Amateur (Malaysia Closed), Pre-Amateur, Novice, Pre-Novice, Senior Over 50, Senior Over 40, Senior Over 40 Rising Star, Junior Under 16, Juvenile Under 13, Juvenile Under 9, Juvenile Beginners Under 12, Juvenile Beginners Under 12 (Sabah Closed), Juvenile Beginners Under 9 (Sabah Closed), Ladies Event, Girls Under 16, Synchronized Dancing, Beginners, Line Dance
Participation: Open To Asia Pacific Countries
Closing Date For Entries: October 31 2009
The Sabah Open Dancesport Championship is an annual event organized to help raise the standard of dancesport in Sabah. Last year's competition saw the participation of about 300 competitors from some 10 countries from the Asia Pacific region. The organizer hopes to attract more competitors from more countries this year and are pulling out all the stops to make this year's event a great success.
The founder and principal of Imperial Ballroom Dancing School is Antony Keung who is actively involved in promoting ballroom dancing in Sabah, the "Land Below The Wind". For more information regarding this championship, kindly contact Antony Keung at telephone nos: 6088-253090, 6019-8213322, fax: 6088-238785 or email: ymmcimperial@yahoo.com..."
" ....9th Sabah Open Dancesport Championship 2009
Imperial Ballroom Dancing School of 1st Floor, Lot 6, Bornion Centre, Jalan Kolam, Luyang, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah is organizing the 9th Sabah Open Dancesport Championship 2009. This competition is endorsed by the Malaysian Dancers' Association (MDA). Further details is as follows:-
Date: December 5 2009 (Saturday)
Venue: 1Borneo Ballroom, 1Borneo Hypermall, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah
Events: Ballroom ~ Modern & Latin - Amateur (Open), Amateur (Malaysia Closed), Pre-Amateur, Novice, Pre-Novice, Senior Over 50, Senior Over 40, Senior Over 40 Rising Star, Junior Under 16, Juvenile Under 13, Juvenile Under 9, Juvenile Beginners Under 12, Juvenile Beginners Under 12 (Sabah Closed), Juvenile Beginners Under 9 (Sabah Closed), Ladies Event, Girls Under 16, Synchronized Dancing, Beginners, Line Dance
Participation: Open To Asia Pacific Countries
Closing Date For Entries: October 31 2009
The Sabah Open Dancesport Championship is an annual event organized to help raise the standard of dancesport in Sabah. Last year's competition saw the participation of about 300 competitors from some 10 countries from the Asia Pacific region. The organizer hopes to attract more competitors from more countries this year and are pulling out all the stops to make this year's event a great success.
The founder and principal of Imperial Ballroom Dancing School is Antony Keung who is actively involved in promoting ballroom dancing in Sabah, the "Land Below The Wind". For more information regarding this championship, kindly contact Antony Keung at telephone nos: 6088-253090, 6019-8213322, fax: 6088-238785 or email: ymmcimperial@yahoo.com..."
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Are we now called athletes in Line Dance?
Line Dance is today recognised as a Dance Sports. Work is in progress by The United Country Western Dance Council (UCWDC) to include Line Dance in the next World Olympics Games . A permanent UCWDC Olympic Competition Organizing Committee was recently formed.
The UCWDC, based in USA is an international organization which promotes country western dance and Line Dance throughout the World
What Is LineDanceSport?
There are 3 types of dancers participating in Line Dance Sport:-
1.It's ballroom dancing, but..... solo or in groups
2.It's line dancing,..... using the standard ballroom techniques and styling.(we are trying to do this now !)
3.It's social dancing with a group, where we all perform the same choreography together.
Most of us would fit into category 2 & 3. It's a ton of fun, for everyone, from beginners to world class dancers!
"In USA, there is now a focus on turning all dance forms, including Line Dance and Country Western Dance into recognized Olympic Sports.
The entire UCWDC is committed to helping every School, College and University around the world start or extend their physical education program by including Line Dance and Country Western Dance in their curricula by providing free video study aids as well as free dance instruction classes for their instructors"
.....extract from the UCWDC website.(www.ucwdc.org)
The UCWDC, based in USA is an international organization which promotes country western dance and Line Dance throughout the World
What Is LineDanceSport?
There are 3 types of dancers participating in Line Dance Sport:-
1.It's ballroom dancing, but..... solo or in groups
2.It's line dancing,..... using the standard ballroom techniques and styling.(we are trying to do this now !)
3.It's social dancing with a group, where we all perform the same choreography together.
Most of us would fit into category 2 & 3. It's a ton of fun, for everyone, from beginners to world class dancers!
"In USA, there is now a focus on turning all dance forms, including Line Dance and Country Western Dance into recognized Olympic Sports.
The entire UCWDC is committed to helping every School, College and University around the world start or extend their physical education program by including Line Dance and Country Western Dance in their curricula by providing free video study aids as well as free dance instruction classes for their instructors"
.....extract from the UCWDC website.(www.ucwdc.org)
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Music'08 For next week 9 Nov & 11 Nov 2009
A modern cha cha cha.
An energetic and vibrant dance Music'08, choreographed by Bronya to a great track, Please Don't Stop the Music by Rihanna. This dance was performed by Bronya and Sze during our Social Night on 31 Oct recently.I was attracted to this dance firstly because of the song and secondly by the energy flow that comes from watching the dance.
Although this is a phrased dance with 3 sections of 32 counts each, it is manageable as the steps are clean and the body movements are neat & strong. We shall learn better coordinaton with our legs & body movements with this dance.
Same dance for Mon & Wed as lots of revision required. For this dance and others as well.
I have downloaded this video for your easy revision. Screen is a teeny weeny small but its ready to roll.
Music 08
Choreographed by: Bronya Bishorek (Jun 09)
Music: Please Don't Stop The Music by Rihanna
Descriptions: Ph count - 2 wall - Intermediate level line dance
Count In: 64 cts
Sequence: AAA BB AA BB C A BB C+½
PART A (32 counts)
Walks - Slow, Slow, Quick, Quick, Quick, Cha Cha Cha
1-4 Walk f/wd LF, hold, walk f/wd RF, hold
5-7 Walk f/wd - LF, RF, LF
8&1 Cha cha lock step f/wd - RF, LF, RF
Forward, Sit, Cross Point, Cross Point, Paddle Roll
2-3 Step f/wd LF, ½ pivot turn R (weight remains on LF) & sit
4-5 Stand up and step RF across [5:00], point LF to L
6-7 Step LF across [7:00], point RF to R
8&1 ¼ turn L & point RF to R [3:00], ¼ turn L & point RF to R [12:00]
(roll your hips ACW as you perform this step to make it sexier)
Cross, Drag, Cha Cha Cha, Prep, Spin, Sailor Step
2-3 Step RF across [11:00], 3/8 pivot turn R (weight remains on RF) & pull L toe next to R heel [3:00]
4&5 Cha cha lock step f/wd - LF, RF, LF
6-7 Step f/wd RF (prepare shoulders for R turn), ¾ spin turn R [12:00] (finish with weight on LF)
8&1 Sailor step - RF, LF, RF
Cross, Hitch, Cross Ball Half, Cross, Sweep, Sailor Step
2-3 Step LF across [1:00], ¼ pivot L (weight on LF) & hitch R knee [11:00]
4&5 Step RF f/wd [11:00], step ball of LF next to R heel, turn more then 5/8 R & step RF f/wd [6:00]
6-7 Step LF across [7:00], recover on RF & sweep LF from front to back
8& Step LF behind & across R, step RF next to L
(this is like a sailor step that then joins onto whatever the next part is on the count of 1)
PART B (32 counts)
Cross Side Step, Cross Side Step, Cross Side Step, Cross Turn Right
1&2 Step LF across [1:00], step RF to R side, step LF in place
3&4 Step RF across [11:00], step LF to L side, step RF in place
5&6 Step LF across [1:00], step RF to R side, step LF in place
7-8 Step RF across [11:00], 5/8 pivot turn R & drag L toe to R heel [6:00]
(weight remains on RF)
Cross Side Step, Cross Side Step, Cross Side Step, Cross Turn Right
(on opposite wall)
1&2 Step LF across [1:00], step RF to R side, step LF in place
3&4 Step RF across [11:00], step LF to L side, step RF in place
5&6 Step LF across [1:00], step RF to R side, step LF in place
7-8 Step RF across [11:00], 5/8 pivot turn R & drag L toe to R heel [6:00]
(weight remains on RF)
Cross Hip Bump, Cross Hip Bump, Walk, Walk, Hip Flick, Hip Flick
1&2 Step LF across [1:00], step ball of RF next to L, step LF in place
(flick your hip on the count of '&')
3&4 Step RF across [11:00], step ball of LF next to R, step RF in place
(flick your hip on the count of '&')
5-6 Cross walk f/wd - LF [1:00], RF [11:00]
7&8 ¼ turn R [3:00] & point LF to L while flicking hip, pull in LF, ¼ turn R [6:00] & point LF to L
Cross Hip Bump, Cross Hip Bump, Walk, Walk, Hip Flick, Hip Flick
(on opposite wall)
1&2 Step LF across [1:00], step ball of RF next to L, step LF in place
(flick your hip on the count of '&')
3&4 Step RF across [11:00], step ball of LF next to R, step RF in place
(flick your hip on the count of '&')
5-6 Cross walk f/wd - LF [1:00], RF [11:00]
7&8 ¼ turn R [3:00] & point LF to L while flicking hip, pull in LF, ¼ turn R [6:00] & point LF to L
PART C (32 counts)
F/Wd Rock, Cha Cha Turn, F/Wd Rock, Cha Cha Half
1-2 Step f/wd LF, recover back RF
3&4 ½ turn L step f/wd LF [6:00], ½ turn L step b/wd RF [12:00], ½ turn L step f/wd LF [6:00]
5-6 Step f/wd RF, recover back on LF
7&8 ¼ turn R step RF to R, step LF next to R, ¼ turn R step RF f/wd
Cross Box ¼ Side, Cross Box ¼ Side
1-2 Step LF across, step RF back
3-4 ¼ turn L step LF f/wd [9:00], step RF to side
5-6 Step LF across, step RF back
7-8 ¼ turn L step LF f/wd [6:00], step RF to side
F/Wd Rock, Cha Cha Turn, F/Wd Rock, Cha Cha Half
(on opposite wall)
1-2 Step f/wd LF, recover back RF
3&4 ½ turn L step f/wd LF [6:00], ½ turn L step b/wd RF [12:00], ½ turn L step f/wd LF [6:00]
5-6 Step f/wd RF, recover back on LF
7&8 ¼ turn R step RF to R, step LF next to R, ¼ turn R step RF f/wd
Cross Box ¼ Side, Cross Box ¼ Side
1-2 Step LF across, step RF back
3-4 ¼ turn L step LF f/wd [9:00], step RF to side
5-6 Step LF across, step RF back
7-8 ¼ turn L step LF f/wd [6:00], step RF to side
Have Fun!
For a more challenging workout, try this sequence which starts on the word 'music' in the beginning of the song "Please don't stop the music..."
Challenge sequence : BB AAA BB AA BB C A BB C+½
An energetic and vibrant dance Music'08, choreographed by Bronya to a great track, Please Don't Stop the Music by Rihanna. This dance was performed by Bronya and Sze during our Social Night on 31 Oct recently.I was attracted to this dance firstly because of the song and secondly by the energy flow that comes from watching the dance.
Although this is a phrased dance with 3 sections of 32 counts each, it is manageable as the steps are clean and the body movements are neat & strong. We shall learn better coordinaton with our legs & body movements with this dance.
Same dance for Mon & Wed as lots of revision required. For this dance and others as well.
I have downloaded this video for your easy revision. Screen is a teeny weeny small but its ready to roll.
Music 08
Choreographed by: Bronya Bishorek (Jun 09)
Music: Please Don't Stop The Music by Rihanna
Descriptions: Ph count - 2 wall - Intermediate level line dance
Count In: 64 cts
Sequence: AAA BB AA BB C A BB C+½
PART A (32 counts)
Walks - Slow, Slow, Quick, Quick, Quick, Cha Cha Cha
1-4 Walk f/wd LF, hold, walk f/wd RF, hold
5-7 Walk f/wd - LF, RF, LF
8&1 Cha cha lock step f/wd - RF, LF, RF
Forward, Sit, Cross Point, Cross Point, Paddle Roll
2-3 Step f/wd LF, ½ pivot turn R (weight remains on LF) & sit
4-5 Stand up and step RF across [5:00], point LF to L
6-7 Step LF across [7:00], point RF to R
8&1 ¼ turn L & point RF to R [3:00], ¼ turn L & point RF to R [12:00]
(roll your hips ACW as you perform this step to make it sexier)
Cross, Drag, Cha Cha Cha, Prep, Spin, Sailor Step
2-3 Step RF across [11:00], 3/8 pivot turn R (weight remains on RF) & pull L toe next to R heel [3:00]
4&5 Cha cha lock step f/wd - LF, RF, LF
6-7 Step f/wd RF (prepare shoulders for R turn), ¾ spin turn R [12:00] (finish with weight on LF)
8&1 Sailor step - RF, LF, RF
Cross, Hitch, Cross Ball Half, Cross, Sweep, Sailor Step
2-3 Step LF across [1:00], ¼ pivot L (weight on LF) & hitch R knee [11:00]
4&5 Step RF f/wd [11:00], step ball of LF next to R heel, turn more then 5/8 R & step RF f/wd [6:00]
6-7 Step LF across [7:00], recover on RF & sweep LF from front to back
8& Step LF behind & across R, step RF next to L
(this is like a sailor step that then joins onto whatever the next part is on the count of 1)
PART B (32 counts)
Cross Side Step, Cross Side Step, Cross Side Step, Cross Turn Right
1&2 Step LF across [1:00], step RF to R side, step LF in place
3&4 Step RF across [11:00], step LF to L side, step RF in place
5&6 Step LF across [1:00], step RF to R side, step LF in place
7-8 Step RF across [11:00], 5/8 pivot turn R & drag L toe to R heel [6:00]
(weight remains on RF)
Cross Side Step, Cross Side Step, Cross Side Step, Cross Turn Right
(on opposite wall)
1&2 Step LF across [1:00], step RF to R side, step LF in place
3&4 Step RF across [11:00], step LF to L side, step RF in place
5&6 Step LF across [1:00], step RF to R side, step LF in place
7-8 Step RF across [11:00], 5/8 pivot turn R & drag L toe to R heel [6:00]
(weight remains on RF)
Cross Hip Bump, Cross Hip Bump, Walk, Walk, Hip Flick, Hip Flick
1&2 Step LF across [1:00], step ball of RF next to L, step LF in place
(flick your hip on the count of '&')
3&4 Step RF across [11:00], step ball of LF next to R, step RF in place
(flick your hip on the count of '&')
5-6 Cross walk f/wd - LF [1:00], RF [11:00]
7&8 ¼ turn R [3:00] & point LF to L while flicking hip, pull in LF, ¼ turn R [6:00] & point LF to L
Cross Hip Bump, Cross Hip Bump, Walk, Walk, Hip Flick, Hip Flick
(on opposite wall)
1&2 Step LF across [1:00], step ball of RF next to L, step LF in place
(flick your hip on the count of '&')
3&4 Step RF across [11:00], step ball of LF next to R, step RF in place
(flick your hip on the count of '&')
5-6 Cross walk f/wd - LF [1:00], RF [11:00]
7&8 ¼ turn R [3:00] & point LF to L while flicking hip, pull in LF, ¼ turn R [6:00] & point LF to L
PART C (32 counts)
F/Wd Rock, Cha Cha Turn, F/Wd Rock, Cha Cha Half
1-2 Step f/wd LF, recover back RF
3&4 ½ turn L step f/wd LF [6:00], ½ turn L step b/wd RF [12:00], ½ turn L step f/wd LF [6:00]
5-6 Step f/wd RF, recover back on LF
7&8 ¼ turn R step RF to R, step LF next to R, ¼ turn R step RF f/wd
Cross Box ¼ Side, Cross Box ¼ Side
1-2 Step LF across, step RF back
3-4 ¼ turn L step LF f/wd [9:00], step RF to side
5-6 Step LF across, step RF back
7-8 ¼ turn L step LF f/wd [6:00], step RF to side
F/Wd Rock, Cha Cha Turn, F/Wd Rock, Cha Cha Half
(on opposite wall)
1-2 Step f/wd LF, recover back RF
3&4 ½ turn L step f/wd LF [6:00], ½ turn L step b/wd RF [12:00], ½ turn L step f/wd LF [6:00]
5-6 Step f/wd RF, recover back on LF
7&8 ¼ turn R step RF to R, step LF next to R, ¼ turn R step RF f/wd
Cross Box ¼ Side, Cross Box ¼ Side
1-2 Step LF across, step RF back
3-4 ¼ turn L step LF f/wd [9:00], step RF to side
5-6 Step LF across, step RF back
7-8 ¼ turn L step LF f/wd [6:00], step RF to side
Have Fun!
For a more challenging workout, try this sequence which starts on the word 'music' in the beginning of the song "Please don't stop the music..."
Challenge sequence : BB AAA BB AA BB C A BB C+½
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
1 2 Step by Bronya
Many apologies for the last minute cancellation of class on Monday 2 Nov2009 - there was a church service at 7.30pm to celebrate All Souls Day.
The dance for wed 4 Nov will be 1 2 Step choreographed by Bronya.The music is by the same name too, by Ciara. Its an easy & fun hip hop dance to a lively track. Actually the dance is more funky than hip hop due to our age...ha ha . Real Hip Hop is best for dancers in their twenties & younger !
Enjoy the peformance by Ciara below:-
No step sheet or video clip of this line dance is available.
The dance for wed 4 Nov will be 1 2 Step choreographed by Bronya.The music is by the same name too, by Ciara. Its an easy & fun hip hop dance to a lively track. Actually the dance is more funky than hip hop due to our age...ha ha . Real Hip Hop is best for dancers in their twenties & younger !
Enjoy the peformance by Ciara below:-
No step sheet or video clip of this line dance is available.
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Video clips of Bronya's Teach in KK on 30 Oct 2009
Rumba Fascination
We asked Bronya to stylised this line dance for us in a very simple manner so that we can actually express ourselves when danced it. Bronya has beautifully done it.
Since this is a very basic rumba dance we can follow a similar styling for other rumba dances.
(refer to step sheet in our earlier posting)
El Lado Oscure (refer to our earlier posting for stepsheet)
A very simple dance stylised by Bronya for our dancing pleasure. A plain choreography is now transformed into a pretty dance. To give the dance a lively cha cha flavour it is recommended that we dance to a more upbeat cha cha music. A cha is supposed to be cheeky and playful.
We can try to apply a similar styling to other cha cha dances.
We asked Bronya to stylised this line dance for us in a very simple manner so that we can actually express ourselves when danced it. Bronya has beautifully done it.
Since this is a very basic rumba dance we can follow a similar styling for other rumba dances.
(refer to step sheet in our earlier posting)
El Lado Oscure (refer to our earlier posting for stepsheet)
A very simple dance stylised by Bronya for our dancing pleasure. A plain choreography is now transformed into a pretty dance. To give the dance a lively cha cha flavour it is recommended that we dance to a more upbeat cha cha music. A cha is supposed to be cheeky and playful.
We can try to apply a similar styling to other cha cha dances.
Saturday, October 31, 2009
Inspiration & Motivation to dance from Bronya
PLease see the following youtube clips to see Bronya demonstrating many beautiful dances for us.( more will be added as soon as our Mariana is ready. TQ Mariana)
It is indeed an eye opener to see how a dance looks when it is danced from the heart - the dance speaks to you . It is such a pleasure to watch Bronya dance.
Bronya is indeed a firm teacher with a sense of fun and she has the passion to instill the importance of technique in all dance forms as Technique is the most important foundation for all dancers.
Bronya has imparted some foundation technique for cha cha and rumba in her workshop class with us. She has given us a variety of options to use for our styling to help us dance better. All of us are different in dance abilities and may not be comfortable in some of the body movements & hand actions. Therefore only adopt the selected movements to suit you or make you comfortable and help you to MOVE YOUR BODY
Some of us are sometimes so busy trying to remember steps that we get stressed out just to recall all the patterns,tags & restarts for so many different dances. As a result when we dance we dance from the brain ! No feelings, no expression. We don't get the HAPPY DANCING feel. Now I understand why some say, Line Dance can be stressful !
However we exercise our brains and improve our stamina as we get a good sweat out after each line dance class. Still GOOD, better than no exercise !
For the next week or so, we shall try to learn from Bronya and improve ourselves - try to dance from our heart and allow our body to move from our body core centre and really feel every movement of the dance. The Rumba Fascination is so tiring and leaves you breathless when the music finishes ! The same goes for El Lada Oscure.
USE OUR BRAIN TO MEMORISE THE STEPS and USE OUR BODY/HEART TO DANCE - That's when Rhythm & movement comes together. Not easy but we can try.
I shall also share with you a simple & fun Hip Hop dance choreographed by Bronya, 1 2 step, song of the same title by Ciara (no written step sheet available)
Lastly I just want to say "You don't have to dance like Bronya. Just be yourself , dance your style, dance from your heart. And always improve yourself."
Happy Dancing!
It is indeed an eye opener to see how a dance looks when it is danced from the heart - the dance speaks to you . It is such a pleasure to watch Bronya dance.
Bronya is indeed a firm teacher with a sense of fun and she has the passion to instill the importance of technique in all dance forms as Technique is the most important foundation for all dancers.
Bronya has imparted some foundation technique for cha cha and rumba in her workshop class with us. She has given us a variety of options to use for our styling to help us dance better. All of us are different in dance abilities and may not be comfortable in some of the body movements & hand actions. Therefore only adopt the selected movements to suit you or make you comfortable and help you to MOVE YOUR BODY
Some of us are sometimes so busy trying to remember steps that we get stressed out just to recall all the patterns,tags & restarts for so many different dances. As a result when we dance we dance from the brain ! No feelings, no expression. We don't get the HAPPY DANCING feel. Now I understand why some say, Line Dance can be stressful !
However we exercise our brains and improve our stamina as we get a good sweat out after each line dance class. Still GOOD, better than no exercise !
For the next week or so, we shall try to learn from Bronya and improve ourselves - try to dance from our heart and allow our body to move from our body core centre and really feel every movement of the dance. The Rumba Fascination is so tiring and leaves you breathless when the music finishes ! The same goes for El Lada Oscure.
USE OUR BRAIN TO MEMORISE THE STEPS and USE OUR BODY/HEART TO DANCE - That's when Rhythm & movement comes together. Not easy but we can try.
I shall also share with you a simple & fun Hip Hop dance choreographed by Bronya, 1 2 step, song of the same title by Ciara (no written step sheet available)
Lastly I just want to say "You don't have to dance like Bronya. Just be yourself , dance your style, dance from your heart. And always improve yourself."
Happy Dancing!
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Jamming List for Bronya's Party on Saturday 31 Oct 2009
This line dance social - a dinner & dance is opened to all line dancers to gather together, chit chat, eat & dance. Guest of Honour - Bronya Bishorek.
venue: Tanjung Aru Seafood Restaurant, (opposite Waikiki)
time : 7 to 11 pm
Attire : Casual
(We will be dancing in the open area beside the beach. The floor is tiled.If it rains we shall dance in the restaurant.)
Our list of jamming dances :
1. Cumbia Semana
2. Nobody But You
3. Cha Cha
4. Aye Amor
5. Love Me Do
6. Go Mama Go
7. Speak With Your Heart
8. El Lado Oscure
9. Tap Room Boogie
10. Pop Lock & Drop
11. Why So serious
12. Scooby Do
13.Jesse James
14.Sister Kate
15. Toes
16. Action
17. Rumba Fascination
Please practise so that we can burn the floor together! Its more fun if we can all do the same dances TOGETHER
venue: Tanjung Aru Seafood Restaurant, (opposite Waikiki)
time : 7 to 11 pm
Attire : Casual
(We will be dancing in the open area beside the beach. The floor is tiled.If it rains we shall dance in the restaurant.)
Our list of jamming dances :
1. Cumbia Semana
2. Nobody But You
3. Cha Cha
4. Aye Amor
5. Love Me Do
6. Go Mama Go
7. Speak With Your Heart
8. El Lado Oscure
9. Tap Room Boogie
10. Pop Lock & Drop
11. Why So serious
12. Scooby Do
13.Jesse James
14.Sister Kate
15. Toes
16. Action
17. Rumba Fascination
Please practise so that we can burn the floor together! Its more fun if we can all do the same dances TOGETHER
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Dance Survey By Kickit as at 26 Oct 2009
It is always interesting to know what are the most known dances, most favourite dances, most taught dances and most danced dances from around the world. So here goes......results from a recent survey :-
All Kickit (www.kickit.to) subscribers were invited to participate in 4 ongoing surveys.
The Top 10 results for each survey as at 26 Oct 2009 are shown here. (Due to ties, lists may show more than 10 dances.)
A. Most Known
1 Come Dance With Me by Jo Thompson
2 Tush Push by Jim Ferrazzano & Kenneth Engel
3 Cruisin' by Neil Hale
4 Electric Slide by Unknown
5 Wave On Wave by Alan G. Birchall
6 Watermelon Crawl by Sue Lipscomb
7 Chill Factor by Daniel Whittaker & Hayley Westhead
8 Dizzy by Jo Thompson
9 Waltz Across Texas by Lois & John Nielson
10 D.H.S.S. (Delicious, Hot, Strong & Sweet) by Gaye Teather
1 Bosa Nova by Phil Dennington
2 (tie) Chill Factor by Daniel Whittaker & Hayley Westhead
Come Dance With Me by Jo Thompson
4 Rio by Diana Lowery
5 Rebel Amor by Roy Verdonk & Wil Bos
6 (tie) Amame by Robbie McGowan Hickie
Bomshel Stomp by Jamie Marshall & Karen Hedges
Dizzy by Jo Thompson
Zjozzys Funk by Petra Van de Velde
10 (tie) Crazy Foot Mambo by Paul McAdam
Islands In The Stream by Karen Jones
C.Most Taught
1 Cumbia Semana by Ira Weisburd
2 Chica Boom Boom by Vikki Morris
3 (tie) Mamma Maria by Frank Trace
Toes by Rachael McEnaney
5 Cool Chick by Robbie McGowan Hickie
6 Louisiana Swing by Kate Sala & Robbie McGowan Hickie
7 Mojo Rhythm by Rob Fowler
8 (tie) Ah Si! by Rita Masur
Sag, Drag & Fall by Frank Trace
10 People Are Crazy by Will Craig
D.Most Danced
1 Cumbia Semana by Ira Weisburd
2 Chica Boom Boom by Vikki Morris
3 Toes by Rachael McEnaney
4 Bosa Nova by Phil Dennington
5 Mamma Maria by Frank Trace
6 (tie) Cool Chick by Robbie McGowan Hickie
Country As Can Be by Suzanne Wilson
Louisiana Swing by Kate Sala & Robbie McGowan Hickie
Mojo Rhythm by Rob Fowler
10 (tie) Go Mama Go by Kate Sala & Robbie McGowan Hickie
Roomba by Guyton Mundy
All Kickit (www.kickit.to) subscribers were invited to participate in 4 ongoing surveys.
The Top 10 results for each survey as at 26 Oct 2009 are shown here. (Due to ties, lists may show more than 10 dances.)
A. Most Known
1 Come Dance With Me by Jo Thompson
2 Tush Push by Jim Ferrazzano & Kenneth Engel
3 Cruisin' by Neil Hale
4 Electric Slide by Unknown
5 Wave On Wave by Alan G. Birchall
6 Watermelon Crawl by Sue Lipscomb
7 Chill Factor by Daniel Whittaker & Hayley Westhead
8 Dizzy by Jo Thompson
9 Waltz Across Texas by Lois & John Nielson
10 D.H.S.S. (Delicious, Hot, Strong & Sweet) by Gaye Teather
1 Bosa Nova by Phil Dennington
2 (tie) Chill Factor by Daniel Whittaker & Hayley Westhead
Come Dance With Me by Jo Thompson
4 Rio by Diana Lowery
5 Rebel Amor by Roy Verdonk & Wil Bos
6 (tie) Amame by Robbie McGowan Hickie
Bomshel Stomp by Jamie Marshall & Karen Hedges
Dizzy by Jo Thompson
Zjozzys Funk by Petra Van de Velde
10 (tie) Crazy Foot Mambo by Paul McAdam
Islands In The Stream by Karen Jones
C.Most Taught
1 Cumbia Semana by Ira Weisburd
2 Chica Boom Boom by Vikki Morris
3 (tie) Mamma Maria by Frank Trace
Toes by Rachael McEnaney
5 Cool Chick by Robbie McGowan Hickie
6 Louisiana Swing by Kate Sala & Robbie McGowan Hickie
7 Mojo Rhythm by Rob Fowler
8 (tie) Ah Si! by Rita Masur
Sag, Drag & Fall by Frank Trace
10 People Are Crazy by Will Craig
D.Most Danced
1 Cumbia Semana by Ira Weisburd
2 Chica Boom Boom by Vikki Morris
3 Toes by Rachael McEnaney
4 Bosa Nova by Phil Dennington
5 Mamma Maria by Frank Trace
6 (tie) Cool Chick by Robbie McGowan Hickie
Country As Can Be by Suzanne Wilson
Louisiana Swing by Kate Sala & Robbie McGowan Hickie
Mojo Rhythm by Rob Fowler
10 (tie) Go Mama Go by Kate Sala & Robbie McGowan Hickie
Roomba by Guyton Mundy
Let's put more Rhythm / Action in our Line Dance
The video clip below on a line dance competition demonstrates how some simple body expressions can make a line dance so exciting and makes the dancer enjoy the dance even more. We can try out a few of these body movements , practise them and hey, its great exercise for us too!
Age is just a number for dancers and here we see that dancers of all ages can enjoy the same dance together
Age is just a number for dancers and here we see that dancers of all ages can enjoy the same dance together
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Rumba Fascination For Wed 28 Oct 2009
This is a very basic Rumba Line Dance which was used in the recent Line Dance Competitions as shown below.The steps are easy with the difficulty in HOLDING count 1 and 5. We do not aim to add all the body expressions - just the ones that we feel comfortable with!
For this coming Fri, Bronya will show us the styling of all 3 dances (instead of just 2 , as mentioned in our last posting ):-
1. Speak With Your Heart
2. El Lado Oscure
3. Rumba Fascination
We must therefore master all the steps before her class. All 3 dances have very easy steps.
If time permits, we shall also teach this dance for the Monday class so that we have sufficient revision before Bronya's class.
Please link to yipee.sg to view the stepsheet:-
Rumba Fascination
Choreographed by: Nic Bartlam (May 06)
Music: Fascination by Kem (option music to be used: The Way You Look Tonight by Michael Buble)
Descriptions: 32 count - 2 wall - Intermediate level line dance
1 Step left to left side
2-3 Rock back on right recover weight back on to left
4-5 Step forward on right, hold
6-7 Step forward on left, turn ½ turn left stepping back on right
8-1 Step back on left, hold
2-3 Close right to left, step forward on left
4-5 Step forward on right, hold
6-7 Rock left to left side, replace weight back on to right
8-1 Close left to right, hold
For added style use the hips on count 6 and 7
2-3 Rock right to right side, replace weight back on to left
For added style use the hips again on count 2 and 3
& Cross right behind left
4-5 Sweep left foot from front to back over the 2 counts (weight stays on right)
6-7 Cross left behind right, step right to right side
8-1 Cross left in front of right, hold
2-3-4 Step right to right side as you sway hips right, left right (weight finishes on right)
5 Hold
6-7 Turn ¼ right stepping forward on left, pivot ½ turn right (weight ends on right)
8-1 Turn ¼ turn right stepping left to left side, hold
After turning ¼ turn to right and stepping to side with left and holding you are ready to start the dance again with the rock back with right foot
For this coming Fri, Bronya will show us the styling of all 3 dances (instead of just 2 , as mentioned in our last posting ):-
1. Speak With Your Heart
2. El Lado Oscure
3. Rumba Fascination
We must therefore master all the steps before her class. All 3 dances have very easy steps.
If time permits, we shall also teach this dance for the Monday class so that we have sufficient revision before Bronya's class.
Please link to yipee.sg to view the stepsheet:-
Rumba Fascination
Choreographed by: Nic Bartlam (May 06)
Music: Fascination by Kem (option music to be used: The Way You Look Tonight by Michael Buble)
Descriptions: 32 count - 2 wall - Intermediate level line dance
1 Step left to left side
2-3 Rock back on right recover weight back on to left
4-5 Step forward on right, hold
6-7 Step forward on left, turn ½ turn left stepping back on right
8-1 Step back on left, hold
2-3 Close right to left, step forward on left
4-5 Step forward on right, hold
6-7 Rock left to left side, replace weight back on to right
8-1 Close left to right, hold
For added style use the hips on count 6 and 7
2-3 Rock right to right side, replace weight back on to left
For added style use the hips again on count 2 and 3
& Cross right behind left
4-5 Sweep left foot from front to back over the 2 counts (weight stays on right)
6-7 Cross left behind right, step right to right side
8-1 Cross left in front of right, hold
2-3-4 Step right to right side as you sway hips right, left right (weight finishes on right)
5 Hold
6-7 Turn ¼ right stepping forward on left, pivot ½ turn right (weight ends on right)
8-1 Turn ¼ turn right stepping left to left side, hold
After turning ¼ turn to right and stepping to side with left and holding you are ready to start the dance again with the rock back with right foot
Line Dance Competition
Enjoy the video clip. Bear in mind, this is the SENIOR category, above 45 years old.
This group of ladies are from Malacca and BRONYA coached them for this competition.
Open Competition for Line Dance - Waltz. Every dancer is dancing the same dance with individual expressions. Pick your favourite style !
Enjoy the video clip. Bear in mind, this is the SENIOR category, above 45 years old.
This group of ladies are from Malacca and BRONYA coached them for this competition.
Open Competition for Line Dance - Waltz. Every dancer is dancing the same dance with individual expressions. Pick your favourite style !
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