Our last class for the 2009 will be on Monday , 14 Dec and our Party will be on Wed 16 Dec. We have so little time left to learn all the wonderful dances that we have lined up.
Hence, effective this Sat 21 Nov, we introduce an additional class on Sat, 3pm to 5 pm, same venue. This means we will have 10 more classes to go before we close for 2009
Our new class schedule will be as follows:-
Nov -21, 25, 28, 30 (class on 23 Nov is cancelled due to church activity)
Dec - 2, 5, 7, 9, 12, 14
(The Sat class is in BOLD letters)
Line Dance Xiang Si He Pan
We did this on Wed 18 Nov 2009. Please note the optional tag in the stepsheet
Xiang Si He Pan
Choreographed by: Leong Mei Ling (Nov 09)
Music: 相思河畔 by 蔡琴
Descriptions: 32 count - 4 wall - Intermediate level line dance
Intro: 32 counts
1-8 Sways, Cross Shuffle, 1/4 Turn Step Back, 1/4 Turn Step Side, Cross
1-3 Sway R, L, R
4&5 Cross L over R, step R to side, cross L over R
6&7 1/4 turn left step R back, 1/4 turn left step L to side, cross R over left
8&1 Rock L to side, recover R, step L across R [6:00]
9-16 1/4 Turn Step, 1/4 Sweep, Weave, Side Rock, Behind Side Forward
2-3 1/4 turn right step R forward, 1/4 right sweep L back to front [12:00]
4&5 Cross L over R, step R to side, step L behind R
6-7 Rock R to side (put some emphasis on the hips), recover to L
8&1 Cross R behind L, step L beside, step R forward
17-24 forward rock, 1 1/4 turn to the back, cross rock 1/4 right, cross rock side
2-3 Step L forward, recover to R
4&5 1/2 turn left step L forward, 1/2 left step R back, 1/4 left step L to side [9:00]
6&7 Cross R over L, recover to L, 1/4 turn right step R forward [12:00]
8&1 Cross L over R, recover to R, larger step L to side (drawing right toe towards L)
25-32 Cross, 1/4 Right Step Together, Run Forward, Back, Back, Back Rock
2-3 Cross R over L, 1/4 right step L back
&4 Close R beside L, step L forward [3:00] (RESTART here on Walls 2 [6:00] & 4 [12:00])
&5 Step forward R, step forward L and press
6-7 Recover weight to R, step back L
8& Rock back on R, recover to L
TAG: AFTER Walls 3 [9:00] & 6 [6:00]
1-2 Sway R, L
3-4 Step R beside L, step L forward
Our Option : just sway Hips to the R, hold and sway to the L, hold
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