It's Tap Room Boogie , a fast , easy & fun dance to exercise your brain & body !
You can view the 3 youtube videos as follows:-
Tap Room Boogie
Tap Room Boogie
Choreographed by: Robbie McGowan Hickie & Karl-Harry Winson, UK (Aug 09)
Music: Maxine's Tap Room Boogie by Travis Kidd (CD: Midamerica [170bpm])
Descriptions: 64 count - 4 wall - Intermediate level line dance
32 count intro - start on vocals
available as download from or iTunes
RESTART: There is one Restart, DURING Wall 3
Sec 1 Kick Ball Step, Heel Twists, Back Rock, Step, Pivot 1/4
1&2 Kick right forward. Step ball of right beside left. Step left forward.
3-4 Twist both heels left. Twist both heels back to centre (weight on right).
5-6 Rock back on left. Rock forward on right.
7-8 Step left forward. Pivot 1/4 turn right. (3:00)
Sec 2 Cross, Hold, 1/4 Turn x2, Cross, Hold, Rock 1/4 Turn
1-2 Cross step left over right. Hold.
3-4 Make 1/4 turn left stepping right back. Make 1/4 turn left stepping left to side.
5-6 Cross step right over left. Hold.
7-8 Rock left to left side. Recover onto right making 1/4 turn right. (12:00)
Sec 3 Grapevine 1/4 Turn, Hitch, Hip Bumps
1-2 Step left to left side. Cross right behind left.
3-4 Make 1/4 turn left stepping left forward. Hitch right knee.
5-8 Step right to right side bumping hips right. Bump hips left, right, left. (9:00)
Sec 4 Stomp Forward (Out-Out), Hand Brush x2, Clap x2, Finger Click x2
1-2 Stomp right forward and out to right side. Stomp left forward and out to left side.
3-4 Brush/slap both hands back and across hips. Brush/slap hands forward and across hips.
5-6 Clap hands at chest level twice.
7 Flick right hand in the air clicking fingers right.
8 Flick left hand in the air clicking fingers left.
Sec 5 Scuff, Touch, Heel Tap x2, Scuff, Touch, Heel Tap x2
1-2 Scuff right forward. Touch right toe forward.
3-4 Tap right heel to floor twice (taking weight on right).
5-6 Scuff left forward. Touch left toe forward.
7-8 Tap left heel to floor twice (taking weight on left).
Note Counts 1-8 above should travel forward slightly.
Sec 6 Forward Rock, Side, Rock, Jazz Box 1/4 Turn
1-2 Rock forward on right. Rock back on left.
3-4 Rock right to right side. Recover onto left.
5-6 Cross step right over left. Step left back.
7-8 Make 1/4 turn right stepping right forward. Step left forward.
RESTART Wall 3: Restart dance again from beginning at this point (facing 6:00)
Sec 7 Dwight Swivels, Chasse, Back Rock
1 Swivel left heel to right touching right toe beside left instep. (12:00)
2 Swivel left toe to right touching right heel diagonally forward right.
3 Swivel left heel to right touching right toe beside left instep.
4 Swivel left toe to right touching right heel diagonally forward right.
5&6 Step right to right side. Close left beside right. Step right to right side.
7-8 Rock back on left. Rock forward on right.
Sec 8 1/4 Turn, 1/2 Turn, Step, Scuff, Step, Pivot 1/2, Step, Pivot 1/2
1-2 Make 1/4 turn right stepping left back. Make 1/2 turn right stepping right forward.
3-4 Step left forward. Scuff right forward.
5-6 Step right forward. Pivot 1/2 turn left.
7-8 Step right forward. Pivot 1/2 turn left. (9:00)
Option Counts 5 - 8: Replace with right rocking chair.
Watch it ! The Pirates of The Caribbean landed in KK on 29 Aug 2012. See all the smiling faces? They have seen their target ! Captain Hook came with sword and HOOK. Where is Captain Jack Sparrow and Blackbeard, the most feared pirate of all?? Missing Pirates are Loi, Diana, Janet , Amanda, Jeanie and Margaret Sinsua, Fung
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