After our dinner, we shall enjoy learning 2 interesting & straight forward dances:-
1. Why Don't We Just Dance - See video clip on the handsome Country Singer, Josh Turner and listen to his beautiful voice.
2. Japanese Rumba - I shall teach you the meaning of the Japanese song so that you can sing along too
We wil not have time for any revision of previous dances.
Why Don't We Just Dance
Choreographed by: Peter & Alison, TheDanceFactoryUK (Aug 09)
Music: Why Don't We Just Dance by Josh Turner (CD: Haywire [122bpm])
Descriptions: 64 count - 2 wall - Intermediate level line dance
Start 16 counts after the heavy beat kicks in
1-8 R Side Together, R Kick Ball Cross, R Side Together, R Kick Ball Cross
1-2 Step R side, step L together
3&4 Kick R forward, step R back, cross step L over R
5-8 Repeat counts 1-4
ENDING: DURING 6th wall (facing back wall) you will complete the first 8 counts. Unwind ½ L to finish facing front wall
9-16 R Side Rock & Recover, R Behind - ¼ - Fwd, L Fwd, Hold, R Ball Walk Fwd 2
1-2 Rock R side, recover weight on L
3&4 Cross step R behind L, turning ¼ left step L forward, step R forward (9 o’clock)
5-6& Step L forward, hold, step R together
7-8 Step L forward, step R forward
17-24 L Fwd Rock & Recover, L Together, R & L Side Touches, L Back Touch, ½ L Unwind, R Fwd Shuffle
1-2& Rock L forward, recover weight on R, step L together
3&4 Touch R side, step R together, touch L side
5-6 Touch L back, unwind ½ left with on L (3 o’clock)
7&8 Step R forward, step L together, step R forward
25-32 L Fwd Rock & Recover, L Together, R Fwd, ¼ L Pivot Turn, R Cross Shuffle, L Side, Hold
1-2& Rock L forward, recover weight on R, step L together
3-4 Step R forward, pivot ¼ left (12 o’clock)
5&6 Cross step R over L, step L side, cross step R over L
7-8 Step L side, hold
33-40 R Together, ¼ L & L Fwd, Hold, R & L Dorothy Steps, R Fwd Rock & Recover
&1-2 Step R together, turning ¼ left step L forward, hold (9 o’clock)
3-4& On right diagonal step R forward, lock L behind R, step R slightly forward
5-6& On left diagonal step L forward, lock R behind L, step L slightly forward
7-8 Rock R forward, recover weight on L
41-48 R Full Turn Back, R Coaster Cross, L Side Together, L Fwd Shuffle
1-2 Turning ½ right step R forward, turning ½ right step L back (9 o’clock)
3&4 Step R back, step L together, cross step R over L
5-6 Step L side, step R together
7&8 Step L forward, step R together, step L forward
49-56 R Side Shuffle, ¼ L & L Side Shuffle, R Fwd Shuffle, L Fwd Rock & Recover
1&2 Step R side, step L together, step R side
3&4 Turning ¼ left step L side, step R together, step L side (6 o’clock)
5&6 Step R forward, step L together, step R forward
7-8 Rock L forward, recover weight on R
57-64 L Full Turning Shuffles, L Coaster Step, R Kick Ball Cross
1&2 Turning ½ left step L forward, step R together, step L forward
3&4 Turning ½ left step R back, step L together, step R back (6 o’clock)
5&6 Step L back, step R together, step L forward
7&8 Kick R forward, step R back, cross step L over R
TAG: At END of wall 4 ADD the following 8 count tag: (you will be facing front wall)
1-2 Rock R side, recover weight on L
3&4 Cross step R behind L, step L side, cross step R over L
5-6 Rock L side, recover weight on R
7&8 Cross step L behind R, step R side, cross step L over R
Japanese Rumba
Choreographed by: Kenny Teh, Malaysia (Aug 09)
Music: Japanese Rumba Coconut Remix by Towa Tei
Descriptions: 64 count - 4 wall - Beginner/Intermediate level line dance
Start dance on vocals. (19 sec from start of music)
1-4 Step L, hold, step R to R, step L together
5-8 Step R to R, hold, step L to L, step R together
1-4 ½ turn L step fwd L, sweep R from back to front, cross R over L, step L to L (6.00)
5-8 Step R behind L, sweep L from front to back, step L behind R, step R to R
1-4 Cross L over R, hold, recover R, step L to L
5-8 Cross R over L, hold, recover L, step R to R
1-4 ¼ turn R step L fwd, kick R, step back R, cross L over R (9.00)
5-8 Step back R, touch L over R, touch L to L, flick L behind R while making ¼ turn L
1-4 Step L fwd, hold, step R fwd, step L together (6.00)
5-8 Step R fwd, hold, step L fwd, step R together
1-4 Step L fwd, ½ turn R on L hitch R, step R fwd, step L beside R (12.00)
5-8 Step R fwd, ¼ turn R on R hitch L, step L fwd, step R beside L (3.00)
1-4 Step L sway hips to the L for 2 counts, step R sway hips to the R for 2 counts
5-8 Step L, step R together, step L to L, hold
1-4 Step R making a ½ turn R, hitch L, Step L making a ½ turn R, hitch R (3.00)
5-8 Step R, step L together, step R to R, hold
Last Wall; you will be facing the front:
1-4 Step L sway hips to the L for 2 counts, step R sway hips to the R for 2 counts
5-8 Step L, step R together, step L to L, hold
1-4 Step R sway hips to the R for 2 counts, step L sway hips to the L for 2 counts
5-8 Step R, step L together, step R to R, hold
1-4 Step L sway hips to the L for 2 counts, step R sway hips to the R for 2 counts
5-8 Step L, step R together, step L to L, hold
1-4 Cross R over L, recover L, step R to R, hold
5-8 Cross L over R, recover R, step L to L, hold
1-4 Cross R over L, recover L, step R to R, hold
5-8 ¼ turn R step L fwd, pivot ½ turn R, ¼ turn R step L to L and pose……………..
Watch it ! The Pirates of The Caribbean landed in KK on 29 Aug 2012. See all the smiling faces? They have seen their target ! Captain Hook came with sword and HOOK. Where is Captain Jack Sparrow and Blackbeard, the most feared pirate of all?? Missing Pirates are Loi, Diana, Janet , Amanda, Jeanie and Margaret Sinsua, Fung
Every Mon and Wed - Zumba Fitness class
No More Line Dance classes
Sunday, January 31, 2010
Saturday, January 30, 2010
A Dinner & Dance to Celebrate our Return to the Luyang hall
Date : 3 Feb 2010, Wed
Time : 6.30pm to 9.00pm
Cost of Dinner: RM10 per head (no pork served)
Attire : wear a colourful T shirt for our photography session
6.30pm to 7.30pm- Buffet Dinner & photography session
7.30pm to 9.00pm - Dance Dance Dance
Please inform all our fellow KK Linedancers to attend our Official Homecoming Function
Dinner Menu: Only homecooked food will be served and prepared by our very own line dancers. Food that is prepared with love always taste good. Do inform me if you would like to cook a dish or two. The cost of the food will be reimbursed.
Time : 6.30pm to 9.00pm
Cost of Dinner: RM10 per head (no pork served)
Attire : wear a colourful T shirt for our photography session
6.30pm to 7.30pm- Buffet Dinner & photography session
7.30pm to 9.00pm - Dance Dance Dance
Please inform all our fellow KK Linedancers to attend our Official Homecoming Function
Dinner Menu: Only homecooked food will be served and prepared by our very own line dancers. Food that is prepared with love always taste good. Do inform me if you would like to cook a dish or two. The cost of the food will be reimbursed.
Thursday, January 28, 2010
Yoga for better health
If we are fit and healthy, we can lasts longer on the dance floor, say up to 80 years and beyond? Yoga assists us to age gracefully without all the aches and pain & its well known to be anti-ageing.
I would like to invite all of you to join my New Yoga Class as follows:-
Yoga with Beeda
...for fitness of the body & mind
A New Yoga Beginner Course
Date : 6 March 2010 (Sat)
Duration : Every Sat for 10 lessons
Time : 8.30 am to 10 am
Venue: 2nd Floor, John's Dance Academy, Bornion Centre, Luyang
Fees : RM100
Type of Yoga : Hatha Yoga ( physical exercise & breathing technique only/no meditation)
Course Instructor : Beeda, certified instructor for Beginner, Intermediate & Advance Yoga (MAYI)
Programme: A classic approach to Traditional Yoga, based on the folowing:-
1. Benefits of Yoga
2. Classic Yoga Asanas (Postures)
3. Introduction to Pranayama ( Breathing techniques)
4. Basic Cleansing techniques for the body
Why Yoga?
It is different from any other exercise in the world.
The various postures and breathing techniques in Yoga improves the nervous system, alters the electro chemical balance of the brain and results in relaxing/ destressing the body & mind. You experience an increase in Body Flexibility, Muscular Strength & Stamina. Yoga will Detoxify the body and improves your health.
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Line Dance Diary for Feb 2010
Mon - classes shall be held only on 1st ,8th, and 22nd. (cancell 15th)
Wed - classes shall be held every Wed
Sat - classes shall be held only on 6th and 20th (cancell 13th & 27th)
The CNY Line Dance Party organised by The KK Chinese Association will be held on 27 Feb 10am to 12 noon in the Foo Chow Association, Luyang.
Wed - classes shall be held every Wed
Sat - classes shall be held only on 6th and 20th (cancell 13th & 27th)
The CNY Line Dance Party organised by The KK Chinese Association will be held on 27 Feb 10am to 12 noon in the Foo Chow Association, Luyang.
Playing With Fire
Below is the latest top 10 dances from Linedancer Magazine. We shall be doing Playing With Fire for our next class.
Top Ten Dance Charts
1. Playing With Fire 6%
2. Mexicali 4%
3. You And I 3%
4. NY Cha 3%
5. Speak With Your Heart 3%
6. Louisiana Swing 3%
7. Ay Amor 2%
8. Why Don't We Just Dance 2%
9. Jesse James 2%
10. Sister Kate 2%
Danced by the Choreographer, Craig Bennet
Danced by Shaz Walton (choreographer of Do U Remember & Meet Me Halfway & Pop Lock & Drop)
Playing With Fire
Choreographed by: Craig Bennett, UK (Sept 09)
Music: Bad Boys by Alexandra Burke
Descriptions: 64 count - 4 wall - Intermediate level line dance
Step Touch Right, Step Touch Left, Step Out, Out, In, Touch Right
1-2 Step left to left side touch Right in front of left,
3-4 Step right to right side, touch left in front of right.
5-6 Step out left to left side, step out right to right side.
7-8 Step left back to centre, touch right next to left.
Step Back, Touch Left, Step Back Touch Right, Up, Down, Up, Down
1-2 Step back on Right foot, touch left toe forward.
3-4 Step back on left foot , touch right, slightly in front of left.
5-6 Keeping weight on left foot, and right foot touched, dip body, down up
7-8 Repeat counts 5-6 – dip body, down, up.
¼ Jazz Box Right, Touch, Rolling Vine Left, Touch
1-2 Cross right over left, step back left turning ¼ turn right.
3-4 Step right to right side, touch left to left side.
5-6 Step left forward into ¼ turn left, step back on right turning ½ turn left
7-8 Step left to left side turning ¼ turn left, touch right next to left.
Right Side Chasse, Left Rock Back, Recover, 4 Count Weave Left
1&2 Step right to right, side, step left to left, step right to right side
3-4 Rock back on to left foot behind right, recover weight on to right foot.
5-6 Step left to left side, step right behind left.
7-8 Step left to left side, step right across left.
Left Side Chasse, Right Rock Back Recover ¼, Full Turn Right
1&2 Step Left to left side, step right next to left, step left to left side
3-4 Rock back on to right foot behind left, recover weight onto left foot making ¼ right
5-6 Step right foot forward, step back left making 1/2 turn right
7-8 Step right foot forward making ½ turn right, step forward left
Right Kick Ball Change x2 Turning ¼ Left, Point Right, Left, Right, ¼ Left, Touch Toe
1&2 kick right foot forward, step onto Right foot, step forward left making 1/8 turn left
3&4 Kick right foot forward, step onto Right foot, step forward left making 1/8 turn left (1/4 of a turn left in total)
5&6 Point right to right side, step right back to centre, point left to left side
7&8 Make a ¼ turn left placing left heel forward, step left in place, touch right toe back
Walk Around Full Turn Left
1-2 Step right across left making ¼ turn left, hold
3-4 Step left forward making ¼ turn left, hold
5-6 Step right across left making ¼ turn left, hold
7-8 Step left forward making ¼ turn left, hold
4 Count Weave Right, ¼ Monterey Turn Right, Touch Left
1-2 Step right to right side, step left behind right
3-4 Step right to right side, step left across right
5-6 Point right to right side, step right next to left turning ¼ turn right
7-8 Point left to left side, touch left next to right
TAG: Repeated AFTER 2nd and 4th Wall
1-2 Rock forward left, recover weight onto right
3-4 Rock left to left side, recover to right side
5-6 Step back left, touch right toe forward
7-8 Step back right, touch left toe forward
Top Ten Dance Charts
1. Playing With Fire 6%
2. Mexicali 4%
3. You And I 3%
4. NY Cha 3%
5. Speak With Your Heart 3%
6. Louisiana Swing 3%
7. Ay Amor 2%
8. Why Don't We Just Dance 2%
9. Jesse James 2%
10. Sister Kate 2%
Danced by the Choreographer, Craig Bennet
Danced by Shaz Walton (choreographer of Do U Remember & Meet Me Halfway & Pop Lock & Drop)
Playing With Fire
Choreographed by: Craig Bennett, UK (Sept 09)
Music: Bad Boys by Alexandra Burke
Descriptions: 64 count - 4 wall - Intermediate level line dance
Step Touch Right, Step Touch Left, Step Out, Out, In, Touch Right
1-2 Step left to left side touch Right in front of left,
3-4 Step right to right side, touch left in front of right.
5-6 Step out left to left side, step out right to right side.
7-8 Step left back to centre, touch right next to left.
Step Back, Touch Left, Step Back Touch Right, Up, Down, Up, Down
1-2 Step back on Right foot, touch left toe forward.
3-4 Step back on left foot , touch right, slightly in front of left.
5-6 Keeping weight on left foot, and right foot touched, dip body, down up
7-8 Repeat counts 5-6 – dip body, down, up.
¼ Jazz Box Right, Touch, Rolling Vine Left, Touch
1-2 Cross right over left, step back left turning ¼ turn right.
3-4 Step right to right side, touch left to left side.
5-6 Step left forward into ¼ turn left, step back on right turning ½ turn left
7-8 Step left to left side turning ¼ turn left, touch right next to left.
Right Side Chasse, Left Rock Back, Recover, 4 Count Weave Left
1&2 Step right to right, side, step left to left, step right to right side
3-4 Rock back on to left foot behind right, recover weight on to right foot.
5-6 Step left to left side, step right behind left.
7-8 Step left to left side, step right across left.
Left Side Chasse, Right Rock Back Recover ¼, Full Turn Right
1&2 Step Left to left side, step right next to left, step left to left side
3-4 Rock back on to right foot behind left, recover weight onto left foot making ¼ right
5-6 Step right foot forward, step back left making 1/2 turn right
7-8 Step right foot forward making ½ turn right, step forward left
Right Kick Ball Change x2 Turning ¼ Left, Point Right, Left, Right, ¼ Left, Touch Toe
1&2 kick right foot forward, step onto Right foot, step forward left making 1/8 turn left
3&4 Kick right foot forward, step onto Right foot, step forward left making 1/8 turn left (1/4 of a turn left in total)
5&6 Point right to right side, step right back to centre, point left to left side
7&8 Make a ¼ turn left placing left heel forward, step left in place, touch right toe back
Walk Around Full Turn Left
1-2 Step right across left making ¼ turn left, hold
3-4 Step left forward making ¼ turn left, hold
5-6 Step right across left making ¼ turn left, hold
7-8 Step left forward making ¼ turn left, hold
4 Count Weave Right, ¼ Monterey Turn Right, Touch Left
1-2 Step right to right side, step left behind right
3-4 Step right to right side, step left across right
5-6 Point right to right side, step right next to left turning ¼ turn right
7-8 Point left to left side, touch left next to right
TAG: Repeated AFTER 2nd and 4th Wall
1-2 Rock forward left, recover weight onto right
3-4 Rock left to left side, recover to right side
5-6 Step back left, touch right toe forward
7-8 Step back right, touch left toe forward
Saturday, January 23, 2010
La Vie En Rose
For Monday (Sacred Heart Hall) we shall dance DO U REMEMBER, a repeat of last Sat's teach in the Luyang Hall. A very interesting dance to challenge your memory power. Once mastered its really not difficult at all.
For Wed (Luyang hall), we shall learn LA VIE EN ROSE. A very straight forward and relaxing dance as compared to Do U Remember. You will love the very romantic music (same singer as for Coochie Bang and Scooby Do)
La Vie En Rose
Choreographed by: Celia Chang, USA (Sep 09)
Music: La Vie En Rose by Alex Swings Oscar Sings
Descriptions: 32 count - 4 wall - Beginner/Intermediate level line dance
Intro: 32 Counts
Sec 1 1/2 Rumba Box X2 With Holds
1-4 Step Left to Left side, step Right next to Left, step Left forward, Hold
5-8 Step Right to Right side, step Left next to Right, step Right forward; Hold (12:00)
Sec 2 Rock Forward, Recover, 1/2 Turn Shuffle, Step, ½ Turn, ½ Turn Together
1-2 Rock forward Left, recover Right
3&4 Triple step ½ Left, stepping Left, Right, Left (6:00)
5-6 Step forward on Right, ½ turn Right stepping back Left
7-8 ½ Turn Right stepping Right forward, step Left beside Right (6:00)
Sec 3 Walk, Walk, Press Recover, Right Sweep Back, Left Sweep Back, ½ Turn Right Forward, Left Forward
1-2 Walk diagonal forward R, L (7:30)
3-4 Press right knee forward, recover onto left (7:30)
5-6 Sweep Right out from front to back, step Right behind Left, sweep Left out from front to back, step Left behind Right (7:30)
7-8 ½ Turn Right by stepping Right forward, step forward on Left (1:30)
Sec 4 Rock Forward, Recover, 1/8 Turn Right Side shuffle, Cross Unwind Full Turn, Sailor Cross
1-2 Rock forward on Right, recover on Left (1:30)
3&4 1/8 Turn Right, step Right to Right side, step Left next to Right, step Right to Right side (3:00)
5-6 Cross left over right, unwind full turn Right (weight on left)
7&8 Sweep Right back behind Left, step Left to Left side, step Right across Left (3:00)
RESTARTS: Dance up to 16 counts on Wall 2 and Wall 6 restart the dance
TAG: This tag is executed AFTER 16 counts of Wall 6 then restart the dance from step 1
1-4 Sway L, R, L, R
For Wed (Luyang hall), we shall learn LA VIE EN ROSE. A very straight forward and relaxing dance as compared to Do U Remember. You will love the very romantic music (same singer as for Coochie Bang and Scooby Do)
La Vie En Rose
Choreographed by: Celia Chang, USA (Sep 09)
Music: La Vie En Rose by Alex Swings Oscar Sings
Descriptions: 32 count - 4 wall - Beginner/Intermediate level line dance
Intro: 32 Counts
Sec 1 1/2 Rumba Box X2 With Holds
1-4 Step Left to Left side, step Right next to Left, step Left forward, Hold
5-8 Step Right to Right side, step Left next to Right, step Right forward; Hold (12:00)
Sec 2 Rock Forward, Recover, 1/2 Turn Shuffle, Step, ½ Turn, ½ Turn Together
1-2 Rock forward Left, recover Right
3&4 Triple step ½ Left, stepping Left, Right, Left (6:00)
5-6 Step forward on Right, ½ turn Right stepping back Left
7-8 ½ Turn Right stepping Right forward, step Left beside Right (6:00)
Sec 3 Walk, Walk, Press Recover, Right Sweep Back, Left Sweep Back, ½ Turn Right Forward, Left Forward
1-2 Walk diagonal forward R, L (7:30)
3-4 Press right knee forward, recover onto left (7:30)
5-6 Sweep Right out from front to back, step Right behind Left, sweep Left out from front to back, step Left behind Right (7:30)
7-8 ½ Turn Right by stepping Right forward, step forward on Left (1:30)
Sec 4 Rock Forward, Recover, 1/8 Turn Right Side shuffle, Cross Unwind Full Turn, Sailor Cross
1-2 Rock forward on Right, recover on Left (1:30)
3&4 1/8 Turn Right, step Right to Right side, step Left next to Right, step Right to Right side (3:00)
5-6 Cross left over right, unwind full turn Right (weight on left)
7&8 Sweep Right back behind Left, step Left to Left side, step Right across Left (3:00)
RESTARTS: Dance up to 16 counts on Wall 2 and Wall 6 restart the dance
TAG: This tag is executed AFTER 16 counts of Wall 6 then restart the dance from step 1
1-4 Sway L, R, L, R
Thursday, January 21, 2010
Chinese New Year Line Dance Party on 27 Feb 2010
Let's all join in the celebration with our fellow line dancers in KK.
Date: 27 Feb, Saturday
Time : 10am to 12 noon (lunch will be served)
Venue : Foo Chow Assoc,Luyang.
Programme: Jamming as per dance list below, followed by a good lunch.
Sponsored by: KK Chinese Association under Datuk Agnes Shim.
You may bring 1. yourself 2. family 3. friends.
Please confirm on the no of pax as soon as possible.
Jamming List - we can dance to all dances in italics
1.Xi Fu / 21. Vaya Con Dios
2 Properous Tiger /22 Playing With Fire
3 Qing Zhu / 23 Roomba
4 CNY Greetings / 24 Spanish Love
5 Poco Poco / 25 Love Love Me Do
6 Amore / 26 A-Jamba-Jum
7 Rock A billy Rock /27 Cha Cha
8 Speak With Your Heart/ 28 Puppet On A Spring
9 Bailando / 29 Guantaramena
10 Tennesse Waltz Surprise /30 Funky Boogalu
11 Wanna Be Elvis / 31 Tik Tok
12 Go Mama Go / 32 Cumbia Semana
13 Nobody But You / 33 Amame
14 Qele Qele / 34 It's A Small World
15 Xiang Si He Pan / 35 Ny Cha
16 Joget Bunga Melati
17 Funky Fire Dance
18 Ay Amor
19 Little Merengue
20 Japanese Rumba
Date: 27 Feb, Saturday
Time : 10am to 12 noon (lunch will be served)
Venue : Foo Chow Assoc,Luyang.
Programme: Jamming as per dance list below, followed by a good lunch.
Sponsored by: KK Chinese Association under Datuk Agnes Shim.
You may bring 1. yourself 2. family 3. friends.
Please confirm on the no of pax as soon as possible.
Jamming List - we can dance to all dances in italics
1.Xi Fu / 21. Vaya Con Dios
2 Properous Tiger /22 Playing With Fire
3 Qing Zhu / 23 Roomba
4 CNY Greetings / 24 Spanish Love
5 Poco Poco / 25 Love Love Me Do
6 Amore / 26 A-Jamba-Jum
7 Rock A billy Rock /27 Cha Cha
8 Speak With Your Heart/ 28 Puppet On A Spring
9 Bailando / 29 Guantaramena
10 Tennesse Waltz Surprise /30 Funky Boogalu
11 Wanna Be Elvis / 31 Tik Tok
12 Go Mama Go / 32 Cumbia Semana
13 Nobody But You / 33 Amame
14 Qele Qele / 34 It's A Small World
15 Xiang Si He Pan / 35 Ny Cha
16 Joget Bunga Melati
17 Funky Fire Dance
18 Ay Amor
19 Little Merengue
20 Japanese Rumba
Do U Remember?
Do U Remember our Luyang Hall? We are going for a test run this Saturday, 23 Jan at 2.30pm for our class. And the name of the dance is DO U REMEMBER. Suitable name ?Listen to the song a few times to be familiar with its varied rhythm in order to catch the perfect timing of the beautiful dance.
If all goes well, we will be back to the Hall every Wed 7.30pm (new dance) and Sat 2.30pm (new dance). Our Monday class 7.30pm (repeat of Wed & Sat dances) will still be in the Sacred Heart Hall.
I hope most of you can attend the 3 classes.
Do U Remember
Choreographed by: Shaz Walton (Dec 09)
Music: Do You Remember by Jay Sean ft Sean Paul & Lil Jon
Descriptions: 64 count - 2 wall - Intermediate level line dance
32 count intro.... on 'I've been’
Side. Touch. ¼ Kick Ball Touch. Side. Touch. ¼ Kick Ball Touch. Step. Heel.
1-2 Step right to right side. Touch left beside right.
3&4 Make ¼ left as you kick left forward. Step left beside right. Touch right beside left
5-6 Step right to right side. Touch left beside right.
7&8 Make ¼ left as you kick left forward. Step left beside right. Touch right beside left
&1 Step right beside left. Touch left heel forward.
Step. Brush/Kick. ½ Brush Back. Brush/Kick Forward. Cross. Step. Extended Shuffle Forward.
&2-3 Step left beside right. Brush right forward. Make ½ left as you kick/flick right back.
4-&5 Brush right forward. Brush right across left. Step right over left.
6 Step left forward.
7&8 Step right forward. Step left beside right. Step right forward.
&1 Step left beside right. Step right forward.
(**2nd RESTART – wall 6)
Hold. Ball. Walk. Press. Coaster Steps X2
2-&3 Hold. Step left beside right. walk forward right.
4 Press forward on left
5&6 step back right. Step back left. Step forward right
7&8 Step back left. Step back right. Step forward left.
Hop/Hitch . Walk Back X2. Coaster Cross. Side Rock. Recover. Together. Side Rock. Recover. ¼ Together.
&1-2 Hitch right up. Step back on right. Step back left.
3&4 Step back right. Step back left. Cross step right over left
5&6 Rock left to left. Recover onto right. Step left beside right.
7&8 rock right to right. Recover onto left. Make ¼ right stepping right beside left.
Point. Step. Point. ½ Turn. Point. Step. Point. ¼ Turn. Monterey ½. Side Rock.
1&2 Point left to left side. Step left beside right. Point right to right side.
3 Make ½ turn right stepping right beside left.
4&5 Point left to left side. Step left beside right. Point right to right side.
6-7 Make ¼ turn right stepping right beside left. Point left to left side.
8&1 Make ½ turn left stepping left beside right. Rock right to right side. Recover onto left. (angle body to right)
Cross. Side. Cross. Side. Rock. ½ Turn. Shuffle Forward
2-3 Going towards back corner (5 o clock) with body facing 7 o'clock- cross right over left. Step left to left.
4-5 Cross step right over left. Rock left to left.
6-7 recover on right. Make ½ turn left stepping left forward. (11 o'clock)
8&1 Step right forward. Step left beside right. Step forward right.
(1st RESTART – wall 4)
¾ Shuffle Forward. Rock. Recover. Back. Together. Ball Step.
2 On ball of right make ¾ turn left stepping left forward. (1 o'clock)
3&4 Step right forward. Step left beside right. Step right forward.
5-6 rock forward on left. Recover on right
7-8 Take a big step back on left. Slide right up to left.
&1 Straighten to 12 o clock, step right beside left. Step left forward.
Scuff. Hitch. Step. Touch. Back. Back. ½. Step.
2&3 Scuff right forward. Hitch right up. Step forward right.
4 Touch forward left.
5-6 Step back left. Step back right.
7-8 make ½ turn left stepping left forward. Touch right beside left.
Wall 4 - Dance up to count 48 –adapting the shuffle to face forward, using count 1 as the first step by stepping to the side. Restart facing back wall
8&1 Step right forward. Step left beside right. Step right to right.
Wall 6 - Dance up to count 16 – changing count 1 to a step to right side – restart facing front wall.
If all goes well, we will be back to the Hall every Wed 7.30pm (new dance) and Sat 2.30pm (new dance). Our Monday class 7.30pm (repeat of Wed & Sat dances) will still be in the Sacred Heart Hall.
I hope most of you can attend the 3 classes.
Do U Remember
Choreographed by: Shaz Walton (Dec 09)
Music: Do You Remember by Jay Sean ft Sean Paul & Lil Jon
Descriptions: 64 count - 2 wall - Intermediate level line dance
32 count intro.... on 'I've been’
Side. Touch. ¼ Kick Ball Touch. Side. Touch. ¼ Kick Ball Touch. Step. Heel.
1-2 Step right to right side. Touch left beside right.
3&4 Make ¼ left as you kick left forward. Step left beside right. Touch right beside left
5-6 Step right to right side. Touch left beside right.
7&8 Make ¼ left as you kick left forward. Step left beside right. Touch right beside left
&1 Step right beside left. Touch left heel forward.
Step. Brush/Kick. ½ Brush Back. Brush/Kick Forward. Cross. Step. Extended Shuffle Forward.
&2-3 Step left beside right. Brush right forward. Make ½ left as you kick/flick right back.
4-&5 Brush right forward. Brush right across left. Step right over left.
6 Step left forward.
7&8 Step right forward. Step left beside right. Step right forward.
&1 Step left beside right. Step right forward.
(**2nd RESTART – wall 6)
Hold. Ball. Walk. Press. Coaster Steps X2
2-&3 Hold. Step left beside right. walk forward right.
4 Press forward on left
5&6 step back right. Step back left. Step forward right
7&8 Step back left. Step back right. Step forward left.
Hop/Hitch . Walk Back X2. Coaster Cross. Side Rock. Recover. Together. Side Rock. Recover. ¼ Together.
&1-2 Hitch right up. Step back on right. Step back left.
3&4 Step back right. Step back left. Cross step right over left
5&6 Rock left to left. Recover onto right. Step left beside right.
7&8 rock right to right. Recover onto left. Make ¼ right stepping right beside left.
Point. Step. Point. ½ Turn. Point. Step. Point. ¼ Turn. Monterey ½. Side Rock.
1&2 Point left to left side. Step left beside right. Point right to right side.
3 Make ½ turn right stepping right beside left.
4&5 Point left to left side. Step left beside right. Point right to right side.
6-7 Make ¼ turn right stepping right beside left. Point left to left side.
8&1 Make ½ turn left stepping left beside right. Rock right to right side. Recover onto left. (angle body to right)
Cross. Side. Cross. Side. Rock. ½ Turn. Shuffle Forward
2-3 Going towards back corner (5 o clock) with body facing 7 o'clock- cross right over left. Step left to left.
4-5 Cross step right over left. Rock left to left.
6-7 recover on right. Make ½ turn left stepping left forward. (11 o'clock)
8&1 Step right forward. Step left beside right. Step forward right.
(1st RESTART – wall 4)
¾ Shuffle Forward. Rock. Recover. Back. Together. Ball Step.
2 On ball of right make ¾ turn left stepping left forward. (1 o'clock)
3&4 Step right forward. Step left beside right. Step right forward.
5-6 rock forward on left. Recover on right
7-8 Take a big step back on left. Slide right up to left.
&1 Straighten to 12 o clock, step right beside left. Step left forward.
Scuff. Hitch. Step. Touch. Back. Back. ½. Step.
2&3 Scuff right forward. Hitch right up. Step forward right.
4 Touch forward left.
5-6 Step back left. Step back right.
7-8 make ½ turn left stepping left forward. Touch right beside left.
Wall 4 - Dance up to count 48 –adapting the shuffle to face forward, using count 1 as the first step by stepping to the side. Restart facing back wall
8&1 Step right forward. Step left beside right. Step right to right.
Wall 6 - Dance up to count 16 – changing count 1 to a step to right side – restart facing front wall.
Sunday, January 17, 2010
NY Cha
A very popular dance, NY Cha, choreographed by Neville & Julie who are known for their challenging steps and turns. This is the 2nd time we are trying out their choreography.(Why So Serious? is also their choreography) We would not have dared to attempt their dances a few years ago but now that we have improved so much over the period we are definitely ready.
The steps are neat and indeed challenges our memory power. Overall, a manageable dance as the music is quite slow.
This very catchy song, NEW YORK is by Paloma Faith, same singer for UPSIDE DOWN. To appreciate the song, you must listen to the lyrics :-
New York
The days were long and the nights so cold
The pages turn and the tale unfolds
He left me for another lady
She stood so tall and she never slept
There was not one moment he could regret
He left me for another lady
He took my hand one day and told me
He was leaving
Me disbelieving
And I I I I I I I I
Had to let him go
And it was New York, New York
And she took his heart away oh my
And it was New York, New York
She had poisoned his sweet mind
The wolves they howled for my lost soul
I fell down a deep black hole
He left me for another lady
She poured the drinks and she poured the power
Diamond girl who could talk for hours
He left me for another lady
Now I am on my own
He told me he was leaving
And I was pleading
And I I I I I I I I
Had to let him go
And it was New York, New York
And she took his heart away oh my
And it was New York, New York
She had poisoned his sweet mind
The greatest times
I don't want to hear it
Your new laughter lines
I don't want to hear it
The new found friends she introduced you to
I don't wanna know them I just want to be with you
Please do't make me go to
New York
New York
And she took your heart away oh my
And it was New York, New York
She poisoned your sweet mind
And it was New York, New York
And she took your heart away oh my
And it was New York, New York
She poisoned your sweet mind
She poisoned your sweet mind
NY Cha
Choreographed by: Neville Fitzgerald & Julie Harris (Nov 09)
Music: New York by Paloma Faith
Descriptions: 64 count - 2 wall - Intermediate/Advanced level line dance
Starts after 16 Counts
Side, Together, Forward, Right Lock Step, 1/2 Pivot, Step, 1/2, 1/4, Cross.
1-3 Step Left to Left side, step Right next to Left, step forward on Left.
4&5 Step forward on Right, lock Left behind Right, step forward on Right.
6-7 Pivot 1/2 turn to Left, step forward on Right.
8&1 Make 1/2 turn to Right stepping back on Left, 1/4 turn Right stepping Right to Right side, cross step Left over Right..
Side Rock, Behind & Step, Rock Step, Back Back Touch.
2-3 Rock to Right side on Right, recover on Left.
4&5 Cross step Right behind Left, step Left to Left side, step forward on Right.
6-7 Rock forward on Left, recover on Right.
8&1 Step back on Left, step back on Right, touch Left toe back.
1/4, Recover, Sailor 1/2 cross, Side Rock, Sailor 1/2.
2-3 Make 1/4 turn to Left taking weight on Left, recover on Right. (rise up slightly on Count 2..down again on 3)
4&5 Make 1/4 turn to Left as you cross step Left behind Right, 1/4 turn to Left stepping Right next to Left, cross step Left over Right.
6-7 Rock to Right side on Right, recover on Left.
8&1 Make 1/4 turn to Right as you cross step Right behind Left, 1/4 turn to Right stepping Left next to Right, step forward on Right.
Walk, Walk, Mambo Step, Back, 1/2, Step 1/4 Cross.
2-3 Walk forward Left-Right.
4&5 Rock forward on Left, recover on Right, step back on Left.
6-7 Step back on Right, make 1/2 turn to Left stepping forward on Left.
8&1 Step forward on Right, pivot 1/4 turn to Left, cross step Right over Left.
1/4, 1/4, Left Lock Step, Rock, Recover, Back 1/4 Cross. **
2-3 Make 1/4 turn to Right stepping back on Left, 1/4 turn to Right stepping Right slightly behind Left. (sit)
4&5 Step forward on Left, lock Right behind Left, step forward on Left.
6-7 Rock forward on Right, recover on Left.
8&1 Step back on Right, make 1/4 turn to Left stepping Left to Left side, cross step Right over Left. **
1/4, 1/4 , Sailor 1/2 Cross, Rock, Recover, Behind & Cross.
2-3 Make 1/4 turn to Left stepping forward on Left, 1/4 Left stepping back on Right.
4&5 Make 1/4 turn Left as you cross step Left behind Right, 1/4 Left stepping Right next to Left, cross step Left over Right.
6-7 Rock to Right side on Right, recover on Left.
8&1 Cross step Right behind Left, step Left to Left side, cross step Right over Left.
Side, Together, Chasse Left, Side, Together, Chasse Right.
2-3 Step Left to Left side, step Right next to Left.
4&5 Step Left to Left side, step Right next to Left, step Left to Left side.
6-7 Step Right to Right side, step Left next to Right.
8&1 Step Right to Right side, step Left next to Right, step Right to Right side.
1/4 Rock, Recover, Lock Step Back, Touch, Step, Step 3/4 (Side)
2-3 Make 1/4 turn to Right as you rock forward on Left, recover on Right.
4&5 Step back on Left, lock Right across Left, step back on Left.
6-7 Touch Right in front of Left, step forward on Right.
8&(1) Step forward on Left, pivot 1/2 turn to Right, make 1/4 turn Right stepping Left to Left side.
Dance Up To & Including Count 8 Section 5 (40) Then Restart Dance MAKING 1/4 TURN LEFT stepping Left to side
TAG: END Of Wall 4 Facing Front..
Side, Together, Forward, Right Lock Step, 1/2 Pivot, Step, 1/2, 1/4, Cross, 1/4, Side, Cross.
1-4 Step Left to Left side, step Right next to Left, step forward on Left.
4&5 Step forward on Right, lock Left behind Right, step forward on Right.
6-8 Pivot 1/2 turn to Left, step forward on Right.
8&1 Make 1/2 turn to Right stepping back on Left, 1/4 turn Right stepping Right to Right side, cross step Left over Rght..
2-4 Make 1/4 turn to Left stepping back on Right, step Left to Left side, cross step Right over Left.
The steps are neat and indeed challenges our memory power. Overall, a manageable dance as the music is quite slow.
This very catchy song, NEW YORK is by Paloma Faith, same singer for UPSIDE DOWN. To appreciate the song, you must listen to the lyrics :-
New York
The days were long and the nights so cold
The pages turn and the tale unfolds
He left me for another lady
She stood so tall and she never slept
There was not one moment he could regret
He left me for another lady
He took my hand one day and told me
He was leaving
Me disbelieving
And I I I I I I I I
Had to let him go
And it was New York, New York
And she took his heart away oh my
And it was New York, New York
She had poisoned his sweet mind
The wolves they howled for my lost soul
I fell down a deep black hole
He left me for another lady
She poured the drinks and she poured the power
Diamond girl who could talk for hours
He left me for another lady
Now I am on my own
He told me he was leaving
And I was pleading
And I I I I I I I I
Had to let him go
And it was New York, New York
And she took his heart away oh my
And it was New York, New York
She had poisoned his sweet mind
The greatest times
I don't want to hear it
Your new laughter lines
I don't want to hear it
The new found friends she introduced you to
I don't wanna know them I just want to be with you
Please do't make me go to
New York
New York
And she took your heart away oh my
And it was New York, New York
She poisoned your sweet mind
And it was New York, New York
And she took your heart away oh my
And it was New York, New York
She poisoned your sweet mind
She poisoned your sweet mind
NY Cha
Choreographed by: Neville Fitzgerald & Julie Harris (Nov 09)
Music: New York by Paloma Faith
Descriptions: 64 count - 2 wall - Intermediate/Advanced level line dance
Starts after 16 Counts
Side, Together, Forward, Right Lock Step, 1/2 Pivot, Step, 1/2, 1/4, Cross.
1-3 Step Left to Left side, step Right next to Left, step forward on Left.
4&5 Step forward on Right, lock Left behind Right, step forward on Right.
6-7 Pivot 1/2 turn to Left, step forward on Right.
8&1 Make 1/2 turn to Right stepping back on Left, 1/4 turn Right stepping Right to Right side, cross step Left over Right..
Side Rock, Behind & Step, Rock Step, Back Back Touch.
2-3 Rock to Right side on Right, recover on Left.
4&5 Cross step Right behind Left, step Left to Left side, step forward on Right.
6-7 Rock forward on Left, recover on Right.
8&1 Step back on Left, step back on Right, touch Left toe back.
1/4, Recover, Sailor 1/2 cross, Side Rock, Sailor 1/2.
2-3 Make 1/4 turn to Left taking weight on Left, recover on Right. (rise up slightly on Count 2..down again on 3)
4&5 Make 1/4 turn to Left as you cross step Left behind Right, 1/4 turn to Left stepping Right next to Left, cross step Left over Right.
6-7 Rock to Right side on Right, recover on Left.
8&1 Make 1/4 turn to Right as you cross step Right behind Left, 1/4 turn to Right stepping Left next to Right, step forward on Right.
Walk, Walk, Mambo Step, Back, 1/2, Step 1/4 Cross.
2-3 Walk forward Left-Right.
4&5 Rock forward on Left, recover on Right, step back on Left.
6-7 Step back on Right, make 1/2 turn to Left stepping forward on Left.
8&1 Step forward on Right, pivot 1/4 turn to Left, cross step Right over Left.
1/4, 1/4, Left Lock Step, Rock, Recover, Back 1/4 Cross. **
2-3 Make 1/4 turn to Right stepping back on Left, 1/4 turn to Right stepping Right slightly behind Left. (sit)
4&5 Step forward on Left, lock Right behind Left, step forward on Left.
6-7 Rock forward on Right, recover on Left.
8&1 Step back on Right, make 1/4 turn to Left stepping Left to Left side, cross step Right over Left. **
1/4, 1/4 , Sailor 1/2 Cross, Rock, Recover, Behind & Cross.
2-3 Make 1/4 turn to Left stepping forward on Left, 1/4 Left stepping back on Right.
4&5 Make 1/4 turn Left as you cross step Left behind Right, 1/4 Left stepping Right next to Left, cross step Left over Right.
6-7 Rock to Right side on Right, recover on Left.
8&1 Cross step Right behind Left, step Left to Left side, cross step Right over Left.
Side, Together, Chasse Left, Side, Together, Chasse Right.
2-3 Step Left to Left side, step Right next to Left.
4&5 Step Left to Left side, step Right next to Left, step Left to Left side.
6-7 Step Right to Right side, step Left next to Right.
8&1 Step Right to Right side, step Left next to Right, step Right to Right side.
1/4 Rock, Recover, Lock Step Back, Touch, Step, Step 3/4 (Side)
2-3 Make 1/4 turn to Right as you rock forward on Left, recover on Right.
4&5 Step back on Left, lock Right across Left, step back on Left.
6-7 Touch Right in front of Left, step forward on Right.
8&(1) Step forward on Left, pivot 1/2 turn to Right, make 1/4 turn Right stepping Left to Left side.
Dance Up To & Including Count 8 Section 5 (40) Then Restart Dance MAKING 1/4 TURN LEFT stepping Left to side
TAG: END Of Wall 4 Facing Front..
Side, Together, Forward, Right Lock Step, 1/2 Pivot, Step, 1/2, 1/4, Cross, 1/4, Side, Cross.
1-4 Step Left to Left side, step Right next to Left, step forward on Left.
4&5 Step forward on Right, lock Left behind Right, step forward on Right.
6-8 Pivot 1/2 turn to Left, step forward on Right.
8&1 Make 1/2 turn to Right stepping back on Left, 1/4 turn Right stepping Right to Right side, cross step Left over Rght..
2-4 Make 1/4 turn to Left stepping back on Right, step Left to Left side, cross step Right over Left.
Thursday, January 14, 2010
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Funky Fire dance
Funky Fire Dance by John Ng, danced to a Korean hit- Fire(2NE1).
A straight forward 2 wall 64 count dance with no tags/restarts.
The usual familiar steps and patterns which are easy to learn. The upbeat tempo makes its fun & enjoyable.
Funky Fire Dance
Choreographed by: John Ng, Singapore (Dec 09)
Music: Fire by 2NE1
Descriptions: 64 count - 2 wall - Intermediate level line dance
Intro: 64 counts on heavy beat (0.33min)
Kicks R-L-R-L, Walk R-L, ¼ L, Drag
1&2& Kick right forward, step right beside left, kick left forward, step left beside right
3&4& Kick right forward, step right beside left, kick left forward, step left beside right
5-6 Step forward on right, step forward on left
7-8 ¼ turn left step right to right, drag left toe to right foot
Side, Behind Side Cross. ¼ R, Hip Push Back Forward Back, Flick
1 Step left to left
2&3 Cross right behind right, step left to left, cross right over left
4 ¼ turn right step back on left
5-6 Step back on right and push hips back at the same time, push hips forward
7-8 Push hips back, step left beside right and flick right foot back
Walk R-L, Forward Shuffle, Forward Rock, ½ L Shuffle
1-2 Step forward on right, step forward on left
3&4 Step forward on right, lock left behind right, step forward on right
5-6 Rock forward on left, recover onto right
7&8 ¼ turn left step left to left, step right beside left, ¼ turn left step forward on left
Forward Rock, Replace, Forward Rock, Funky Walk Back L-R, L Coaster
1-2& Rock forward on right, recover onto left, step right beside left
3-4 Rock forward on left, recover onto right
5-6 Step back on left while grinding right heel, step back on right while grinding left heel
7&8 Step back on left, step right beside left, step forward on left
Funky Paddle ¾ L, Body Roll R, Body Roll L
1& 1/8 turn left stomp right to right without weight, low hitch right knee
2& 1/8 turn left stomp right to right without weight, low hitch right knee
3& ¼ turn left stomp right to right without weight, low hitch right knee
4& ¼ turn left stomp right to right without weight, low hitch right knee
(Above 4 counts completes a ¾ turn left. See video for optional arm movement.)
5-6 Step right to right and roll body to right
7-8 Roll body to left
Side, Behind & Heel, & Cross, Side, Back Rock, ¼ L Back, ¼ L Side, Cross
1 Step right to right
2&3 Step left behind right, step right to right, touch left heel forward diagonally left
&4 Step left beside right, cross right over left
&5-6 Step left to left, rock right behind left, recover onto left
7&8 ¼ turn left step back on right, ¼ turn left step left to left, cross right over left
L Side Rock, Replace, R Side Rock, Behind, ¼ L, Pivot ½ L, ¼ L
1-2& Rock left to left, recover onto right, step left beside right
3-4 Rock right to right, recover onto left
5-6 Step right behind left, ¼ turn left step forward on left
7&8 Step forward on right, pivot ½ turn left, ¼ turn left step right to right
Behind, ¼ R, Step, Scuff, Out-Out, Chest Pumps X4
1&2 Step left behind right, ¼ turn right step forward on right, step forward on left
3&4 Scuff right beside left, step right to right, step left to left
5-8 Pump chest forward 4 times
A straight forward 2 wall 64 count dance with no tags/restarts.
The usual familiar steps and patterns which are easy to learn. The upbeat tempo makes its fun & enjoyable.
Funky Fire Dance
Choreographed by: John Ng, Singapore (Dec 09)
Music: Fire by 2NE1
Descriptions: 64 count - 2 wall - Intermediate level line dance
Intro: 64 counts on heavy beat (0.33min)
Kicks R-L-R-L, Walk R-L, ¼ L, Drag
1&2& Kick right forward, step right beside left, kick left forward, step left beside right
3&4& Kick right forward, step right beside left, kick left forward, step left beside right
5-6 Step forward on right, step forward on left
7-8 ¼ turn left step right to right, drag left toe to right foot
Side, Behind Side Cross. ¼ R, Hip Push Back Forward Back, Flick
1 Step left to left
2&3 Cross right behind right, step left to left, cross right over left
4 ¼ turn right step back on left
5-6 Step back on right and push hips back at the same time, push hips forward
7-8 Push hips back, step left beside right and flick right foot back
Walk R-L, Forward Shuffle, Forward Rock, ½ L Shuffle
1-2 Step forward on right, step forward on left
3&4 Step forward on right, lock left behind right, step forward on right
5-6 Rock forward on left, recover onto right
7&8 ¼ turn left step left to left, step right beside left, ¼ turn left step forward on left
Forward Rock, Replace, Forward Rock, Funky Walk Back L-R, L Coaster
1-2& Rock forward on right, recover onto left, step right beside left
3-4 Rock forward on left, recover onto right
5-6 Step back on left while grinding right heel, step back on right while grinding left heel
7&8 Step back on left, step right beside left, step forward on left
Funky Paddle ¾ L, Body Roll R, Body Roll L
1& 1/8 turn left stomp right to right without weight, low hitch right knee
2& 1/8 turn left stomp right to right without weight, low hitch right knee
3& ¼ turn left stomp right to right without weight, low hitch right knee
4& ¼ turn left stomp right to right without weight, low hitch right knee
(Above 4 counts completes a ¾ turn left. See video for optional arm movement.)
5-6 Step right to right and roll body to right
7-8 Roll body to left
Side, Behind & Heel, & Cross, Side, Back Rock, ¼ L Back, ¼ L Side, Cross
1 Step right to right
2&3 Step left behind right, step right to right, touch left heel forward diagonally left
&4 Step left beside right, cross right over left
&5-6 Step left to left, rock right behind left, recover onto left
7&8 ¼ turn left step back on right, ¼ turn left step left to left, cross right over left
L Side Rock, Replace, R Side Rock, Behind, ¼ L, Pivot ½ L, ¼ L
1-2& Rock left to left, recover onto right, step left beside right
3-4 Rock right to right, recover onto left
5-6 Step right behind left, ¼ turn left step forward on left
7&8 Step forward on right, pivot ½ turn left, ¼ turn left step right to right
Behind, ¼ R, Step, Scuff, Out-Out, Chest Pumps X4
1&2 Step left behind right, ¼ turn right step forward on right, step forward on left
3&4 Scuff right beside left, step right to right, step left to left
5-8 Pump chest forward 4 times
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
A Pretty Dance for Chinese New Year
A simple and enjoyable dance for the Chinese New Year by Mei Ling. A beginner dance for all line dancers to dance together.
惜福 (XiFu)
4 Wall Line Dance. 32 Counts. Beginner
Choreographed by: Leong Mei Ling (Malaysia) January 2010
Choreographed to: 《惜福》(48 count intro, start on vocals)
4 Wall Line Dance. 32 Counts. Beginner
Steps Actual Footwork Direction
Section 1
1 – 2 Step Right forward to right diagonal, step Left beside Right [1:30] Right Diagonal
3 - 4 Step Right forward as you lift Left (leg straight and pointed behind to left diagonal), hold
5 – 6 Step Left across Right, recover Left On the spot
7 – 8 Step Left across Right, ¼ turn left flick Right [10:30] Left Diagonal
1 – 2 Step Right across Left, step Left to side Left diagonal
3 – 4 Step Right beside Left, cross Left over Right Right diagonal
5 – 6 Step Right to side, step Left beside Right
7 – 8
Cross Right over Left, hold Left diagonal
Alternative 1-8 Cross, Side rock, Cross, Side Rock, Cross, Hold
1 – 2 Step Left back, step Right back Back
3 - 4 Step Left in front and across Right, hold
5 – 6 Step Right to side, hold Right side
7 - 8 Point/Entend Left behind Right (to right diagonal), hold
1 – 2 Step Left to side, step Right behind Left Left side
3 – 4 Step Left to side, cross Right over Left
5 – 6 Step Left to side, ¼ turn right step Right forward ¼ Right
7 – 8 Step Left forward, hold Forward
TAG After WALLS 4, 5, 10, 11 & 12 (SWAYS)
4, 10 & 12
Sway R, hold, L, hold (over 4 counts)
5 & 11
Sway R, hold, L, hold, R, hold, L hold (over 8 counts)
(After Wall 13)
1 – 4 Sway R, hold, L, hold
5-8 (Jazz Box) Cross Right over L, step L back, ¼ turn R step R to side, step L across R
Ta-daa! ½ turn right (weight still on L), hands together in Chinese-style greeting!
Monday, January 11, 2010
Upside Down
Upside Down, choreographed by Sho Botham, a Health & dance Consultant in UK.
Currently she runs a column in the Linedancer Magazine, under "Sho's Dance Clinic" where she writes on dance and health matters of interest to line dancing communities throughout the world.
Upside Down, is danced to a great piece of upbeat song by Paloma Faith. There are a couple of dances to this popular music and I have selected the EASIEST, 32 step,no tags , no restarts. It is danced mainly to 1 wall until the last 2 counts when you make a 1/4 Left turn to start again.
We shall do a thorough revision on all the dances taught in 2010- Dancing In The Street, Meet You Halfway & Wild Ponies. Then we shall dance through continuously these 3 dances plus our Wild Cats Go as well. This will be done before our new dance, UPSIDE DOWN.
Upside Down
Choreographed by: Sho Botham, UK (Nov 09)
Music: Paloma Faith by Upside Down Descriptions: 32 count - 4 wall
Sec 1 Step R To R, Rock Replace Step Forward 1/4 Turn L, Step Forward R, Pivot Half Turn L And Syncopated Jazz Box
1 Long step R to R, drawing L towards R
2& Rock L behind R, replace R in place
3 Step forward L turning 1/4 turn to L
4& Step forward R, pivot half turn L
5 Step forward R
6 Step L across front of R
7&8 Step back R turning 1/4 L, step L to L, step R across front of L
Sec 2 Charleston Kicks And Exagerated Paddle Turn To L (1 Full Turn)
1,2 Step forward L facing diagonal L, kick R leg forward
3 Step back R
4& Rock back L, replace R
5&6&7&8& Step L to start turn to L, Lift R foot towards L knee then 3 exagerated paddle actions turn ing L (lifting R foot towards L knee on each & count). You can use shoulder and hand actions to accent footwork.
Sec 3 Hip Bumps With Twisting Action X4, Prissy Walks Forward X4
1&2&3&4& Step onto R with twisting hip bump (L foot placed on ball of foot a comfortable distance apart towards L). Twisitng hip bump action L (L foot stays on ball and swivels with hip bumps - heel towards same side as hip bump
Arms - Use arms/hands to accent hip actions
5-8 4 prissy walks forward LRLR with arms high and optional finger clicks or wrist shakes
Sec 4 Locking Steps Travelling Back (Locking Front) X 2, Coaster Step L, Walks RL To Turn 1/4 L
1&2 Step L diagonally back L to L, lock R in front of L, step diagonally back L to L
3&4 Step R diagonally back R to R, lock L in front of R, step diagonally back R to R
5&6 Coaster step LRL
7,8 Walk forward RL turning 1/4 to L
Option: On 3rd wall you have the option in Section 3 of dancing the prissy walks as 2 slow and 4 quick instead of the usual 4 slow and in Section 4 you can dance 4 quick walks instead of the 2 slow to reflect the music at these points. Dancing these changes does not alter the total number of counts in these sections.
Arms & style: plenty of arm and hand action in this dance will add to the fun, look and challenge
Currently she runs a column in the Linedancer Magazine, under "Sho's Dance Clinic" where she writes on dance and health matters of interest to line dancing communities throughout the world.
Upside Down, is danced to a great piece of upbeat song by Paloma Faith. There are a couple of dances to this popular music and I have selected the EASIEST, 32 step,no tags , no restarts. It is danced mainly to 1 wall until the last 2 counts when you make a 1/4 Left turn to start again.
We shall do a thorough revision on all the dances taught in 2010- Dancing In The Street, Meet You Halfway & Wild Ponies. Then we shall dance through continuously these 3 dances plus our Wild Cats Go as well. This will be done before our new dance, UPSIDE DOWN.
Upside Down
Choreographed by: Sho Botham, UK (Nov 09)
Music: Paloma Faith by Upside Down Descriptions: 32 count - 4 wall
Sec 1 Step R To R, Rock Replace Step Forward 1/4 Turn L, Step Forward R, Pivot Half Turn L And Syncopated Jazz Box
1 Long step R to R, drawing L towards R
2& Rock L behind R, replace R in place
3 Step forward L turning 1/4 turn to L
4& Step forward R, pivot half turn L
5 Step forward R
6 Step L across front of R
7&8 Step back R turning 1/4 L, step L to L, step R across front of L
Sec 2 Charleston Kicks And Exagerated Paddle Turn To L (1 Full Turn)
1,2 Step forward L facing diagonal L, kick R leg forward
3 Step back R
4& Rock back L, replace R
5&6&7&8& Step L to start turn to L, Lift R foot towards L knee then 3 exagerated paddle actions turn ing L (lifting R foot towards L knee on each & count). You can use shoulder and hand actions to accent footwork.
Sec 3 Hip Bumps With Twisting Action X4, Prissy Walks Forward X4
1&2&3&4& Step onto R with twisting hip bump (L foot placed on ball of foot a comfortable distance apart towards L). Twisitng hip bump action L (L foot stays on ball and swivels with hip bumps - heel towards same side as hip bump
Arms - Use arms/hands to accent hip actions
5-8 4 prissy walks forward LRLR with arms high and optional finger clicks or wrist shakes
Sec 4 Locking Steps Travelling Back (Locking Front) X 2, Coaster Step L, Walks RL To Turn 1/4 L
1&2 Step L diagonally back L to L, lock R in front of L, step diagonally back L to L
3&4 Step R diagonally back R to R, lock L in front of R, step diagonally back R to R
5&6 Coaster step LRL
7,8 Walk forward RL turning 1/4 to L
Option: On 3rd wall you have the option in Section 3 of dancing the prissy walks as 2 slow and 4 quick instead of the usual 4 slow and in Section 4 you can dance 4 quick walks instead of the 2 slow to reflect the music at these points. Dancing these changes does not alter the total number of counts in these sections.
Arms & style: plenty of arm and hand action in this dance will add to the fun, look and challenge
Sunday, January 10, 2010
Food For Thought
Currently we have 2 line dance classes, Mon & Wed both in The Sacred Heart Hall, at 7.30pm. Some of us are not able to attend both classes and hence find some difficulty to follow all the dances. To facilitate more dancers to attend 2 classes per week, I propose the following:-
Sat- 2.30 pm
Mon- 7.30 pm
The same dance will be taught for Sat & Mon.
Wed -7.30pm - new dance.
We hope to move back to the Luyang Hall on 3 Feb 2010 (Wed). The DBKK will allow us to continue our booking for Wed,7.30pm and Sat, 2.30pm only.. Our Monday class will continue in the Sacred Heart Hall.
Kindly provide your feedback asap by typing below,under "comments". I hope to start the Sat class as soon as possible, currently in Sacred Heart Hall until The DBKK alow us to return to the Luyang Hall.
Sat- 2.30 pm
Mon- 7.30 pm
The same dance will be taught for Sat & Mon.
Wed -7.30pm - new dance.
We hope to move back to the Luyang Hall on 3 Feb 2010 (Wed). The DBKK will allow us to continue our booking for Wed,7.30pm and Sat, 2.30pm only.. Our Monday class will continue in the Sacred Heart Hall.
Kindly provide your feedback asap by typing below,under "comments". I hope to start the Sat class as soon as possible, currently in Sacred Heart Hall until The DBKK alow us to return to the Luyang Hall.
Thursday, January 7, 2010
Evolution of Dance
Dancing has changed so much since the last 50 years. Have a look at the video below and see how many of these different types of dance movements you have done before.
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
Wild ponies
Wild Ponies by Ami Walker. Bronya performed this dance for us at our Social Party in Oct 2009. A beautifully choreograpged waltz recommended for line dancers who wish to explore "Waltz" in line dance ( RISE & FALL) . Although this dance has 72 counts,(most line dance waltz is only 48 counts)the steps are easy to learn and remember because of the smooth & excellent choreography. Only 2 walls.
I think this will be the most beautiful and the most enjoyable waltz for us to learn so far.
Wild Ponies
Choreographed by: Ami Walker (Dec 07)
Music: Wild Ponies by Kellie Pickler (CD: Small Time Girl)
Descriptions: 72 count - 2 wall - Intermediate level line dance
1-3 Cross left foot over right, step right foot to right side, step left to left side
4-6 Cross right foot over left, make ¼ turn right stepping back on left, make ¼ turn right stepping right to right side.
7-9 Step forward on left, make ½ turn left on ball of left foot hitching right knee
10-12 Cross right foot over left, recover weight back on to left, step right foot next to left (12.00)
1-3 Step left diagonally forward (to 1.30), step right next to left turning to 10.30, step left next to right.
4-6 Step right foot back (facing 10.30), step left next to right turning to 7.30, step right next to left.
7-9 Step left forward (facing 7.30), step right next to left turning 4.30, step left next to right.
10-12 Step right foot diagonally back (facing 4.30), step left next to right turning to 1.30, step right next to left.
1-3 Cross left foot over right, step right foot to right side, (square up to 12.00) step left to left side.
4-6 Cross right foot over left, make ¼ right stepping back on left foot, step right foot to right side.
7-9 Cross left foot over right, unwind a full turn over right shoulder keeping weight on left foot, sweep right foot around behind left.
10-12 Step right foot behind left, step left to left side, recover onto right
1-3 Step forward on left foot to right diagonal (facing 4.30) , step right next to left, step left in place
4-6 Step back on right foot, make ½ turn left stepping left foot forward, step forward right (end facing 10.30)
7-9 Step left forward, make 3/8 turn left on ball of left foot sweeping right foot. (facing 6.00)
10-12 Cross right over left, make ¼ turn right stepping left foot back, make ½ turn right stepping right foot forward. (facing 3.00)
1-3 Step forward left foot, make ¼ turn left stepping right foot slightly to right side, make ¼ turn left stepping left foot slightly forward
4-6 Step forward right foot, make ¼ turn right stepping left foot slightly to left side, make ¼ turn right stepping right foot slightly forward
7-9 Step forward left foot, make ½ turn left on ball of left foot stepping right slightly back, step left next to right.
10-12 Step right foot back, step left next to right, step right in place
1-3 Step forward left foot, make ¼ turn left stepping right foot to side, recover weight onto left
4-6 Cross right over left, step left foot to left side, step right behind left
7-9 Step left foot long step to left, point right toe to right side and look to left
10-12 Make ¼ turn right stepping right foot forward, make ½ turn right stepping left foot back, make ¼ turn right stepping right foot to side
RESTART: On 5th wall Do routine to count 48 then hold for three counts, squaring up to 12.00 wall to restart
I think this will be the most beautiful and the most enjoyable waltz for us to learn so far.
Wild Ponies
Choreographed by: Ami Walker (Dec 07)
Music: Wild Ponies by Kellie Pickler (CD: Small Time Girl)
Descriptions: 72 count - 2 wall - Intermediate level line dance
1-3 Cross left foot over right, step right foot to right side, step left to left side
4-6 Cross right foot over left, make ¼ turn right stepping back on left, make ¼ turn right stepping right to right side.
7-9 Step forward on left, make ½ turn left on ball of left foot hitching right knee
10-12 Cross right foot over left, recover weight back on to left, step right foot next to left (12.00)
1-3 Step left diagonally forward (to 1.30), step right next to left turning to 10.30, step left next to right.
4-6 Step right foot back (facing 10.30), step left next to right turning to 7.30, step right next to left.
7-9 Step left forward (facing 7.30), step right next to left turning 4.30, step left next to right.
10-12 Step right foot diagonally back (facing 4.30), step left next to right turning to 1.30, step right next to left.
1-3 Cross left foot over right, step right foot to right side, (square up to 12.00) step left to left side.
4-6 Cross right foot over left, make ¼ right stepping back on left foot, step right foot to right side.
7-9 Cross left foot over right, unwind a full turn over right shoulder keeping weight on left foot, sweep right foot around behind left.
10-12 Step right foot behind left, step left to left side, recover onto right
1-3 Step forward on left foot to right diagonal (facing 4.30) , step right next to left, step left in place
4-6 Step back on right foot, make ½ turn left stepping left foot forward, step forward right (end facing 10.30)
7-9 Step left forward, make 3/8 turn left on ball of left foot sweeping right foot. (facing 6.00)
10-12 Cross right over left, make ¼ turn right stepping left foot back, make ½ turn right stepping right foot forward. (facing 3.00)
1-3 Step forward left foot, make ¼ turn left stepping right foot slightly to right side, make ¼ turn left stepping left foot slightly forward
4-6 Step forward right foot, make ¼ turn right stepping left foot slightly to left side, make ¼ turn right stepping right foot slightly forward
7-9 Step forward left foot, make ½ turn left on ball of left foot stepping right slightly back, step left next to right.
10-12 Step right foot back, step left next to right, step right in place
1-3 Step forward left foot, make ¼ turn left stepping right foot to side, recover weight onto left
4-6 Cross right over left, step left foot to left side, step right behind left
7-9 Step left foot long step to left, point right toe to right side and look to left
10-12 Make ¼ turn right stepping right foot forward, make ½ turn right stepping left foot back, make ¼ turn right stepping right foot to side
RESTART: On 5th wall Do routine to count 48 then hold for three counts, squaring up to 12.00 wall to restart
Monday, January 4, 2010
Meet Me Halfway
Meet Me Halfway, choreographed by Shaz Walton ( also for Pop,Lock & Drop). This song by the same name, is one of the top hits by The Black Eyed Peas. At first you may not like the music, but as you continue to listen, it grows on you and I'm sure you will love it, I hope. A rather challenging dance with attractive footwork. Once mastered it will be very enjoyable. Good news - no tags, no restarts at all!
Meet Me Halfway (error in set 5 has been corrected)
Choreographed by: Shaz Walton (Dec 09)
Music: Meet Me Halfway (UK Single Edit) by The Black Eyed Peas (CD: 3.46min)
Descriptions: 64 count - 4 wall - Intermediate level line dance
Start on ...’Cool’
Cross. Side rock. Recover. Together. Cross Rock. Recover. Cross rock. Hitch.
1-2 Cross step right over left. Rock left to left.
3-4 Recover on right. Step left beside right.
5-6 Cross rock right over left. Recover on left.
7-8 Cross rock right over left. Hitch left knee. (Use Hips on counts 5-6-7)
Step. Hitch. ¼ hitch. Step. Together. Cross. ¼. ½
1-2 Step left forward. Hitch right knee.
3-4 Make ¼ right as you hitch right again. Step right to right.
5-6 Step left beside right. Cross step right over left.
7-8 Make ¼ right stepping back left. Make ½ right stepping right forward.
Side. Drag. Ball. Cross. Side. Heel ¼. Hold. Ball forward. ¾ spiral.
1-2 Step left big step left. Drag right to left.
&3-4 Step right beside left. Cross left over right. Step right to right side.
5-6 Make ¼ left bending right knee & digging left heel forward. HOLD
&7-8 Step left beside right. Step right forward. Make ¾ turn left on ball of right.
Dip. Recover. ½. Cross. Unwind ½ . Cross. Touch. Sit.
1-2 Step left to left as you bend both knees. Straighten up as you make ½ left on ball of right.
3-4 Step left to left. Cross right over left.
5-6 Unwind ½ turn left. Cross right over left.
7-8 Touch Left to left. Sit over left hip. (weight left)
Touch. Side/dip. ¼ touch. Side. ¼ touch. ¼ back. Together.
1-2 Touch right beside left. Step/dip right to right side.
3-4 Make a ¼ left touching left beside right. Step/dip L to L side.
5-6 Touch right beside left making a ¼ left. Step right to right.
7-8 Make ¼ left Stepping back left. Step back right.
Forward. Touch. Ball step. Touch. Back. Back. Out. Out. Slide up.
1-2 Take a big step forward left. Touch right beside left.
&3-4 Step slightly back with right. Step forward left. Touch right beside left.
5-6 Step back right. Step back left.
&7-8 Step right to right. Step left to left. (Bend knees on counts &7) With weight evenly placed, slide both feet together to resume standing position
Side. Hold. Extended shuffle. Cross. Full turn. Side. Behind. Side. Cross.
1-2 Step right to right. HOLD
&3&4 Step left beside right. Step right to right side. Step left beside right. Step right to right side. (HIPS!!)
5-6 Cross left over right. Unwind a full turn right. (weight right)
7 Step left to left side.
8&1 Cross right behind left. Step left to left. Cross right over left.
Hold. Side cross. ¼. Rock. Recover. ¾ . Walk x2.
2 Hold.
&3-4 Step left to left side. Cross right over left. Step forward ¼ left.
5-6 Rock right forward. Recover on left.
7-8 Make ¾ turn right stepping right forward. Step left beside right.
Meet Me Halfway (error in set 5 has been corrected)
Choreographed by: Shaz Walton (Dec 09)
Music: Meet Me Halfway (UK Single Edit) by The Black Eyed Peas (CD: 3.46min)
Descriptions: 64 count - 4 wall - Intermediate level line dance
Start on ...’Cool’
Cross. Side rock. Recover. Together. Cross Rock. Recover. Cross rock. Hitch.
1-2 Cross step right over left. Rock left to left.
3-4 Recover on right. Step left beside right.
5-6 Cross rock right over left. Recover on left.
7-8 Cross rock right over left. Hitch left knee. (Use Hips on counts 5-6-7)
Step. Hitch. ¼ hitch. Step. Together. Cross. ¼. ½
1-2 Step left forward. Hitch right knee.
3-4 Make ¼ right as you hitch right again. Step right to right.
5-6 Step left beside right. Cross step right over left.
7-8 Make ¼ right stepping back left. Make ½ right stepping right forward.
Side. Drag. Ball. Cross. Side. Heel ¼. Hold. Ball forward. ¾ spiral.
1-2 Step left big step left. Drag right to left.
&3-4 Step right beside left. Cross left over right. Step right to right side.
5-6 Make ¼ left bending right knee & digging left heel forward. HOLD
&7-8 Step left beside right. Step right forward. Make ¾ turn left on ball of right.
Dip. Recover. ½. Cross. Unwind ½ . Cross. Touch. Sit.
1-2 Step left to left as you bend both knees. Straighten up as you make ½ left on ball of right.
3-4 Step left to left. Cross right over left.
5-6 Unwind ½ turn left. Cross right over left.
7-8 Touch Left to left. Sit over left hip. (weight left)
Touch. Side/dip. ¼ touch. Side. ¼ touch. ¼ back. Together.
1-2 Touch right beside left. Step/dip right to right side.
3-4 Make a ¼ left touching left beside right. Step/dip L to L side.
5-6 Touch right beside left making a ¼ left. Step right to right.
7-8 Make ¼ left Stepping back left. Step back right.
Forward. Touch. Ball step. Touch. Back. Back. Out. Out. Slide up.
1-2 Take a big step forward left. Touch right beside left.
&3-4 Step slightly back with right. Step forward left. Touch right beside left.
5-6 Step back right. Step back left.
&7-8 Step right to right. Step left to left. (Bend knees on counts &7) With weight evenly placed, slide both feet together to resume standing position
Side. Hold. Extended shuffle. Cross. Full turn. Side. Behind. Side. Cross.
1-2 Step right to right. HOLD
&3&4 Step left beside right. Step right to right side. Step left beside right. Step right to right side. (HIPS!!)
5-6 Cross left over right. Unwind a full turn right. (weight right)
7 Step left to left side.
8&1 Cross right behind left. Step left to left. Cross right over left.
Hold. Side cross. ¼. Rock. Recover. ¾ . Walk x2.
2 Hold.
&3-4 Step left to left side. Cross right over left. Step forward ¼ left.
5-6 Rock right forward. Recover on left.
7-8 Make ¾ turn right stepping right forward. Step left beside right.
Sunday, January 3, 2010
Top 10 dances as at Dec 2009 from Linedancer Magazine
1Playing With Fire (7% ) /Craig Bennett
2Mexicali (4% ) /Robbie McGowan Hickie
3Speak With Your Heart (4% ) /Alison Biggs Peter Metelnick
4Ay Amor (3% ) /Ria Vos
5You And I (3% ) /Oli Geir Hugrun
6Louisiana Swing (3% ) /Kate Sala Robbie McGowan Hickie
7Sister Kate (3% ) /Ria Vos
8Jesse James (2% ) /Rachael McEnaney
9Why Don't We Just Dance (2% ) /Peter Metelnick Alison Biggs
10What Do You See (2% ) /Robbie McGowan Hickie
2Mexicali (4% ) /Robbie McGowan Hickie
3Speak With Your Heart (4% ) /Alison Biggs Peter Metelnick
4Ay Amor (3% ) /Ria Vos
5You And I (3% ) /Oli Geir Hugrun
6Louisiana Swing (3% ) /Kate Sala Robbie McGowan Hickie
7Sister Kate (3% ) /Ria Vos
8Jesse James (2% ) /Rachael McEnaney
9Why Don't We Just Dance (2% ) /Peter Metelnick Alison Biggs
10What Do You See (2% ) /Robbie McGowan Hickie
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