Meet Me Halfway, choreographed by Shaz Walton ( also for Pop,Lock & Drop). This song by the same name, is one of the top hits by The Black Eyed Peas. At first you may not like the music, but as you continue to listen, it grows on you and I'm sure you will love it, I hope. A rather challenging dance with attractive footwork. Once mastered it will be very enjoyable. Good news - no tags, no restarts at all!
Meet Me Halfway (error in set 5 has been corrected)
Choreographed by: Shaz Walton (Dec 09)
Music: Meet Me Halfway (UK Single Edit) by The Black Eyed Peas (CD: 3.46min)
Descriptions: 64 count - 4 wall - Intermediate level line dance
Start on ...’Cool’
Cross. Side rock. Recover. Together. Cross Rock. Recover. Cross rock. Hitch.
1-2 Cross step right over left. Rock left to left.
3-4 Recover on right. Step left beside right.
5-6 Cross rock right over left. Recover on left.
7-8 Cross rock right over left. Hitch left knee. (Use Hips on counts 5-6-7)
Step. Hitch. ¼ hitch. Step. Together. Cross. ¼. ½
1-2 Step left forward. Hitch right knee.
3-4 Make ¼ right as you hitch right again. Step right to right.
5-6 Step left beside right. Cross step right over left.
7-8 Make ¼ right stepping back left. Make ½ right stepping right forward.
Side. Drag. Ball. Cross. Side. Heel ¼. Hold. Ball forward. ¾ spiral.
1-2 Step left big step left. Drag right to left.
&3-4 Step right beside left. Cross left over right. Step right to right side.
5-6 Make ¼ left bending right knee & digging left heel forward. HOLD
&7-8 Step left beside right. Step right forward. Make ¾ turn left on ball of right.
Dip. Recover. ½. Cross. Unwind ½ . Cross. Touch. Sit.
1-2 Step left to left as you bend both knees. Straighten up as you make ½ left on ball of right.
3-4 Step left to left. Cross right over left.
5-6 Unwind ½ turn left. Cross right over left.
7-8 Touch Left to left. Sit over left hip. (weight left)
Touch. Side/dip. ¼ touch. Side. ¼ touch. ¼ back. Together.
1-2 Touch right beside left. Step/dip right to right side.
3-4 Make a ¼ left touching left beside right. Step/dip L to L side.
5-6 Touch right beside left making a ¼ left. Step right to right.
7-8 Make ¼ left Stepping back left. Step back right.
Forward. Touch. Ball step. Touch. Back. Back. Out. Out. Slide up.
1-2 Take a big step forward left. Touch right beside left.
&3-4 Step slightly back with right. Step forward left. Touch right beside left.
5-6 Step back right. Step back left.
&7-8 Step right to right. Step left to left. (Bend knees on counts &7) With weight evenly placed, slide both feet together to resume standing position
Side. Hold. Extended shuffle. Cross. Full turn. Side. Behind. Side. Cross.
1-2 Step right to right. HOLD
&3&4 Step left beside right. Step right to right side. Step left beside right. Step right to right side. (HIPS!!)
5-6 Cross left over right. Unwind a full turn right. (weight right)
7 Step left to left side.
8&1 Cross right behind left. Step left to left. Cross right over left.
Hold. Side cross. ¼. Rock. Recover. ¾ . Walk x2.
2 Hold.
&3-4 Step left to left side. Cross right over left. Step forward ¼ left.
5-6 Rock right forward. Recover on left.
7-8 Make ¾ turn right stepping right forward. Step left beside right.
Watch it ! The Pirates of The Caribbean landed in KK on 29 Aug 2012. See all the smiling faces? They have seen their target ! Captain Hook came with sword and HOOK. Where is Captain Jack Sparrow and Blackbeard, the most feared pirate of all?? Missing Pirates are Loi, Diana, Janet , Amanda, Jeanie and Margaret Sinsua, Fung
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