Time : 7pm to 9 pm (start with fresh fruits & fruit salads & fruit desserts)
Theme : A Fruity Delight
Attire: Please come dressed in the bright colours of fruits
Potluck : Bring cut fruits or fruit desserts.
Just imagine the wide variety of fruits for our eyes to feast on before we savour them.
Some of us may want to eat dinner at home first. IT IS NOT NECESSARY as we shall feast mainly on fresh fruits to give us all the energy we need to dance 26 dances.(we'll probably have supper when we go home)
Bring your own plate and cutlery and drinks.
Jamming List
1. PiPi
2. Rah-Rah Oo La La
3. Mi Amor
4. What U Waiting For
5. Latin Crazy
6. So Sexxy
7. Waka Waka
8. Dog-gone Blues
9. Fujiyama Mama
10. Undercover
9 Warming Up Dances- Totoy Bibbo, EZ Rumba, Stuck On Elvis, Seduced, Amore , Wasted Days, La Maria, Beach Party & Ya Ya.
2 Old Favourites- Nobody But You and Aye Amor.
5 dances are from our previous jamming party - Martini Moments, Sax-O-Cha, Walking In The Rain, Come As You Are and Something Good.
Total - 26 dances
Every Mon and Wed - Zumba Fitness class
No More Line Dance classes
Monday, May 31, 2010
A revision on our old favourite, Ay Amor
Ay Amor
Choreographed by: Ria Vos (NL) May 09
Music: Ay Amor by Semino Rossi (CD: Einmal Ja, Immer Ja)
Descriptions: 44 count - 4 wall - Beginner/Intermediate level line dance
Intro: 36 counts
Side, Drag, Ball-Walk Walk, Rock Fwd, Rec, Triple ½ Turn R
1-2 Step R Big Step to Right Side, Drag L Next to R (No Weight)
&3-4 Step on Ball of L Next to R, Walk Fwd R, L
5-6 Rock Fwd on R, Recover on L
7&8 Shuffle ½ Turn Right Stepping R,L,R (6:00)
¼ Turn R Step Side, Drag, Ball-Walk Walk, Rock Fwd, Rec., Triple Full Turn L
1-2 Turn ¼ Right Step L Big Step to Left Side, Drag R Next to L (No Weight) (9:00)
&3-4 Step on Ball of R Next to L, Walk Fwd L, R
5-6 Rock Fwd on L, Recover on R
7&8 Triple Full Turn Left on the Spot Stepping L,R,L ***TAG & RESTART Point (9:00)
Rock Fwd, Rec., Shuffle ½ Turn R x2, ¼ Turn R Step Side, Drag
1-2 Rock Fwd on R, Recover on L
3&4 Shuffle ½ Turn Right Stepping R,L,R (3:00)
5&6 Shuffle ½ Turn Right Stepping L,R,L (9:00)
7-8 Turn ¼ Right Step R Big Step to Right Side, Drag L Next to R (No Weight) (12:00)
Step, Lock, Step-Lock-Step (Turning ½ Turn Left)
1-2 Step Fwd on L, Lock R Behind L
3&4 Step Fwd on L, Lock R Behind L, Step Fwd on L (6:00*)
*Note: Gradually Turn ½ Left on count 1-4
Step Fwd, Hold, & Rock Fwd, Rec., Step Back, Hold, & Rock Back, Rec.
1-2 Step Fwd on R, Hold
&3-4 Step on Ball of L Next to R, Rock Fwd on R, Recover on L
5-6 Step Back on R, Hold
&7-8 Step on Ball of L Next to R, Rock Back on R, Recover on L
Full Turn L, Ball-Cross ¼ Turn L, Monterey ½ Turn R, Cross Shuffle
1-2 Turn ½ Left Step Back on R, Turn ½ Left Step Fwd on L (6:00)
&3-4 Turn ¼ Left Step on Ball of R Slightly to Right Side, Cross L Over R, Point R to Right Side (3:00)
5-6 Turn ½ Right Step R Next to L, Point L to Left Side (9:00)
7&8 Cross L Over R, Step R to Right Side, Cross L Over R
TAG & RESTART: On wall 4 AFTER Count 16 (12:00), dance the following 4 counts
1-2 Rock Fwd on R, Recover on L
3-4 Turn ¼ Right Step R to Right Side, Step L Together (3:00)
A revision on our old favourite, Nobody, But You
Nobody, But You!
Choreographed by: Emily Woo (Raindrops), Can (Aug 09)
Music: Nobody (English Version) by Wonder Girls
Descriptions: 64 count - 4 wall - Beginner/Intermediate level line dance
32 count intro
Cross, Hold, Cross, Hold, Cross, Cross, Point, Flick ½ Turn L
1,2 Cross R over L, Hold
3,4 Cross L over R, Hold
5,6 Cross R over L, Cross L over R
7,8 Point R forward, Flick R with ½ turn L (6 O’clock)
Shuffle Forward, Forward, 1/4 L Point, ¼ R, Point, ¼ L, Point
1&2 Shuffle forward with R, L, R
3,4 Step forward L, Turn ¼ L, Point R to R side
5,6 Step R with ¼ turn R, Point L to L side
7,8 Step L with ¼ turn L, Point R to R side (3 O’clock)
Side, Together, Side, Touch, Rolling Vine, Touch
1-4 Step R to R side, Step L beside R, Step R to R side, Touch L next to R
5-8 Turn ¼, ½, ¼ L (moving to L) , Touch R next L
Side, Together, Side, Touch, Rolling Vine, Touch
1–8 Repeat the steps in Section 3
Side, Touch, Side, Touch, Pose
1,2 Step R to R side, Touch L next to R
3,4 Step L to L side, Touch R next to L
5 Step R to R side, (Swing R hand to R side, palm facing forward)
6 Shift weight to L (Swing L hand to L side and Clap R hand together)
7&8 Keep L hand to L, palm facing forward, Circle R hand anti-clockwise around the head, Clap R hand to L hand
Hold X4, ¼ R, Forward ¼ R, Step
1-4 Hold 4 counts
5-8 Turn ¼ R and step R forward, Step L forward, Turn ¼ R and step, Step L next to R (9 O’clock)
Forward Shuffle, Forward ½ R, Bump & Bump, Touch, Hold
1&2 Shuffle Forward with R, L, R
3,4 Step L Forward, ½ turn R and Step
5&6 Step L forward bump forward, backward, forward
7,8 Touch R next to L, Hold (3 O’clock)
Forward Shuffle, Forward ½ R, Bump & Bump, Touch, Hold
1–8 Repeat the steps in Section 7 (9 O’clock)
1-4 At the END of 5th wall. (9 O’clock) keep the pose, do a gesture of cock crowing by moving fingers of R hand for 4 times from the R cheek extending to R
ENDING Pose: At the 7th wall, dance 24 counts, you now facing (9 O’clock) Do the Section 5 with a ¼ to R, you’ll face the front wall. There are two more counts (But you), Shift weight to R with a finger Pointing to R
La Maria another light and easy dance
La Maria -Choreographed by: Jocelyne Pim (Mar 10)
Music: Pobre La Maria by Luis Enrique Mejia Godoy
Descriptions: 48 count - 4 wall - Beginner/Intermediate level line dance
Rock, Recover, Chasse, Rock, Recover, Chasse
1-4 Cross/rock right over left, recover to left, step right to side, step left together, step right to side
5-8 Cross/rock left over right, recover to right, step left to side, step right together, step left to side
Pivot ½, Pivot ½, Rock, Recover, Chasse
1-4 Step right forward, turn ½ left (weight to left), step right forward, turn ½ left (weight to left)
5-6-7&8 Cross/rock right over left, recover to left, step right to side, step left together, step right to side
Vine 8 -1-4 Step left to side, cross right behind left, step left to side, cross right over left
5-8 Step left to side, cross right behind left, step left to side, cross right over left
Side Box, Step Together Cross, Hold
1-4 Step left to side, step right together, step left forward, hold
5-8 Step right to side, step left together, step right back, hold
Back Together, Forward Cross, Hold, Vine 8 (First 4 Of)
1-4 Step left back, step right together, cross left over right, hold
5-8 Step right to side, cross left behind left, step right to side, cross left over right
Vine 8, (Last 4 Of) Step Pivot ¼ Left, Sway Right, Sway Left
1-4 Step right to side, cross left behind left, step right to side, cross left over right
5-8 Step right forward, turn ¼ left (weight to left), sway right, sway left
Wasted Days , an easy dance to enjoy
Most of you may know and enjoy this oldie by Freddy Fenders
Wasted Days
Choreographed by: Francien Sittrop, NL (Apr 10)
Music: Wasted Days by Trudy Kits
Descriptions: 32 count - 4 wall - Beginner/Intermediate level line dance
Intro: Start on Vocals on the Word “Nights”
1–9 Rock, Recover , Ball Cross, ¼ Turn R Shuffle fwd, L Mambo fwd, Coaster step
1-2 Rock R fwd, Recover on L
&3 Step R next to L, Step L across R
4&5 ¼ Turn R and shuffle Fwd with R, L, R (3.00)
6&7 Rock L fwd, Recover on R, Step L back
8&1 Step R back, Step L next to R, Step R fwd
10-17 Step fwd, Pivot ½ Turn, Full Turn R , Kick Ball Cross, Side Rock , Recover, Cross
2–3 Step L fwd, Pivot ½ Turn R (9.00)
4&5 Triple Full Turn R with L,R,L (option: Shuffle fwd)
6&7 Kick R fwd, Step R down, Step L across R
8&1 Rock R to R side, Recover on L, Step R across L
18-24 Side Shuffle, Sailor ¼ Turn R, Kick fwd, Step, R. Heel grind , Step
2&3 Step L to L side, Step R next to L, Step L to L side
4&5 Step R behind L with ¼ Turn R, Step L to L side, Step R to R side (12.00)
6& Kick L fwd, Step L down
7–8 Step On R Heel with Toes L, Turn on R heel with toes to the R(7), Recover on L
& Step R next to L
Option Heel grind: Rock steps: Rock R fwd, Recover on L, Step R next to L
25-32 L Heel Grind, Step, Step fwd, Pivot ¼ Turn L, Cross, Side, Hip sways
1–2 Step on L Heel with toes R, Turn on L Heel with Toes to L(1), Recover on R
& Step L next to R
3–4 Step R fwd, Pivot ¼ Turn L (9.00)
5–6 Step R across L, Step L to L side
7–8 Sway Hips R, Sway Hips L
Option Heel grind: Rock steps: Rock L fwd, Recover on R, Step L next to R
ENDING: Last wall ends on the 3.00 wall. Count 31-32 : Sway Hips R, Sway Hips L with ¼ Turn L to end to the 12.00 Wall.
Wasted Days
Choreographed by: Francien Sittrop, NL (Apr 10)
Music: Wasted Days by Trudy Kits
Descriptions: 32 count - 4 wall - Beginner/Intermediate level line dance
Intro: Start on Vocals on the Word “Nights”
1–9 Rock, Recover , Ball Cross, ¼ Turn R Shuffle fwd, L Mambo fwd, Coaster step
1-2 Rock R fwd, Recover on L
&3 Step R next to L, Step L across R
4&5 ¼ Turn R and shuffle Fwd with R, L, R (3.00)
6&7 Rock L fwd, Recover on R, Step L back
8&1 Step R back, Step L next to R, Step R fwd
10-17 Step fwd, Pivot ½ Turn, Full Turn R , Kick Ball Cross, Side Rock , Recover, Cross
2–3 Step L fwd, Pivot ½ Turn R (9.00)
4&5 Triple Full Turn R with L,R,L (option: Shuffle fwd)
6&7 Kick R fwd, Step R down, Step L across R
8&1 Rock R to R side, Recover on L, Step R across L
18-24 Side Shuffle, Sailor ¼ Turn R, Kick fwd, Step, R. Heel grind , Step
2&3 Step L to L side, Step R next to L, Step L to L side
4&5 Step R behind L with ¼ Turn R, Step L to L side, Step R to R side (12.00)
6& Kick L fwd, Step L down
7–8 Step On R Heel with Toes L, Turn on R heel with toes to the R(7), Recover on L
& Step R next to L
Option Heel grind: Rock steps: Rock R fwd, Recover on L, Step R next to L
25-32 L Heel Grind, Step, Step fwd, Pivot ¼ Turn L, Cross, Side, Hip sways
1–2 Step on L Heel with toes R, Turn on L Heel with Toes to L(1), Recover on R
& Step L next to R
3–4 Step R fwd, Pivot ¼ Turn L (9.00)
5–6 Step R across L, Step L to L side
7–8 Sway Hips R, Sway Hips L
Option Heel grind: Rock steps: Rock L fwd, Recover on R, Step L next to R
ENDING: Last wall ends on the 3.00 wall. Count 31-32 : Sway Hips R, Sway Hips L with ¼ Turn L to end to the 12.00 Wall.
Friday, May 28, 2010
Fujiyama Mama & Undercover
These 2 dances will be our favourite soon.
Fujiyama Mama is a hit by Wanda Jackson released in the late 1950s. At age 72 and more than 50 years in music the Queen of Rock is still playing today. The choreographer of the dance, Darren Bailey also choreographed our line dance ACTION. Can you vaquely recall the dance?
Fujiyama Mama
Count: 48 Wall: 2 Level: Beginner / Intermediate
Choreographer: Darren Bailey (May 10)
Music: Fujiyama Mama by Wanda Jackson
Toe Strut On R Diagonal, Rock Back L, Toe Strut On L Diagonal, Rock Back R
1-2 Step diagonally forward on toe of Rf, Lower heel
3-4 Rock back on Lf, recover
5-6 Step diagonally forward on toe of Lf, Lower Heel
7-8 Rock back on Rf, recover
Chasse To The R, Rock Back On L, Continuous Chasse L With 1/4 Turn L
1&2 Step R foot to R side, close Lf next to Rf, step Rf to R side
3-4 Rock back on Lf, recover
5&6& Step Lf to L side, close Rf next to Lf, step Lf to L side, close Rf next to Lf
7&8 Step Lf to L side, close Rf next to Lf, Make a 1/4 turn L and step forward on Rf
(Boogie Walks) Scuff R, Step Forward R On Diagonal, Scuff L, Step Forward L On Diagonal X2
1-2 Scuff Rf forward, step Rf diagonally forward to R
3-4 Scuff Lf forward, step Lf diagonally forward to L
5-6 Scuff Rf forward, step Rf diagonally forward to R
7-8 Scuff Lf forward, step Lf diagonally forward to L
Tip: for styling keep knees bent during the boogie walks
(Boogie Back) Flick Ball Change R, Walk Back R, L, Flick Ball Change, R, Walk Back R, L
1&2 Kick Rf diagonally forward, close Rf next to Lf, step Lf next to Rf
3-4 Step back slightly on Rf, step back slightly on Lf
5&6 Kick Rf diagonally forward, close Rf next to Lf, step Lf next to Rf
7-8 Step back slightly on Rf, step back slightly on Lf
Side Step R, Hold, Close L, Hold X2 (60's Style)
1-2 Step Rf to R side (L arm forward, R arm Back), Hold
3-4 Close Lf next to Rf (R arm forward, R arm back) , Hold
5-6 Step Rf to R side (L arm forward, R arm Back), Hold
7-8 Close Lf next to Rf (R arm forward, R arm back), Hold
Tip: Keep arms low to avoid looking like you are dancing Thriller, you can even add a head Bob to make it even more 60's
Rock To R Side, Recover, R Cross Shuffle, Make A Full Turn And A 1/4 To L, Touch R
1-2 Rock Rf to R side, recover onto Lf
3&4 Cross Rf over Lf, step Lf to L side, cross Rf over Lf
5-6 Make a 1/4 turn L and step Lf forward, make a 1/2 turn L and step back on Rf
7-8 Make a 1/2 turn L and step Forward onto Lf, touch Rf next to Lf
TAG: At the END of Wall 5 there is an 8 count tag.
Stomp Rf diagonally forward to R, hold for 2,3,4
Stomp Lf diagonally forward to L, hold for 6,7,8
Don’t forget to dance with a 60's Vibe.....Peace Everybody!!!
I've been to Nagasaki, Hiroshima too!
The things I did to them baby, I can do to you!
'Cause I'm a Fujiyama Mama and I'm just about to blow my top!
Fujiyama-yama, Fujiyama!
And when I start you up, there aint nobody gonna make me stop!
I drank a quart of sake, smoked on a pipe!
I chased it with tobbacy and then shoot out the lights!
'Cause I'm a Fujiyama Mama and I'm just about to blow my top!
Fujiyama-yama, Fujiyama!
And when I start you up, there aint nobody gonna make me stop!
Well you can talk about me, say that I'm mean!
I'll blow your head off baby with nitroglycerine!
'Cause I'm a Fujiyama Mama and I'm just about to blow my top!
Fujiyama-yama, Fujiyama!
And when I start you up, there aint nobody gonna make me stop!
Well you can say I'm crazy, so deaf and dumb!
But I can cause destruction just like the atom bomb!
'Cause I'm a Fujiyama Mama and I'm just about to blow my top!
Fujiyama-yama, Fujiyama!
And when I start you up, there aint nobody gonna make me stop!
I drank a quart of sake, smoked on a pipe!
I chased it with tobbacy and then shoot out the lights!
'Cause I'm a Fujiyama Mama and I'm just about to blow my top!
Fujiyama-yama, Fujiyama!
And when I start you up, there aint nobody gonna make me stop!
Choreographed by: Robbie McGowan Hickie, UK (Apr 10)
Music: What's Your Name (Radio Mix) by Cosm04 (CD: 122bpm )
Descriptions: 48 count - 4 wall - Intermediate level line dance
32 Count intro
Left Side Rock. Behind & Step Forward. Forward Rock. Triple Full Turn Right.
1-2 Rock Left out to Left side. Recover weight on Right.
3&4 Cross Left behind Right. Step Right to Right side. Step forward on Left.
5-6 Rock forward on Right. Rock back on Left.
7&8 Right triple step Full tum Right stepping Right Left. Right.
Forward Rock. & Cross. Step Diagonally Back. Back Rock. Right Kick-Ball-Cross.
1-2 Rock forward on Left. Rock back on Right
&3 Step ball of Left Diagonally back Left. Cross step Right over Left.
4 Step Left Diagonally back Left.
5-6 Rock back on Right. Rock forw'ard on Left.
7&8 Kick Right Diagonally forw'ard Right. Step ball of Right back to place. Cross step Left over Right.
Side Step Left. Drag. & 1/4 Turn Left. 2x 'Valks Forward. Rigbt Heel-Ban-Step Forward x2.
1-2 Long step Right to Right side. Drag Left beside Right. (Weight on Right)
&3-4 Make 1/4 turn Left stepping ball of Left beside Right. Walk forward on Right. Walk forward on Left:.
5&6 Dig Right heel beside Left. Step ball of Right beside Left. Step forward on Left.
7&8 Dig Right heel beside Left. Step ball of Right beside Left. Step forward on Left. (Facing 9 o'clock)
Forward Rock. Rigbt Shuffle 1/2 Turn Right. 1/2 Turn Right. Rigbt Coaster Step. Step Forward.
1-2 Rock forward on Right. Rock back on Left.
3&4 Right shuffle making 1/2 turn Right stepping Right Left, Right.
5 Make 1/2 tum Right stepping back on Left.
6&7 Step back on Right. Step Left beside Right. Step fonvard on Right.
8 Step forward on Left. (Facing 9 o'clock)
Side Rock. Recover 114 Turn Left. 2x 1/2 Turns Left. Step. Pivot 114 Turn Left. Rigbt Cross Shuffle.
1-2 Rock Right out to Right side. Recover on Left making 1/4 turn Left. (Facing 6 o'clock)
3-4 Make 1/2 tum Left stepping back on Right. Make 112tum Left stepping forward on Left.
S-6 Step fOf-vardon Right. Pivot 1/4 turn Left. (Facing 3 o'clock)
7&8 Cross step Right over Left. Step Left to Left side. Cross step Right over Left.
***RESTART Point***
Chasse 1/4 Turn Left. Step. Pivot 3/4 Turn Left. Side. Bebind. & Cross Rock.
1&2 Step Left to Left side. Close Right beside Left. Make 1/4 turn Left stepping forward on Left.
3-4 Step fonvard on Right. Pivot 3/4 turn Left. (Facing 3 o'clock)
5-6 Step Right to Right side. Cross Left behind Right.
&7-8 Step Right to Right side. Cross rock Left over Right Rock back on Right.
Start Again
RESTARTS: Dunce up to Count 40 (Right Cross Shuffle) of Wall 2 (Fa.cing 6 o'clock) & Wall 4 (Facing 12 o'clock) ... Then Start the dance againfrom the Beginning.
TAG: END of Wall 5 (Facing] o'clock) Hip Sways.
1-4 Step Left to Left side Swaying Hips Left. Sway Right. Sway Left. Sway Right
Fujiyama Mama is a hit by Wanda Jackson released in the late 1950s. At age 72 and more than 50 years in music the Queen of Rock is still playing today. The choreographer of the dance, Darren Bailey also choreographed our line dance ACTION. Can you vaquely recall the dance?
Fujiyama Mama
Count: 48 Wall: 2 Level: Beginner / Intermediate
Choreographer: Darren Bailey (May 10)
Music: Fujiyama Mama by Wanda Jackson
Toe Strut On R Diagonal, Rock Back L, Toe Strut On L Diagonal, Rock Back R
1-2 Step diagonally forward on toe of Rf, Lower heel
3-4 Rock back on Lf, recover
5-6 Step diagonally forward on toe of Lf, Lower Heel
7-8 Rock back on Rf, recover
Chasse To The R, Rock Back On L, Continuous Chasse L With 1/4 Turn L
1&2 Step R foot to R side, close Lf next to Rf, step Rf to R side
3-4 Rock back on Lf, recover
5&6& Step Lf to L side, close Rf next to Lf, step Lf to L side, close Rf next to Lf
7&8 Step Lf to L side, close Rf next to Lf, Make a 1/4 turn L and step forward on Rf
(Boogie Walks) Scuff R, Step Forward R On Diagonal, Scuff L, Step Forward L On Diagonal X2
1-2 Scuff Rf forward, step Rf diagonally forward to R
3-4 Scuff Lf forward, step Lf diagonally forward to L
5-6 Scuff Rf forward, step Rf diagonally forward to R
7-8 Scuff Lf forward, step Lf diagonally forward to L
Tip: for styling keep knees bent during the boogie walks
(Boogie Back) Flick Ball Change R, Walk Back R, L, Flick Ball Change, R, Walk Back R, L
1&2 Kick Rf diagonally forward, close Rf next to Lf, step Lf next to Rf
3-4 Step back slightly on Rf, step back slightly on Lf
5&6 Kick Rf diagonally forward, close Rf next to Lf, step Lf next to Rf
7-8 Step back slightly on Rf, step back slightly on Lf
Side Step R, Hold, Close L, Hold X2 (60's Style)
1-2 Step Rf to R side (L arm forward, R arm Back), Hold
3-4 Close Lf next to Rf (R arm forward, R arm back) , Hold
5-6 Step Rf to R side (L arm forward, R arm Back), Hold
7-8 Close Lf next to Rf (R arm forward, R arm back), Hold
Tip: Keep arms low to avoid looking like you are dancing Thriller, you can even add a head Bob to make it even more 60's
Rock To R Side, Recover, R Cross Shuffle, Make A Full Turn And A 1/4 To L, Touch R
1-2 Rock Rf to R side, recover onto Lf
3&4 Cross Rf over Lf, step Lf to L side, cross Rf over Lf
5-6 Make a 1/4 turn L and step Lf forward, make a 1/2 turn L and step back on Rf
7-8 Make a 1/2 turn L and step Forward onto Lf, touch Rf next to Lf
TAG: At the END of Wall 5 there is an 8 count tag.
Stomp Rf diagonally forward to R, hold for 2,3,4
Stomp Lf diagonally forward to L, hold for 6,7,8
Don’t forget to dance with a 60's Vibe.....Peace Everybody!!!
I've been to Nagasaki, Hiroshima too!
The things I did to them baby, I can do to you!
'Cause I'm a Fujiyama Mama and I'm just about to blow my top!
Fujiyama-yama, Fujiyama!
And when I start you up, there aint nobody gonna make me stop!
I drank a quart of sake, smoked on a pipe!
I chased it with tobbacy and then shoot out the lights!
'Cause I'm a Fujiyama Mama and I'm just about to blow my top!
Fujiyama-yama, Fujiyama!
And when I start you up, there aint nobody gonna make me stop!
Well you can talk about me, say that I'm mean!
I'll blow your head off baby with nitroglycerine!
'Cause I'm a Fujiyama Mama and I'm just about to blow my top!
Fujiyama-yama, Fujiyama!
And when I start you up, there aint nobody gonna make me stop!
Well you can say I'm crazy, so deaf and dumb!
But I can cause destruction just like the atom bomb!
'Cause I'm a Fujiyama Mama and I'm just about to blow my top!
Fujiyama-yama, Fujiyama!
And when I start you up, there aint nobody gonna make me stop!
I drank a quart of sake, smoked on a pipe!
I chased it with tobbacy and then shoot out the lights!
'Cause I'm a Fujiyama Mama and I'm just about to blow my top!
Fujiyama-yama, Fujiyama!
And when I start you up, there aint nobody gonna make me stop!
Choreographed by: Robbie McGowan Hickie, UK (Apr 10)
Music: What's Your Name (Radio Mix) by Cosm04 (CD: 122bpm )
Descriptions: 48 count - 4 wall - Intermediate level line dance
32 Count intro
Left Side Rock. Behind & Step Forward. Forward Rock. Triple Full Turn Right.
1-2 Rock Left out to Left side. Recover weight on Right.
3&4 Cross Left behind Right. Step Right to Right side. Step forward on Left.
5-6 Rock forward on Right. Rock back on Left.
7&8 Right triple step Full tum Right stepping Right Left. Right.
Forward Rock. & Cross. Step Diagonally Back. Back Rock. Right Kick-Ball-Cross.
1-2 Rock forward on Left. Rock back on Right
&3 Step ball of Left Diagonally back Left. Cross step Right over Left.
4 Step Left Diagonally back Left.
5-6 Rock back on Right. Rock forw'ard on Left.
7&8 Kick Right Diagonally forw'ard Right. Step ball of Right back to place. Cross step Left over Right.
Side Step Left. Drag. & 1/4 Turn Left. 2x 'Valks Forward. Rigbt Heel-Ban-Step Forward x2.
1-2 Long step Right to Right side. Drag Left beside Right. (Weight on Right)
&3-4 Make 1/4 turn Left stepping ball of Left beside Right. Walk forward on Right. Walk forward on Left:.
5&6 Dig Right heel beside Left. Step ball of Right beside Left. Step forward on Left.
7&8 Dig Right heel beside Left. Step ball of Right beside Left. Step forward on Left. (Facing 9 o'clock)
Forward Rock. Rigbt Shuffle 1/2 Turn Right. 1/2 Turn Right. Rigbt Coaster Step. Step Forward.
1-2 Rock forward on Right. Rock back on Left.
3&4 Right shuffle making 1/2 turn Right stepping Right Left, Right.
5 Make 1/2 tum Right stepping back on Left.
6&7 Step back on Right. Step Left beside Right. Step fonvard on Right.
8 Step forward on Left. (Facing 9 o'clock)
Side Rock. Recover 114 Turn Left. 2x 1/2 Turns Left. Step. Pivot 114 Turn Left. Rigbt Cross Shuffle.
1-2 Rock Right out to Right side. Recover on Left making 1/4 turn Left. (Facing 6 o'clock)
3-4 Make 1/2 tum Left stepping back on Right. Make 112tum Left stepping forward on Left.
S-6 Step fOf-vardon Right. Pivot 1/4 turn Left. (Facing 3 o'clock)
7&8 Cross step Right over Left. Step Left to Left side. Cross step Right over Left.
***RESTART Point***
Chasse 1/4 Turn Left. Step. Pivot 3/4 Turn Left. Side. Bebind. & Cross Rock.
1&2 Step Left to Left side. Close Right beside Left. Make 1/4 turn Left stepping forward on Left.
3-4 Step fonvard on Right. Pivot 3/4 turn Left. (Facing 3 o'clock)
5-6 Step Right to Right side. Cross Left behind Right.
&7-8 Step Right to Right side. Cross rock Left over Right Rock back on Right.
Start Again
RESTARTS: Dunce up to Count 40 (Right Cross Shuffle) of Wall 2 (Fa.cing 6 o'clock) & Wall 4 (Facing 12 o'clock) ... Then Start the dance againfrom the Beginning.
TAG: END of Wall 5 (Facing] o'clock) Hip Sways.
1-4 Step Left to Left side Swaying Hips Left. Sway Right. Sway Left. Sway Right
Beach Party & Ya Ya
Light & Easy dances for Annie's Jamming Party. After so many mind challenging dances its always a relief to relax with some beginner dances. You'll know this music, La Playa as we did the dance a couple of years back.(this dance is really simple compared to the one we did)
Step sheet included in the 2nd video page
Another beginner dance by our fellow Malaysian from Malacca, Mary Chan
Ya Ya (Let's All Dance)
Choreographed by: Mary Chan, Malaysia (Apr 10)
Music: Ya Ya by The Empty Heads
Descriptions: 32 count - 4 wall - Beginner level line dance
Start after 32 counts.
1-8 Angle Body Diagonal Side Step Touch, Hold Shimmy Shoulder X4
&1-2 Angle body diagonal step right to right, left touch beside right, hold with shimmy shoulder
&3-4 Angle body diagonal step left to left, right touch beside left, hold with shimmy shoulder
&5-6 Repeat &1-2
&7-8 Repeat &3-4
2-8 Vine Right Cross, Point Out In Out Step
1-4 Step right to right, step left behind right, step right to right, cross left over right
5-8 Point right to right, point right beside left, point right to right, step right beside left ##
RESTART: On wall 4 dance up to '16' count keep your weight on left (touch right beside left ) Facing - 9.00
3-8 Vine Left Cross, Point Out In Out Step
1-4 Step left to left, step right behind left, step left to left, cross right over left
5-8 Point left to left, point left beside right, point left to left, step left beside right
4-8 Fwd Right Pivot 1/2, Fwd Right Pivot 1/4, Jazz Box Step
1-4 Step right fwd, pivot ½ turn left, step right fwd, pivot ¼ turn left
5-8 cross right over left, recover on left, step right to right, step left beside right
TAG: After wall 8 (keep your weight on left) Facing - 9.00, 4 Count Tag: right fwd, stomp left together, right hitch & push right hands fwd, hold (Keep your weight on left) Start Again
Step sheet included in the 2nd video page
Another beginner dance by our fellow Malaysian from Malacca, Mary Chan
Ya Ya (Let's All Dance)
Choreographed by: Mary Chan, Malaysia (Apr 10)
Music: Ya Ya by The Empty Heads
Descriptions: 32 count - 4 wall - Beginner level line dance
Start after 32 counts.
1-8 Angle Body Diagonal Side Step Touch, Hold Shimmy Shoulder X4
&1-2 Angle body diagonal step right to right, left touch beside right, hold with shimmy shoulder
&3-4 Angle body diagonal step left to left, right touch beside left, hold with shimmy shoulder
&5-6 Repeat &1-2
&7-8 Repeat &3-4
2-8 Vine Right Cross, Point Out In Out Step
1-4 Step right to right, step left behind right, step right to right, cross left over right
5-8 Point right to right, point right beside left, point right to right, step right beside left ##
RESTART: On wall 4 dance up to '16' count keep your weight on left (touch right beside left ) Facing - 9.00
3-8 Vine Left Cross, Point Out In Out Step
1-4 Step left to left, step right behind left, step left to left, cross right over left
5-8 Point left to left, point left beside right, point left to left, step left beside right
4-8 Fwd Right Pivot 1/2, Fwd Right Pivot 1/4, Jazz Box Step
1-4 Step right fwd, pivot ½ turn left, step right fwd, pivot ¼ turn left
5-8 cross right over left, recover on left, step right to right, step left beside right
TAG: After wall 8 (keep your weight on left) Facing - 9.00, 4 Count Tag: right fwd, stomp left together, right hitch & push right hands fwd, hold (Keep your weight on left) Start Again
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Our Best video clips so far.. What U Waiting for and Waka Waka
With synchronized hand actions we look smart. Good job, mates.
Thanks to Mariana who managed to get some new tips to improve her technique and produce these 2 clearer video clips:-
Thanks to Mariana who managed to get some new tips to improve her technique and produce these 2 clearer video clips:-
Dog-gone Blues
Watch choreographer Jo Thomnpson dance in this video clip. We can learn some styling ideas for this West Coast Swing rhythm
Dog-Gone Blues
Choreographed by: Jo Thompson Szymanski, Michele Burton & Michael Barr (Apr 10)
Music: No More Doggin' by Colin James (CD: Colin James & The Little Big Band)
Descriptions: 48 count - 4 wall - Intermediate level line dance
1-8 Walk, Walk, Kick-Ball-Cross - Brush-Hitch-Cross, Coaster Cross
1–2 Walk forward on Right; Walk forward on Left
3&4 Kick Right forward to the right diagonal (facing R diag.); Step back onto ball of Right; Step Left over right moving slightly back like a lock
5&6 Brush ball of Right forward; Small hitch with the Right knee; Cross Right over left (squaring to 12 o’clock)
7&8 Step back on Left; Step Right next to left; Cross Left in front of right
9-16 1/4 Turn Touch, Step, Touch, Step - Traveling Boogie Swivels
1–2 Turn ¼ right touching right toe to right diagonal body facing R diag.; Step Right in place (squaring to 3 o’clock)
3–4 Touch Left toe to left diagonal body facing L diag.; Step Left in place (squaring to 3 o’clock)
5&6 Swivel on ball of left, touch right toe to right diagonal body facing R diag. (both toes point to R);
Step Right in place; Swivel on ball of right, step Left side left, toes pointing left, knees slightly bent, body facing L diag.
7&8 Swivel on ball of left, touch right toe to right diagonal body facing R diag. (both toes point to R);
Step Right in place; Swivel on ball of right, step Left side left, toes pointing left, knees slightly bent, body facing L diag.
17-24 Right Sailor Step, Left Sailor 1/2 Turn - 2 Hip Walks
1&2 Step Right behind left; Step Left next to right; Step Right side right
3&4 Step Left behind right; Turn ½ left stepping Right next to left; Step Left slightly forward (facing 9 o’clock)
5&6 Touch Right toe forward with a forward right hip bump; Keeping right toe forward return weight to Left hip (&); Step onto Right in place
7&8 Touch Left toe forward with a forward left hip bump; Keeping left toe forward return weight to Right hip (&); Step onto Left in place
25-32 Rock, Return, Triple 1/2 Turn Right - Rock, Return, Triple 1/2 Ball Cross
1–2 Rock forward onto Right foot; Return weight onto Left in place
3&4 Turn ½ right stepping Right forward; Step Left next to right; Step right forward
5&6 Rock forward onto Left foot; Return weight onto Right in place
7&8 Turn ½ left stepping Left forward; Step ball of Right side right; Step Left over right
33-40 Side Touch With Knee Pops, Ball Cross - Repeat
Note: In the next 8 counts “Knee Pop” indicates a gentle straightening of the leg.
&1-3 Step Right side right; Touch Left toe to left diagonal body facing L diag (L leg should be straight); Left knee pop; Left knee pop
&4 Step ball of Left slightly back; Step Right over left squaring body
&5-7 Step left side left; Touch Right toe to right diagonal body facing R diag (R leg should be straight); Right knee pop; Right knee pop
&8 Step ball of Right slightly back; Step Left over right squaring body
41-48 Vaudvilles – Paddle Full Turn Left
&1&2 Step Right side right; Touch Left toe to left diagonal; Step ball of Left slightly back; Cross Right over left
&3&4 Step Left side left; Touch Right toe to right diagonal; Step ball of Right slightly back; Step Left in front of right
&5&6 Step ball of Right side right; Turn ¼ left stepping onto Left; Repeat
&7&8 Step ball of Right side right; Turn ¼ left stepping onto Left; Repeat
TAG: Following the first repetition of the dance, repeat the last 16 counts (33-48). You will be facing the 9 o’clock wall when you start the second repetition. At the end of the song, finish the paddle turn facing the front.
Dog-Gone Blues
Choreographed by: Jo Thompson Szymanski, Michele Burton & Michael Barr (Apr 10)
Music: No More Doggin' by Colin James (CD: Colin James & The Little Big Band)
Descriptions: 48 count - 4 wall - Intermediate level line dance
1-8 Walk, Walk, Kick-Ball-Cross - Brush-Hitch-Cross, Coaster Cross
1–2 Walk forward on Right; Walk forward on Left
3&4 Kick Right forward to the right diagonal (facing R diag.); Step back onto ball of Right; Step Left over right moving slightly back like a lock
5&6 Brush ball of Right forward; Small hitch with the Right knee; Cross Right over left (squaring to 12 o’clock)
7&8 Step back on Left; Step Right next to left; Cross Left in front of right
9-16 1/4 Turn Touch, Step, Touch, Step - Traveling Boogie Swivels
1–2 Turn ¼ right touching right toe to right diagonal body facing R diag.; Step Right in place (squaring to 3 o’clock)
3–4 Touch Left toe to left diagonal body facing L diag.; Step Left in place (squaring to 3 o’clock)
5&6 Swivel on ball of left, touch right toe to right diagonal body facing R diag. (both toes point to R);
Step Right in place; Swivel on ball of right, step Left side left, toes pointing left, knees slightly bent, body facing L diag.
7&8 Swivel on ball of left, touch right toe to right diagonal body facing R diag. (both toes point to R);
Step Right in place; Swivel on ball of right, step Left side left, toes pointing left, knees slightly bent, body facing L diag.
17-24 Right Sailor Step, Left Sailor 1/2 Turn - 2 Hip Walks
1&2 Step Right behind left; Step Left next to right; Step Right side right
3&4 Step Left behind right; Turn ½ left stepping Right next to left; Step Left slightly forward (facing 9 o’clock)
5&6 Touch Right toe forward with a forward right hip bump; Keeping right toe forward return weight to Left hip (&); Step onto Right in place
7&8 Touch Left toe forward with a forward left hip bump; Keeping left toe forward return weight to Right hip (&); Step onto Left in place
25-32 Rock, Return, Triple 1/2 Turn Right - Rock, Return, Triple 1/2 Ball Cross
1–2 Rock forward onto Right foot; Return weight onto Left in place
3&4 Turn ½ right stepping Right forward; Step Left next to right; Step right forward
5&6 Rock forward onto Left foot; Return weight onto Right in place
7&8 Turn ½ left stepping Left forward; Step ball of Right side right; Step Left over right
33-40 Side Touch With Knee Pops, Ball Cross - Repeat
Note: In the next 8 counts “Knee Pop” indicates a gentle straightening of the leg.
&1-3 Step Right side right; Touch Left toe to left diagonal body facing L diag (L leg should be straight); Left knee pop; Left knee pop
&4 Step ball of Left slightly back; Step Right over left squaring body
&5-7 Step left side left; Touch Right toe to right diagonal body facing R diag (R leg should be straight); Right knee pop; Right knee pop
&8 Step ball of Right slightly back; Step Left over right squaring body
41-48 Vaudvilles – Paddle Full Turn Left
&1&2 Step Right side right; Touch Left toe to left diagonal; Step ball of Left slightly back; Cross Right over left
&3&4 Step Left side left; Touch Right toe to right diagonal; Step ball of Right slightly back; Step Left in front of right
&5&6 Step ball of Right side right; Turn ¼ left stepping onto Left; Repeat
&7&8 Step ball of Right side right; Turn ¼ left stepping onto Left; Repeat
TAG: Following the first repetition of the dance, repeat the last 16 counts (33-48). You will be facing the 9 o’clock wall when you start the second repetition. At the end of the song, finish the paddle turn facing the front.
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Annie Chai's Jamming Party
Date: 17 June 2010
Venue: Grand Portview
Ticket : RM30 (Buffet Dinner)
Let's go and have fun. We can dance 26 dances together (in italics):-
Jamming List
1 Funky Fire Dance 2 Wasted Days
3 Have Fun, Go Mad 4 Tears I Cry
5 Ride That Train 6 Rock N Love
7 Kinda Busy 8 Ez Rumba
9 Love Ya 10 Totoy Bibbo
11 Japanese Rumba 12 So Sexxy 13 Teresa Teng
14 Wakira(we split floor for Waka Waka)
15 You’re my Baby Girl 16 La Maria
17 Ay Amore 18 Mexicali
19 You & I 20 Fujiyama Mama
21 The Birds & the Bees(we split floor for Something Good)
22 Swedish Delight23 Giddy On Out
24 Walking In The Rain
25 Stomp & Kick
26 Undercover
27 Let’s Do The Shake
28 Parachute
29 I Love Cha Cha
30 Baby, Baby, Baby
31 Wake Up Song : Singer- Gary Chao
32 Nobody But You
33 Rah-Rah Ooh La La
34 Blame It On The Girl
35) Seduced36) Shanghai Cha
37) Sugar Candy
38) Go Cat Go
39) Latin Crazy
40) Gossip Girl
41) (You Making Me ) Hot, Hot, Hot
42) Is Tonight
43) Ya Ya
44) Beach Party
Venue: Grand Portview
Ticket : RM30 (Buffet Dinner)
Let's go and have fun. We can dance 26 dances together (in italics):-
Jamming List
1 Funky Fire Dance 2 Wasted Days
3 Have Fun, Go Mad 4 Tears I Cry
5 Ride That Train 6 Rock N Love
7 Kinda Busy 8 Ez Rumba
9 Love Ya 10 Totoy Bibbo
11 Japanese Rumba 12 So Sexxy 13 Teresa Teng
14 Wakira(we split floor for Waka Waka)
15 You’re my Baby Girl 16 La Maria
17 Ay Amore 18 Mexicali
19 You & I 20 Fujiyama Mama
21 The Birds & the Bees(we split floor for Something Good)
22 Swedish Delight23 Giddy On Out
24 Walking In The Rain
25 Stomp & Kick
26 Undercover
27 Let’s Do The Shake
28 Parachute
29 I Love Cha Cha
30 Baby, Baby, Baby
31 Wake Up Song : Singer- Gary Chao
32 Nobody But You
33 Rah-Rah Ooh La La
34 Blame It On The Girl
35) Seduced36) Shanghai Cha
37) Sugar Candy
38) Go Cat Go
39) Latin Crazy
40) Gossip Girl
41) (You Making Me ) Hot, Hot, Hot
42) Is Tonight
43) Ya Ya
44) Beach Party
Saturday, May 22, 2010
Our video Mi Amor.
We shall be shooting our videos on sat 2pm before class. Only interesting dances. Hope more can join us. Well done KK Linedancers - we look like we are having a fun time with our SPIDER HANDS. ha ha ha
Latin Crazy
Latin Crazy
Choreographed by: Dee Musk, Fred Buckley, Craig Bennett & Vivienne Scott (Apr 10)
Music: I'm Crazy by DJ Bobo (CD: Vampires)
Descriptions: 64 count - 4 wall - Intermediate level line dance
Intro: Start 64 counts in on the main vocals
RESTART: After 16 counts on 3rd wall; you will face 3 o’clock when you restart the dance
1-8 Right Cross Samba, Left Cross Samba, Cross Side, Sailor 1/4 Turn Right.
1&2 Cross step R over L, rock L to L side, recover weight to R.
3&4 Cross step L over R, rock R to R side, recover weight to L.
5-6 Cross step R over L, step L to L side.
7&8 Making 1/4 turn R cross step R behind L, step L to L side, step R in place.
9-16 Cross Side, Left Sailor Step, Touch Behind, Unwind 1/2 Turn Right, Left Shuffle Forward.
1-2 Cross step L over R, step R to R side.
3&4 Cross step L behind R, step R to R side, step L in place.
5-6 Touch R toe behind L, unwind 1/2 turn R (weight on R).
7&8 Shuffle forward stepping L, R, L.
17-24 Hip Bumps, 1/4 Turn Hip Bumps, Hip Bumps, 1/4 Turn Hip Bumps.
1&2 Step right to right side bumping hips right, left, right
3&4 Turn 1/4 left & bump hips left, right, left
5&6 Step right to right side bumping hips right, left, right
7&8 Turn 1/4 left and bump hips left, right, left
25-32 Mambo Forward, Mambo Back, Pivot 1/2 Turn, Step Forward, Long Step Forward, Touch.
1&2 Rock forward on right, recover back on left, step right beside left
3&4 Rock back on left, recover on right, step left beside right
5&6 Step right forward, pivot 1/2 turn left, step right forward
7-8 Long step forward with left, drag right to left and touch
33-40 Mambo Forward, Mambo Back, Pivot 1/2 Turn, Right Shuffle Forward
1&2 Rock forward onto right, recover back onto left, step right beside left
3&4 Rock back onto left, recover forward on right, step left beside right
5-6 Step forward onto right, pivot 1/2 turn left
7&8 Shuffle forward stepping R, L, R
41-48 Step Forward, Step 1/2 Turn, Back Coaster Step, Touch 1/4, 1/4, Kick Ball Step
1-2 Step forward left, make 1/2 turn left stepping back onto right,
3&4 Step back on left, close right next to left, step forward onto left
5-6 Make 1/4 left pointing right toe to right side, make 1/4 left pointing right toe to right side
7&8 Kick right foot forward, step right next to left, step forward onto left
49-56 Rock Forward, Recover, Right Shuffle Back, 1/2 Turn Left Shuffle Forward, Step Forward, Touch Behind
1-2 Rock forward on right, recover on left
3&4 Shuffle back stepping R, L, R
5&6 Turn 1/2 left and shuffle forward stepping L, R, L
7-8 Step right forward, touch left toe behind right
57-64 Step Back, 2 Count Full Turn Travelling Back, Step Back, Point Side, Step Across, Point Side, Kick
1 Step left back
2-3 Turn 1/2 right and step right forward, turn 1/2 right and step left back (Alternative: Walk Back Right, Left)
4 Step right back
5-6 Point left to left side, cross step left over right
7-8 Point right to right side, kick right to right diagonal
NOTE: On 8th wall facing 3 o’clock the music stops on count 64, keep dancing counts 1&2 3&4 (beginning of the dance) and the song kicks back in on count 5.
ENDING: You will be facing the front (12 o’clock), dance first six counts, don’t turn on the sailor step and on count 8 step long step to right side.
Craig Bennett craig_b69@msn.com / Dee Musk deemusk@btinternet.com
Fred Buckley fbuckyca2000@yahoo.com / Vivienne Scott linedanceviv@hotmail.com
So Sexxy - You gotta SMILE when you see John Robinson dance
So Sexxy
Choreographed by: John Robinson (Jan 10)
Music: You're So Sexy by Marlee Scott (CD: Album Version or Remix)
Descriptions: 32 count - 4 wall - Intermediate level line dance
SEQUENCE: Begin on vocals—24 count intro album version, 32 count intro remix; both versions, dance 4 full repetitions then do the FIRST 24 counts and Restart (you will be facing 9:00 when this happens).
R Kick-Ball-Cross, R Side Step, L Touch, Turn 1/4 Left, Turn 1/2 Left, Coaster Step
1&2 Kick-ball-cross R kick diagonally forward right (1), R step ball of foot back (&), L step across R (2)
3,4 Step, touch R step side right (3), L touch next to R (4)
5,6 Quarter, half L step 1/4 turn left (5), pivot 1/2 left stepping R back (6)
7&8 Coaster step L step ball of foot back (7), R step ball of foot back next to L (&), L step forward (8)
R Touch Out, Step Forward, Hip Bumps (Forward, Side, Back) Gradually Turning 1/2 Right
1,2 Touch, step R touch side right (1), R step forward (2)
3,4 Forward, back L touch forward (keep weight back on R)/bump hips forward (3), bump hips back (4)
5,6 Side, side Pivot 1/4 right (keep weight on R)/bump hips left (5), bump hips right (6)
7,8 Back, back Pivot 1/4 right shifting weight to L/bump hips back twice (7,8)
Walk Forward R-L, Quick Rock Side Right, R Step Forward, Heel Click Sequence W/R Hitch
1,2 Walk, walk R step forward (1), L step forward (2)
&34 Quick rock-step R rock ball of foot side right (&), recover to L (3), R step forward (4)
5,6 Out, in L step side left turning toes out/heels in (5), return toes/heels to center (6)
7&8 Out-in-up Turn toes out/heels in (7), return toes/heels to center (&), raise R knee (8)
R Side Body Roll, L Side Body Roll Turning 1/4 R, R Syncopated Vine Turning 1/4 Right, R Stomp Up
1,2 Roll right R step side right rolling upper body right (1), settle weight over R (2)
3,4 Roll left L step side left turning 1/4 right/rolling upper body left (3), settle weight over L (4)
5,6 Side, behind R step side right (5), L step behind R (6)
&78 Turn-step-stomp Turn 1/4 right stepping R forward (&), L step forward (7), R stomp next to L keeping weight on L (8)
Friday, May 21, 2010
Line Dance Waka Waka, the Official World Cup Song 2010 South Africa( FIFA )
For dance stepsheet go to:
Waka Waka 2010
Choreograaf : Esmeralda van de Pol (NL)
Type dans : two wall line dance
Niveau : Improver
Tellen : A 32 + B
Muziek : “Waka Waka
Intro : 32 tellen
Part A
Rock Step Fwd, Triple Full Turn R, Rock Step Fwd, Lock Step Back
1-2 Rock fwd on Right, Recover on left
3&4 ½ Turn Right step fwd, Close R next to L,
5-6 Rock fwd on Right, Recover on Left
7&8 Step back on Left, Cross RF
½ Unwind R, Pivot ½ R, & Side
1-2 Touch RF behind, ½ Turn Right, weight on RF
3-4 Step fwd on Left, ½ Turn Right, weight on RF
&5-6 Close LF next to RF, Right
7-8 Step R to the right Side, Flick Left behind R
¼ Turn with Back Rock, Recover, & Side Rock Recover,
Side Rock
1-2 ¼ Turn Right Rock Back on
&3-4 Close left next to R, R Side Rock, Recover on Left
&5-6 Close R next to left, ¼ Turn Right Rock Back on
7-8 R Side Rock, Recover on Left
4x ¼ Padlle Turn L, R Wizard Step, L Wizard Step
1& ¼ Turn Left touch Right to the right side, Touch R next to Left
2& ¼ Turn Left touch Right to the right side, Touch R next to Left
3&4 ¼ Turn Left touch Right to the right side, Touch R next to Left
5-6& Step right diagonally forward, lock left behind right, Small step right forward to right diagonal
7-8& Step left diagonally fwd, Lock right behind l
Part B
Back Touch R, Back Touch R, Back Touch L, Jump & Hitch
1-2 Touch R Back diagonally, Touch R next to left
3-4 Touch R back diagonally, Step right next to left
5-6 Touch L Back diagonally, touch
7-8 Jump on Right foot up, Hitch Left Knee, come back on
Arms Note
1 strech you arms diagonally, left fwd, rig
2 arms to the center of your body
3-4 the same
5-6 strech your arms diagonally, right fwd, left back
7 when you jump, both arm in the air
8 arms back to the center of your body
Side Step R, Side Step R,Side Step L,
1-2 Step right to the right side, Close left next to right
3-4 Step right to the right side, Touch left next to right
5-6 Step left to the left side, Close right next to left
7-8 Step left to the left side, Touch right next to left
Arm en Body Note
When you go to the right side, move your body down en strech your arms down
Count 2 and 4 replace to the center
When you go to the left side, strech your body and arms in the air
Counts 6 and 8 replace to the center
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
What U Waiting For
An energetic dance that provides good exercise plus the fun.If you listen to the lyrics of the song, you can hear the male singer singing.."..girl from Kuala Lumpur". That's because the female vocalist is MizzNina , our Malaysian girl. Malaysia Boleh lah.
Interesting choreography by Mei Ling Leong
Choreographed by:Leong Mei Ling (M’sia) in May 2010
Music:What You Waiting For by Colby O’Donis feat. MizzNina
64 counts, 4 walls, Beginner/Intermediate line dance
Intro: 32 counts
One RESTART ON WALL 7 (after 32 counts)
(Start with feet shoulder width apart, weight on Left)
&1-2 (&) Ball of Right beside Left, (1) step Left to side, (2) Right heel forward
3-4Touch Right toe back, turn 1/2 right (weight on Right) [6:00]
5-6(1/8 turn right) press Left to side, (1/8 turn left) step Left beside Right
7-8(1/8 turn left) press Right to side, (1/8 turn right) step Right beside Left [6:00]
1-4Step Left to side, step Right behind Left, step Left to side, touch Right beside
5-8Step Right to side, Left behind Right, 1/4 turn right step forward Right, scuff Left [9:00]
1-2Step Left forward, touch Right in place
3-4Step Right back, touch Left in place
5-61/4 left step Left to side, touch Right beside
7-81/4 right step Right forward, touch Left beside [9:00]
(For styling: lean slight forward while stepping forward and lean slight back when stepping back)
1-2Press ball of Left to side, step Left beside Right
3-4Press ball of Right to side, step Right beside Left
5&6& Point Left to side, step Left beside Right, Point Right to side, step Right beside Left
7-8Point Left to side, 1/4 turn left step Left beside Right [6:00]
1&2Scuff Right forward, (&) hitch, step Right back
3-4Twist body 1/4 right, 1/4 left (both feet should follow body: swivel right and left [6:00]
5-6Cross Right over Left, step Left to side
7&8(face 7:00) Step Right back, step Left beside Right, step Right forward
Note: For 7&8, a Sailor Step works equally well :)
1-2Cross Left over Right, step Right to side
3&4(face 5:00) Step Left back, step Right beside Left, step Left forward
Note: 3&4 can be replaced with a Sailor Step
5&6(still facing 5:00) press Right forward, recover to Left, step Right to side [square back toWall]
7&8(face 7:00) press Left forward, recover to Right, step Left to side (squaring back to wall)
1-4Cross Right over Left, step Left back, step Right to side, step Left forward
5-8Cross Right over Left, step Left back, 1/4 turn right step Right to side, step Left forward
1-4Step Right to side, transfer body weight to right side, then left, repeat right & left
5&6Twist heels right and right
7&8Twist heels left and left [9:00]
Note: Or if you prefer, bump hips right & right, left & left for 5-8
Interesting choreography by Mei Ling Leong
Choreographed by:Leong Mei Ling (M’sia) in May 2010
Music:What You Waiting For by Colby O’Donis feat. MizzNina
64 counts, 4 walls, Beginner/Intermediate line dance
Intro: 32 counts
One RESTART ON WALL 7 (after 32 counts)
(Start with feet shoulder width apart, weight on Left)
&1-2 (&) Ball of Right beside Left, (1) step Left to side, (2) Right heel forward
3-4Touch Right toe back, turn 1/2 right (weight on Right) [6:00]
5-6(1/8 turn right) press Left to side, (1/8 turn left) step Left beside Right
7-8(1/8 turn left) press Right to side, (1/8 turn right) step Right beside Left [6:00]
1-4Step Left to side, step Right behind Left, step Left to side, touch Right beside
5-8Step Right to side, Left behind Right, 1/4 turn right step forward Right, scuff Left [9:00]
1-2Step Left forward, touch Right in place
3-4Step Right back, touch Left in place
5-61/4 left step Left to side, touch Right beside
7-81/4 right step Right forward, touch Left beside [9:00]
(For styling: lean slight forward while stepping forward and lean slight back when stepping back)
1-2Press ball of Left to side, step Left beside Right
3-4Press ball of Right to side, step Right beside Left
5&6& Point Left to side, step Left beside Right, Point Right to side, step Right beside Left
7-8Point Left to side, 1/4 turn left step Left beside Right [6:00]
1&2Scuff Right forward, (&) hitch, step Right back
3-4Twist body 1/4 right, 1/4 left (both feet should follow body: swivel right and left [6:00]
5-6Cross Right over Left, step Left to side
7&8(face 7:00) Step Right back, step Left beside Right, step Right forward
Note: For 7&8, a Sailor Step works equally well :)
1-2Cross Left over Right, step Right to side
3&4(face 5:00) Step Left back, step Right beside Left, step Left forward
Note: 3&4 can be replaced with a Sailor Step
5&6(still facing 5:00) press Right forward, recover to Left, step Right to side [square back toWall]
7&8(face 7:00) press Left forward, recover to Right, step Left to side (squaring back to wall)
1-4Cross Right over Left, step Left back, step Right to side, step Left forward
5-8Cross Right over Left, step Left back, 1/4 turn right step Right to side, step Left forward
1-4Step Right to side, transfer body weight to right side, then left, repeat right & left
5&6Twist heels right and right
7&8Twist heels left and left [9:00]
Note: Or if you prefer, bump hips right & right, left & left for 5-8
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Seduced, quite a popular line dance from 2009
I like the music and I think its a good warming up dance.
Choreographed by: Ira Weisburd (Apr 09)
Music: I Want To Be Seduced by Rob Rio or Di Anne Price
Descriptions: 32 count - 1 wall - Beginner level line dance
Part 1 Walk 2 to R, Vine 2 to R, 4 Knee Pops
1-2 Step R to R, Step w/L across R
3-4 Step R to R, Step L behind R
5-6 Step R on R (at same time pop L knee), Step L to L
5-7 same time pop R knee)
7-8 Repeat Part I. (5-6)
Part 2 Weave 4 steps w/R, Step forward on R, Jazz Box 3 w/L
1-2 Step R across L, Step L to L
3-4 Step R behind L, Step L to L
5-6 Step forward on R, Step w/L across R
7-8 Step back on R, Step L to L
Part 3 Cross Rock, Recover, Cha Cha Cha, Cross Rock, Recover, 1/4 Shuffle turn L
1-2 Step R across L, recover back on L
3&4 Shuffle to R (R,L,R)
5-6 Step L across R, recover back on R
7&8 Make a ¼ Shuffle L turn (L,R,L)
Part 4 Step, Lock, Shuffle Step, ½ pivot turn R, Shuffle Step
1-2 Step forward on R, lock step w/L behind R
3&4 Shuffle Step forward (R,L,R)
5-6 Step forward on L, pivot ½ turn to R on R
7&8 Shuffle step forward (L,R,L)
Begin Dance.
Choreographed by: Ira Weisburd (Apr 09)
Music: I Want To Be Seduced by Rob Rio or Di Anne Price
Descriptions: 32 count - 1 wall - Beginner level line dance
Part 1 Walk 2 to R, Vine 2 to R, 4 Knee Pops
1-2 Step R to R, Step w/L across R
3-4 Step R to R, Step L behind R
5-6 Step R on R (at same time pop L knee), Step L to L
5-7 same time pop R knee)
7-8 Repeat Part I. (5-6)
Part 2 Weave 4 steps w/R, Step forward on R, Jazz Box 3 w/L
1-2 Step R across L, Step L to L
3-4 Step R behind L, Step L to L
5-6 Step forward on R, Step w/L across R
7-8 Step back on R, Step L to L
Part 3 Cross Rock, Recover, Cha Cha Cha, Cross Rock, Recover, 1/4 Shuffle turn L
1-2 Step R across L, recover back on L
3&4 Shuffle to R (R,L,R)
5-6 Step L across R, recover back on R
7&8 Make a ¼ Shuffle L turn (L,R,L)
Part 4 Step, Lock, Shuffle Step, ½ pivot turn R, Shuffle Step
1-2 Step forward on R, lock step w/L behind R
3&4 Shuffle Step forward (R,L,R)
5-6 Step forward on L, pivot ½ turn to R on R
7&8 Shuffle step forward (L,R,L)
Begin Dance.
This is a popular dance from 2009. Many love the dance because of the romantic song and voice of Andrea Bocelli
The original choreohraphy carries only 1 tag as this is a beginner level dance. So just dance & enjoy the music.
However some of us can hear the need for another 2 "Tags" in the dance and feel more comfortable to add them in. Just don't tell Patricia !!!!
Choreographed by: Patricia E Stott (Nov 09)
Music: Cuando Me Enamoro by Andrea Bocelli (CD: Amore)
Descriptions: 32 count - 4 wall - Beginner/Intermediate level line dance
Intro 32 counts (approx 19 seconds)
Step Left To Side, Rock, Recover, Forward And Slightly Across, Hold, Turn ¼ Right And Step Forward, ½ Turning Left Stepping Back, Lock Step Back
1-3 Step left to side, rock right back, recover to left
4-5 Step right forward slightly across left, hold
6 Turning on ball of right turn ¼ right and step left forward
7 Turn ½ left and step right back
8&1 Lock step back -step left back, cross right over left, step left back
Close, Step Forward, Lock Step Forward, Step, Spiral Full Turn Right, Lock Step Forward
2-3 Step right together, step left forward
4&5 Locking chassé forward right, left, right
6-7 Step left forward, pivot a full turn right on the ball of left allowing the right foot to hook in front of the left leg (point toe down for style)
8&1 Lock step forward - step right forward, lock left behind right, step right forward
Rock Forward, Recover, Lock Step Back, Rock Back, Recover, Turn ½ Left And Step Right Back, Pivot Turn ½ Left And Step Left Forward
2-3 Rock left forward, recover to right
4&5 Lock step back - step left back, lock right over left, step left back
6 Rock right back (turning right shoulder back in preparation to turn -
7 Body will naturally turn ¼ to right)
8 Recover to left (straightening up again)
Pivot Turn ½ Left And Step Right Back, Pivot Turn ½ Left And Step Left Forward ½ Pivot Left, Skate, Skate, Side Rock, Close
2-3 Step right forward, pivot ½ left transferring weight to left
4-5 Skate right forward, skate left forward
6-7 Rock right to side, recover to left
Style: roll hips to right in a figure 8
9 Step right together
TAG: END of wall 1
1-4 Rock left to side, recover to right, step left together, hold
5-8 Rock right to side, recover to left, step right together, hold
Sway hips in figure 8, left then right
The original choreohraphy carries only 1 tag as this is a beginner level dance. So just dance & enjoy the music.
However some of us can hear the need for another 2 "Tags" in the dance and feel more comfortable to add them in. Just don't tell Patricia !!!!
Choreographed by: Patricia E Stott (Nov 09)
Music: Cuando Me Enamoro by Andrea Bocelli (CD: Amore)
Descriptions: 32 count - 4 wall - Beginner/Intermediate level line dance
Intro 32 counts (approx 19 seconds)
Step Left To Side, Rock, Recover, Forward And Slightly Across, Hold, Turn ¼ Right And Step Forward, ½ Turning Left Stepping Back, Lock Step Back
1-3 Step left to side, rock right back, recover to left
4-5 Step right forward slightly across left, hold
6 Turning on ball of right turn ¼ right and step left forward
7 Turn ½ left and step right back
8&1 Lock step back -step left back, cross right over left, step left back
Close, Step Forward, Lock Step Forward, Step, Spiral Full Turn Right, Lock Step Forward
2-3 Step right together, step left forward
4&5 Locking chassé forward right, left, right
6-7 Step left forward, pivot a full turn right on the ball of left allowing the right foot to hook in front of the left leg (point toe down for style)
8&1 Lock step forward - step right forward, lock left behind right, step right forward
Rock Forward, Recover, Lock Step Back, Rock Back, Recover, Turn ½ Left And Step Right Back, Pivot Turn ½ Left And Step Left Forward
2-3 Rock left forward, recover to right
4&5 Lock step back - step left back, lock right over left, step left back
6 Rock right back (turning right shoulder back in preparation to turn -
7 Body will naturally turn ¼ to right)
8 Recover to left (straightening up again)
Pivot Turn ½ Left And Step Right Back, Pivot Turn ½ Left And Step Left Forward ½ Pivot Left, Skate, Skate, Side Rock, Close
2-3 Step right forward, pivot ½ left transferring weight to left
4-5 Skate right forward, skate left forward
6-7 Rock right to side, recover to left
Style: roll hips to right in a figure 8
9 Step right together
TAG: END of wall 1
1-4 Rock left to side, recover to right, step left together, hold
5-8 Rock right to side, recover to left, step right together, hold
Sway hips in figure 8, left then right
Stuck On Elvis for Mr. Presley's fans
A fun,easy and very short dance. This is one of the jamming dances for our Kuching Workshop.
Stuck On Elvis
Choreographed by: Kathryn Sloan & Jackie McIlrick (July 09)
Music: Stuck On You by Elvis Presley
Descriptions: 48 count - 2 wall - Beginner/Intermediate level line dance
Start dance on vocals. Weight on left
½ Shuffle Back, Rock Back, Replace, ½ Shuffle Back, Rock Back, Replace
1&2-3-4 ½ shuffle back (right, left, right) rock left back, recover to right
5&6-7-8 ½ shuffle back (left, right. Left), rock right back, recover to left
Pivot ¼, Pivot ½, Rock Forward, Replace, Triple Step, Full Turn
1-4 Step right forward, turn ¼ left, recover to left, step right forward, turn ½ left, recover to left
5-6-7&8 Rock right forward, recover to left, triple step full turn right (right, left, right)
Rock Forward, Rock Back, Shuffle Back, Rock Back, Rock Forward Shuffle, Forward
1-2-3&4 Rock left forward, recover to right, shuffle back (left, right, left)
5-6-7&8 Rock right back, recover to left, shuffle forward (right, left, right)
Rock Forward, Rock Back, Triple Step ¾ Turn, Rocking Chair
1-2-3&4 Rock left forward, recover to right triple step right ¾ turn right (left, right, left)
5-8 Rock right forward, recover to left, rock right back, recover to left
Side Shuffle Right, Rock Back, Side Shuffle Left, Rock Back
1&2-3-4 Side shuffle right (right, left, right) rock left back, recover to right
5&6-7-8 Side shuffle left (left, right, left) rock right back, recover to left
Stomp, Stomp, Hold, Hold, 4x Paddle ¼ L
1-4 Stomp right to side, stomp left to side, hold, hold
&5&6&7&8 Step right forward, paddle ¼ to the left, step right forward, paddle ¼ to left, step right forward, paddle ¼ to left, step right forward, paddle ¼ to left
RESTART: During walls 3 and 5, dance to count 32 then restart
ENDING: After 6th wall, to finish the dance repeat the last 16 counts
VARIATIONS: Variations to fit the "Elvis feel" replace holds with 'knee pops after stomps, The 4 paddle ¼s can be replaced with step right out, step left out, step right in, step left in twice
Stuck On Elvis
Choreographed by: Kathryn Sloan & Jackie McIlrick (July 09)
Music: Stuck On You by Elvis Presley
Descriptions: 48 count - 2 wall - Beginner/Intermediate level line dance
Start dance on vocals. Weight on left
½ Shuffle Back, Rock Back, Replace, ½ Shuffle Back, Rock Back, Replace
1&2-3-4 ½ shuffle back (right, left, right) rock left back, recover to right
5&6-7-8 ½ shuffle back (left, right. Left), rock right back, recover to left
Pivot ¼, Pivot ½, Rock Forward, Replace, Triple Step, Full Turn
1-4 Step right forward, turn ¼ left, recover to left, step right forward, turn ½ left, recover to left
5-6-7&8 Rock right forward, recover to left, triple step full turn right (right, left, right)
Rock Forward, Rock Back, Shuffle Back, Rock Back, Rock Forward Shuffle, Forward
1-2-3&4 Rock left forward, recover to right, shuffle back (left, right, left)
5-6-7&8 Rock right back, recover to left, shuffle forward (right, left, right)
Rock Forward, Rock Back, Triple Step ¾ Turn, Rocking Chair
1-2-3&4 Rock left forward, recover to right triple step right ¾ turn right (left, right, left)
5-8 Rock right forward, recover to left, rock right back, recover to left
Side Shuffle Right, Rock Back, Side Shuffle Left, Rock Back
1&2-3-4 Side shuffle right (right, left, right) rock left back, recover to right
5&6-7-8 Side shuffle left (left, right, left) rock right back, recover to left
Stomp, Stomp, Hold, Hold, 4x Paddle ¼ L
1-4 Stomp right to side, stomp left to side, hold, hold
&5&6&7&8 Step right forward, paddle ¼ to the left, step right forward, paddle ¼ to left, step right forward, paddle ¼ to left, step right forward, paddle ¼ to left
RESTART: During walls 3 and 5, dance to count 32 then restart
ENDING: After 6th wall, to finish the dance repeat the last 16 counts
VARIATIONS: Variations to fit the "Elvis feel" replace holds with 'knee pops after stomps, The 4 paddle ¼s can be replaced with step right out, step left out, step right in, step left in twice
Friday, May 14, 2010
Thursday, May 13, 2010
Choreographer of COME AS YOU ARE, Joanne Wong visiting KK
Joanne was born in Tawau and currently runs her dance school in KL. I have extracted some info from her website below for your reference.
She will be sharing some of her dancing styles with us on Fri, 21 May as follows:-
Venue: SGCC
Time: 8am to 11am
Price: RM 11 ( we will start with breakfast)
All welcome. I hope many of us can attend.
extract from: www.joyclub.com.my :-
"...Joanne Wong - Principal & Instructor
Joanne teaching career began in 1987 and she has ever since enjoyed teaching students of all levels from beginners to competitors. “Teaching is very satisfying because dance offers benefits to everyone -- it increases confidence, improves physical shape, satisfaction in learning something new, grace, and most importantly, fun. I feel blessed to share with others the joy of dancing.”
Joanne has won numerous dance awards at various dance competitions. She received most of her training from international top dance coaches over the years. She teaches various styles of dance such as Latin American, Hip Hop, Street Jazz, Line Dance, Zumba, Reggaeton, Jazz Funk and so on.
She is one of the few dance teachers who teaches all phases of dance. She has been dancing most of her life, teaching both private and group lessons, working as a professional dance coach and choreographer. She loves to teach and is experienced in different types of dance.
Joanne has been conducting workshops both local and international. She has trained many instructors and dancers to become champion and won many awards. Many dancers come from miles away just to learn from Joanne.
Her motto is “more than just dance”, because she believes that dancing brings so much more. It’s good for the mind, body and soul to feel the rhythm of the music and express it with body movement, AND it’s good exercise and just plain fun! She works with children and adults of all ages."
She will be sharing some of her dancing styles with us on Fri, 21 May as follows:-
Venue: SGCC
Time: 8am to 11am
Price: RM 11 ( we will start with breakfast)
All welcome. I hope many of us can attend.
extract from: www.joyclub.com.my :-
"...Joanne Wong - Principal & Instructor
Joanne teaching career began in 1987 and she has ever since enjoyed teaching students of all levels from beginners to competitors. “Teaching is very satisfying because dance offers benefits to everyone -- it increases confidence, improves physical shape, satisfaction in learning something new, grace, and most importantly, fun. I feel blessed to share with others the joy of dancing.”
Joanne has won numerous dance awards at various dance competitions. She received most of her training from international top dance coaches over the years. She teaches various styles of dance such as Latin American, Hip Hop, Street Jazz, Line Dance, Zumba, Reggaeton, Jazz Funk and so on.
She is one of the few dance teachers who teaches all phases of dance. She has been dancing most of her life, teaching both private and group lessons, working as a professional dance coach and choreographer. She loves to teach and is experienced in different types of dance.
Joanne has been conducting workshops both local and international. She has trained many instructors and dancers to become champion and won many awards. Many dancers come from miles away just to learn from Joanne.
Her motto is “more than just dance”, because she believes that dancing brings so much more. It’s good for the mind, body and soul to feel the rhythm of the music and express it with body movement, AND it’s good exercise and just plain fun! She works with children and adults of all ages."
2008 Boston Linedance competition
I met Barry and Dari Anne Amato at the Penang Dance Funtasia'07. The couple is very talented as dancers, teachers and singers too. They taught us the dance Heat (song by Tom Jones, something called Do You Think I'm Sexy ??..not sure)and I shared the dance with you too.
Can you recall the dance?
Anyway do watch this video clip where the couple won the competition. Watch right to the end. Amazing footwork
Can you recall the dance?
Anyway do watch this video clip where the couple won the competition. Watch right to the end. Amazing footwork
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Kuching Workshop- let's learn some dances by Philip Sobrielo
Philip Sobrielo http://www.souldancerssg.blogspot.com/
is the instructor for the Kuching Workshop on 26 June.Philip will be teaching us a few different styles in line dancing , from latin to country and hip hop.
Watch the video below of him teaching ALWAYS BE MY BABY in Las Vegas. We shall learn this dance soon.
Always Be My Baby
Choreographed by: Sobrielo Philip Gene (Soul Dancers Singapore) Dec 08
Music: Always Be My Baby by David Cook
Descriptions: 32 count - 4 wall - 0 level line dance
Rock Recover, Weave, Step Back Rock, Step Back Rock
1-2 Cross rock right over left (1), Recover weight onto left(2)
&3&4 Step right to right (&), cross left over right(3), step right to right (&), cross left back of right(4)
&5 Step right to right (&), cross left over right(5)
* Put both hands to respective side with palm facing down(5)
6&7 Step right to right(6), rock left back or right(&), recover weight onto right(7)
&8& Step left to left(6), rock right back or left(&), recover weight onto left(7)
¼ Point Drag, Side Shuffle, Rock ½ Turn Recover, Coaster Step Hook
1-2 Making ¼ left point right to right(1),drag right beside left (2)
Bring right hand up above head with fingers apart (1), Bring hand down towards chest clenching fist
3&4 Step right to right(3), step left beside right(&), step right to right(4)
5& Rock left forward (5), recover weight onto right(&)
6& Making ½ turn left rock left forward(6), recover weight onto right (&)
7&8& Step left back(7), step right beside left (&), step left forward(8) hook right behind left(&)
¼ Kick Point, Twists,Rock Recover Step Drag, Coaster
1-2 Making ¼ left twist and kick right to right(1), touch right behind left(2)
3-4 Twist ½ turn right (3), twist back ½ turn left(4) (weight on left)
5&6 Rock forward on right(5), recover weight onto left(&), long step right back drag left towards right
7&8 Step left back (7) step right beside left (&), step left forward(8)
¼ Cross, Unwind, Rolling Full Turn, Rock Back Slide, Rock Back Slide
&1-2 Making ¼ left step right to right(&), cross left over right(1), unwind ½ right(2)(weight on right)
* on count of 2 prep yourself to do the turn on counts 3&4
3&4 Making ¼ left step left forward(3) ,making ¼ left step right to right (&), making ½ turn left step left to left
5&6 Rock right back of left(5), recover weight onto left(&), long step right to right dragging left towards right
7&8 Rock left back to left (7), recover weight onto right (&), long step left to left dragging right towards left.
Start again (Dance this dance with soul)
AFTER 1st wall do a 4 count sway right, left, right, left.
AFTER 2nd and 6th wall do 7 count head roll anti clock wise starting from looking down(1-7) look up count 8
Put both hands at the back holding each other
is the instructor for the Kuching Workshop on 26 June.Philip will be teaching us a few different styles in line dancing , from latin to country and hip hop.
Watch the video below of him teaching ALWAYS BE MY BABY in Las Vegas. We shall learn this dance soon.
Always Be My Baby
Choreographed by: Sobrielo Philip Gene (Soul Dancers Singapore) Dec 08
Music: Always Be My Baby by David Cook
Descriptions: 32 count - 4 wall - 0 level line dance
Rock Recover, Weave, Step Back Rock, Step Back Rock
1-2 Cross rock right over left (1), Recover weight onto left(2)
&3&4 Step right to right (&), cross left over right(3), step right to right (&), cross left back of right(4)
&5 Step right to right (&), cross left over right(5)
* Put both hands to respective side with palm facing down(5)
6&7 Step right to right(6), rock left back or right(&), recover weight onto right(7)
&8& Step left to left(6), rock right back or left(&), recover weight onto left(7)
¼ Point Drag, Side Shuffle, Rock ½ Turn Recover, Coaster Step Hook
1-2 Making ¼ left point right to right(1),drag right beside left (2)
Bring right hand up above head with fingers apart (1), Bring hand down towards chest clenching fist
3&4 Step right to right(3), step left beside right(&), step right to right(4)
5& Rock left forward (5), recover weight onto right(&)
6& Making ½ turn left rock left forward(6), recover weight onto right (&)
7&8& Step left back(7), step right beside left (&), step left forward(8) hook right behind left(&)
¼ Kick Point, Twists,Rock Recover Step Drag, Coaster
1-2 Making ¼ left twist and kick right to right(1), touch right behind left(2)
3-4 Twist ½ turn right (3), twist back ½ turn left(4) (weight on left)
5&6 Rock forward on right(5), recover weight onto left(&), long step right back drag left towards right
7&8 Step left back (7) step right beside left (&), step left forward(8)
¼ Cross, Unwind, Rolling Full Turn, Rock Back Slide, Rock Back Slide
&1-2 Making ¼ left step right to right(&), cross left over right(1), unwind ½ right(2)(weight on right)
* on count of 2 prep yourself to do the turn on counts 3&4
3&4 Making ¼ left step left forward(3) ,making ¼ left step right to right (&), making ½ turn left step left to left
5&6 Rock right back of left(5), recover weight onto left(&), long step right to right dragging left towards right
7&8 Rock left back to left (7), recover weight onto right (&), long step left to left dragging right towards left.
Start again (Dance this dance with soul)
AFTER 1st wall do a 4 count sway right, left, right, left.
AFTER 2nd and 6th wall do 7 count head roll anti clock wise starting from looking down(1-7) look up count 8
Put both hands at the back holding each other
New dance MI AMOR
A smooth flowing beautiful dance to a very romantic song choreographed by Mei Ling. We get to learn some new interesting step patterns while enjoying the dance. Same choreographer as for Dancing in the Street, the Xiang Xiang dance, Wild cats Go!, Games People Play etc etc.
Mi Amor
Choreographed by: Leong Mei Ling, Malaysia (May 10)
Music: Mi Amor by Audrey Landers & Camilo Sesto
Descriptions: 48 count - 4 wall - Intermediate level line dance
Note: The rhythm is consistent throughout the dance, ie, SLOW, QUICK QUICK, except for the TAGS.
Sec 1 Side, Cross Rock, Side, Cross Rock
1-4 Step Left to side, hold, Step Right across Left, recover to Left
5-8 Step Right to side, hold, Step Left across Right, recover to Right
Sec 2 1/4 + 1/2 Left, Back, 1/2 Turn, 1/4 Left Step Side, Ball Cross
1-2 1/4 turn left step Left forward, (still on Left foot) 1/2 turn left bringing Right toe towards Left [3:00]
3-4 Step Right back, 1/2 left step Left forward [9:00]
5-6 1/4 turn left step Right to side, draw left towards Right [6:00]
7-8 Step ball of Left beside Right, cross Right over Left
Sec 3 1/4 Back, 1/4 Side, Cross; 1/4 Back, 1/4 Side, Cross
1-2 1/4 turn right stepping Left back, draw Right towards Left
(as you begin to turn 1/4 right, let Right rest across Left)
3-4 Step Right to side, cross Left over Right [12:00]
5-6 1/4 turn left step Right back, draw Left towards Right (as you begin to turn 1/4 left)
7-8 Step Left to side, cross Right over Left [6:00]
Sec 4 Recover, Sweep, Back Rock, 3/4 Left, Sway
1-2 Recover weight to Left, sweep Right from front to back
3-4 Rock back on Right, recover to Left
5-6 Step Right forward, (weight still on Right) spiral 3/4 left (ending with Left foot resting over Right) [9:00]
7-8 Step Left to side (sway), recover to Right (sway)
Wall 6: RESTART HERE [12:00] On Wall 7 [9:00]: add TAG #2, then RESTART
Sec 5 Sway Left, Recover To Right, Behind, 1/4 Right, Sweep, Unwind
1-4 Sway left (over 2 cts), recover weight to Right (body angled to left diagonal, draw Left toe towards Right, pushing hips back), step Left behind Right
5-6 1/4 right step Right forward [12:00], sweep Left back to front and across Right
7-8 Place weight on Left, unwind 3/4 right (ending with weight on Right) [9:00]
Sec 6 Side, Hold, Together, Step, Step, 1/4 Touch, Step, 1/2 Back, 1/4 Left
1-4 Step Left to side, hold, step Right beside Left, step Left forward
5-6 Step Right forward, pivot 1/4 right touch Left beside Right [12:00]
7-8& Step Left forward, 1/2 left stepping Right back, 1/4 turn left (and begin dance again) [3:00]
To End (Wall 9): On Section 4, change 5-8 as follows:
5-6 Step Right forward, turn 1/2 left (weight on Right) [12:00]
7-8 Step Left to side (sway), recover to Right (sway)
TAG #1: AFTER Walls 2 & 5 [facing 6:00 & 3:00 respectively]
Side, Hold, Cross Rock, Step Cross, Side
1-4 Step Left to side, hold, cross Right over Left, recover to Left
5-6 Step Right to side, cross left over Right
7-8 Step Right to side, touch Left beside Right (or gently draw towards Ri ght)
TAG #2: On Wall 7 after 32cts [9:00]
Behind, Side, Cross Rock
1-4 Step Left behind Right, step Right to side, step Left across Right, recover to Right
Mi Amor
Choreographed by: Leong Mei Ling, Malaysia (May 10)
Music: Mi Amor by Audrey Landers & Camilo Sesto
Descriptions: 48 count - 4 wall - Intermediate level line dance
Note: The rhythm is consistent throughout the dance, ie, SLOW, QUICK QUICK, except for the TAGS.
Sec 1 Side, Cross Rock, Side, Cross Rock
1-4 Step Left to side, hold, Step Right across Left, recover to Left
5-8 Step Right to side, hold, Step Left across Right, recover to Right
Sec 2 1/4 + 1/2 Left, Back, 1/2 Turn, 1/4 Left Step Side, Ball Cross
1-2 1/4 turn left step Left forward, (still on Left foot) 1/2 turn left bringing Right toe towards Left [3:00]
3-4 Step Right back, 1/2 left step Left forward [9:00]
5-6 1/4 turn left step Right to side, draw left towards Right [6:00]
7-8 Step ball of Left beside Right, cross Right over Left
Sec 3 1/4 Back, 1/4 Side, Cross; 1/4 Back, 1/4 Side, Cross
1-2 1/4 turn right stepping Left back, draw Right towards Left
(as you begin to turn 1/4 right, let Right rest across Left)
3-4 Step Right to side, cross Left over Right [12:00]
5-6 1/4 turn left step Right back, draw Left towards Right (as you begin to turn 1/4 left)
7-8 Step Left to side, cross Right over Left [6:00]
Sec 4 Recover, Sweep, Back Rock, 3/4 Left, Sway
1-2 Recover weight to Left, sweep Right from front to back
3-4 Rock back on Right, recover to Left
5-6 Step Right forward, (weight still on Right) spiral 3/4 left (ending with Left foot resting over Right) [9:00]
7-8 Step Left to side (sway), recover to Right (sway)
Wall 6: RESTART HERE [12:00] On Wall 7 [9:00]: add TAG #2, then RESTART
Sec 5 Sway Left, Recover To Right, Behind, 1/4 Right, Sweep, Unwind
1-4 Sway left (over 2 cts), recover weight to Right (body angled to left diagonal, draw Left toe towards Right, pushing hips back), step Left behind Right
5-6 1/4 right step Right forward [12:00], sweep Left back to front and across Right
7-8 Place weight on Left, unwind 3/4 right (ending with weight on Right) [9:00]
Sec 6 Side, Hold, Together, Step, Step, 1/4 Touch, Step, 1/2 Back, 1/4 Left
1-4 Step Left to side, hold, step Right beside Left, step Left forward
5-6 Step Right forward, pivot 1/4 right touch Left beside Right [12:00]
7-8& Step Left forward, 1/2 left stepping Right back, 1/4 turn left (and begin dance again) [3:00]
To End (Wall 9): On Section 4, change 5-8 as follows:
5-6 Step Right forward, turn 1/2 left (weight on Right) [12:00]
7-8 Step Left to side (sway), recover to Right (sway)
TAG #1: AFTER Walls 2 & 5 [facing 6:00 & 3:00 respectively]
Side, Hold, Cross Rock, Step Cross, Side
1-4 Step Left to side, hold, cross Right over Left, recover to Left
5-6 Step Right to side, cross left over Right
7-8 Step Right to side, touch Left beside Right (or gently draw towards Ri ght)
TAG #2: On Wall 7 after 32cts [9:00]
Behind, Side, Cross Rock
1-4 Step Left behind Right, step Right to side, step Left across Right, recover to Right
Friday, May 7, 2010
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
Totoy Bibbo and EZ Rumba -Warming Dances.
How about warming up our grey cells before we learn the REAL dance?
Totoy Bibbo
Choreographed by: Dharry Ladiana (Feb 09)
Music: Totoy Bibbo by Vhong Navarro (CD: 135bpm)
Descriptions: 64 count - 2 wall - Beginner/Intermediate level line dance
Start dancing on lyrics
Rock, Recover, Cha-Cha-Cha
1-2 Rock left forward, recover to right
3&4 Step in place left, step in place right, step in place left
5-6 Rock right back, recover to left
7&8 Step in place right, step in place left, step in place right
Rock, Recover, Cha-Cha-Cha
9-10 Rock left to side, recover to right
11&12 Step in place left, step in place right, step in place left
13-14 Rock right to side, recover to left
15&16 Step in place right, step in place left, step in place right
Step, Turns, Triple Kick
17-18 Step left forward, 1/2 turn right (weight to right)
19-20 Step left forward, 1/2 turn right (weight to right)
21-23 Kick left forward, kick right forward, kick left forward
24 Hold (weight on right)
Hip Rocks
25-26 Rock hips forward (2x - weight to left)
27-28 Rock hips back (2X - weight to right)
29-32 Repeat steps 25-28
Crossing Vine Left, Chasse Side
33-34 Step left to side, cross right behind left
35-36 Step left to side, step right cross front of left
37&38 Chasse side stepping left, right, left
39-40 Cross/rock right behind left, recover to left
Crossing Vine Right, Chasse Side
41-48 Repeat steps 33-40 with opposite steps and direction
Side Steps, Turn
49-50 Step left to side (big st ep) , hold
51-52 Close with right, hold
53-54 Step left to side (big step) , hold
55-56 Turn 1/2 left (cross right over left - feet together), hold
Hand: Steps 49-50 & 53-54, open hands at chest level - push outward twice
Steps 51-52 & 55-56, return hands to sides
Side Steps
57-58 Step left to side (big step), hold
59-60 Close with right, hold
61-62 Step left to side (big step), hold
63-64 Close with right, hold
Hand: Steps 57-58 & 61-62 hands extended outward, waist high - (shimmy with body), Steps 59-60 & 63-64 return hands to sides
EZ Rumba
Choreographed by: Winnie Yu, Dancepooh,Can (Apr 10)
Music: Spanish Eyes by Richard Clayderman
Descriptions: 32 count - 4 wall - Beginner level line dance
Intro: 16 counts
Alternate Music: Any Rumba Tempo
Sec 1 Cucuracha Right And Left
1-4 Rock right to right side, recover onto left, step right beside left, hold
5-8 Rock left to left side, recover onto right, step left beside right, hold
Sec 2 Rumba Box Back, Back Rock, Recover, Side ¼ R, Hold
1-4 Step right to right side, step left beside right, step back on right, hold
5-8 Back rock on left, recover onto right, make ¼ turn right stepping left to left side (3:00), hold
Sec 3 Back Rock, Recover, Side ¼ L, Hold, Walk Backward (X3), Hold
1-4 Back rock on right, recover onto left, make ¼ turn left stepping right to right side (12:00), hold
5-8 Walk backward - L, R, L, hold
Sec 4 Rock Recover, Rock, Hold, Fwd, Pivot ½ R, Together ¼ R, Hold
1-4 Rock forward on right, recover onto left, rock forward on right, hold
5-8 Step forward on left, make a pivot ½ turn right (6:00), Make ¼ turn right stepping left beside right (9:00), hold
ENDING: @ Wall 10 (9:00) 11 count
Sec.1 - finish 8 count , R & L Cucuracha
Sec.2 - step right to right, step left beside R, step right forward with ¼ R (12:00)
Totoy Bibbo
Choreographed by: Dharry Ladiana (Feb 09)
Music: Totoy Bibbo by Vhong Navarro (CD: 135bpm)
Descriptions: 64 count - 2 wall - Beginner/Intermediate level line dance
Start dancing on lyrics
Rock, Recover, Cha-Cha-Cha
1-2 Rock left forward, recover to right
3&4 Step in place left, step in place right, step in place left
5-6 Rock right back, recover to left
7&8 Step in place right, step in place left, step in place right
Rock, Recover, Cha-Cha-Cha
9-10 Rock left to side, recover to right
11&12 Step in place left, step in place right, step in place left
13-14 Rock right to side, recover to left
15&16 Step in place right, step in place left, step in place right
Step, Turns, Triple Kick
17-18 Step left forward, 1/2 turn right (weight to right)
19-20 Step left forward, 1/2 turn right (weight to right)
21-23 Kick left forward, kick right forward, kick left forward
24 Hold (weight on right)
Hip Rocks
25-26 Rock hips forward (2x - weight to left)
27-28 Rock hips back (2X - weight to right)
29-32 Repeat steps 25-28
Crossing Vine Left, Chasse Side
33-34 Step left to side, cross right behind left
35-36 Step left to side, step right cross front of left
37&38 Chasse side stepping left, right, left
39-40 Cross/rock right behind left, recover to left
Crossing Vine Right, Chasse Side
41-48 Repeat steps 33-40 with opposite steps and direction
Side Steps, Turn
49-50 Step left to side (big st ep) , hold
51-52 Close with right, hold
53-54 Step left to side (big step) , hold
55-56 Turn 1/2 left (cross right over left - feet together), hold
Hand: Steps 49-50 & 53-54, open hands at chest level - push outward twice
Steps 51-52 & 55-56, return hands to sides
Side Steps
57-58 Step left to side (big step), hold
59-60 Close with right, hold
61-62 Step left to side (big step), hold
63-64 Close with right, hold
Hand: Steps 57-58 & 61-62 hands extended outward, waist high - (shimmy with body), Steps 59-60 & 63-64 return hands to sides
EZ Rumba
Choreographed by: Winnie Yu, Dancepooh,Can (Apr 10)
Music: Spanish Eyes by Richard Clayderman
Descriptions: 32 count - 4 wall - Beginner level line dance
Intro: 16 counts
Alternate Music: Any Rumba Tempo
Sec 1 Cucuracha Right And Left
1-4 Rock right to right side, recover onto left, step right beside left, hold
5-8 Rock left to left side, recover onto right, step left beside right, hold
Sec 2 Rumba Box Back, Back Rock, Recover, Side ¼ R, Hold
1-4 Step right to right side, step left beside right, step back on right, hold
5-8 Back rock on left, recover onto right, make ¼ turn right stepping left to left side (3:00), hold
Sec 3 Back Rock, Recover, Side ¼ L, Hold, Walk Backward (X3), Hold
1-4 Back rock on right, recover onto left, make ¼ turn left stepping right to right side (12:00), hold
5-8 Walk backward - L, R, L, hold
Sec 4 Rock Recover, Rock, Hold, Fwd, Pivot ½ R, Together ¼ R, Hold
1-4 Rock forward on right, recover onto left, rock forward on right, hold
5-8 Step forward on left, make a pivot ½ turn right (6:00), Make ¼ turn right stepping left beside right (9:00), hold
ENDING: @ Wall 10 (9:00) 11 count
Sec.1 - finish 8 count , R & L Cucuracha
Sec.2 - step right to right, step left beside R, step right forward with ¼ R (12:00)
Rah- Rah Oo la La for Sat , 8 May 2010 (repeat Mon 10 May)
See the number of viewers (>19 million) for this extremely popular music video, Bad Romance by Lady Gaga. She's got such a powerful voice and is famous for her outrageous videos.
Rah-Rah Ooh La La
( With our music used the tag is done twice only, instead of 3 times)
Choreographed by: Jo & John Kinser + Mark Furnell, UK (Mar 10)
Music: Bad Romance by Lady Gaga (CD: Bad Romance [119bpm])
Descriptions: PH count - 2 wall - Beginner/Intermediate level line dance
Start 32 counts in on the vocals (0:17)
Sequence: 80, 80, 80, 80, Tag 1-24, 64, 80. End: Make a ½ facing the front and strike a pose, in any fashion you like!
1-8 Walk Fwd R,L,R,L, Point Fwd, Side, Cross, Unwind
1,4 Walk Fwd Rt, Lt, Rt, Lt, brushing shoulders with both hands
5,6 Point Rt Fwd, Point Rt to Rt
7,8 Cross Rt in front of Lt, Unwind a 3/4 turn Lt (weight Lt) (3:00)
9-16 Rock & Rock, Behind 1/4 Turn Fwd, Walk R, L
1,2 Rock Rt to Rt, Replace weight Lt
&3,4 Step Rt next to Lt, Rock Lt to Lt, Replace weight Rt
5&6 Step Lt behind Rt, Make 1/4 turn Rt stepping Rt Fwd, Step Lt Fwd (6:00)
7,8 Step Fwd Rt, Lt
17-24 Rt Sailor, Lt Sailor, Touch Fwd, Back, Rt Kick Ball Change
1&2 Step ball of Rt behind Lt, Step Lt in place, Step Rt to Rt
3&4 Step ball of Lt behind Rt, Step Rt in place, Step Lt to Lt
5,6 Touch Rt Fwd diagonally Lt (5:00), Touch Rt back diagonally Rt (11:00)
7&8 Kick Rt Fwd diagonally Lt (5:00), Replace weight on the ball of Rt, Replace weight Lt (5:00)
25-32 Cross, Back, Turn, Turn, Dorothy Steps Fwd
1,2 Cross Rt in front of Lt (5:00), Step back Lt 1/8 Rt (6:00)
3,4 Step Rt Fwd 1/4 turn Rt (9:00), Make a 1/4 turn Rt stepping Fwd Lt (12:00)
5,8 Step ball of Rt behind Lt (5), Step Lt to Lt (&), Step Rt Fwd (6), Step ball of Lt behind Rt (7), Step Rt to Rt (&), Step Lt Fwd (8)
33-40 Step, Turn, Step, Touch, Step, Touch, Kick Ball Step
1,2 Step Rt Fwd, Pivot 1/2 Turn Lt (6:00)
3,6 Step Rt to Rt, Touch Lt in place facing (5:00), Step Lt to Lt, Touch Rt in place facing (7:00)
7&8 Kick Rt Fwd diagonally Rt, Replace weight on the ball of Rt, Step Lt Fwd (7:00)
41-48 Charleston Steps, Touch, Touch, Bounce Unwind
1,4 Step Rt Fwd (7:00), Touch Lt Fwd (7:00), Step Lt Back (1:00), Touch Rt Back (1:00)
5,6 Touch Rt Fwd (7:00), Touch Rt Back (1:00)
7,8 Unwind 7/8 turn Rt bouncing your heels twice (weight Lt) (6:00)
49-56 Walk Fwd R,L, Step, Turn, Touch Step, Touch Step
1,4 Walk Rt Fwd, Walk Fwd Lt, Step Rt Fwd, Pivot 1/2 Turn Lt (12:00)
5,8 Touch Rt Fwd pushing hips Fwd, Step down Rt, Touch Lt Fwd pushing hips Fwd, Step down Lt
57-64 Step 1/2 Turn, 1/4 Behind, 1/4, Step, 1/2, Full Turn (Like a Fig.8)
1,2 Step Rt Fwd, Pivot 1/2 Turn Lt (6:00)
3,4 Make 1/4 Turn Lt stepping Rt to Rt (3:00), Step Lt behind Rt
5,6 Make 1/4 Turn Rt stepping Rt Fwd (6:00), Step Lt Fwd
7,8 Make 1/2 Turn Rt weight Rt (12:00), Pivot on the Rt 1/2 Turn Rt stepping Lt to Lt (6:00)
RESTART happens here AFTER the 4th repetition and just after the Fashion Walk Tag.
65-72 Flick Heel R&L&R&R&, Flick Heel L&R&L&L&
1& With weight on the Rt toe flick Rt heel out to Rt, Bring Rt heel back to center (weight Rt)
2& With weight on the Lt toe flick Lt heel out to Lt, Bring Lt heel back to center (weight Lt)
3& With weight on the Rt toe flick Rt heel out to Rt, Bring Rt heel back to center
4& Flick Rt heel out to Rt, Bring Rt heel back to center (weight Rt)
5& With weight on the Lt toe flick Lt heel out to Lt, Bring Lt heel back to center (weight Lt)
6& With weight on the Rt toe flick Rt heel out to Rt, Bring Rt heel back to center (weight Rt)
7& With weight on the Lt toe flick Lt heel out to Lt, Bring Lt heel back to center
8 Flick Lt heel out to Lt
& Bring Lt heel back to center (weight Lt) beginning start of Rt Mash Potato swivel Rt heel out to Rt
73-80 Mash Potato, Coaster Step, Walk L,R Lock Step Fwd
1&2 Step Rt behind Lt (ending Rt Mash Potato), Swivel Lt heel out to Lt, and step Lt behind Rt (Mash Potato)
3,6 Step Rt back (3), Step Lt next to Rt (&), Step Rt Fwd (4), Walk Fwd Lt (5), Rt (6)
7&8 Step Lt Fwd, Lock Rt behind Lt, Step Lt Fwd (6:00)
TAG: Fashion Walk x3 (1-24)
1-8& Walk Fwd R,L,R,L, 1/4 C Bumps 1/4
1-4 Walk Fwd Rt, Lt, Rt, Lt (12:00)
5 Make 1/4 turn Lt touching pushing Rt hip up (9:00) (beginning of C Bumps), look towards (12:00)
&6&7&8 Circle hip down, Circle hip up, Circle hip down (weight Rt)
& Make 1/4 turn Lt stepping fwd Lt (6:00). Repeat 1-8 again another 2 times.
Rah-Rah Ooh La La
( With our music used the tag is done twice only, instead of 3 times)
Choreographed by: Jo & John Kinser + Mark Furnell, UK (Mar 10)
Music: Bad Romance by Lady Gaga (CD: Bad Romance [119bpm])
Descriptions: PH count - 2 wall - Beginner/Intermediate level line dance
Start 32 counts in on the vocals (0:17)
Sequence: 80, 80, 80, 80, Tag 1-24, 64, 80. End: Make a ½ facing the front and strike a pose, in any fashion you like!
1-8 Walk Fwd R,L,R,L, Point Fwd, Side, Cross, Unwind
1,4 Walk Fwd Rt, Lt, Rt, Lt, brushing shoulders with both hands
5,6 Point Rt Fwd, Point Rt to Rt
7,8 Cross Rt in front of Lt, Unwind a 3/4 turn Lt (weight Lt) (3:00)
9-16 Rock & Rock, Behind 1/4 Turn Fwd, Walk R, L
1,2 Rock Rt to Rt, Replace weight Lt
&3,4 Step Rt next to Lt, Rock Lt to Lt, Replace weight Rt
5&6 Step Lt behind Rt, Make 1/4 turn Rt stepping Rt Fwd, Step Lt Fwd (6:00)
7,8 Step Fwd Rt, Lt
17-24 Rt Sailor, Lt Sailor, Touch Fwd, Back, Rt Kick Ball Change
1&2 Step ball of Rt behind Lt, Step Lt in place, Step Rt to Rt
3&4 Step ball of Lt behind Rt, Step Rt in place, Step Lt to Lt
5,6 Touch Rt Fwd diagonally Lt (5:00), Touch Rt back diagonally Rt (11:00)
7&8 Kick Rt Fwd diagonally Lt (5:00), Replace weight on the ball of Rt, Replace weight Lt (5:00)
25-32 Cross, Back, Turn, Turn, Dorothy Steps Fwd
1,2 Cross Rt in front of Lt (5:00), Step back Lt 1/8 Rt (6:00)
3,4 Step Rt Fwd 1/4 turn Rt (9:00), Make a 1/4 turn Rt stepping Fwd Lt (12:00)
5,8 Step ball of Rt behind Lt (5), Step Lt to Lt (&), Step Rt Fwd (6), Step ball of Lt behind Rt (7), Step Rt to Rt (&), Step Lt Fwd (8)
33-40 Step, Turn, Step, Touch, Step, Touch, Kick Ball Step
1,2 Step Rt Fwd, Pivot 1/2 Turn Lt (6:00)
3,6 Step Rt to Rt, Touch Lt in place facing (5:00), Step Lt to Lt, Touch Rt in place facing (7:00)
7&8 Kick Rt Fwd diagonally Rt, Replace weight on the ball of Rt, Step Lt Fwd (7:00)
41-48 Charleston Steps, Touch, Touch, Bounce Unwind
1,4 Step Rt Fwd (7:00), Touch Lt Fwd (7:00), Step Lt Back (1:00), Touch Rt Back (1:00)
5,6 Touch Rt Fwd (7:00), Touch Rt Back (1:00)
7,8 Unwind 7/8 turn Rt bouncing your heels twice (weight Lt) (6:00)
49-56 Walk Fwd R,L, Step, Turn, Touch Step, Touch Step
1,4 Walk Rt Fwd, Walk Fwd Lt, Step Rt Fwd, Pivot 1/2 Turn Lt (12:00)
5,8 Touch Rt Fwd pushing hips Fwd, Step down Rt, Touch Lt Fwd pushing hips Fwd, Step down Lt
57-64 Step 1/2 Turn, 1/4 Behind, 1/4, Step, 1/2, Full Turn (Like a Fig.8)
1,2 Step Rt Fwd, Pivot 1/2 Turn Lt (6:00)
3,4 Make 1/4 Turn Lt stepping Rt to Rt (3:00), Step Lt behind Rt
5,6 Make 1/4 Turn Rt stepping Rt Fwd (6:00), Step Lt Fwd
7,8 Make 1/2 Turn Rt weight Rt (12:00), Pivot on the Rt 1/2 Turn Rt stepping Lt to Lt (6:00)
RESTART happens here AFTER the 4th repetition and just after the Fashion Walk Tag.
65-72 Flick Heel R&L&R&R&, Flick Heel L&R&L&L&
1& With weight on the Rt toe flick Rt heel out to Rt, Bring Rt heel back to center (weight Rt)
2& With weight on the Lt toe flick Lt heel out to Lt, Bring Lt heel back to center (weight Lt)
3& With weight on the Rt toe flick Rt heel out to Rt, Bring Rt heel back to center
4& Flick Rt heel out to Rt, Bring Rt heel back to center (weight Rt)
5& With weight on the Lt toe flick Lt heel out to Lt, Bring Lt heel back to center (weight Lt)
6& With weight on the Rt toe flick Rt heel out to Rt, Bring Rt heel back to center (weight Rt)
7& With weight on the Lt toe flick Lt heel out to Lt, Bring Lt heel back to center
8 Flick Lt heel out to Lt
& Bring Lt heel back to center (weight Lt) beginning start of Rt Mash Potato swivel Rt heel out to Rt
73-80 Mash Potato, Coaster Step, Walk L,R Lock Step Fwd
1&2 Step Rt behind Lt (ending Rt Mash Potato), Swivel Lt heel out to Lt, and step Lt behind Rt (Mash Potato)
3,6 Step Rt back (3), Step Lt next to Rt (&), Step Rt Fwd (4), Walk Fwd Lt (5), Rt (6)
7&8 Step Lt Fwd, Lock Rt behind Lt, Step Lt Fwd (6:00)
TAG: Fashion Walk x3 (1-24)
1-8& Walk Fwd R,L,R,L, 1/4 C Bumps 1/4
1-4 Walk Fwd Rt, Lt, Rt, Lt (12:00)
5 Make 1/4 turn Lt touching pushing Rt hip up (9:00) (beginning of C Bumps), look towards (12:00)
&6&7&8 Circle hip down, Circle hip up, Circle hip down (weight Rt)
& Make 1/4 turn Lt stepping fwd Lt (6:00). Repeat 1-8 again another 2 times.
Monday, May 3, 2010
Our la Vie En Rose dance
Don't we all look graceful in this romantic number? Keep up the good effort KKLD.
We are proud of our talented entertainers
See what happens when Josephine tries to teach the kung fu man how to line dance JAPANESE RUMBA
Mr Bollywood line dancing UPSIDE DOWN
You can't imagine how difficult it is to teach these 2 opera folk dancers our line dance..AND I LOVE YOU SO
Mr Bollywood line dancing UPSIDE DOWN
You can't imagine how difficult it is to teach these 2 opera folk dancers our line dance..AND I LOVE YOU SO
See our beautiful video clips from our recent Jam Party
Shall we ladies wear skirts and dancing shoes like ..you know who ?
Sunday, May 2, 2010
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