A fun,easy and very short dance. This is one of the jamming dances for our Kuching Workshop.
Stuck On Elvis
Choreographed by: Kathryn Sloan & Jackie McIlrick (July 09)
Music: Stuck On You by Elvis Presley
Descriptions: 48 count - 2 wall - Beginner/Intermediate level line dance
Start dance on vocals. Weight on left
½ Shuffle Back, Rock Back, Replace, ½ Shuffle Back, Rock Back, Replace
1&2-3-4 ½ shuffle back (right, left, right) rock left back, recover to right
5&6-7-8 ½ shuffle back (left, right. Left), rock right back, recover to left
Pivot ¼, Pivot ½, Rock Forward, Replace, Triple Step, Full Turn
1-4 Step right forward, turn ¼ left, recover to left, step right forward, turn ½ left, recover to left
5-6-7&8 Rock right forward, recover to left, triple step full turn right (right, left, right)
Rock Forward, Rock Back, Shuffle Back, Rock Back, Rock Forward Shuffle, Forward
1-2-3&4 Rock left forward, recover to right, shuffle back (left, right, left)
5-6-7&8 Rock right back, recover to left, shuffle forward (right, left, right)
Rock Forward, Rock Back, Triple Step ¾ Turn, Rocking Chair
1-2-3&4 Rock left forward, recover to right triple step right ¾ turn right (left, right, left)
5-8 Rock right forward, recover to left, rock right back, recover to left
Side Shuffle Right, Rock Back, Side Shuffle Left, Rock Back
1&2-3-4 Side shuffle right (right, left, right) rock left back, recover to right
5&6-7-8 Side shuffle left (left, right, left) rock right back, recover to left
Stomp, Stomp, Hold, Hold, 4x Paddle ¼ L
1-4 Stomp right to side, stomp left to side, hold, hold
&5&6&7&8 Step right forward, paddle ¼ to the left, step right forward, paddle ¼ to left, step right forward, paddle ¼ to left, step right forward, paddle ¼ to left
RESTART: During walls 3 and 5, dance to count 32 then restart
ENDING: After 6th wall, to finish the dance repeat the last 16 counts
VARIATIONS: Variations to fit the "Elvis feel" replace holds with 'knee pops after stomps, The 4 paddle ¼s can be replaced with step right out, step left out, step right in, step left in twice
Watch it ! The Pirates of The Caribbean landed in KK on 29 Aug 2012. See all the smiling faces? They have seen their target ! Captain Hook came with sword and HOOK. Where is Captain Jack Sparrow and Blackbeard, the most feared pirate of all?? Missing Pirates are Loi, Diana, Janet , Amanda, Jeanie and Margaret Sinsua, Fung
Every Mon and Wed - Zumba Fitness class
No More Line Dance classes
Hi ...
ReplyDeletejust found your site
Love to hear that you taught our dance at a workshop ... I hope everyone liked it !!!