This is currently a hot dance with nice movements & music.
Some of us may know this Indonesian Singer, Anggun
I have posted various styles of dance by different groups. Please see our own intro steps. Our own style will be funky not belly dance.see our video soon
demo by choreographer
Demo by a Singaporean Man
Demo by others:-
Only In Your Mind
Choreographed by: Elfrita Maya-Duma Kristina S, Indonesia (June 10)
Music: In Your Mind by Anggun C Sasmi
64 count - 4 wall Intro: Start dancing 16 count after vocal "It`s only in your mind"
I have added our own the intro for the above 16 steps:
1-2 Push R shoulder to the R and Hold
3-4 Repeat the same for L
5-6 Tilt shoulder to the R and L
7-8 Push shoulder to R and hold
1-2 Push shoulder to L and Hold
3-4 Repeat the same for R
5-6 Step R beside L and hold
7-8 Body Roll to R & step L beside R
1-8 R Side, Move Shoulders Back-Forward-Back, Together, L Side, Move Shoulders Back-Forward-Back, Mambo Turn 1/2 R
1,2&3 Step R to R side (1), with body weight on centered: move your both shoulders back-forward-back (2&3)
4-5,6&7 Step R beside L (4), step L to L side (5), with body weight on centered: move your both shoulders back-forward-back (6&7)
8&1 Rock R forward (8), recover on L (&), turn 1/2 R stepping R forward (1) [6.00]
9-16 Mambo Turn 1/4 L, Behind Side Cross, Side and Hip Bump L-R-L-R
2&3 Rock L forward (2), recover on R (&), turn 1/4 L stepping L to L side (3) [3.00]
4&5 Step R behind L (4), step L to L side (&), cross R over L (5)
6-8 Step L to L side and bump hip to the L (6), replace weight on R whilst bump hip to the R (7), replace weight on L whilst bump hip to the L (8)
17-24 Crs Shuffle, R Side Turn 1/2 L Crs R, Unwind Full Turn L, L Fwd, Stp Lk R Fwd
1 Replace weight on R whilst bump hip to the R
2&3 Cross L over R (2), step R beside L (&), cross L over R (3)
4&5 Rock R to R side (4), turn 1/2 L stepping L to L side (&) [9.00], cross R over L (5)
6-7 Unwind full turn left weight on R (6), step L forward (7)
Easy: instead of unwind full turn R, touch L hell/toe to L diagonal forward
8&1 Step R forward (8), lock L behind R (&), step R forward (1)
25-32 L Forward, Pivot 1/4 R, L Cross , R-L Rock Recover Cross, R Coaster Step
2&3 Rock L forward (2), pivot 1/4 R (&) [12.00], cross L over R (3)
4&5 Rock R to R side (4), recover on L (&), cross R over L (5)
6&7 Rock L to L side (6), recover on R (&), cross L over R (7)
8&1 Rock R back (8), step L beside R (&), step R forward (1)
33-40 (Rock Forward and Hip Bump) 3x, R Forward, Pivot 1/2 L, R Forward
2&3 Rock L forward and hip Bump L-R-L /4&5 Rock R forward and hip bump R-L-R
6&7 Rock L forward and hip bump L-R-L
8&1 Rock R forward (8), pivot ½ L weight on L (&), rock R forward (1) [6.00]
41-48 (Rock Forward and Hip Bump) 2x, L Forward, Turn 1/4 L, Hip Bump L
2&3 Rock L forward and hip bump L-R-L
4&5 Rock R forward and hip bump R-L-R
6-8* Step L forward (6), on ball of L turn 1/4 L stepping R to R side (7) [3.00], step L to L side and hip bump L weight on L (8)*
*DURING 3rd wall, ADD tag (2) and then restart
49-56 Hip Bump R, (Rock Forward and Hip Bump) 3x, R Forward, Pivot 1/2 L, R Forward
1 Replace weight on R and hip bump R
In S7 from count 50-56 are repetition from S5 (Rock L forward and hip Bump L-R-L etc), begin with facing 3.00 wall, ending with facing 9.00 wall
57-64 (Rock Forward and Hip Bump) 2x, L Forward, Turn 1/4 L, Hip Bump L
S8 are repetition from S6 (Rock L forward and hip bump L-R-L etc), begin with facing 9.00 wall, ending with facing 6.00 wall.
1. At the END of 1st wall, you will facing 6.00 wall, then ADD 16 count (tag 1):
1-8 R Side, Move Shoulders Back-Forward-Back, Together, R Side, Move Shoulders Back-Forward-Back, R Forward, Mambo Turn ½ R
1-2&3 Step R to R side (1), move your both shoulders back-forward-back (2&3)
4-5 Step R beside L (4), step L to L side (5)
6&7 Move your both shoulders back-forward-back
8&1 Step R forward (8), recover on L (&), turn ½ R stepping R forward (1) [12.00]
9-16 L Forward, Pivot ½ R, L Forward, Touch R Diagonal Forward and Bend Knee, Hip Bump R-L-R-L
2&3 Step L forward (2), pivot ½ R weight on R (&) [6.00], step L forward (3)
4 Touch R toe diagonal forward, slightly bend knees and body weight on L, rise your both arms above your head and make a diamond shape
5-8 Still weight on L, bump hip R-L-R-L, Then start dancing 2nd wall facing 6.00 wall
2. *DURING 3rd wall, dance up until 48 count (count 8 section 6) and you will facing 3.00 wall, then ADD 48 count (tag 2) : 1-8 (Hip Bump 3x) R-L and Hold
1-4 Hip bump R-L-R (1-3), hold and weight on R (4)
5-8 Hip bump L-R-L (5-7), hold and weight on L (8)
9-16 Turn ¼ R, L Forward, Pivot ½ R, Walk L-R, Pivot ¼ L, Cross R, L Side
1-4 Turn 1/4 R stepping R forward (1) [6.00], step L forward (2), pivot ½ R weight on R (3) [12.00], step L forward (4)
5-8 Step R forward (5), pivot ¼ L weight on L (6) [9.00], cross R over L (7), step L to L side (8)
17-24 Move Upper Body and Hold
1-4 With body weight on centered and bent kness, move upper body R-L-R (1-3), replace weight on R and hold (4)
5-8 Replace weight on centered and move your upper body L-R-L (5-7), replace weight on L and hold (8)
25-32 Turn ¼ R, L Forward, Pivot ½ R, Walk L-R, Unwind Full Turn L, L Forward, R Side
1-4 Turn ¼ R stepping R forward (1) [12.00], step L forward (2), pivot ½ R weight on R (3) [6.00], step L forward (4)
5-8 Step R fwd (5), unwind full turn L wt on R (6), step L forward (7). step R to R side (8)
33-40 Repeat tag dance from count 17-24, with facing 6.00 wall
41-48 Round Hip Counter Clockwise, Together, Roll Body
1-4 With body wt on center, round hip L-back-R, cter clckwise (3), step R beside L (4)
5-8 Roll body back-down-forward-up. When you down your body, slowly bend both knees, and when you up your body, slowly straightened both knees. Restart dancing the 4th wall facing 6.00 wall
ENDING: On 5th wall, dance up to count 43 (count 3 section 6), replace the hipbump R-L-R with step R forward (4), pivot ½ L (&), step R to R side and pose! (5) facing 12.00 wall
Watch it ! The Pirates of The Caribbean landed in KK on 29 Aug 2012. See all the smiling faces? They have seen their target ! Captain Hook came with sword and HOOK. Where is Captain Jack Sparrow and Blackbeard, the most feared pirate of all?? Missing Pirates are Loi, Diana, Janet , Amanda, Jeanie and Margaret Sinsua, Fung
Every Mon and Wed - Zumba Fitness class
No More Line Dance classes
Thursday, August 26, 2010
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Let's have a happier life
1. Don't compare your life to others'. You have no idea what their journey is all about.
2. Don't have negative thoughts of things you cannot control. Instead invest your energy in the positive present moment
3. Don't over do; keep your limits
4. Don't take yourself so seriously; no one else does
5. Don't waste your precious energy on gossip
6. Dream more while you are awake
7. Envy is a waste of time. You already have all you need..
8. Forget issues of the past. Don't remind your partner of his/her mistakes of the past. That will ruin your present happiness.
9. Life is too short to waste time hating anyone. Don't hate others.
10. Make peace with your past so it won't spoil the present
11. No one is in charge of your happiness except you
12. Realize that life is a school and you are here to learn.
Problems are simply part of the curriculum that appear and fade away like algebra class but the lessons you learn will last a lifetime.
13. Smile and laugh more
14. You don't have to win every argument. Agree to disagree.
15. Call your family often
16. Each day give something good to others
17. Forgive everyone for everything
18. Spend time with people over the age of 70 & under the age of 6
19. Try to make at least three people smile each day
20. What other people think of you is none of your business
21. Your job will not take care of you when you are sick. Your family and friends will. Stay in touch.
22. Put GOD first in anything and everything that you think, say and do.
23. GOD heals everything
24. Do the right things
25. However good or bad a situation is, it will change
26. No matter how you feel, get up, dress up and show up
27. The best is yet to come
28. Get rid of anything that isn't useful, beautiful or joyful
29. When you awake alive in the morning, thank GOD for it
30. If you know GOD you will always be happy. So, be happy.
While you practice all of the above, share this knowledge with the people you love, people you school with,
people you play with, people you work with and people you live with.
Not only will it enrich YOUR life, but also that of those around you.
1. Don't compare your life to others'. You have no idea what their journey is all about.
2. Don't have negative thoughts of things you cannot control. Instead invest your energy in the positive present moment
3. Don't over do; keep your limits
4. Don't take yourself so seriously; no one else does
5. Don't waste your precious energy on gossip
6. Dream more while you are awake
7. Envy is a waste of time. You already have all you need..
8. Forget issues of the past. Don't remind your partner of his/her mistakes of the past. That will ruin your present happiness.
9. Life is too short to waste time hating anyone. Don't hate others.
10. Make peace with your past so it won't spoil the present
11. No one is in charge of your happiness except you
12. Realize that life is a school and you are here to learn.
Problems are simply part of the curriculum that appear and fade away like algebra class but the lessons you learn will last a lifetime.
13. Smile and laugh more
14. You don't have to win every argument. Agree to disagree.
15. Call your family often
16. Each day give something good to others
17. Forgive everyone for everything
18. Spend time with people over the age of 70 & under the age of 6
19. Try to make at least three people smile each day
20. What other people think of you is none of your business
21. Your job will not take care of you when you are sick. Your family and friends will. Stay in touch.
22. Put GOD first in anything and everything that you think, say and do.
23. GOD heals everything
24. Do the right things
25. However good or bad a situation is, it will change
26. No matter how you feel, get up, dress up and show up
27. The best is yet to come
28. Get rid of anything that isn't useful, beautiful or joyful
29. When you awake alive in the morning, thank GOD for it
30. If you know GOD you will always be happy. So, be happy.
While you practice all of the above, share this knowledge with the people you love, people you school with,
people you play with, people you work with and people you live with.
Not only will it enrich YOUR life, but also that of those around you.
Sunday, August 22, 2010
My Lady danced to an arabic cha cha song
This is a fun cha cha dance and if you like you can add a belly dance flavour. It is choreographed by our Malaysian line dancer,Emily Mah.
My Lady -Choreographed by: Emily Mah (Apr 10)
Music: El-Lilady by Amr Diab Descriptions: 32 count - 4 wall
Starts after 4 counts Intro: 36 Counts
Right Side Rock, Recover, Triple Step, Left Side Rock, Recover, Triple Step
1,2 Rock RF to right, recover on LF 3&4 Triple step in place right, left, right
5,6 Rock LF to left, recover on RF 7&8 Triple step in place left, right, left
Step, 1/2 Turn L, Right Shuffle Fwd, Step, 1/2 Turn R, Left Shuffle Fwd
1,2 Step RF forward, 1/2 turn left 3&4 Shuffle forward stepping right, left, right
5,6 Step LF forward, 1/2 turn right 7&8 Shuffle forward stepping left, right, left
Rock Rf Forward, Recover, Triple Step, Rock Lf Forward, Recover, Triple Step
1,2 Rock RF forward, recover on LF 3&4 Triple step in place right, left, right
5,6 Rock LF forward, recover on RF 7&8 Triple step in place left, right, left
Hip Bump (R,L,Rlr), Hip Bump (L,R,Lrl)
1,2 Hip bump R, hip bump L 3&4 Hip bump R,L,R
5,6 Hip bump L, hip bump R 7&8 Hip bump L,R,L
Hip Roll/Circle -1-4 2 hip roll clockwise
Dance: 32 Counts
Rock Forward, Recover, Lock Step Back, Rock Back, Recover, Lock Step Forward
1,2 Rock RF forward, recover on LF
3&4 Lock step back - step back right, lock left over right, step back right
5,6 Rock LF backward, recover RF
7&8 Lock step forward - step left, lock right behind left, step left forward.
Cross Rock, Recover, Right Chasse, Cross Rock, Recover, 1/4 Sailor To Left
1,2 Cross rock RF over LF, recover on LF
3&4 Step RF to right , step LF beside RF, step RF to right
5,6 Cross rock LF over RF, recover on RF 7&8 Sweep sailor step 1/4 turn L
Step Rf To Diagonal R With R & L Hip Bump, Hip Bump R, L, R, Step Lf To Diagonal L With L & R Hip Bump, Hip Bump L, R, L
1,2 Step RF to diagonal R and bump R hip and L hip 3&4 Hip bump R,L,R
5,6 Step LF to diagonal L and bump L hip and R hip 7&8 Hip bump L,R,L
Hip Roll (Fig Of 8), Stomp, Hip Lift And Sit
1-4 Roll R hip , L hip, R hip, L hip 5-8 Stomp R foot, lift R hip up and sit on R hip down.
Prissy Walk, Hold, R, L, R, L
1,2 Cross RF over LF, hold 3,4 Cross LF over RF, hold
5,6 Cross RF over LF, hold 7,8 Cross LF over RF, hold
Cross, Side, Behind, Sweep, Behind, Side, Cross, Sweep
1,2 Cross RF over LF, step LF to left
3,4 Cross Rf behind LF, sweep LF out from front to back
5,6 Cross LF behind RF, step RF to right
7,8 Cross LF over RF, sweep RF out from back to front
Step Fwd, Touch, Back, Touch, X2
1,2 Step RF fwd, touch LF beside RF 3,4 Step LF back, touch RF beside LF
5,6 Step RF fwd, touch LF beside RF 7,8 Step LF back, touch RF beside LF
Right Hip Drop, Shoulder Isolation R, L, R, L
1,2 Touch RF forward (facing diagonal L), lift R hip and drop x2
3,4 R hip drop x2 5-8 Shoulder isolation forward R, L, R, L
Standing Pose, Shoulder Roll R, L, R, L
1-4 From the sitting position, stand straight while raise both hands upwards and slowly bring hands down to your side
5-8 Shoulder rolling R, L, R, L (in sitting position)
Ending: You Will Dance Through 32 Counts As Normal And End Facing 12:00 Wall, Pose In Sitting Position With R Hand Stretching Out And L Hand On L Hip As The Music Fades Out.
My Lady -Choreographed by: Emily Mah (Apr 10)
Music: El-Lilady by Amr Diab Descriptions: 32 count - 4 wall
Starts after 4 counts Intro: 36 Counts
Right Side Rock, Recover, Triple Step, Left Side Rock, Recover, Triple Step
1,2 Rock RF to right, recover on LF 3&4 Triple step in place right, left, right
5,6 Rock LF to left, recover on RF 7&8 Triple step in place left, right, left
Step, 1/2 Turn L, Right Shuffle Fwd, Step, 1/2 Turn R, Left Shuffle Fwd
1,2 Step RF forward, 1/2 turn left 3&4 Shuffle forward stepping right, left, right
5,6 Step LF forward, 1/2 turn right 7&8 Shuffle forward stepping left, right, left
Rock Rf Forward, Recover, Triple Step, Rock Lf Forward, Recover, Triple Step
1,2 Rock RF forward, recover on LF 3&4 Triple step in place right, left, right
5,6 Rock LF forward, recover on RF 7&8 Triple step in place left, right, left
Hip Bump (R,L,Rlr), Hip Bump (L,R,Lrl)
1,2 Hip bump R, hip bump L 3&4 Hip bump R,L,R
5,6 Hip bump L, hip bump R 7&8 Hip bump L,R,L
Hip Roll/Circle -1-4 2 hip roll clockwise
Dance: 32 Counts
Rock Forward, Recover, Lock Step Back, Rock Back, Recover, Lock Step Forward
1,2 Rock RF forward, recover on LF
3&4 Lock step back - step back right, lock left over right, step back right
5,6 Rock LF backward, recover RF
7&8 Lock step forward - step left, lock right behind left, step left forward.
Cross Rock, Recover, Right Chasse, Cross Rock, Recover, 1/4 Sailor To Left
1,2 Cross rock RF over LF, recover on LF
3&4 Step RF to right , step LF beside RF, step RF to right
5,6 Cross rock LF over RF, recover on RF 7&8 Sweep sailor step 1/4 turn L
Step Rf To Diagonal R With R & L Hip Bump, Hip Bump R, L, R, Step Lf To Diagonal L With L & R Hip Bump, Hip Bump L, R, L
1,2 Step RF to diagonal R and bump R hip and L hip 3&4 Hip bump R,L,R
5,6 Step LF to diagonal L and bump L hip and R hip 7&8 Hip bump L,R,L
Hip Roll (Fig Of 8), Stomp, Hip Lift And Sit
1-4 Roll R hip , L hip, R hip, L hip 5-8 Stomp R foot, lift R hip up and sit on R hip down.
Prissy Walk, Hold, R, L, R, L
1,2 Cross RF over LF, hold 3,4 Cross LF over RF, hold
5,6 Cross RF over LF, hold 7,8 Cross LF over RF, hold
Cross, Side, Behind, Sweep, Behind, Side, Cross, Sweep
1,2 Cross RF over LF, step LF to left
3,4 Cross Rf behind LF, sweep LF out from front to back
5,6 Cross LF behind RF, step RF to right
7,8 Cross LF over RF, sweep RF out from back to front
Step Fwd, Touch, Back, Touch, X2
1,2 Step RF fwd, touch LF beside RF 3,4 Step LF back, touch RF beside LF
5,6 Step RF fwd, touch LF beside RF 7,8 Step LF back, touch RF beside LF
Right Hip Drop, Shoulder Isolation R, L, R, L
1,2 Touch RF forward (facing diagonal L), lift R hip and drop x2
3,4 R hip drop x2 5-8 Shoulder isolation forward R, L, R, L
Standing Pose, Shoulder Roll R, L, R, L
1-4 From the sitting position, stand straight while raise both hands upwards and slowly bring hands down to your side
5-8 Shoulder rolling R, L, R, L (in sitting position)
Ending: You Will Dance Through 32 Counts As Normal And End Facing 12:00 Wall, Pose In Sitting Position With R Hand Stretching Out And L Hand On L Hip As The Music Fades Out.
Crazy Foot Cha
Demo by a group from Singapore. Would you like to wear the costumes?
Demo by our own Sabah Line dancers led by Nancy Fung
Crazy Foot Cha
Choreographed by: Sebastiaan Holtland, NL (Feb 10)
Music: I'm Crazy by Alex Swings Oscar Sings (CD: Heart 4 Sale 09)
Descriptions: 48 count - 4 wall - Beginner/Intermediate level line dance
Intro: 32 count (16 sec)
Track also available on Download from: … & iTunes
1-8 Back, Back, 1/4 Turn R, Side, Cross, Side, Touch, 1/4 Turn L Step Fwd, 1/2 Turn L, Back
1-2 Stepping back on Rf, stepping back on Lf weight onto Lf (12:00)
3-4 Make a 1/4 turn right (3:00) and step Rf to the right side, and cross Lf over Rf weight onto Lf
5-6 Step Rf to the right side, and touch Lf next to Rf weight onto Rf
7-8 Make a 1/4 turn left (12:00) and step forward on Lf, continue 1/2 turn left (6:00) and step back on Rf weight onto Rf
9-16 LONG STEP BACK, Touch, Side Point, Together, Back Rock / Recover, Lock Step Fwd
1-2 Make a long step back on Lf, and touch Rf next to Lf
3-4 Point Rf out to the right side, and close Rf next to Lf take weight on Rf
5-6 Rock back on Lf, recover on Rf
7&8 Step forward on Lf, lock Rf behind Lf, and step forward on Lf weight onto Lf (6:00)
17-24 Step Fwd, 1/4 Turn R, Side, Heel, Hold, & Cross, Side, Behind Side Cross
1-2 Step forward on Rf, make a 1/4 turn right (9:00) and step Lf to the left side weight onto Lf
3-4 Bring right heel diagonal forward (toes up) and holding weight onto Lf, HOLD
&5-6 Step R heel back in place (9:00), and cross Lf over Rf, and step Rf to the right side weight onto Rf
7&8 Step Lf behind Rf, step Rf to the right side, and cross Lf over Rf weight onto Lf (9:00)
25-32 Syncopated Side Rock / Recover, 1/4 Turn L, Back Rock / Recover, Lock Step Fwd
1-2 Rock Rf to the right, recover on Lf
&3-4 Step Rf next to Lf, rock Lf to the left side, recover on Rf weight onto Rf
5-6 Make a 1/4 turn left (6:00) and rock back on Lf, recover on Rf weight onto Rf
7&8 Step forward on Lf, lock Rf behind Lf, and step forward on Lf weight onto Lf (6:00)
33-40 Kick, Out, Out, Hold, Swivet, 1/4 Turn L, Back Rock / Recover, Lock Step Fwd
1&2 Kicking forward on Rf, step Rf out to the right side, and step Lf out to the left side weight onto feet (6:00)
4 Make a 1/4 turn left (3:00) and swivet L toe to left and R heel to right and take weight onto Rf
5-6 Rock back on Lf, recover on Rf weight onto Rf
7&8 Step forward on Lf, lock Rf behind Lf, and step forward on Lf weight onto Lf (3:00)
41-48 Kick Fwd, Back, 1/4 Turn L, Side, Touch, 1/4 Turn R, Step Fwd, Brush Step, Brush
1-2 Kicking forward on Rf, step Back on Rf weight onto Rf
3-4 Make a 1/4 turn left (12:00) and step Lf to the left side, and touch Rf next to Lf holding weight onto Lf
5-6 Make a 1/4 turn right (3:00) and step forward on Rf, brush forward on Lf holding weight onto Rf
7-8 Stepping forward on Lf, brush forward on Rf holding weight onto Lf (3:00)
Demo by our own Sabah Line dancers led by Nancy Fung
Crazy Foot Cha
Choreographed by: Sebastiaan Holtland, NL (Feb 10)
Music: I'm Crazy by Alex Swings Oscar Sings (CD: Heart 4 Sale 09)
Descriptions: 48 count - 4 wall - Beginner/Intermediate level line dance
Intro: 32 count (16 sec)
Track also available on Download from: … & iTunes
1-8 Back, Back, 1/4 Turn R, Side, Cross, Side, Touch, 1/4 Turn L Step Fwd, 1/2 Turn L, Back
1-2 Stepping back on Rf, stepping back on Lf weight onto Lf (12:00)
3-4 Make a 1/4 turn right (3:00) and step Rf to the right side, and cross Lf over Rf weight onto Lf
5-6 Step Rf to the right side, and touch Lf next to Rf weight onto Rf
7-8 Make a 1/4 turn left (12:00) and step forward on Lf, continue 1/2 turn left (6:00) and step back on Rf weight onto Rf
9-16 LONG STEP BACK, Touch, Side Point, Together, Back Rock / Recover, Lock Step Fwd
1-2 Make a long step back on Lf, and touch Rf next to Lf
3-4 Point Rf out to the right side, and close Rf next to Lf take weight on Rf
5-6 Rock back on Lf, recover on Rf
7&8 Step forward on Lf, lock Rf behind Lf, and step forward on Lf weight onto Lf (6:00)
17-24 Step Fwd, 1/4 Turn R, Side, Heel, Hold, & Cross, Side, Behind Side Cross
1-2 Step forward on Rf, make a 1/4 turn right (9:00) and step Lf to the left side weight onto Lf
3-4 Bring right heel diagonal forward (toes up) and holding weight onto Lf, HOLD
&5-6 Step R heel back in place (9:00), and cross Lf over Rf, and step Rf to the right side weight onto Rf
7&8 Step Lf behind Rf, step Rf to the right side, and cross Lf over Rf weight onto Lf (9:00)
25-32 Syncopated Side Rock / Recover, 1/4 Turn L, Back Rock / Recover, Lock Step Fwd
1-2 Rock Rf to the right, recover on Lf
&3-4 Step Rf next to Lf, rock Lf to the left side, recover on Rf weight onto Rf
5-6 Make a 1/4 turn left (6:00) and rock back on Lf, recover on Rf weight onto Rf
7&8 Step forward on Lf, lock Rf behind Lf, and step forward on Lf weight onto Lf (6:00)
33-40 Kick, Out, Out, Hold, Swivet, 1/4 Turn L, Back Rock / Recover, Lock Step Fwd
1&2 Kicking forward on Rf, step Rf out to the right side, and step Lf out to the left side weight onto feet (6:00)
4 Make a 1/4 turn left (3:00) and swivet L toe to left and R heel to right and take weight onto Rf
5-6 Rock back on Lf, recover on Rf weight onto Rf
7&8 Step forward on Lf, lock Rf behind Lf, and step forward on Lf weight onto Lf (3:00)
41-48 Kick Fwd, Back, 1/4 Turn L, Side, Touch, 1/4 Turn R, Step Fwd, Brush Step, Brush
1-2 Kicking forward on Rf, step Back on Rf weight onto Rf
3-4 Make a 1/4 turn left (12:00) and step Lf to the left side, and touch Rf next to Lf holding weight onto Lf
5-6 Make a 1/4 turn right (3:00) and step forward on Rf, brush forward on Lf holding weight onto Rf
7-8 Stepping forward on Lf, brush forward on Rf holding weight onto Lf (3:00)
Yeah ! Youtube accepts our At This Moment video as "educational"
Our At This Moment demo is our first video in which we did a walk through before the dance demo. As the song is under copyright , Youtube sent an email informing us of the violation. We disputed the claim stating that although we have used copyright material we have not violated it as our video is educational in nature and it will help line dancers to learn the dance.
The violation has been uplifted.
We shall do a walk through for all our future videos.
Many thanks to Mariana for taking the video below (the teach is the same as taken by Michael but the dance demo is different .)
The violation has been uplifted.
We shall do a walk through for all our future videos.
Many thanks to Mariana for taking the video below (the teach is the same as taken by Michael but the dance demo is different .)
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Our Video- At This Moment
Well Done. I think we look beautiful with all our expressive " Paul the octopus" arms. Click on HD to view a very clear video. A million thanks to Michael for bearing with us for this loooong video.
Thursday, August 12, 2010
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
At This Moment & Darling Please Stand By Me
Our next dances will be a slow waltz and a simple enjoyable beginner dance to a bachatta music.
This is a good dance to learn some new foot patterns in a Rise & Fall. The choreographer has put in some good body actions that we can follow to make the waltz smooth flowing . Good job by Jennifer Choo
At This Moment
Choreographed by: Jennifer Choo Sue Chin, Malaysia (Apr 10)
Music: At This Moment by Michael Buble (CD: Crazy Love)
Descriptions: 48 count - 2 wall - Intermediate level line dance
Intro: 4x6
1-6 Step Pivot, Lunge, Recover, Side
1-3 Step RF fwd, Step LF slightly in front of RF, Pivot ½ turn right (6:00)
4-6 Lunge LF fwd, recover on RF, step LF to L * RESTART here on wall 2
7-12 Weave Left, Unwind Ronde, Behind
1-3 Cross RF over LF, Step LF to L, touch RF behind LF
4-6 Unwind ¾ turn right and ronde from front to back, step RF behind LF on count 6 (3:00)
13-18 Half Turn Left, Behind, Half Turn Right, Behind
1-3 ¼ turn left stepping LF fwd, ¼ turn left stepping RF next to LF, Step LF behind RF
4-6 ¼ turn right stepping RF fwd, ¼ turn right stepping LF next to RF, Step RF behind LF
19-24 Half Turn Left, Big Step Right, Drag, Syncopated Weave
&1-3 ¼ turn left stepping LF fwd, ¼ turn left taking big step to R and drag LF toward RF, hold counts 2-3 (9)
*** TAG
&4 Step LF down, Step RF in front of LF
&5 Step LF next to RF, Step RF in behind LF
&6& Step LF next to RF, Step RF in front of LF, Step LF next to RF
Easier: Left Weave or simply do a left grapevine!
&4-6 Step LF down (&), Step RF in front of LF (4), Step LF to L(5), Step RF behind L(6), Step LF to L(&)
25-30 Half Turn Left, Point, Hold, Right Twinkle
1-3 Execute a ½ turn left on ball of LF and point RF to R, hold for 2 counts (3:00)
4-6 **Cross RF over LF, Step ball of LF to L, Replace weight on RF
31-36 Left Twinkle, Half Turn Right Twinkle
1-3 Cross LF over RF, Step ball of RF to R, Replace weight on LF
** (These 6 counts will be "subtracted" DURING Wall 5)
4-6 Cross RF over LF, ¼ turn right stepping back on LF, ¼ turn right stepping RF to R (
37-42 Step, Forward Shuffle, Forward Basic
1-2&3 Step LF fwd, Step RF fwd, Lock LF behind RF, Step RF fwd
4-6 Step LF fwd, step RF together, step LF in place
43-48 Back ½ Turn Left, ¾ Left Turn
1-3 Step RF back, ½ turn left stepping LF fwd, step RF slightly fwd (3:00)
4& ¼ turn left stepping LF fwd crossing over RF, Step ball of RF next to LF
5& ¼ turn left stepping LF fwd crossing over RF, Step ball of RF next to LF
6 ¼ turn left stepping LF fwd crossing over RF
Easier: Walk around
4-6 ¼ turn left crossing LF over RF, ¼ turn left crossing RF over LF, ¼ turn left crossing LF over RF (6:00)
* RESTART AFTER 6 counts on Wall 2. Then Restart. Optional: Dance till count 4 and hold 2 counts, then restart.
**Subtract On Wall 5 When the lyrics go "I’ll subtract 20 years off from my life", it’s the cue to subtract 6 counts (count 28-33: the right and left twinkles) and connect straight to the half turn twinkle from count 27.
***TAG AFTER count 21 on Wall 7, there is a long beats pause. Do some freestyle based on the lyrics (feel it)! When the beat comes on again, continue with count 22. (if unsure, refer to the video)
Darling Please Stand By Me
Choreographed by: Joenan, Australia (June 10)
Music: Stand By Me by Prince Royce
Descriptions: 32 count - 4 wall - Beginner level line dance
Count in 32 counts
Forward Mambo, Back Mambo, Side Mambo, Side Mambo ¼ Turn Right
1&2 Rock forward on Right, recover onto Left, step Right beside Left
3&4 Rock back on Left, recover onto Right, step Left beside Right
5&6 Rock Right to right side, recover onto Left, step Right beside Left
7&8 Rock Left to left side, make ¼ turn right recovering on Right, step Left beside Right (3:00)
Forward Mambo, Back Mambo, Forward Shuffle, Forward Shuffle
1&2 Rock forward on Right, recover onto Left, step Right beside Left
3&4 Rock back on Left, recover onto Right, step Left beside Right
5&6 Shuffle forward diagonally right on Right, Left, Right
7&8 Shuffle forward diagonally left on Left, Right, Left (3:00)
Mambo Cross ¼ Turn Left, Side, Together, Step Forward ¼ Turn Left, Forward Mambo, Step Back ½ Turn Left, Together, Step Forward
1&2 Rock forward on Right, make ¼ turn left recovering onto Left, cross step Right over Left
3&4 Step Left to left side, step Right beside Left, make ¼ turn left stepping forward on Left
5&6 Rock forward on Right, recover onto Left, step Right beside Left
7&8 Swivel ½ turn left stepping back on Left, step Right beside Left, step forward on Left (3:00)
Fwd Mambo, Step Back ½ Turn Left, Together, Step Forward, Hip Sways, Hip Sways
1&2 Rock forward on Right, recover onto Left, step Right beside Left
3&4 Swivel ½ turn left stepping back on Left, step Right beside Left, step forward on Left
5&6 Step Right to side and sway hips right, sway hips left, sway hips right
7&8 Step Left to side and sway hips left, sway hips right, sway hips left (9:00)
This is a good dance to learn some new foot patterns in a Rise & Fall. The choreographer has put in some good body actions that we can follow to make the waltz smooth flowing . Good job by Jennifer Choo
At This Moment
Choreographed by: Jennifer Choo Sue Chin, Malaysia (Apr 10)
Music: At This Moment by Michael Buble (CD: Crazy Love)
Descriptions: 48 count - 2 wall - Intermediate level line dance
Intro: 4x6
1-6 Step Pivot, Lunge, Recover, Side
1-3 Step RF fwd, Step LF slightly in front of RF, Pivot ½ turn right (6:00)
4-6 Lunge LF fwd, recover on RF, step LF to L * RESTART here on wall 2
7-12 Weave Left, Unwind Ronde, Behind
1-3 Cross RF over LF, Step LF to L, touch RF behind LF
4-6 Unwind ¾ turn right and ronde from front to back, step RF behind LF on count 6 (3:00)
13-18 Half Turn Left, Behind, Half Turn Right, Behind
1-3 ¼ turn left stepping LF fwd, ¼ turn left stepping RF next to LF, Step LF behind RF
4-6 ¼ turn right stepping RF fwd, ¼ turn right stepping LF next to RF, Step RF behind LF
19-24 Half Turn Left, Big Step Right, Drag, Syncopated Weave
&1-3 ¼ turn left stepping LF fwd, ¼ turn left taking big step to R and drag LF toward RF, hold counts 2-3 (9)
*** TAG
&4 Step LF down, Step RF in front of LF
&5 Step LF next to RF, Step RF in behind LF
&6& Step LF next to RF, Step RF in front of LF, Step LF next to RF
Easier: Left Weave or simply do a left grapevine!
&4-6 Step LF down (&), Step RF in front of LF (4), Step LF to L(5), Step RF behind L(6), Step LF to L(&)
25-30 Half Turn Left, Point, Hold, Right Twinkle
1-3 Execute a ½ turn left on ball of LF and point RF to R, hold for 2 counts (3:00)
4-6 **Cross RF over LF, Step ball of LF to L, Replace weight on RF
31-36 Left Twinkle, Half Turn Right Twinkle
1-3 Cross LF over RF, Step ball of RF to R, Replace weight on LF
** (These 6 counts will be "subtracted" DURING Wall 5)
4-6 Cross RF over LF, ¼ turn right stepping back on LF, ¼ turn right stepping RF to R (
37-42 Step, Forward Shuffle, Forward Basic
1-2&3 Step LF fwd, Step RF fwd, Lock LF behind RF, Step RF fwd
4-6 Step LF fwd, step RF together, step LF in place
43-48 Back ½ Turn Left, ¾ Left Turn
1-3 Step RF back, ½ turn left stepping LF fwd, step RF slightly fwd (3:00)
4& ¼ turn left stepping LF fwd crossing over RF, Step ball of RF next to LF
5& ¼ turn left stepping LF fwd crossing over RF, Step ball of RF next to LF
6 ¼ turn left stepping LF fwd crossing over RF
Easier: Walk around
4-6 ¼ turn left crossing LF over RF, ¼ turn left crossing RF over LF, ¼ turn left crossing LF over RF (6:00)
* RESTART AFTER 6 counts on Wall 2. Then Restart. Optional: Dance till count 4 and hold 2 counts, then restart.
**Subtract On Wall 5 When the lyrics go "I’ll subtract 20 years off from my life", it’s the cue to subtract 6 counts (count 28-33: the right and left twinkles) and connect straight to the half turn twinkle from count 27.
***TAG AFTER count 21 on Wall 7, there is a long beats pause. Do some freestyle based on the lyrics (feel it)! When the beat comes on again, continue with count 22. (if unsure, refer to the video)
Darling Please Stand By Me
Choreographed by: Joenan, Australia (June 10)
Music: Stand By Me by Prince Royce
Descriptions: 32 count - 4 wall - Beginner level line dance
Count in 32 counts
Forward Mambo, Back Mambo, Side Mambo, Side Mambo ¼ Turn Right
1&2 Rock forward on Right, recover onto Left, step Right beside Left
3&4 Rock back on Left, recover onto Right, step Left beside Right
5&6 Rock Right to right side, recover onto Left, step Right beside Left
7&8 Rock Left to left side, make ¼ turn right recovering on Right, step Left beside Right (3:00)
Forward Mambo, Back Mambo, Forward Shuffle, Forward Shuffle
1&2 Rock forward on Right, recover onto Left, step Right beside Left
3&4 Rock back on Left, recover onto Right, step Left beside Right
5&6 Shuffle forward diagonally right on Right, Left, Right
7&8 Shuffle forward diagonally left on Left, Right, Left (3:00)
Mambo Cross ¼ Turn Left, Side, Together, Step Forward ¼ Turn Left, Forward Mambo, Step Back ½ Turn Left, Together, Step Forward
1&2 Rock forward on Right, make ¼ turn left recovering onto Left, cross step Right over Left
3&4 Step Left to left side, step Right beside Left, make ¼ turn left stepping forward on Left
5&6 Rock forward on Right, recover onto Left, step Right beside Left
7&8 Swivel ½ turn left stepping back on Left, step Right beside Left, step forward on Left (3:00)
Fwd Mambo, Step Back ½ Turn Left, Together, Step Forward, Hip Sways, Hip Sways
1&2 Rock forward on Right, recover onto Left, step Right beside Left
3&4 Swivel ½ turn left stepping back on Left, step Right beside Left, step forward on Left
5&6 Step Right to side and sway hips right, sway hips left, sway hips right
7&8 Step Left to side and sway hips left, sway hips right, sway hips left (9:00)
Opening Night for New Line Dance Season- 3 Simple Words & Buttons and Bows
After our recent jam, we now start the new season with 2 new dances which are choreographed to very old music. Both dances are well choreographed and both have a BIG finish !
3 Simple Words
Choreographed by: Leong Mei Ling (Aug 10)
Music: Grazie, Prego, Scusi by Dean Martin (CD: Old Dogs Movie)
Descriptions: 48 count - 4 wall - Beginner level line dance
Intro: start on vocals
Sec 1 Shuffle Right, Back Rock, Step-Cross Behind, Step-Cross Over
1&2 Step Right to right, step Left beside Right, step Right to side
3-4 Step/Rock Left back, recover to Right
6-8 Step Left to side, cross Right behind Left, step Left to side, step Right across Left
Sec 2 Shuffle Left, Back Rock, Step-Cross Behind, Step-Cross Over
1&2 Step Left to left, step Right beside Left, step Left to side
3-4 Step/Rock Right back, recover to Left
6-8 Step Right to side, cross Left behind Right, step Right to side, step Left across Right
Sec 3 1/4 Right, Step-Point (2x), Cross, Back, Back-Lift/Kick
1-2 1/4 turn right stepping Right forward, point Left to left [3:00]
3-4 Step Left forward, p oint Right to right
5-6 Cross Right over Left, step Left back
7-8 Step Right back, lift/kick Left forward
Options: Instead of step-points for 1-4, you can opt to do: (a) Step-sweeps or (b) Step, lift legs back.
Sec 4 Back Step, Lift/Kick, Back Rock, 1/4 Left Large Step Right, Touch
1-2 Step Left back, lift/kick Right forward
3-4 Rock back on Right, recover to Left
5-6 1/4 turn left taking a large step right with Right, hold [12:00]
7-8 Tap Left toe (2X) behind Right
Sec 5 Side Touches, Sways
1-2 Step Left to side, touch Right beside
3-4 Step Right to side, touch Left beside
5-8 Sway Left, Right, Left, Right
Sec 6 Rocking Chair, 1/4 Left Jazz Box-Touch
1-2 Step Left forward, recover weight to Right
3-4 Step Left back, recover weight to Right
5-6 Step Left across Right, 1/4 turn left stepping Right back [9:00]
7-8 Step Left to side, touch Right beside Left
ENDING (Wall 5): Dance up to Section 4 then dance the following to end.
Side-Touch, 1/4 Side-Touch (3x)
1-4 Step Left to side, touch Right beside, step Right to side, touch Left beside Right
5-8 1/4 turn left & repeat steps 1-4 [9:00]
9-12 Repeat steps 5-8 [6:00]
13-16 Repeat steps 5-8 [3:00]
Rocking Chair, 1/4 Left Jazz Box Brush, Rocking Chair, Jazz Box, Point
1-4 Rock Left forward, recover to Right, rock Left back, recover Right
5-6 Step Left across Right, 1/4 turn left stepping back on Right
7-8 Step Left to side, brush Right forward
1-4 Rock Right forward, recover to Left, rock Right back, recover Left
5&6& Step Right across Left, step Left back, step Right to side, cross Left over Right
7-8 Point Right to side (for big finish!) :)
Buttons and Bows- by Kenny Teh ... my optional (slower)steps in italics
Description: 48 count 4 Wall Intermediate line danceMusic: Buttons and Bows by LeCafe de I’Amour
1&2 3&4 Shuffle RLR diagonally R, Shuffle LRL diagonally L ...change shuffles to ..step hold
5 6 7 8 Skate RLRL / or Boggie walk ....change to prissy walk
1 2 3 4 R toe strut, L toe strut
5 6 7 8 ¼ R turn step back R, recover L, ½ L turn shuffle back RLR (3.00) ..change to a hold after the 1/2 turn
1 2 3 4 Touch L toe beside R, touch L heel beside R, cross L over R, hold
5 6 7 8 Touch R toe beside L, touch R heel beside L, cross R over L, hold (3.00)
1 2 3 4 Step L, hold, cross R over L, hold 5 6 7&8 Step L to L, cross R over L, step L to L, kick R
1 2 3 4 Step R back, kick L, step L back, kick R 5 6 7 8Step back RLRL
1 2 3 4 Step R to R, step L to L, step R back to centre, step L back to centre5 6 7 8Repeat above
3rd and 6th Wall dance up to 32 counts and restart Tag: 4th wall and 8th wall add 8 steps:
1 2 3 4 R to strut, L toe strut 5 6 7 8 R to strut, L toe strut
End of the 8th Wall after the Tag: Add the following steps:
1 2 3 4 Step R, touch L beside R, Step L, touch R beside L
1 – 8 ¼ R turn, shuffle fwd RLR, hold, ½ L turn shuffle fwd LRL, hold
Do the above 8 counts three more times (32 counts in all)
1 2 3 4 Sweep R fwd, hold, sweep R back, hold
5 6 7 8 Step L back, step R beside L, step L fwd, hold
1 2 3 4 Sweep R fwd, hold, sweep R back, hold
5 6 7 8 Step L back, step R beside L, step L fwd, hold
1 2 3 4 Kick R over L, kick R diagonally R, kick R over L, kick R diagonally R,
5 6 7 8 Step R behind L, step L to L, cross R over L, hold
1 - 8 Mirror above steps
1 2 3 4 Sweep R fwd, hold, sweep R back, hold
5 6 7 8 Sweep L back, hold, sweep L fwd, hold
1 Kick / touch R fwd and pose……………
3 Simple Words
Choreographed by: Leong Mei Ling (Aug 10)
Music: Grazie, Prego, Scusi by Dean Martin (CD: Old Dogs Movie)
Descriptions: 48 count - 4 wall - Beginner level line dance
Intro: start on vocals
Sec 1 Shuffle Right, Back Rock, Step-Cross Behind, Step-Cross Over
1&2 Step Right to right, step Left beside Right, step Right to side
3-4 Step/Rock Left back, recover to Right
6-8 Step Left to side, cross Right behind Left, step Left to side, step Right across Left
Sec 2 Shuffle Left, Back Rock, Step-Cross Behind, Step-Cross Over
1&2 Step Left to left, step Right beside Left, step Left to side
3-4 Step/Rock Right back, recover to Left
6-8 Step Right to side, cross Left behind Right, step Right to side, step Left across Right
Sec 3 1/4 Right, Step-Point (2x), Cross, Back, Back-Lift/Kick
1-2 1/4 turn right stepping Right forward, point Left to left [3:00]
3-4 Step Left forward, p oint Right to right
5-6 Cross Right over Left, step Left back
7-8 Step Right back, lift/kick Left forward
Options: Instead of step-points for 1-4, you can opt to do: (a) Step-sweeps or (b) Step, lift legs back.
Sec 4 Back Step, Lift/Kick, Back Rock, 1/4 Left Large Step Right, Touch
1-2 Step Left back, lift/kick Right forward
3-4 Rock back on Right, recover to Left
5-6 1/4 turn left taking a large step right with Right, hold [12:00]
7-8 Tap Left toe (2X) behind Right
Sec 5 Side Touches, Sways
1-2 Step Left to side, touch Right beside
3-4 Step Right to side, touch Left beside
5-8 Sway Left, Right, Left, Right
Sec 6 Rocking Chair, 1/4 Left Jazz Box-Touch
1-2 Step Left forward, recover weight to Right
3-4 Step Left back, recover weight to Right
5-6 Step Left across Right, 1/4 turn left stepping Right back [9:00]
7-8 Step Left to side, touch Right beside Left
ENDING (Wall 5): Dance up to Section 4 then dance the following to end.
Side-Touch, 1/4 Side-Touch (3x)
1-4 Step Left to side, touch Right beside, step Right to side, touch Left beside Right
5-8 1/4 turn left & repeat steps 1-4 [9:00]
9-12 Repeat steps 5-8 [6:00]
13-16 Repeat steps 5-8 [3:00]
Rocking Chair, 1/4 Left Jazz Box Brush, Rocking Chair, Jazz Box, Point
1-4 Rock Left forward, recover to Right, rock Left back, recover Right
5-6 Step Left across Right, 1/4 turn left stepping back on Right
7-8 Step Left to side, brush Right forward
1-4 Rock Right forward, recover to Left, rock Right back, recover Left
5&6& Step Right across Left, step Left back, step Right to side, cross Left over Right
7-8 Point Right to side (for big finish!) :)
Buttons and Bows- by Kenny Teh ... my optional (slower)steps in italics
Description: 48 count 4 Wall Intermediate line danceMusic: Buttons and Bows by LeCafe de I’Amour
1&2 3&4 Shuffle RLR diagonally R, Shuffle LRL diagonally L ...change shuffles to ..step hold
5 6 7 8 Skate RLRL / or Boggie walk ....change to prissy walk
1 2 3 4 R toe strut, L toe strut
5 6 7 8 ¼ R turn step back R, recover L, ½ L turn shuffle back RLR (3.00) ..change to a hold after the 1/2 turn
1 2 3 4 Touch L toe beside R, touch L heel beside R, cross L over R, hold
5 6 7 8 Touch R toe beside L, touch R heel beside L, cross R over L, hold (3.00)
1 2 3 4 Step L, hold, cross R over L, hold 5 6 7&8 Step L to L, cross R over L, step L to L, kick R
1 2 3 4 Step R back, kick L, step L back, kick R 5 6 7 8Step back RLRL
1 2 3 4 Step R to R, step L to L, step R back to centre, step L back to centre5 6 7 8Repeat above
3rd and 6th Wall dance up to 32 counts and restart Tag: 4th wall and 8th wall add 8 steps:
1 2 3 4 R to strut, L toe strut 5 6 7 8 R to strut, L toe strut
End of the 8th Wall after the Tag: Add the following steps:
1 2 3 4 Step R, touch L beside R, Step L, touch R beside L
1 – 8 ¼ R turn, shuffle fwd RLR, hold, ½ L turn shuffle fwd LRL, hold
Do the above 8 counts three more times (32 counts in all)
1 2 3 4 Sweep R fwd, hold, sweep R back, hold
5 6 7 8 Step L back, step R beside L, step L fwd, hold
1 2 3 4 Sweep R fwd, hold, sweep R back, hold
5 6 7 8 Step L back, step R beside L, step L fwd, hold
1 2 3 4 Kick R over L, kick R diagonally R, kick R over L, kick R diagonally R,
5 6 7 8 Step R behind L, step L to L, cross R over L, hold
1 - 8 Mirror above steps
1 2 3 4 Sweep R fwd, hold, sweep R back, hold
5 6 7 8 Sweep L back, hold, sweep L fwd, hold
1 Kick / touch R fwd and pose……………
Sunday, August 8, 2010
La Colegiala & Linda Eh & others for Our Jamming Party 8 Aug 2010
Thanks everybody for coming to our jamming, especially those who have to travel so far to join us.
We had a great time eating, dancing and played 2 games , a line dance quiz and a game to test our memory. Many thanks to Mrs Thien who played "MR BEAN" and to all participants who took part. It was hilarious.
We were entertained to a dance performance, 'La Colegiala'. All the dancers were only taught the dance on Sat (7/8/10) during our class and they did a splendid performance the next day (8/8/10). A big Thank You to all the dancers. And many thanks to our MC who introduced the dancers - she is our NEE NEE VOON .
Thanks to our camera/video "future professionals" and everyone who has helped in one way or another to contribute to the success of the party.
La Colegiala
Choreographed by: Ria Vos (July 10)
Music: La Colegiala by Belle Perez
Descriptions: 32 count - 4 wall - Beginner/Intermediate level line dance
NB- for our show, we add a 64 ct tag. At the end of wall 4, facing 12 0'clock, dance "LINDA EH, the 1st 32 cts,twice)
Intro: 16 counts
Step, Pivot ½ Turn L, Cross & Heel &, Cross Shuffle, ½ Turn R Samba Step
1-2 Step Fwd on R, Pivot ½ Turn Left (6:00)
3& Cross R Over L, Step L to Left Side
4& Touch R Heel to Right Diagonal, Step R Next to L
5&6 Cross L Over R, Step R Small Step to Right Side, Cross L Over R
7&8 ½ Turn Right Cross R Over L, Rock L to Left Side, Recover on R (12:00)
Weave R, Cross Rock, ¼ Turn L Together, Cross Rock, Together, Shuffle Fwd
1&2& Cross L over R, Step R to Right Side, Step L Behind R, Step R to Right Side
3-4& Cross Rock L Over R, Recover on R, ¼ Turn Left Step L Next to R (9:00)
5-6& Cross Rock R Over L, Recover on L, Step R Next to L
7&8 Shuffle Fwd Stepping L,R,L
***RESTART Point Wall 3
Monterey ¼ Turn R, Point, Together, Hitch, Side, Together, -Repeat
1& Point R to Right Side, ¼ Turn Right Step R Next to L (12:00)
2& Point L to Left Side, Step L Next to R
3&4 Hitch R Across L, Step R to Right Side, Step L Next to R
5& Point R to Right Side, ¼ Turn Right Step R Next to L (3:00)
6& Point L to Left Side, Step L Next to R
7&8 Hitch R Across L, Step R to Right Side, Step L Next to R
Side Rock, Behind-Side-Cross, Side Rock, Sailor ½ Turn L
1-2 Rock R to Right Side, Recover on L
3&4 Step R Behind L, Step L to Left Side, Cross R Over L
5-6 Rock L to Left Side, Recover on R
7&8 Step L Behind R, Make ½ Turn Left Stepping R Beside L, Step Fwd on L (9:00)
RESTART: There is one restart on wall 3 after count 16 (3:00)
ENDING: On count 31&32 replace the Sailor ½ Turn Left with a Sailor ¼ Turn Left to end facing front.
This looks like "Party Time". Everyone is letting their hair down in Linda Eh
Islands In The Stream beautifully danced by our lead dancers Michael & Thien
Now you see me, now you don't in Peek -a Boo
Run The Show
We had a great time eating, dancing and played 2 games , a line dance quiz and a game to test our memory. Many thanks to Mrs Thien who played "MR BEAN" and to all participants who took part. It was hilarious.
We were entertained to a dance performance, 'La Colegiala'. All the dancers were only taught the dance on Sat (7/8/10) during our class and they did a splendid performance the next day (8/8/10). A big Thank You to all the dancers. And many thanks to our MC who introduced the dancers - she is our NEE NEE VOON .
Thanks to our camera/video "future professionals" and everyone who has helped in one way or another to contribute to the success of the party.
La Colegiala
Choreographed by: Ria Vos (July 10)
Music: La Colegiala by Belle Perez
Descriptions: 32 count - 4 wall - Beginner/Intermediate level line dance
NB- for our show, we add a 64 ct tag. At the end of wall 4, facing 12 0'clock, dance "LINDA EH, the 1st 32 cts,twice)
Intro: 16 counts
Step, Pivot ½ Turn L, Cross & Heel &, Cross Shuffle, ½ Turn R Samba Step
1-2 Step Fwd on R, Pivot ½ Turn Left (6:00)
3& Cross R Over L, Step L to Left Side
4& Touch R Heel to Right Diagonal, Step R Next to L
5&6 Cross L Over R, Step R Small Step to Right Side, Cross L Over R
7&8 ½ Turn Right Cross R Over L, Rock L to Left Side, Recover on R (12:00)
Weave R, Cross Rock, ¼ Turn L Together, Cross Rock, Together, Shuffle Fwd
1&2& Cross L over R, Step R to Right Side, Step L Behind R, Step R to Right Side
3-4& Cross Rock L Over R, Recover on R, ¼ Turn Left Step L Next to R (9:00)
5-6& Cross Rock R Over L, Recover on L, Step R Next to L
7&8 Shuffle Fwd Stepping L,R,L
***RESTART Point Wall 3
Monterey ¼ Turn R, Point, Together, Hitch, Side, Together, -Repeat
1& Point R to Right Side, ¼ Turn Right Step R Next to L (12:00)
2& Point L to Left Side, Step L Next to R
3&4 Hitch R Across L, Step R to Right Side, Step L Next to R
5& Point R to Right Side, ¼ Turn Right Step R Next to L (3:00)
6& Point L to Left Side, Step L Next to R
7&8 Hitch R Across L, Step R to Right Side, Step L Next to R
Side Rock, Behind-Side-Cross, Side Rock, Sailor ½ Turn L
1-2 Rock R to Right Side, Recover on L
3&4 Step R Behind L, Step L to Left Side, Cross R Over L
5-6 Rock L to Left Side, Recover on R
7&8 Step L Behind R, Make ½ Turn Left Stepping R Beside L, Step Fwd on L (9:00)
RESTART: There is one restart on wall 3 after count 16 (3:00)
ENDING: On count 31&32 replace the Sailor ½ Turn Left with a Sailor ¼ Turn Left to end facing front.
This looks like "Party Time". Everyone is letting their hair down in Linda Eh
Islands In The Stream beautifully danced by our lead dancers Michael & Thien
Now you see me, now you don't in Peek -a Boo
Run The Show
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