The Luyang hall has been booked for a function this Sat. We shall test out a new venue in the Red Crescent building, off Jalan Tuaran. As you drive along Jalan Tuaran from KK you will pass the junction to Fook Luk Siew on the left. After this take the next left junction turning into Wisma Wanita. Drive pass Wisma Wanita and turn right. You will see a cluster of low rise buildings which houses Green Connection, St john's, Pandu Puteri and Red Crescent. We shall dance on the ground floor.
Plenty of parking. If we like this place, we can consider this as an alternative venue when the Luyang Hall is occupied.
Watch it ! The Pirates of The Caribbean landed in KK on 29 Aug 2012. See all the smiling faces? They have seen their target ! Captain Hook came with sword and HOOK. Where is Captain Jack Sparrow and Blackbeard, the most feared pirate of all?? Missing Pirates are Loi, Diana, Janet , Amanda, Jeanie and Margaret Sinsua, Fung
Every Mon and Wed - Zumba Fitness class
No More Line Dance classes
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Smooth Operator Line Dance
Smooth Operator
Choreographed by: Michael Barr, Ruben Luna & Scott Schrank (Aug 10)
Music: Smooth Operator by Sade (CD: The Modern Era)
Descriptions: 32 count - 4 wall - Intermediate level line dance
Start: 48-Count Intro (24 seconds)
Note: Keep the movement going throughout the holds
1-8 Step, Hold, Ball-Step, Step, Back, Hold, Back-Lock, Back
1-2 Step right foot forward, Hold
&3-4 Step ball of left next to right, Step right foot forward, Step left foot forward
5-6 Step right foot back, Hold
&7-8 Step left foot back, Cross and lock right foot over left, Step left foot back
9-16 1/4 Turn, Hold, Sway-Sway, Sway, Sway, Hold, Ball-Cross, 1/4 Turn
1-2 Make ¼ turn right stepping right foot right, Hold (3:00)
&3-4 Sway hips left, Sway hips right, Sway hip left
5-6 Sway hips right, Hold
&7-8 Step ball of left behind right, Cross right foot over left, Make 1/4 turn left stepping left foot forward (12:00)
Both RESTARTS happen here
17-24 1/4 Turn, Hold, Ball-Step, Step, Step, Hold, Step-1/2 Turn, Step Forward
1-2 Make 1/4 turn left stepping right foot side right, Hold (9:00)
&3-4 Step ball of left behind right, Step right side right (small step), Step left forward
5-6 Step right forward, Hold
&7-8 Step left foot forward, Pivot 1/2 turn right on balls of both feet, Step left foot forward (prep) (3:00)
25-32 1/2 Turn, Hold, Sweep Behind-Step (1/4), Step, Cross, Hold, 3/4 Turn Right
1-2 Make ½ turn left stepping back on right foot, Hold (9:00)
&3-4 Sweep and step left behind right, Turn 1/4 left stepping right foot next to left, Step left forward (6:00)
5-6 Step right forward crossing in front of left, Hold (prep for right turn)
&7-8 Turn ¼ right stepping left foot back, Turn ½ right stepping right forward, Step left forward (3:00)
Option for count 2: Start your sweep on the hold step continuing into the step behind left
Repeat And Enjoy
RESTARTS: The restarts happen after the first 16 counts of rotation 4 (Facing 9:00) and then rotation 10 (Facing 3:00). The restart brings you back to the starting direction for that wall, so when counting the rotations; just add the 16 count restart to that rotation.
Michael Barr / WWW.MichaelAndMichele.Com
Ruben Luna /
Scott Schrank /
WOW Shanghai Drip Droppin
Kate Sala taught her dance the recent WOW Sganghai in Sept 2010.
Well choreographed to a very catchy beat.
Drip Droppin
Choreographed by: Kate Sala, UK (Aug 10)
Music: Start Without You by Alexandra Burke
Descriptions: 48 count - 4 wall - Advanced level line dance
Start after a 24 count intro. 17 secs. On main vocals.
1-8 Step Right, Together, Forward, Mambo Step, Coaster Cross & Cross & Cross.
1&2 Step R to R side. Step L next to R. Step forward on R.
3&4 Rock forward on L. Rock back on R. Step back on L.
5&6 Step back on R. Step L next to R. Cross step R over L.
&7 Small step on ball of L to L side. Cross step R over L.
&8 Small step on ball of L to L side. Cross step R over L. (Facing 12 0’clock).
On the chorus as she sings drip dropping, Start the syncopated cross shuffle high on the balls of the feet and bring it lower ending with knees bent.
9-16 Step Left, Together, Forward, Mambo Step With ½ Turn Right, Mambo Step With 1/4 Turn L, Stomp x2.
1&2 Step L to L side. Step R next to L. Step forward on L.
3&4 Rock forward on R. Rock back on L. Make ½ turn R stepping forward on R.
5&6 Rock forward on L. Rock back on R. Make 1/4 turn L stepping L to L side.
7-8 Stomp R down next to L. Stomp L down in place. (3 0'clock)
17-24 Mambo Forward, Hip Bumps Back, Mambo Back, Hitch Up, Step Forward.
1&2 Rock forward on R. Rock back on L. Step back on R.
3&4 Touch Ltoe back to L diagonal bumping L hip back. Bring weight back over R foot. Step L back to L diagonal Pushing L hip back.
5&6 Rock back on R. Rock forward on L. Step forward on R.
7-8 Hitch L knee up while raising up onto the ball of R. Step forward on L.
25-32 Mambo Forward On Right, Sailor Step With ½ Turn Left, Walk x2, Triple Full Turn Left, Step Forward.
1&2 Rock forward on R. Rock back on L. Step back on R.
3&4 Cross step L behind R. Turn 1/4 L stepping R down in place. Turn 1/4 L stepping slightly forward on L.
5-6 Step forward on R. Step forward on L.
7&8& Triple full turn on the spot over L shoulder on R, L, R. Small step forward on L (9 0'clcok).
RESTART wall 5 from here AFTER the TAG, facing 12 0'clcock.
33-40 Modified Jazzbox, Full Turn Left, chasse Left.
1-2 Step forward on R. Cross step L over R.
3&4 Step back on R. Small step on ball of L to L side. Cross step R over L.
5-6 Turn 1/4 L stepping forward on L. Turn ½ L stepping back on R. .
7&8 Turn 1/4 L stepping L to L side. Step R next to L. Step L to L side.
RESTART from here on wall 2
41-48 Modified Jazzbox, Rock Left out to Left Side, recover, Cross Shuffle.
1-2 Step forward on R. Cross step L over R.
3&4 Step back on R. Small step on ball of L to L side. Cross step R over L.
5-6 Rock out to L side on L. Recover on to R.
7&8 Cross step L over R. Step R to R side. Cross step L over R.
Dance Pattern
RESTART: ON wall 2, restart after 40 Counts.
TAG: 32 Counts: At the END of wall 4, facing 12 0'clock, ADD the 32 count Tag, After the 32 count tag, restart the dance from count 33
1-8 Step Right, Cross Rock Left behind R, Turn 1/4 L, Booty Turn L x 3, Step Out Left, Step Out Right.
1,2&3 Step R to R side. Cross rock on L behind R. Recover on R. Turn 1/4 L stepping forward on L.
4-6 Pivot on L foot, Stomping down on R x 3 & rolling hips anti clockwise completing 3/4 turn L. (12 0'clock)
7-8 Step L out to L side. Step R out to R side.
9-16 Step Left, Cross Rock R behind Left, Step Right, Cross Rock Left behind Right, Step Left, Together With Booty Shake Or Shimmy, Step Left, Roll back on to heels, Recover.
12& Step L to L side. Cross rock on R behind L. Recover onto L.
34& Step R to R side. Cross rock on L behind R. Recover onto R.
5-6 Step L to L side. Step R next to L. During counts 5 6 shake your booty or shimmy your shoulders.
7&8 Step L to L side. Roll back on to the heels pushing bottom back. Recover pushing hips forward.
17-32 Repeat the 16 Counts
RESTART: Wall 6, still facing 12 0'clock, dance the first (32 &) counts only. Then start from the beginning of the dance.
Wall 7, facing 9 0'clock dance the first 30 counts only and to make a nice finish, step forward on Right, pivot ½ turn L, step forward on Right on counts 31 &32. Da Da........finishing the dance facing 12 0'clock!
Well choreographed to a very catchy beat.
Drip Droppin
Choreographed by: Kate Sala, UK (Aug 10)
Music: Start Without You by Alexandra Burke
Descriptions: 48 count - 4 wall - Advanced level line dance
Start after a 24 count intro. 17 secs. On main vocals.
1-8 Step Right, Together, Forward, Mambo Step, Coaster Cross & Cross & Cross.
1&2 Step R to R side. Step L next to R. Step forward on R.
3&4 Rock forward on L. Rock back on R. Step back on L.
5&6 Step back on R. Step L next to R. Cross step R over L.
&7 Small step on ball of L to L side. Cross step R over L.
&8 Small step on ball of L to L side. Cross step R over L. (Facing 12 0’clock).
On the chorus as she sings drip dropping, Start the syncopated cross shuffle high on the balls of the feet and bring it lower ending with knees bent.
9-16 Step Left, Together, Forward, Mambo Step With ½ Turn Right, Mambo Step With 1/4 Turn L, Stomp x2.
1&2 Step L to L side. Step R next to L. Step forward on L.
3&4 Rock forward on R. Rock back on L. Make ½ turn R stepping forward on R.
5&6 Rock forward on L. Rock back on R. Make 1/4 turn L stepping L to L side.
7-8 Stomp R down next to L. Stomp L down in place. (3 0'clock)
17-24 Mambo Forward, Hip Bumps Back, Mambo Back, Hitch Up, Step Forward.
1&2 Rock forward on R. Rock back on L. Step back on R.
3&4 Touch Ltoe back to L diagonal bumping L hip back. Bring weight back over R foot. Step L back to L diagonal Pushing L hip back.
5&6 Rock back on R. Rock forward on L. Step forward on R.
7-8 Hitch L knee up while raising up onto the ball of R. Step forward on L.
25-32 Mambo Forward On Right, Sailor Step With ½ Turn Left, Walk x2, Triple Full Turn Left, Step Forward.
1&2 Rock forward on R. Rock back on L. Step back on R.
3&4 Cross step L behind R. Turn 1/4 L stepping R down in place. Turn 1/4 L stepping slightly forward on L.
5-6 Step forward on R. Step forward on L.
7&8& Triple full turn on the spot over L shoulder on R, L, R. Small step forward on L (9 0'clcok).
RESTART wall 5 from here AFTER the TAG, facing 12 0'clcock.
33-40 Modified Jazzbox, Full Turn Left, chasse Left.
1-2 Step forward on R. Cross step L over R.
3&4 Step back on R. Small step on ball of L to L side. Cross step R over L.
5-6 Turn 1/4 L stepping forward on L. Turn ½ L stepping back on R. .
7&8 Turn 1/4 L stepping L to L side. Step R next to L. Step L to L side.
RESTART from here on wall 2
41-48 Modified Jazzbox, Rock Left out to Left Side, recover, Cross Shuffle.
1-2 Step forward on R. Cross step L over R.
3&4 Step back on R. Small step on ball of L to L side. Cross step R over L.
5-6 Rock out to L side on L. Recover on to R.
7&8 Cross step L over R. Step R to R side. Cross step L over R.
Dance Pattern
RESTART: ON wall 2, restart after 40 Counts.
TAG: 32 Counts: At the END of wall 4, facing 12 0'clock, ADD the 32 count Tag, After the 32 count tag, restart the dance from count 33
1-8 Step Right, Cross Rock Left behind R, Turn 1/4 L, Booty Turn L x 3, Step Out Left, Step Out Right.
1,2&3 Step R to R side. Cross rock on L behind R. Recover on R. Turn 1/4 L stepping forward on L.
4-6 Pivot on L foot, Stomping down on R x 3 & rolling hips anti clockwise completing 3/4 turn L. (12 0'clock)
7-8 Step L out to L side. Step R out to R side.
9-16 Step Left, Cross Rock R behind Left, Step Right, Cross Rock Left behind Right, Step Left, Together With Booty Shake Or Shimmy, Step Left, Roll back on to heels, Recover.
12& Step L to L side. Cross rock on R behind L. Recover onto L.
34& Step R to R side. Cross rock on L behind R. Recover onto R.
5-6 Step L to L side. Step R next to L. During counts 5 6 shake your booty or shimmy your shoulders.
7&8 Step L to L side. Roll back on to the heels pushing bottom back. Recover pushing hips forward.
17-32 Repeat the 16 Counts
RESTART: Wall 6, still facing 12 0'clock, dance the first (32 &) counts only. Then start from the beginning of the dance.
Wall 7, facing 9 0'clock dance the first 30 counts only and to make a nice finish, step forward on Right, pivot ½ turn L, step forward on Right on counts 31 &32. Da Da........finishing the dance facing 12 0'clock!
We shall have fun with this dance.
Felicidades (Congratulations)
Choreographed by: Emily Woo, Raindrops, Can (Aug 10)
Music: Felicidades by El Simbolo
Descriptions: 32 count - 4 wall - Beginner/Intermediate level line dance
32 Count Intro..
Weave L, Cross Side, Coaster Heel
1-4 Cross R over L, Step L to L, Cross R behind L, Step L to L
5,6 Cross R Over L, Step L to L
7&8 Step R back, Step L together, R heel on the floor with toes pointing up
(body slightly angle to R) (1 o’clock)
Step, Weave R, Cross Side, Sailor 1/4 Turn L
&1-4 Step R together, Cross L over R, Step R to R, Cross L behind R, Step R to R
5,6 Cross L over R, Step R to Side
7&8 Step L back with 1/4 turn L, Step R together, Step L forward (9 o’clock)
Raindrops Twist (Heel Grind, L Step Back, Instep Toe, Cross) x2
1,2 Cross R Heel in Front of L with R toes pointing to L, Heel grind with toes swinging to R, and L step back at the same time
3,4 Touch R beside L with R Knee pointing to L, Step R with L cross in front of R at the same time (9 o’clock)
5-8 Repeat the above 1-4
Walk 1/2 Turn to L, Rock Forward, Recover, Shake
1-4 Walk 1/2 turn L (R, L, R, L) (3 o’clock)
5,6,7&8 R Rock Forward, Recover on L, Step R together with weight on L
(Shake your body, while holding both fists in front of the chest with elbows pointing to both sides)
TAG: END of 8th Wall, (12 o’clock), weight on the R
1-4 Walk Forward with Shimmy L,R,L,R touch beside L
5,6,7&8 Walk Back with Shimmy, R,L,R,L touch beside R
1-8 Repeat the above with 1st step turn 1/4 L (9 o’clock)
1-8 Repeat the above with 1st step turn 1/4 L (6 o’clock)
1-8 Repeat the above with 1st step turn 1/4 L (3 o’clock) and Step on L on 8th count
ENDING Pose – Jump up at the extra count at the end of the dance (12 o’clock)
Felicidades (Congratulations)
Choreographed by: Emily Woo, Raindrops, Can (Aug 10)
Music: Felicidades by El Simbolo
Descriptions: 32 count - 4 wall - Beginner/Intermediate level line dance
32 Count Intro..
Weave L, Cross Side, Coaster Heel
1-4 Cross R over L, Step L to L, Cross R behind L, Step L to L
5,6 Cross R Over L, Step L to L
7&8 Step R back, Step L together, R heel on the floor with toes pointing up
(body slightly angle to R) (1 o’clock)
Step, Weave R, Cross Side, Sailor 1/4 Turn L
&1-4 Step R together, Cross L over R, Step R to R, Cross L behind R, Step R to R
5,6 Cross L over R, Step R to Side
7&8 Step L back with 1/4 turn L, Step R together, Step L forward (9 o’clock)
Raindrops Twist (Heel Grind, L Step Back, Instep Toe, Cross) x2
1,2 Cross R Heel in Front of L with R toes pointing to L, Heel grind with toes swinging to R, and L step back at the same time
3,4 Touch R beside L with R Knee pointing to L, Step R with L cross in front of R at the same time (9 o’clock)
5-8 Repeat the above 1-4
Walk 1/2 Turn to L, Rock Forward, Recover, Shake
1-4 Walk 1/2 turn L (R, L, R, L) (3 o’clock)
5,6,7&8 R Rock Forward, Recover on L, Step R together with weight on L
(Shake your body, while holding both fists in front of the chest with elbows pointing to both sides)
TAG: END of 8th Wall, (12 o’clock), weight on the R
1-4 Walk Forward with Shimmy L,R,L,R touch beside L
5,6,7&8 Walk Back with Shimmy, R,L,R,L touch beside R
1-8 Repeat the above with 1st step turn 1/4 L (9 o’clock)
1-8 Repeat the above with 1st step turn 1/4 L (6 o’clock)
1-8 Repeat the above with 1st step turn 1/4 L (3 o’clock) and Step on L on 8th count
ENDING Pose – Jump up at the extra count at the end of the dance (12 o’clock)
To All The Girls I Loved Before
All fans of Julio Iglesias will love this song and the dance.
To All The Girls I Loved Before
Choreographed by: Duma Kristina, Indonesia (Jun 10)
Music: To All The Girls I Loved Before by Julio Iglesias Ft Andre Hehanusa
Descriptions: 32 count - 4 wall - Beginner/Intermediate level line dance
Intro: start dancing after 16 count
1-8 Behind Recover Side, Behind Recover Turn 1/4 R, Full Turn R, L Step Lock Forward
1&2 Rock back on L behind R (1), recover on R (&), step L to L side (2)
3&4 Rock back on R behind L (3), recover on L (&), turn 1/4 R stepping R forward (4) [3.00]
5-6 Turn 1/2 R stepping back on L (5), turn 1/2 R stepping R forward (6) [3.00]
7&8 Step forward on L (7), lock R behind L (&), step forward on L (8)
9-16 Forward, Pivot 1/4 L Cross, Turn 1/2 R, Cross Side Recover, Cross Side
1-2& Step forward on R (1), pivot 1/4 L (2) [12.00], cross R over L (&)
3-4 Turn 1/4 R stepping back on L (3), turn 1/4 R stepping R to R side (4) [6.00]
5-6& Cross L over R (5), step R to R side (6), recover on L (&)
7-8 Cross R over L (7), step L to L side (8)
17-24 Back Recover, Step Lock Forward, Prizzy Walk, Forward Pivot 1/4 R Cross
1-2 Step back on R (1), recover on L (2)
3&4 Step forward on R (3), lock L behind R (&), step forward on R (4)
5-6 Prizzy Walk on L-R
7&8 Step forward on L (7), pivot 1/4 R (&) [9.00], cross L over R (8)
25-32 Turn 1/2 L, Cross Shuffle, Side and Sway L-R-L, Long Step R
1-2 Turn 1/4 L stepping back on R (1), turn 1/4 L stepping L to L side (2) [3.00]
3&4 Cross R over L (3), step L to L side close to R (&), cross R over L (4)
5-8 Step L to L side and sway L-R-L (5-7), long step R to R side (8)
Start dancing again
TAG: at the END of 6th wall, facing back wall
1-4 step back on L (1), recover on R (2), step forward on L (3), step R to R side (4)
Enjoy and have fun!
To All The Girls I Loved Before
Choreographed by: Duma Kristina, Indonesia (Jun 10)
Music: To All The Girls I Loved Before by Julio Iglesias Ft Andre Hehanusa
Descriptions: 32 count - 4 wall - Beginner/Intermediate level line dance
Intro: start dancing after 16 count
1-8 Behind Recover Side, Behind Recover Turn 1/4 R, Full Turn R, L Step Lock Forward
1&2 Rock back on L behind R (1), recover on R (&), step L to L side (2)
3&4 Rock back on R behind L (3), recover on L (&), turn 1/4 R stepping R forward (4) [3.00]
5-6 Turn 1/2 R stepping back on L (5), turn 1/2 R stepping R forward (6) [3.00]
7&8 Step forward on L (7), lock R behind L (&), step forward on L (8)
9-16 Forward, Pivot 1/4 L Cross, Turn 1/2 R, Cross Side Recover, Cross Side
1-2& Step forward on R (1), pivot 1/4 L (2) [12.00], cross R over L (&)
3-4 Turn 1/4 R stepping back on L (3), turn 1/4 R stepping R to R side (4) [6.00]
5-6& Cross L over R (5), step R to R side (6), recover on L (&)
7-8 Cross R over L (7), step L to L side (8)
17-24 Back Recover, Step Lock Forward, Prizzy Walk, Forward Pivot 1/4 R Cross
1-2 Step back on R (1), recover on L (2)
3&4 Step forward on R (3), lock L behind R (&), step forward on R (4)
5-6 Prizzy Walk on L-R
7&8 Step forward on L (7), pivot 1/4 R (&) [9.00], cross L over R (8)
25-32 Turn 1/2 L, Cross Shuffle, Side and Sway L-R-L, Long Step R
1-2 Turn 1/4 L stepping back on R (1), turn 1/4 L stepping L to L side (2) [3.00]
3&4 Cross R over L (3), step L to L side close to R (&), cross R over L (4)
5-8 Step L to L side and sway L-R-L (5-7), long step R to R side (8)
Start dancing again
TAG: at the END of 6th wall, facing back wall
1-4 step back on L (1), recover on R (2), step forward on L (3), step R to R side (4)
Enjoy and have fun!
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Cuban Yeah for this Sat 25 Sept 2010
Take note that our class will be in the aerobics room of the Likas Sports Complex. Its got mirrors...
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Misery (Let Me Be)
A new dance by Mei Ling. Let's do it on Wed 29 Sept.
Misery (Let Me Be)
Choreographed by: Leong Mei Ling, Malaysia (Sept 10)
Music: Misery by Maroon 5
Descriptions: 32 count - 4 wall - Intermediate level line dance
Intro: 16 counts
TAG: AFTER Walls 1 - 4. (Simple 8-count tag after the odd-numbered walls; 8 ctsx2 after the even numbered walls)
Sec 1 Walk, Walk, Kick-Step-Side, Swivel Knee In-Out-In, Right Bump, Hitch
1-2 Step Right forward, step Left forward
3&4 Kick Right forward, step Right beside Left, step Left to side
5&6 Swivel Right heel out, in, out (right knee moves in tandem in, out, in)
7&8 (gradually transfer weight to right as you bump) Bump hip right (7) recover hip (&) bump hip right hitch Left (8)
Sec 2 Point, Hitch, Step Side, Cross Rock Side, Out-Out, Cross Rock, 1/4 Left Step Side
1&2 Touch Left out of left, hitch Left a little, step Left to side
3&4 Step Right across Left, recover to Left, step Right to side
5-6 Step Left out to left diagonal, step Right out to right diagonal
7&8 Step Left across Right, recover to Right, 1/4 turn left big Left step to side [9:00]
Sec 3 Kick-Step-Point, Kick-Step-Point, Cross, Back, Anchor Step With 1/2 Right
1&2& Kick Right forward, step Right beside Left, rock on Left, recover Right
3&4& Kick Left forward, step Left beside Right, rock on Right, recover Left
5-6 Cross Right over Left, step Left back
7&8 Step Right behind Left, step Left in place, 1/2 turn right step Right forward [3:00]
Note: footwork for '7&' is mostly on the balls of the foot as the pace is quick.
Sec 4 Scuff Hitch, Side Rock Cross, Side Rock, Sailor, 1/2 Left Sailor
1&2& Scuff - hitch Left, rock Left to side, recover Right
3 Step Left across Right
4& Rock Right to side, recover Left
5&6 Step Right behind Left, step Left to side, step Right to slight right diagonal
7&8 Step Left behind Right, 1/2 turn left step Right to side, step Left diagonall y forward [9:00]
TAG (After Walls 1, 2, 3 & 4) Facing 9:00 & 3:00 - 8 counts; Facing 6:00 & 12:00 - 8x2 counts
1-2 Walk forward Right, Left
3 Step Right to side (body angled left, push ribcage forward, right hand stretched out to right side, as if saying 'stay away')
&4& Release ribcage (&), push ribcage forward again (4), release (&)
5&6 Back rock on Right, recover Left, step Right to side
7&8 Back rock on Left, recover Right, step Left forward
Thanks Brandon (my eldest son) for bringing my attention to this piece of music. I love you!
Enjoy! :D
Misery (Let Me Be)
Choreographed by: Leong Mei Ling, Malaysia (Sept 10)
Music: Misery by Maroon 5
Descriptions: 32 count - 4 wall - Intermediate level line dance
Intro: 16 counts
TAG: AFTER Walls 1 - 4. (Simple 8-count tag after the odd-numbered walls; 8 ctsx2 after the even numbered walls)
Sec 1 Walk, Walk, Kick-Step-Side, Swivel Knee In-Out-In, Right Bump, Hitch
1-2 Step Right forward, step Left forward
3&4 Kick Right forward, step Right beside Left, step Left to side
5&6 Swivel Right heel out, in, out (right knee moves in tandem in, out, in)
7&8 (gradually transfer weight to right as you bump) Bump hip right (7) recover hip (&) bump hip right hitch Left (8)
Sec 2 Point, Hitch, Step Side, Cross Rock Side, Out-Out, Cross Rock, 1/4 Left Step Side
1&2 Touch Left out of left, hitch Left a little, step Left to side
3&4 Step Right across Left, recover to Left, step Right to side
5-6 Step Left out to left diagonal, step Right out to right diagonal
7&8 Step Left across Right, recover to Right, 1/4 turn left big Left step to side [9:00]
Sec 3 Kick-Step-Point, Kick-Step-Point, Cross, Back, Anchor Step With 1/2 Right
1&2& Kick Right forward, step Right beside Left, rock on Left, recover Right
3&4& Kick Left forward, step Left beside Right, rock on Right, recover Left
5-6 Cross Right over Left, step Left back
7&8 Step Right behind Left, step Left in place, 1/2 turn right step Right forward [3:00]
Note: footwork for '7&' is mostly on the balls of the foot as the pace is quick.
Sec 4 Scuff Hitch, Side Rock Cross, Side Rock, Sailor, 1/2 Left Sailor
1&2& Scuff - hitch Left, rock Left to side, recover Right
3 Step Left across Right
4& Rock Right to side, recover Left
5&6 Step Right behind Left, step Left to side, step Right to slight right diagonal
7&8 Step Left behind Right, 1/2 turn left step Right to side, step Left diagonall y forward [9:00]
TAG (After Walls 1, 2, 3 & 4) Facing 9:00 & 3:00 - 8 counts; Facing 6:00 & 12:00 - 8x2 counts
1-2 Walk forward Right, Left
3 Step Right to side (body angled left, push ribcage forward, right hand stretched out to right side, as if saying 'stay away')
&4& Release ribcage (&), push ribcage forward again (4), release (&)
5&6 Back rock on Right, recover Left, step Right to side
7&8 Back rock on Left, recover Right, step Left forward
Thanks Brandon (my eldest son) for bringing my attention to this piece of music. I love you!
Enjoy! :D
Sunday, September 19, 2010
Walking On Fire in WOW Shanghai
Leong Mei Ling taught her signature dances Wildcats Go, Mi Amor and What U Waiting For. And also this dance which is choreographed by Rep Ghazali a Malaysian residing in Scotland.
Walking On Fire
Choreographed by: Rep Ghazali, Scotland (June 10)
Music: Walking On Fire by Anna Faroe (CD: 120bpm)
Descriptions: 64 count - 2 wall - Intermediate level line dance
16 count intro start after the vocal (about 8 sec)
1-8 Walk-Walk, Ball-Cross ¼ Turn-¼ Turn, Step-½ Pivot, Right Shuffle Fwd
1-2 walk forward Right, walk forward Left
&3-4 step forward on ball of your Right feet, ¼ turn Left by crossing Left over Right bend both knees slightly (9), ¼ turn Right by stepping forward on Right (12)
5-6 step forward Left, ½ pivot turn Right keeping weight on Left (6)
7&8 step forward Right, step Left together, step forward Right (6)
RESTART 6th wall: dance to count 8 then change weight to Left to restart from count 1 facing 12 o’clock wall
9-16 Walk-Walk, Ball- Cross ¼ Turn-¼ Turn, Step-½ Pivot, Full Turn Left
1-2 walk forward Left, walk forward Right
&3-4 step forward on ball of your Left feet, ¼ turn Right by crossing Right over Left bend both knees Slightly (9), ¼ turn Left by stepping forward on Left (6)
5-6 step forward Right, ½ pivot turn Left (12)
7-8 ½ turn Left by stepping back on Right, ½ turn Left by stepping forward on Left (12)
17-24 Point-Hold, Ball-Point-Hold, Ball-Step-½ Turn, Back-Touch
1-2 point Right toe to Right side, hold
&3-4 step Right together, point Left toe to Left side, hold (12)
&5-6 step Left together, step forward Right, ½ turn Right by stepping back on Left (6)
7-8 step back Right, touch Left across Right
25-32 And-Jazz Box Cross, Hold-Ball-Cross, Right Side Chasse
&1-2 step Left to Left side, cross Right over Left, step back Left
3-4 step Right to Right side, cross Left over Right
5&6 hold, step slightly back on Right, cross Left over Right (6)
7&8 step Right to Right side, step Left together, step Right to Right side (6)
33-40 Rock-Recover-Side, Rock-Recover-¼ Turn, Out-Out, Back-Together
1&2 rock Left behind Right, recover on Right, step Left to left side
3&4 rock Right behind Left, recover on Left, ¼ turn Right by stepping forward Right (9)
5-6 step forward Left and to the Left diagonal, step forward Right and to the Right diagonal
7-8 return and step back on Left, step Right together
41-48 Left And Right Diagonal Steps, Step-½ Pivot Turn, Left Shuffle Fwd
1-2& step Left forward to Left diagonal, lock Right behind Left, step Left forward to Left diagonal
3-4& step Right forward to Right diagonal, lock Left behind Right, step Right forward to Right diagonal
5-6 step Left forward, ½ pivot turn Right (3)
7&8 step forward Left, step Right together, step forward Left
49-56 Scuff-Step, Touch-Step, Cross Shuffle, Side-Touch
1-2 scuff forward Right, step Right to Right side
3-4 touch Left together, step Left to Left side
5&6 cross Right over Left, step Left to Left side, cross Right over Right
7-8 step Left to Left side, touch Right together (3)
RESTART 2nd wall: dance to count 56 then make ¼ turn Right by stepping forward on Right (count 1) to restart facing 12 o’clock wall
57-64 Side-Slide, Ball-Cross-¼ Turn, Full Turn, Step-½ Turn
1-2 large step Right to Right side, slide Left towards Right
&3-4 step Left slightly back, cross Right over Left, ¼ turn Left by stepping forward on Left (12)
5-6 ½ turn Left by stepping back on Right, ½ turn Left by stepping forward on Left
7-8 step forward Right, ½ pivot turn Left (6)
Walking On Fire
Choreographed by: Rep Ghazali, Scotland (June 10)
Music: Walking On Fire by Anna Faroe (CD: 120bpm)
Descriptions: 64 count - 2 wall - Intermediate level line dance
16 count intro start after the vocal (about 8 sec)
1-8 Walk-Walk, Ball-Cross ¼ Turn-¼ Turn, Step-½ Pivot, Right Shuffle Fwd
1-2 walk forward Right, walk forward Left
&3-4 step forward on ball of your Right feet, ¼ turn Left by crossing Left over Right bend both knees slightly (9), ¼ turn Right by stepping forward on Right (12)
5-6 step forward Left, ½ pivot turn Right keeping weight on Left (6)
7&8 step forward Right, step Left together, step forward Right (6)
RESTART 6th wall: dance to count 8 then change weight to Left to restart from count 1 facing 12 o’clock wall
9-16 Walk-Walk, Ball- Cross ¼ Turn-¼ Turn, Step-½ Pivot, Full Turn Left
1-2 walk forward Left, walk forward Right
&3-4 step forward on ball of your Left feet, ¼ turn Right by crossing Right over Left bend both knees Slightly (9), ¼ turn Left by stepping forward on Left (6)
5-6 step forward Right, ½ pivot turn Left (12)
7-8 ½ turn Left by stepping back on Right, ½ turn Left by stepping forward on Left (12)
17-24 Point-Hold, Ball-Point-Hold, Ball-Step-½ Turn, Back-Touch
1-2 point Right toe to Right side, hold
&3-4 step Right together, point Left toe to Left side, hold (12)
&5-6 step Left together, step forward Right, ½ turn Right by stepping back on Left (6)
7-8 step back Right, touch Left across Right
25-32 And-Jazz Box Cross, Hold-Ball-Cross, Right Side Chasse
&1-2 step Left to Left side, cross Right over Left, step back Left
3-4 step Right to Right side, cross Left over Right
5&6 hold, step slightly back on Right, cross Left over Right (6)
7&8 step Right to Right side, step Left together, step Right to Right side (6)
33-40 Rock-Recover-Side, Rock-Recover-¼ Turn, Out-Out, Back-Together
1&2 rock Left behind Right, recover on Right, step Left to left side
3&4 rock Right behind Left, recover on Left, ¼ turn Right by stepping forward Right (9)
5-6 step forward Left and to the Left diagonal, step forward Right and to the Right diagonal
7-8 return and step back on Left, step Right together
41-48 Left And Right Diagonal Steps, Step-½ Pivot Turn, Left Shuffle Fwd
1-2& step Left forward to Left diagonal, lock Right behind Left, step Left forward to Left diagonal
3-4& step Right forward to Right diagonal, lock Left behind Right, step Right forward to Right diagonal
5-6 step Left forward, ½ pivot turn Right (3)
7&8 step forward Left, step Right together, step forward Left
49-56 Scuff-Step, Touch-Step, Cross Shuffle, Side-Touch
1-2 scuff forward Right, step Right to Right side
3-4 touch Left together, step Left to Left side
5&6 cross Right over Left, step Left to Left side, cross Right over Right
7-8 step Left to Left side, touch Right together (3)
RESTART 2nd wall: dance to count 56 then make ¼ turn Right by stepping forward on Right (count 1) to restart facing 12 o’clock wall
57-64 Side-Slide, Ball-Cross-¼ Turn, Full Turn, Step-½ Turn
1-2 large step Right to Right side, slide Left towards Right
&3-4 step Left slightly back, cross Right over Left, ¼ turn Left by stepping forward on Left (12)
5-6 ½ turn Left by stepping back on Right, ½ turn Left by stepping forward on Left
7-8 step forward Right, ½ pivot turn Left (6)
Cuban Yeah in WOW Shanghai
This was taught by Jennifer Choo in the Shanghai Workshop. She also taught her other dances- At This Momemt, Innuendo, Let me Dance. And Shaken Not Stirred by Paul McAdam
Cuban Yeah
Start the dance after 6x8’s (0:23)
1-8 Left Coaster, R Fwd Lock Steps, Step ½ Turn R, L Fwd Lock Steps
1-3 Step LF back, Step RF next to LF, Step LF fwd 4&5 Step RF fwd, Lock LF behind RF, Step RF fwd
6-7 Step LF fwd, execute ½ turn right shifting weight onto RF (6:00)
8&1 Step LF fwd, Lock RF behind LF, Step LF fwd
9-16 R Fwd Lock Steps, L Fwd Lock Steps, Fwd Rock Replace, Back, ¼ L Turn, Cross
2&3 Step RF fwd, Lock LF behind RF, Step RF fwd 4&5 Step LF fwd, Lock RF behind LF, Step LF fwd
6-7 Rock RF fwd, Replace weight on LF
8&1 Step RF back, Execute a ¼ turn left stepping LF to L, Cross RF over LF (3:00)
17-24 Unwind, Sweep, Left Sailor, Back Rock Hip Roll With ¼ L, Close, Side
2-3 Unwind full turn left, Sweep LF from front to back
4&5 Step LF behind RF, Step RF to R, Step LF to L
6& Rock RF back, Replace weight on LF,
7-8 Execute ¼ turn left stepping RF to R and roll hip anticlockwise over 2 counts (12:00)
&1 Close LF next to RF, Step RF to R
25-32 Cross Rock Side, Cross Rock Side, Fwd Rock Replace, Back Lock Steps
2&3 Cross Rock LF over RF, Replace weight on RF, Step LF to L
4&5 Cross rock RF over LF, Replace weight on LF, Step RF to R
6-7 Rock LF fwd, Replace weight on RF
8&1 Step LF back, Lock RF in front of LF, Step LF back
33-40 Back Rock Replace, Step Together Side With ¼ L (3x)
2-3 RF Rock back, Replace on LF
4&5 Step RF next to LF, Step LF in place, Execute a ¼ turn L stepping RF to R (9:00)
6&7 Step LF next to RF, Step RF in place, Execute a ¼ turn L stepping LF to L (6:00)
8&1 Step RF next to LF, Step LF in place, Execute a ¼ turn L stepping RF to R (3:00)
41-48 Cross Rock Replace, Left Chasse, Cross Back With ¼ R, ¼ R Right Chasse
2-3 Cross LF over RF, Replace weight on RF,
4&5 Step LF to L, Step RF next to LF, Step LF to L
6-7 Cross RF over LF, ¼ turn right stepping back on LF (6:00)
8&1 ¼ turn right stepping RF to R, step LF next to RF, Step RF to R (9:00)
49-56 Point Point, L Bota Fogo, Point Point, R Bota Fogo
2-3 Point LF across RF, Point LF to L
4&5 Cross LF over RF, Step ball of RF to R, Replace weight on LF
6-7 Point RF across LF, Point RF to R
8&1 Cross RF over LF, Step ball of LF to L, Replace weight on RF
57-64 Prissy Walks, L Fwd Lock Steps, Cross Point, Forward Rock Replace
2-3 Cross LF in front of RF, Cross RF in front of LF
4&5 Step LF fwd, Lock RF behind LF, Step LF fwd
6-7 Cross RF over LF, Point LF to L 8& Rock LF fwd, Replace weight on RF
TAG: to be danced AFTER 3rd wall and 6th wall (both facing 3:00)
Left Coaster, Step, Butt Roll With ¼ L
1-4 Step LF back, Step RF next to LF, Step LF fwd, Step RF fwd
5-8 Execute a ¼ turn left by pushing butt to left back and body leaning forward and make an anticlockwise semi circle with the butt over 4 counts, weight ending on RF (12:00)
The dance will end on count 32 of 7th wall, facing the front. On count (8), Step LF back, touch RF in front of LF
Cuban Yeah
Start the dance after 6x8’s (0:23)
1-8 Left Coaster, R Fwd Lock Steps, Step ½ Turn R, L Fwd Lock Steps
1-3 Step LF back, Step RF next to LF, Step LF fwd 4&5 Step RF fwd, Lock LF behind RF, Step RF fwd
6-7 Step LF fwd, execute ½ turn right shifting weight onto RF (6:00)
8&1 Step LF fwd, Lock RF behind LF, Step LF fwd
9-16 R Fwd Lock Steps, L Fwd Lock Steps, Fwd Rock Replace, Back, ¼ L Turn, Cross
2&3 Step RF fwd, Lock LF behind RF, Step RF fwd 4&5 Step LF fwd, Lock RF behind LF, Step LF fwd
6-7 Rock RF fwd, Replace weight on LF
8&1 Step RF back, Execute a ¼ turn left stepping LF to L, Cross RF over LF (3:00)
17-24 Unwind, Sweep, Left Sailor, Back Rock Hip Roll With ¼ L, Close, Side
2-3 Unwind full turn left, Sweep LF from front to back
4&5 Step LF behind RF, Step RF to R, Step LF to L
6& Rock RF back, Replace weight on LF,
7-8 Execute ¼ turn left stepping RF to R and roll hip anticlockwise over 2 counts (12:00)
&1 Close LF next to RF, Step RF to R
25-32 Cross Rock Side, Cross Rock Side, Fwd Rock Replace, Back Lock Steps
2&3 Cross Rock LF over RF, Replace weight on RF, Step LF to L
4&5 Cross rock RF over LF, Replace weight on LF, Step RF to R
6-7 Rock LF fwd, Replace weight on RF
8&1 Step LF back, Lock RF in front of LF, Step LF back
33-40 Back Rock Replace, Step Together Side With ¼ L (3x)
2-3 RF Rock back, Replace on LF
4&5 Step RF next to LF, Step LF in place, Execute a ¼ turn L stepping RF to R (9:00)
6&7 Step LF next to RF, Step RF in place, Execute a ¼ turn L stepping LF to L (6:00)
8&1 Step RF next to LF, Step LF in place, Execute a ¼ turn L stepping RF to R (3:00)
41-48 Cross Rock Replace, Left Chasse, Cross Back With ¼ R, ¼ R Right Chasse
2-3 Cross LF over RF, Replace weight on RF,
4&5 Step LF to L, Step RF next to LF, Step LF to L
6-7 Cross RF over LF, ¼ turn right stepping back on LF (6:00)
8&1 ¼ turn right stepping RF to R, step LF next to RF, Step RF to R (9:00)
49-56 Point Point, L Bota Fogo, Point Point, R Bota Fogo
2-3 Point LF across RF, Point LF to L
4&5 Cross LF over RF, Step ball of RF to R, Replace weight on LF
6-7 Point RF across LF, Point RF to R
8&1 Cross RF over LF, Step ball of LF to L, Replace weight on RF
57-64 Prissy Walks, L Fwd Lock Steps, Cross Point, Forward Rock Replace
2-3 Cross LF in front of RF, Cross RF in front of LF
4&5 Step LF fwd, Lock RF behind LF, Step LF fwd
6-7 Cross RF over LF, Point LF to L 8& Rock LF fwd, Replace weight on RF
TAG: to be danced AFTER 3rd wall and 6th wall (both facing 3:00)
Left Coaster, Step, Butt Roll With ¼ L
1-4 Step LF back, Step RF next to LF, Step LF fwd, Step RF fwd
5-8 Execute a ¼ turn left by pushing butt to left back and body leaning forward and make an anticlockwise semi circle with the butt over 4 counts, weight ending on RF (12:00)
The dance will end on count 32 of 7th wall, facing the front. On count (8), Step LF back, touch RF in front of LF
Shanghai Surprise in WOW Shanghai (Sept 2010)
We missed tne Shanghai line dance extravaganza that was held in early Sept.Next years's WOW will be in San Francisco.
Most of the Malaysian participants were from KL and our 2 Malaysian International choreographers/instructors Leong Mei Ling and Jennifer Choo graced the function.
Read their very interesting blogs for details, just click on our Line Dance Links on the left hand margin.
Nonetheless we can still enjoy some of the dances taught in the workshops. Here's one of them by Jo Thompson and Rachel McEnaney. I think they're great dancers and we can learn by watching them - how they use their bodies to dance.
Shanghai Surprise
Choreographed by: Jo Thompson Szymanski, USA & Rachael McEnaney, UK (Sept 10)
Music: Jumpin The Jetty by Coastline (CD: Sneakin Out Back, 125bpm)
Descriptions: 32 count - 4 wall - Intermediate level line dance
Count In: 16 counts from first beat. Dance begins on vocals.
1-8 Forward R Coaster, L Lock Back, Rock Back On R, 2x Walk Forward R-L.
1&2 Step forward on right foot (1), step left next to right (&), step back on right foot (2) 12.00
3&4 Step back on left (3) lock right foot in front of left (&), step back on left (4) 12.00
5-6 Rock back on right (5), recover weight onto left (6) 12.00
7-8 Walk forward on right (7), walk forward on left (8) 12.00
Styling: do these two walks as swivel walks or boogie walks
9-16 R Kick Side Rock, R Sailor Step, L Sailor Step, ½ Turn R, Step Side R
1&2 Kick right foot forward (1), rock ball of right foot to right side (&), step left foot in place (2) 12.00
3&4 Cross right behind left (3), step left next to right (&), step right to right side (4) 12.00
5&6 Cross left behind right (5), step right next to left (&), step left to left side (6) 12.00
7-8 Make ½ turn right on ball of left foot as you lift right knee (right foot should be close to left leg) (7), step right to right side (8) 6.00
17-24 L Cross Rock, Ball Cross, L Brush, L Behind Side Cross, R “Heel Around” (Swivel On L Foot)
1-2 Cross rock left over right (1), recover weight onto right (2) 6.00
&3-4 Step left to left side (&), cross right over left (3), Brush left ball of foot to left diagonal (4) 4.30
5&6 Cross left behind right (5), step right to right side (&), cross left over right (6) (body is naturally angled at this point towards 7.30) 7.30
7-8 Lift right knee up (right foot is close to left heel) as you swivel on ball of left to face left diagonal (4.30) (7), cross right over left (8) 4.30
25-32 L Syncopated Chasse, R Touch, 1 ¼ Turn Right.
1-2 Step left to left side (squaring up to face 6.00 wall) (1), hold (2) 6.00
&3-4 Step right next to left (&), step left to left side (3), touch right next to left (4) 600
5-6 Make ¼ turn right stepping forward on right (5), make ½ turn right stepping back on left (6) 3.00
7-8 Make ½ turn right stepping forward on right (7), step forward on left (8) 9.00
RESTART: 6th wall begins facing 9.00 – Do the first 15 counts of the dance which will take you to the ½ turn right lifting right knee 9.00
&8 (Instead of stepping right foot to side) step in place on ball of right foot (&), step in place with left (8) (weight ends left ready to start again facing 3.00 wall) 3.00
Most of the Malaysian participants were from KL and our 2 Malaysian International choreographers/instructors Leong Mei Ling and Jennifer Choo graced the function.
Read their very interesting blogs for details, just click on our Line Dance Links on the left hand margin.
Nonetheless we can still enjoy some of the dances taught in the workshops. Here's one of them by Jo Thompson and Rachel McEnaney. I think they're great dancers and we can learn by watching them - how they use their bodies to dance.
Shanghai Surprise
Choreographed by: Jo Thompson Szymanski, USA & Rachael McEnaney, UK (Sept 10)
Music: Jumpin The Jetty by Coastline (CD: Sneakin Out Back, 125bpm)
Descriptions: 32 count - 4 wall - Intermediate level line dance
Count In: 16 counts from first beat. Dance begins on vocals.
1-8 Forward R Coaster, L Lock Back, Rock Back On R, 2x Walk Forward R-L.
1&2 Step forward on right foot (1), step left next to right (&), step back on right foot (2) 12.00
3&4 Step back on left (3) lock right foot in front of left (&), step back on left (4) 12.00
5-6 Rock back on right (5), recover weight onto left (6) 12.00
7-8 Walk forward on right (7), walk forward on left (8) 12.00
Styling: do these two walks as swivel walks or boogie walks
9-16 R Kick Side Rock, R Sailor Step, L Sailor Step, ½ Turn R, Step Side R
1&2 Kick right foot forward (1), rock ball of right foot to right side (&), step left foot in place (2) 12.00
3&4 Cross right behind left (3), step left next to right (&), step right to right side (4) 12.00
5&6 Cross left behind right (5), step right next to left (&), step left to left side (6) 12.00
7-8 Make ½ turn right on ball of left foot as you lift right knee (right foot should be close to left leg) (7), step right to right side (8) 6.00
17-24 L Cross Rock, Ball Cross, L Brush, L Behind Side Cross, R “Heel Around” (Swivel On L Foot)
1-2 Cross rock left over right (1), recover weight onto right (2) 6.00
&3-4 Step left to left side (&), cross right over left (3), Brush left ball of foot to left diagonal (4) 4.30
5&6 Cross left behind right (5), step right to right side (&), cross left over right (6) (body is naturally angled at this point towards 7.30) 7.30
7-8 Lift right knee up (right foot is close to left heel) as you swivel on ball of left to face left diagonal (4.30) (7), cross right over left (8) 4.30
25-32 L Syncopated Chasse, R Touch, 1 ¼ Turn Right.
1-2 Step left to left side (squaring up to face 6.00 wall) (1), hold (2) 6.00
&3-4 Step right next to left (&), step left to left side (3), touch right next to left (4) 600
5-6 Make ¼ turn right stepping forward on right (5), make ½ turn right stepping back on left (6) 3.00
7-8 Make ½ turn right stepping forward on right (7), step forward on left (8) 9.00
RESTART: 6th wall begins facing 9.00 – Do the first 15 counts of the dance which will take you to the ½ turn right lifting right knee 9.00
&8 (Instead of stepping right foot to side) step in place on ball of right foot (&), step in place with left (8) (weight ends left ready to start again facing 3.00 wall) 3.00
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Pata Pata
We shall do all our revision as well as a walk through for the last few dances (Mony Mony, Lola, Chachanela,etc).
Our new dance is Pata Pata and if we still have time let's do 7 Little Girls..or leave it for WED class.
Our new dance is Pata Pata and if we still have time let's do 7 Little Girls..or leave it for WED class.
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Pata Pata & Here We Go Boogaloo
These are 2 additions to our Jamming List for 15 Oct 2010. Note that 'Pata Pata' is a different dance from the one we did before...sooooo difficult !
This dance is more exciting and the teach video below is ultra clear to watch and learn
Pata Pata
Choreographed by: Roy Hadisubroto (Sept 10)
Music: Pata Pata by Shikisha
Descriptions: 32 count - 4 wall - Beginner level line dance
Side, ¼ Turn, Check, ¼ Turn, Chasse, Cross, Step, Together, Chest Pops
1 step R to right side, Turn ¼ to the right (facing 3.00)
2 Rock L forward
3 Recover back on R
4 Turn ¼ to the left (facing 12.00) and step L to left side
& Step R next to L
5 Step L to left side
6 Cross R over L
& Step L to left side
7 Step R next to left (facing 1.30)
8 Chest pop out
& Chest pop out
Hold With Arm Movements, Cuban Walks, Shuffle, Cuban Walks, ½ Turn
1 (Still facing 1.30)Hold and both arms are stretched out from the side with fingers pointed out and moving from the side to the front of the body at chest height
optional: combined with a reversed bodyroll
2 Step R forward
3 Step L forward
4 Step R forward
& Step L behind R
5 Step R forward
6 Step L forward (facing 4.30)
7 Step R forward (facing 7.30)
8 Step L forward (facing 9.00)
& Turn ½ on L (facing 3.00)
½ Turn, Step Hip Sways, Rock Step, Cross, Rockstep, Touch
1 Step R to right side
2 Push hips to right side
3 Push hips to left side
4 Rock R in front of L
& Recover back on L
5 Step R to right side
6 Cross L over R
& Rock R to right side
7 Recover back on L
8 Touch R forward
½ Turn, Flick, Cross, Sweep, Cross, Step, Syncopated Chasse
1 Turn ½ on L (facing 9.00), Flick R backwards
2 Cross R over L
3 Step L backwards and sweep R from front to back
4 Cross R behind L
& Step L to left side
5 Step R to right side
& Step L next to R
6 Step R to right side
& Step L next to R
7 Step R to right side
& Step L next to R
8 Step R to right side
& Step L next to R
Here WE Go Boogaloo -This was our 1st video clip. From thgis clip, 2 line dance teachers have requested for the music to teach their classes.
Here We Go Boogaloo
Choreographed by: Ruben Luna (Mar 09)
Music: Boogaloo Here We Go by Soul Control
Descriptions: Ph count - 1 wall - Intermediate level line dance
Dance begins after 32 counts
Sequence - A,B,C,A,B,B,C, partial A, C,B,B,C,C
Part A
Mambo Front Right, Clap, Mambo Back Left, Clap
1-2 Step forward right, recover back onto left
3-4 Step right foot next to left, and clap once
5-6 Step left foot back, recover forward onto right
7-8 Step Left next to right, and clap once
Rt. Low Kick Forward, Low Kick Rt. Side, Rt. Sailor, Lt. Sailor, Step ¼ Turn Rt,, Cross Lt. Over Rt.
1-2 Low kick right foot forward, low kick right foot to side
3&4 Step right behind left, step left to left side, step right to right side
5&6 Step left behind right, step right to right side, step left to left side
7-8 Step right to right side ¼ turn right, (3:00) cross left over right
Vine Right Double Clap, Vine Left Single Clap
1-2 Step right to right side, step left behind right
3-4 Step right to right side, touch left next to right(clap 2 times on - &4)
5-6 Step left to left side, step right behind left
7-8 Step left to left side, touch right next to left (clap once on - 8)
Rocking Chair, Step Pivot ½ Turn Left, Step ½ Turn Left
1-2 Step forward onto right, rock back onto left
3-4 Step back onto right, rock forward onto left
5-6 Step forward right foot, ½ pivot turn left (9:00)
7-8 Step forward onto right foot, ½ turn left (3:00) step left to left side
*For styling while doing steps 5-8 raise hands in the air and shake hands
Heel Grind Right, Triple In Place, Heel Grind Left Triple In Place
1-2 Touch right heel in front, twist right toe to right side
3&4 Step right next to left, step left next to right, step right next to left
5-6 Touch left heel in front, twist left toe to left side
7&8 Step left next to right, step right next to left, step left next to right
Vine Right, ¼ Right, ½ Turn Right, Walk Right, Left, Right, Left
1-2 Step right to right side, step left behind right
3-4 Step right ¼ turn right (6:00), ½ turn right (12:00) stepping left foot back
5-6 Step forward right, step forward left
7-8 Step forward right, step forward left
*Variation options for counts 5-8 you could either skate R,L,R,L or move knees in and out with each step
Part B
Rock Recover Right, ½ Turn Right, ½ Turn Right, Step Cross, Step Cross
1-2 Step right to right side, rock back onto left
3-4 Step right ½ turn right (6:00) step left ½ turn right (12:00)
5-6 Step right to right side, cross left over right
7-8 Step right to right side, cross left over right
Rock Recover Right, Vine Left, ¼ Turn Left, ¼ Turn Left, Hip Bum ps
1-2 Step right to right side, recover onto left
3-4 Step right behind left, step left ¼ turn left (9:00)
5-6 Step right ¼ turn right (6:00), touch left next to right (make sure right knee is bent)
7&8 Hip bump right, hip bump left, hip bump left
Cross Rock Recover L, Triple To Side, Cross Rock Recover R Triple To Side
1-2 Cross left over right, recover onto right
3&4 Step left to left side, step right next to left, step left to left side
5-6 Cross right over left, recover onto left
7-8 Step right to right side, step left next to right, step right to side
¼ Turn Jazz Box Left, Vine Left, ¼ Turn Left, Triple Step
1-2 Cross left over right, step back onto right
3-4 ¼ turn left (3:00) step forward on left, step forward with right
5-6 Step left to left side, step right behind left
7&8 ¼ turn left (12:00) step forward on left, step right next to left, step left forward
Part C
Mambo Right Hold, Mambo Left Hold
1-2 Rock right to right side, recover onto left
3-4 Step right next to left, hold
5-6 Rock left to left side, recover onto right
7-8 Step left next to right, hold
½ Pivot Turn Left, Step Together Hold, Step Forward, Step Together, Step Forward, Step Touch
1-2 Step forward with right foot, ½ turn to the left (6:00)
3-4 Step right next to left, hold
5-6 Step left forward, step right next to left
7-8 Step left forward, touch right next to left
Mambo Right Hold, Mambo Left Hold
1-2 Rock right to right side, recover onto left
3-4 Step right next to left, hold
5-6 Rock left to left side, recover onto right
7-8 Step left next to right, hold
½ Pivot Turn Left, Step Together Hold, Step Forward, Step Together, Step Forward, Step Touch
1-2 Step forward with right foot, ½ turn to the left (12:00)
3-4 Step right next to left, hold
5-6 Step left forward, step right next to left
7-8 Step le ft forward, touch right next to left
* When doing partial A dance through first 32 counts and change the last two counts from ½ turn to ¾ turn end facing Front (12:00)
This dance is more exciting and the teach video below is ultra clear to watch and learn
Pata Pata
Choreographed by: Roy Hadisubroto (Sept 10)
Music: Pata Pata by Shikisha
Descriptions: 32 count - 4 wall - Beginner level line dance
Side, ¼ Turn, Check, ¼ Turn, Chasse, Cross, Step, Together, Chest Pops
1 step R to right side, Turn ¼ to the right (facing 3.00)
2 Rock L forward
3 Recover back on R
4 Turn ¼ to the left (facing 12.00) and step L to left side
& Step R next to L
5 Step L to left side
6 Cross R over L
& Step L to left side
7 Step R next to left (facing 1.30)
8 Chest pop out
& Chest pop out
Hold With Arm Movements, Cuban Walks, Shuffle, Cuban Walks, ½ Turn
1 (Still facing 1.30)Hold and both arms are stretched out from the side with fingers pointed out and moving from the side to the front of the body at chest height
optional: combined with a reversed bodyroll
2 Step R forward
3 Step L forward
4 Step R forward
& Step L behind R
5 Step R forward
6 Step L forward (facing 4.30)
7 Step R forward (facing 7.30)
8 Step L forward (facing 9.00)
& Turn ½ on L (facing 3.00)
½ Turn, Step Hip Sways, Rock Step, Cross, Rockstep, Touch
1 Step R to right side
2 Push hips to right side
3 Push hips to left side
4 Rock R in front of L
& Recover back on L
5 Step R to right side
6 Cross L over R
& Rock R to right side
7 Recover back on L
8 Touch R forward
½ Turn, Flick, Cross, Sweep, Cross, Step, Syncopated Chasse
1 Turn ½ on L (facing 9.00), Flick R backwards
2 Cross R over L
3 Step L backwards and sweep R from front to back
4 Cross R behind L
& Step L to left side
5 Step R to right side
& Step L next to R
6 Step R to right side
& Step L next to R
7 Step R to right side
& Step L next to R
8 Step R to right side
& Step L next to R
Here WE Go Boogaloo -This was our 1st video clip. From thgis clip, 2 line dance teachers have requested for the music to teach their classes.
Here We Go Boogaloo
Choreographed by: Ruben Luna (Mar 09)
Music: Boogaloo Here We Go by Soul Control
Descriptions: Ph count - 1 wall - Intermediate level line dance
Dance begins after 32 counts
Sequence - A,B,C,A,B,B,C, partial A, C,B,B,C,C
Part A
Mambo Front Right, Clap, Mambo Back Left, Clap
1-2 Step forward right, recover back onto left
3-4 Step right foot next to left, and clap once
5-6 Step left foot back, recover forward onto right
7-8 Step Left next to right, and clap once
Rt. Low Kick Forward, Low Kick Rt. Side, Rt. Sailor, Lt. Sailor, Step ¼ Turn Rt,, Cross Lt. Over Rt.
1-2 Low kick right foot forward, low kick right foot to side
3&4 Step right behind left, step left to left side, step right to right side
5&6 Step left behind right, step right to right side, step left to left side
7-8 Step right to right side ¼ turn right, (3:00) cross left over right
Vine Right Double Clap, Vine Left Single Clap
1-2 Step right to right side, step left behind right
3-4 Step right to right side, touch left next to right(clap 2 times on - &4)
5-6 Step left to left side, step right behind left
7-8 Step left to left side, touch right next to left (clap once on - 8)
Rocking Chair, Step Pivot ½ Turn Left, Step ½ Turn Left
1-2 Step forward onto right, rock back onto left
3-4 Step back onto right, rock forward onto left
5-6 Step forward right foot, ½ pivot turn left (9:00)
7-8 Step forward onto right foot, ½ turn left (3:00) step left to left side
*For styling while doing steps 5-8 raise hands in the air and shake hands
Heel Grind Right, Triple In Place, Heel Grind Left Triple In Place
1-2 Touch right heel in front, twist right toe to right side
3&4 Step right next to left, step left next to right, step right next to left
5-6 Touch left heel in front, twist left toe to left side
7&8 Step left next to right, step right next to left, step left next to right
Vine Right, ¼ Right, ½ Turn Right, Walk Right, Left, Right, Left
1-2 Step right to right side, step left behind right
3-4 Step right ¼ turn right (6:00), ½ turn right (12:00) stepping left foot back
5-6 Step forward right, step forward left
7-8 Step forward right, step forward left
*Variation options for counts 5-8 you could either skate R,L,R,L or move knees in and out with each step
Part B
Rock Recover Right, ½ Turn Right, ½ Turn Right, Step Cross, Step Cross
1-2 Step right to right side, rock back onto left
3-4 Step right ½ turn right (6:00) step left ½ turn right (12:00)
5-6 Step right to right side, cross left over right
7-8 Step right to right side, cross left over right
Rock Recover Right, Vine Left, ¼ Turn Left, ¼ Turn Left, Hip Bum ps
1-2 Step right to right side, recover onto left
3-4 Step right behind left, step left ¼ turn left (9:00)
5-6 Step right ¼ turn right (6:00), touch left next to right (make sure right knee is bent)
7&8 Hip bump right, hip bump left, hip bump left
Cross Rock Recover L, Triple To Side, Cross Rock Recover R Triple To Side
1-2 Cross left over right, recover onto right
3&4 Step left to left side, step right next to left, step left to left side
5-6 Cross right over left, recover onto left
7-8 Step right to right side, step left next to right, step right to side
¼ Turn Jazz Box Left, Vine Left, ¼ Turn Left, Triple Step
1-2 Cross left over right, step back onto right
3-4 ¼ turn left (3:00) step forward on left, step forward with right
5-6 Step left to left side, step right behind left
7&8 ¼ turn left (12:00) step forward on left, step right next to left, step left forward
Part C
Mambo Right Hold, Mambo Left Hold
1-2 Rock right to right side, recover onto left
3-4 Step right next to left, hold
5-6 Rock left to left side, recover onto right
7-8 Step left next to right, hold
½ Pivot Turn Left, Step Together Hold, Step Forward, Step Together, Step Forward, Step Touch
1-2 Step forward with right foot, ½ turn to the left (6:00)
3-4 Step right next to left, hold
5-6 Step left forward, step right next to left
7-8 Step left forward, touch right next to left
Mambo Right Hold, Mambo Left Hold
1-2 Rock right to right side, recover onto left
3-4 Step right next to left, hold
5-6 Rock left to left side, recover onto right
7-8 Step left next to right, hold
½ Pivot Turn Left, Step Together Hold, Step Forward, Step Together, Step Forward, Step Touch
1-2 Step forward with right foot, ½ turn to the left (12:00)
3-4 Step right next to left, hold
5-6 Step left forward, step right next to left
7-8 Step le ft forward, touch right next to left
* When doing partial A dance through first 32 counts and change the last two counts from ½ turn to ¾ turn end facing Front (12:00)
7 Little Girls
Some of you may have heard this old catchy song which was quite HOT then.
7 Little Girls
Choreographed by: CH Lim-Naidu (July 10)
Music: 7 Little Girls Sitting In The Back Seat by Paul Evan
Descriptions: 83 count - 2 wall - Beginner/Intermediate level line dance
Start after 16 counts.
Cross Rock, Chasse Right, Back Rock
1-2 Rock R over L, recover on L
3-4 R step R, L over R
5&6 Chasse R: RLR
7-8 L rock back, recover on R
Walk Forward, Hitch, Step Fwd, Hitch, Shuffle Fwd
1-3 Walk forward: L,R,L
4-6 Hitch R, step fwd on R, hitch L
7&8 Shuffle forward: L,R,L
Cross Step Right, Hitch, Vine Right
1-2 R over L, L step L
3-4 R over L, hitch L
5-6 L over R, R step R
7-8 L behind R, R step R
Jazz Box With ¼ L Turn, Rock Fwd, Coaster
1-2 L over R, recover on R
3-4 ¼ L turn step L, R together L
5-6 Rock L forward, recover on R
7&8 Coaster: L step back, R together L, L step forward
1-3 R step forwar d, L tap by R, L together R
1-32 As in sections 1 to 4
Fwd, Point, Fwd, Point, Fwd Rock, ½ R Turn Shuffle Fwd
1-2 R step forward, L point diagonally back
3-4 L step forward, R point diagonally back
5-6 Rock R forward, recover on L
7&8 Turn ½ R shuffle forward: R,L,R
Rock Fwd, ½ Left Turn Shuffle Fwd, Full Right Turn
1-2 Rock L forward, recover on R
3&4 Turn ½ L shuffle forward: L,R,L
5-6 R step forward, turn ½ R step back on L
7-8 Turn ½ R step R forward, step L forward
Alternative 5-8: just walk forward R,L,R,L
END: At the 4th wall(6.00), dance the first 6 counts and turn ½ L to face 12.00 on the 7th count.
Hint: The last 2 sections will be danced when facing 9.00 & 3.00
7 Little Girls
Choreographed by: CH Lim-Naidu (July 10)
Music: 7 Little Girls Sitting In The Back Seat by Paul Evan
Descriptions: 83 count - 2 wall - Beginner/Intermediate level line dance
Start after 16 counts.
Cross Rock, Chasse Right, Back Rock
1-2 Rock R over L, recover on L
3-4 R step R, L over R
5&6 Chasse R: RLR
7-8 L rock back, recover on R
Walk Forward, Hitch, Step Fwd, Hitch, Shuffle Fwd
1-3 Walk forward: L,R,L
4-6 Hitch R, step fwd on R, hitch L
7&8 Shuffle forward: L,R,L
Cross Step Right, Hitch, Vine Right
1-2 R over L, L step L
3-4 R over L, hitch L
5-6 L over R, R step R
7-8 L behind R, R step R
Jazz Box With ¼ L Turn, Rock Fwd, Coaster
1-2 L over R, recover on R
3-4 ¼ L turn step L, R together L
5-6 Rock L forward, recover on R
7&8 Coaster: L step back, R together L, L step forward
1-3 R step forwar d, L tap by R, L together R
1-32 As in sections 1 to 4
Fwd, Point, Fwd, Point, Fwd Rock, ½ R Turn Shuffle Fwd
1-2 R step forward, L point diagonally back
3-4 L step forward, R point diagonally back
5-6 Rock R forward, recover on L
7&8 Turn ½ R shuffle forward: R,L,R
Rock Fwd, ½ Left Turn Shuffle Fwd, Full Right Turn
1-2 Rock L forward, recover on R
3&4 Turn ½ L shuffle forward: L,R,L
5-6 R step forward, turn ½ R step back on L
7-8 Turn ½ R step R forward, step L forward
Alternative 5-8: just walk forward R,L,R,L
END: At the 4th wall(6.00), dance the first 6 counts and turn ½ L to face 12.00 on the 7th count.
Hint: The last 2 sections will be danced when facing 9.00 & 3.00
Class Venue
Please note the venue for our Sat Classes:-
1. 18 Sept- Luyang Hall Time 2 to 4 pm
2. 25 Sept- Aerobics Room, Likas Sports Complex Time 2 to 4 pm
1. 18 Sept- Luyang Hall Time 2 to 4 pm
2. 25 Sept- Aerobics Room, Likas Sports Complex Time 2 to 4 pm
Monday, September 13, 2010
Mony Mony
This is a slooooow...teach. Everybody can learn
And now for some action:
Mony Mony
Choreographed by: Maggie Gallagher (Aug 01)
Music: Mony Mony by The Maggie G (CD: Band Of Gold [142 bpm])
Descriptions: Phrased - 1 wall - Intermediate level line dance
Walk, Walk, Point, Cross, Point, Cross, Forward-Rock
1,2 Step forward on right, Step forward on left
3,4 Point right to side, Cross step right over left
5,6 Point left to side, Cross step left over right
7,8 Rock forward on right, Recover weight onto left
1/4 Right, Clap-Clap-Clap, & Side & Side, Clap-Clap-Clap, Hold
1,2&3 Turn 1/4 right stepping right to side, Clap hands, Clap hands, Clap Hands
&4&5 Step left together, Step right to side, Step left together, Step right to side
6&7,8 Clap hands, Clap hands, Clap Hands, Hold
Forward-Rock, Triple 1/2 Turn, Forward-Rock, Triple 1/2 Turn
1,2 Rock forward on left, Recover weight onto right
2&3 Triple step left, right, left making 1/2 turn left
5,6 Rock forward on right, Recover weight onto left
7&8 Triple step right, left, right making 1/2 turn right
Stomp, Clap-Clap-Clap, & Side & Side, Clap-Clap-Clap, Hold
1,2&3 Stomp left to side, Clap hands, Clap hands, Clap hands
&4&5 Step right together, Step left to side, Step right together, Step left to side
6&7,8 Clap hands, Clap hands, Clap hands, Hold
Walk, Walk, Point, Cross, Point, Cross, Forward-Rock
1,2 Step forward on right, Step forward on left
3,4 Point right to side, Cross step right over left
5,6 Point left to side, Cross step left over right
7,8 Rock forward on right, Recover weight onto left
1/4 Right, Clap-Clap-Clap, & Side & Side, Clap-Clap-Clap, Hold
1,2&3 Turn 1/4 right stepping right to side, Clap hands, Clap hands, Clap hands
&4&5 Step left together, Step right to side, Step left together, Step right to side
6&7,8 Clap hands, Clap hands, Clap hands, Hold
Forward-Rock, Triple 1/2 Turn, Forward-Rock, Triple 1/2 Turn
1,2 Rock forward on left, Recover weight onto right
2&3 Triple step left, right, left making 1/2 turn left
5,6 Rock forward on right, Recover weight onto left
7&8 Triple step right, left, right making 1/2 turn right
Left Together, Left Touch, Right Touch, Left Touch
1,2 Step diagonally forward left, Step right together
3,4 Step diagonally forward left, Touch right together
5,6 Step diagonally forward right, Touch left together
7,8 Step diagonally forward left, Touch right together
Toe Strut, Turn Strut, Turn Strut, Turn Strut
1,2 Touch right toe to side, Drop heel to take weight
3,4 Turn 1/2 right and touch left to to side, Drop heel to take weight
5,6 Turn 1/2 left and touch right toe to side, Drop heel to take weight
7,8 Turn 1/2 right and touch left to to side, Drop heel to take weight
Option Note: Do “Hairbrushes” with finger clicks (like in the 60’s) on the “Yeahs”
Paddle Turns (Full Turn Total) Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah!
1,2 Step forward on right, Pivot 1/4 left
3,4 Step forward on right, Pivot 1/4 left
5,6 Step forward on right, Pivot 1/4 left
7,8 Step forward on right, Pivot 1/4 left
Step, Shimmy, Touch, Clap, Step Shimmy, Touch, Clap
1,2 Step diagonally forward right with knees bent, Slide left together shimmying shoulders
3,4 Touch left together straightening knees, Clap
5,6 Step diagonally forward left with knees bent, Slide right together shimmying shoulders
7,8 Touch right together straightening knees, Clap
Back Strut, Back, Strut, Back Strut, Back Strut
1,2 Touch right toe back, Drop heel to take weight
3,4 Touch left toe back, Drop heel to take weight
5,6 Touch right toe back, Drop heel to take weight
7,8 Touch left toe back, Drop heel to take weight
Option Note: Do “Hairbrushes” with finger clicks (like in the 60’s) during these toe-struts.
Knee-Pop, Hold, Knee-Pop, Hold, Knee Left, Right, Left, Right
1,2 ‘Pop’ your left knee in, Hold
3,4 ‘Pop’ your right knee in, Hold
5,6 ‘Pop’ your left knee in, ‘Pop’ your right knee in
7,8 ‘Pop’ your left knee in, ‘Pop’ your right knee in
Rolling Vine Right, Rolling Vine Left
1-4 Step right, left, right, touch left and clap; making a whole turn right (travelling right)
5-8 Step left, right, left, touch right and clap; making a whole turn left (travelling left)
Toe Strut, Turn Strut, Turn Strut, Turn Strut
1,2 Touch right toe to side, Drop heel to take weight
3,4 Turn 1/2 right and touch left to to side, Drop heel to take weight
5,6 Turn 1/2 left and touch right toe to side, Drop heel to take weight
7,8 Turn 1/2 right and touch left to to side, Drop heel to take weight
Option Note: Do “Hairbrushes” with finger clicks (like in the 60’s) on the “Yeahs”
Paddle Turns (1+1/2 Turns Total) Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah!
1,2 Step forward on right, Pivot 1/4 left
3,4 Step forward on right, Pivot 1/4 left
5,6 Step forward on right, Pivot 1/2 left
7,8 Step forward on right, Pivot 1/2 left
No tags or restrarts. Just dance right through.
And now for some action:
Mony Mony
Choreographed by: Maggie Gallagher (Aug 01)
Music: Mony Mony by The Maggie G (CD: Band Of Gold [142 bpm])
Descriptions: Phrased - 1 wall - Intermediate level line dance
Walk, Walk, Point, Cross, Point, Cross, Forward-Rock
1,2 Step forward on right, Step forward on left
3,4 Point right to side, Cross step right over left
5,6 Point left to side, Cross step left over right
7,8 Rock forward on right, Recover weight onto left
1/4 Right, Clap-Clap-Clap, & Side & Side, Clap-Clap-Clap, Hold
1,2&3 Turn 1/4 right stepping right to side, Clap hands, Clap hands, Clap Hands
&4&5 Step left together, Step right to side, Step left together, Step right to side
6&7,8 Clap hands, Clap hands, Clap Hands, Hold
Forward-Rock, Triple 1/2 Turn, Forward-Rock, Triple 1/2 Turn
1,2 Rock forward on left, Recover weight onto right
2&3 Triple step left, right, left making 1/2 turn left
5,6 Rock forward on right, Recover weight onto left
7&8 Triple step right, left, right making 1/2 turn right
Stomp, Clap-Clap-Clap, & Side & Side, Clap-Clap-Clap, Hold
1,2&3 Stomp left to side, Clap hands, Clap hands, Clap hands
&4&5 Step right together, Step left to side, Step right together, Step left to side
6&7,8 Clap hands, Clap hands, Clap hands, Hold
Walk, Walk, Point, Cross, Point, Cross, Forward-Rock
1,2 Step forward on right, Step forward on left
3,4 Point right to side, Cross step right over left
5,6 Point left to side, Cross step left over right
7,8 Rock forward on right, Recover weight onto left
1/4 Right, Clap-Clap-Clap, & Side & Side, Clap-Clap-Clap, Hold
1,2&3 Turn 1/4 right stepping right to side, Clap hands, Clap hands, Clap hands
&4&5 Step left together, Step right to side, Step left together, Step right to side
6&7,8 Clap hands, Clap hands, Clap hands, Hold
Forward-Rock, Triple 1/2 Turn, Forward-Rock, Triple 1/2 Turn
1,2 Rock forward on left, Recover weight onto right
2&3 Triple step left, right, left making 1/2 turn left
5,6 Rock forward on right, Recover weight onto left
7&8 Triple step right, left, right making 1/2 turn right
Left Together, Left Touch, Right Touch, Left Touch
1,2 Step diagonally forward left, Step right together
3,4 Step diagonally forward left, Touch right together
5,6 Step diagonally forward right, Touch left together
7,8 Step diagonally forward left, Touch right together
Toe Strut, Turn Strut, Turn Strut, Turn Strut
1,2 Touch right toe to side, Drop heel to take weight
3,4 Turn 1/2 right and touch left to to side, Drop heel to take weight
5,6 Turn 1/2 left and touch right toe to side, Drop heel to take weight
7,8 Turn 1/2 right and touch left to to side, Drop heel to take weight
Option Note: Do “Hairbrushes” with finger clicks (like in the 60’s) on the “Yeahs”
Paddle Turns (Full Turn Total) Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah!
1,2 Step forward on right, Pivot 1/4 left
3,4 Step forward on right, Pivot 1/4 left
5,6 Step forward on right, Pivot 1/4 left
7,8 Step forward on right, Pivot 1/4 left
Step, Shimmy, Touch, Clap, Step Shimmy, Touch, Clap
1,2 Step diagonally forward right with knees bent, Slide left together shimmying shoulders
3,4 Touch left together straightening knees, Clap
5,6 Step diagonally forward left with knees bent, Slide right together shimmying shoulders
7,8 Touch right together straightening knees, Clap
Back Strut, Back, Strut, Back Strut, Back Strut
1,2 Touch right toe back, Drop heel to take weight
3,4 Touch left toe back, Drop heel to take weight
5,6 Touch right toe back, Drop heel to take weight
7,8 Touch left toe back, Drop heel to take weight
Option Note: Do “Hairbrushes” with finger clicks (like in the 60’s) during these toe-struts.
Knee-Pop, Hold, Knee-Pop, Hold, Knee Left, Right, Left, Right
1,2 ‘Pop’ your left knee in, Hold
3,4 ‘Pop’ your right knee in, Hold
5,6 ‘Pop’ your left knee in, ‘Pop’ your right knee in
7,8 ‘Pop’ your left knee in, ‘Pop’ your right knee in
Rolling Vine Right, Rolling Vine Left
1-4 Step right, left, right, touch left and clap; making a whole turn right (travelling right)
5-8 Step left, right, left, touch right and clap; making a whole turn left (travelling left)
Toe Strut, Turn Strut, Turn Strut, Turn Strut
1,2 Touch right toe to side, Drop heel to take weight
3,4 Turn 1/2 right and touch left to to side, Drop heel to take weight
5,6 Turn 1/2 left and touch right toe to side, Drop heel to take weight
7,8 Turn 1/2 right and touch left to to side, Drop heel to take weight
Option Note: Do “Hairbrushes” with finger clicks (like in the 60’s) on the “Yeahs”
Paddle Turns (1+1/2 Turns Total) Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah!
1,2 Step forward on right, Pivot 1/4 left
3,4 Step forward on right, Pivot 1/4 left
5,6 Step forward on right, Pivot 1/2 left
7,8 Step forward on right, Pivot 1/2 left
No tags or restrarts. Just dance right through.
Chachanela by Ira W.
Do read the comments for this video. Seems like it's everybody's favourite dance
See this interpretation of the dance. Does it not look like a different dance?
Choreographed by: Ira Weisburd (Sept 10)
Music: Aguante Campeon by Pimpinela (CD: Buena Onda, Track: #3 Year 2000)
Descriptions: PH count - 2 wall - Beginner/Intermediate level line dance
Introduction: 64 cts. (Start on Vocal) - approximately 35 seconds into the track.
SEQUENCE: AABB, AABB, AABBBB. Finish Dance Facing Front Wall.
Part A. Rumba Part
Step, Hold, Behind, Side, Cross, Hold, Behind, ½ Turn L.
1-2 Step R to R, Hold
3-4 Step L behind R, Step R to R (Face R Corner)
5-6 Step L across R, Hold
7-8 Step R behind L, make ½ turn L onto L (Face 6:00 or back Wall)
Step, Hold, Behind, Side, Cross, Hold, Behind, Step To L.
1-2 Step R to R, Hold
3-4 Step L behind R, Step R to R (Face R Corner)
5-6 Step L across R, Hold
7-8 Step R behind L, Step L to L
Rumba Box (Forward, Hold, Side, Together; Back, Hold, Side, Together
1-2 Step R forward, Hold
3-4 Step L to L, Step-close R to L
5-6 Step back on L, Hold
7-8 Step R to R, Step-close L to R
Turning Rumba Box (1/4 Turn R, Hold, Side, Together; Back W/ 1/8 Turn R, Hold, Side, Together W/ 1/8 Turn R
1-2 Turn ¼ R onto R, Hold
3-4 Step L to L, Step-close R to L
5-6 Step back on L (making 1/8 turn R), Hold
7-8 Step w/R to R (making 1/8 turn R), Step-close L to R
Part B. Cha Cha Part (Chorus)
Sway, Sway, Back, Side, Front; Sway, Sway, Back, Side, Front
1-2 Step R to R, Step L to L
3&4 Step back on R, Step L to L, Step R across L
5-6 Step L to L, Step R to R
7&8 Step back on L, Step R to R, Step L across R
Forward, Recover, Triple ½ Turn R; Pivot ¼ Turn R, Cross Triple Step
1-2 Step forward on R, Recover on L
3&4 Make ½ Turn R w/ Triple Step (RLR)
5-6 Step forward on L, make ¼ pivot turn R on R
7&8 Step L across R, Step R to R, Step L across R
ENDING: 1-2 Point R toe to R, Step R beside L, at the same time Point L toe to L and Strike a Pose!)
See this interpretation of the dance. Does it not look like a different dance?
Choreographed by: Ira Weisburd (Sept 10)
Music: Aguante Campeon by Pimpinela (CD: Buena Onda, Track: #3 Year 2000)
Descriptions: PH count - 2 wall - Beginner/Intermediate level line dance
Introduction: 64 cts. (Start on Vocal) - approximately 35 seconds into the track.
SEQUENCE: AABB, AABB, AABBBB. Finish Dance Facing Front Wall.
Part A. Rumba Part
Step, Hold, Behind, Side, Cross, Hold, Behind, ½ Turn L.
1-2 Step R to R, Hold
3-4 Step L behind R, Step R to R (Face R Corner)
5-6 Step L across R, Hold
7-8 Step R behind L, make ½ turn L onto L (Face 6:00 or back Wall)
Step, Hold, Behind, Side, Cross, Hold, Behind, Step To L.
1-2 Step R to R, Hold
3-4 Step L behind R, Step R to R (Face R Corner)
5-6 Step L across R, Hold
7-8 Step R behind L, Step L to L
Rumba Box (Forward, Hold, Side, Together; Back, Hold, Side, Together
1-2 Step R forward, Hold
3-4 Step L to L, Step-close R to L
5-6 Step back on L, Hold
7-8 Step R to R, Step-close L to R
Turning Rumba Box (1/4 Turn R, Hold, Side, Together; Back W/ 1/8 Turn R, Hold, Side, Together W/ 1/8 Turn R
1-2 Turn ¼ R onto R, Hold
3-4 Step L to L, Step-close R to L
5-6 Step back on L (making 1/8 turn R), Hold
7-8 Step w/R to R (making 1/8 turn R), Step-close L to R
Part B. Cha Cha Part (Chorus)
Sway, Sway, Back, Side, Front; Sway, Sway, Back, Side, Front
1-2 Step R to R, Step L to L
3&4 Step back on R, Step L to L, Step R across L
5-6 Step L to L, Step R to R
7&8 Step back on L, Step R to R, Step L across R
Forward, Recover, Triple ½ Turn R; Pivot ¼ Turn R, Cross Triple Step
1-2 Step forward on R, Recover on L
3&4 Make ½ Turn R w/ Triple Step (RLR)
5-6 Step forward on L, make ¼ pivot turn R on R
7&8 Step L across R, Step R to R, Step L across R
ENDING: 1-2 Point R toe to R, Step R beside L, at the same time Point L toe to L and Strike a Pose!)
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
B.C.O (Baby Come On)
B.C.O (Baby Come On)
Choreographed by: Rachael McEnaney, UK (Oct 09)
Music: Baby Come On by Chris Anderson (CD: Last Night [121bpm])
Descriptions: 48 count - 4 wall - Intermediate level line dance
Count In: 16 counts from start of track. Begin on vocals “Baby baby”
Notes: 1 RESTART on wall 6 – do FIRST 32 counts then restart (facing 9.00)
1-8 Stomp R, ¼ Turn L With L Kick Ball Change, Step Forward L, Rock Forward R, ¼ R Side Shuffle
12&3 Stomp right foot forward (1), make ¼ turn left kicking left foot forward (2), step in place with ball of left (&), step in place with right (3) [9.00]
4-6 Step forward on left (4), rock forward on right (5), recover weight onto left (6) [9.00]
7&8 Make ¼ turn right stepping right to right side (7), step left next to right (&) step right to right side (8), [12.00]
9-16 Ball Side Rock, R Crossing Shuffle, 2 X ¼ Turns Right Stepping L R, L Cross & Heel Jack
&1,2 Step left next to right (&), rock right to right side (1), recover weight onto left (2) [12.00]
3&4 Cross right over left (3), step left to left side (&), cross right over left (4) [12.00]
5,6 Make ¼ turn right stepping back on left (5), make ¼ turn right stepping right to right side (6) [6.00]
7&8 Cross left over right (7), step right to right side (&), touch left heel to left diagonal (8) [6.00]
17-24 Heel Switch R & L, R Cross & Heel Jack, Heel Switch L & R, L Shuffle Forward
&1&2 Step in place with left (&), touch right heel forward (1), step in place with right (&), touch left heel forward (2) [6.00]
&3&4 Step in place (& slightly back) with left (&), cross right over left (3), step left to left side (&), touch right heel to right diagonal (4) [6.00]
&5&6 Step in place with right (&), touch left heel forward (5), step in place with left (&), touch right heel forward (6) [6.00]
&7&8 Step in place with right (&), step forward on left (7), step right next to left (&), step forward on left (8) [6.00]
25-32 Hip Bumps Forward R, Hip Bumps Forward L, Step R, ½ Pivot L, Walk R L
1&2 Touch right toe forward bumping hips forward (1), bump hips back (&), bump hips forward taking weight to right (2) [6.00]
3&4 Touch left toe forward bumping hips forward (3), bump hips back (&), bump hips forward taking weight to left (4) [6.00]
5-6 Step forward on right (5), pivot ½ turn left (weight ends on left) (6) [12.00]
7-8 Step forward on right (7), step forward on left (8) [12.00]
RESTART HERE ON 6th wall – you will begin 6th wall facing 9.00 and will restart also facing 9.00
33-40 Rock Forward R, ½ Turn R Shuffle, Rock Forward L, ¾ Turn L Shuffle
1-2 Rock forward on right (1), recover weight onto left (2) [12.00]
3&4 Make ¼ turn right stepping right to right side (3), step left next to right (&), make ¼ turn right stepping right to right side (4) [6.00]
5-6 Rock forward on left (5), recover weight onto right (6) [6.00]
7&8 Make ½ turn left stepping forward on left (7), step right next to left (&), make ¼ turn left stepping forward on left (8) [9.00]
41-48 Step Diagonally Forward R And L, Step Back In Place R And L, Syncopated Out-Out In-In Out-Out In-In.
1-2 Step diagonally forward on right (1) (option to put R hand on R hip), step left foot to left side (2) (option to put L hand on L hip) [9.00]
3-4 Step back on right (3) (option to put R hand on butt), step left next to right (4) (option to put L hand on butt) [9.00]
&5&6 Step right to right side (&), step left to left side (5), step right in towards left (&), step left next to right (6) [9.00]
&7&8 Step right to right side (&), step left to left side (7), step right in towards left (&), step left next to right (8) [9.00]
ENDING: The last wall ends facing 3.00 – at end of dance make ¼ turn left to face front stepping right to right side with arms in air!
Start Again, Have Fun!
Thursday, September 2, 2010
This is looks like a rather difficult dance due to its many full turns. However , since it has become a popular dance ( due to the music, i think) we must learn it. Like every dance, once mastered it will be manageable
Our intro steps:-
On the 3rd & 4th set, dance the basic cha cha fwd and back, starting with the L.
Fwd Rock and cha cha to the back....
Choreographed by: Kim Ray (Oct 08)
Music: Guantanamera by Jody Bernal (CD: Alle Hits [121bpm])
Descriptions: 48 count - 4 wall - Intermediate level line dance
32 count intro:
Left Lock, Left Lock Left, Sways & Touch
1-2 Step forward on left, lock step right behind left popping left knee forward
3&4 Step forward on left, step right behind left, step forward on left
5-6 Stepping forward on right (facing left diagonal) sway hips forward, sway hips back
7-8 Sway hips forward, touch left next to right
Step Back, Cross Back Cross, Step Back Left, Step Back Right, Cross, Back Cross Back
1 Step back on left
2&3 Cross step right over left, step back on left, cross step right over left (counts 1-3 facing left diagonal)
4 Step back on left (straightening up)
5-6 Step back on right, cross step left over right
7&8 Step back on right, cross left over right, step back on right (counts 5-8 facing right diagonal)
Rock/Recover, Triple ½ Turn, ½ Turn & Step, Shuffle Forward, Step Forward
1-2 Rock back on left, recover forward on right
3&4 Triple ½ turn right stepping left, right, left
5 ½ turn right stepping forward on right
6&7 Shuffle forward to left diagonal stepping left, right, left
8 Step forward and to right diagonal on right
Cross Rock/Recover, Chassis Left, Cross Rock/Recover, Chassis ¼ Right
1-2 Cross rock left over right, recover back on right
3&4 Step left to left side, step right next to left, step left to left side
5-6 Cross rock right over left, recover back on left
7&8 Step right to right side, step left next to right, ¼ turn right stepping forward on right
RESTART wall 3 facing 9 o/c
Pivot ½ Turn Right, Triple ½ Turn Right, Step Back, ½ Turn Left, Pivot ½ Turn Left
1-2 Step forward on left, ½ pivot turn right
3&4 Triple ½ turn right stepping left, right, left
5-6 Step back on right, ½ turn left stepping forward on left
7-8 Step forward on right, ½ pivot turn left
Cross Rock/Recover, Full Turn & Half Turn Right, Coaster Step
1-2 Cross rock right over left, recover back on left
3-4 ¼ turn right stepping forward on right, ½ turn right stepping back on left
5-6 ½ turn right stepping forward on right, ¼ turn right stepping left to left side
7&8 Step back on right, step left next to right, step forward on right
TAG: To be danced at END of wall 4 facing back
Mambo Forward, Mambo Back
1&2 Rock forward on left, recover back on right, step back on left
3&4 Rock back on right, recover forward on left, step forward on right
Our intro steps:-
On the 3rd & 4th set, dance the basic cha cha fwd and back, starting with the L.
Fwd Rock and cha cha to the back....
Choreographed by: Kim Ray (Oct 08)
Music: Guantanamera by Jody Bernal (CD: Alle Hits [121bpm])
Descriptions: 48 count - 4 wall - Intermediate level line dance
32 count intro:
Left Lock, Left Lock Left, Sways & Touch
1-2 Step forward on left, lock step right behind left popping left knee forward
3&4 Step forward on left, step right behind left, step forward on left
5-6 Stepping forward on right (facing left diagonal) sway hips forward, sway hips back
7-8 Sway hips forward, touch left next to right
Step Back, Cross Back Cross, Step Back Left, Step Back Right, Cross, Back Cross Back
1 Step back on left
2&3 Cross step right over left, step back on left, cross step right over left (counts 1-3 facing left diagonal)
4 Step back on left (straightening up)
5-6 Step back on right, cross step left over right
7&8 Step back on right, cross left over right, step back on right (counts 5-8 facing right diagonal)
Rock/Recover, Triple ½ Turn, ½ Turn & Step, Shuffle Forward, Step Forward
1-2 Rock back on left, recover forward on right
3&4 Triple ½ turn right stepping left, right, left
5 ½ turn right stepping forward on right
6&7 Shuffle forward to left diagonal stepping left, right, left
8 Step forward and to right diagonal on right
Cross Rock/Recover, Chassis Left, Cross Rock/Recover, Chassis ¼ Right
1-2 Cross rock left over right, recover back on right
3&4 Step left to left side, step right next to left, step left to left side
5-6 Cross rock right over left, recover back on left
7&8 Step right to right side, step left next to right, ¼ turn right stepping forward on right
RESTART wall 3 facing 9 o/c
Pivot ½ Turn Right, Triple ½ Turn Right, Step Back, ½ Turn Left, Pivot ½ Turn Left
1-2 Step forward on left, ½ pivot turn right
3&4 Triple ½ turn right stepping left, right, left
5-6 Step back on right, ½ turn left stepping forward on left
7-8 Step forward on right, ½ pivot turn left
Cross Rock/Recover, Full Turn & Half Turn Right, Coaster Step
1-2 Cross rock right over left, recover back on left
3-4 ¼ turn right stepping forward on right, ½ turn right stepping back on left
5-6 ½ turn right stepping forward on right, ¼ turn right stepping left to left side
7&8 Step back on right, step left next to right, step forward on right
TAG: To be danced at END of wall 4 facing back
Mambo Forward, Mambo Back
1&2 Rock forward on left, recover back on right, step back on left
3&4 Rock back on right, recover forward on left, step forward on right
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
My Girl
I learnt this dance from the DanceFuntasia'07 in Penang. It was a competition entry which won 2nd place. We all enjoyed this dance very much then and I am sure we can pick it up again easily.
In the video below, you can find me seated in the audience...somewhere. This was the first time I was exposed to "line dance" with freestyle body actions....was I amazed !
My Girl
Choreographed by: Wendy Teh (June 07)
Music: Never Say Goodbye by Korean Drama Theme Song
Descriptions: Phrased wall - Intermediate level line dance
Sequence : A*, A, B, B, A, A*, B, B*, B, A
A* = dance up to 36 counts, omit last 4 counts and restart
B* = dance up to 30 counts,
add 2 counts TAG < step R fwd, pivot ¼ L turn > Then RESTART Part B again
PART A (40 counts)
1-2 Touch R to R (weight on L), step R next to L (weight on R) [swing R arm fwd and bend R elbow]
3-4 Touch L to L (weight on R), step L next to R (weight on L) [swing L arm fwd and bend L elbow]
5-6 Hitch R knee to L diagonal, step R next to L [rise both arm 'V'shape]
7&8 Hop to L side 3 times [flicking your hand at the side]
1&2& Kick R fwd, step R next to L, rock L back, recover onto R
3&4& Kick L fwd, step L next to R, rock R back, recover onto L
5-6 R scruff, touch R out to R side (bend R leg)
7&8 Isolate your head / shoulder to R-L, look to R side (sharp)
1-2 Step R to R and R body roll, touch L next to R
3-4 Step L to L and L body roll, touch R next to L
5-6 Step R to R, cross touch L over R
7-8 Step L down ¼ R turn , cross touch R over L
Picture a clock on the floor for this part. You will end at 6:00, moving to the Left
&1 Step R to R, step L next to R (3.00)
&2 Step R fwd to L diagonal , step L next to R (12.00)
&3 Step R back to L diagonal, step L next to R (9.00)
&4 Step R back to R diagonal, step L next to R (6.00)
5&6 Shimmy to R, step L next to R
7& Press R to R with pull your R shoulder up, L shoulder up
8& Drop your R shoulder down, L shoulder down
1-4 Cross R over L, step L back diagonal, step R to R ¼ R turn, step L next to R
[swing and bend elbow to R-L-R with body slightly bend fwd]
{wall 1 - RESTART Part A, OMIT last 4 counts}
{wall 6 - restart Part B, omit last 4 counts}
5-8 Paddle point turn L - 4x (full circle) [flick your R hand]
PART B (40 counts)
1-2& Step R to R diagonal, lock L behind R, step R to R diagonal
3-4& Step L to L diagonal, lock R behind L, step L to L diagonal
5-6 R cross rock fwd, recover onto L
7&8 ½ turn R step R fwd, ½ turn R step L back, ½ turn R step R fwd
Easy Optional: 7&8 ½ R turn fwd shuffle
1-2& Rock fwd on L (11 o'clock), recover onto R, step L next to R
3-4& Rock fwd on R (1 o'clock), recover onto L
5-6 Rock fwd on L, recover onto R
7&8 Turning ¾ L turn shuffle L, R, L
1-2 Rock R to R, recover onto L
3&4 Cross R behind L, ¼ L turn step L fwd, ¼ L turn step R to R
5-6 Point L out to L (bend R leg), hitch L
7&8 ½ L turn step L back, step R next to R, step L fwd
1-2 Step R fwd, lock L behind R
3&4 Lock step fwd R, L, R
5-6 Step L fwd, full turn spiral to R on ball L
7-8 Rock R fwd, recover onto L
TAG on wall 8: dance 1~6, add 2 counts tag (then RESTART Part B again)
1-2 ¼ R turn long step R to R, slide L to R [raise your R arm from the back and up to the ear]
&3&4 Hip roll anti-clockwise twice
5-6 ½ R turn long step L to L, slide R to L [raise your L arm from the back and up to the ear]
7-8 Hip bump to L twice (keep your weight on L)
In the video below, you can find me seated in the audience...somewhere. This was the first time I was exposed to "line dance" with freestyle body actions....was I amazed !
My Girl
Choreographed by: Wendy Teh (June 07)
Music: Never Say Goodbye by Korean Drama Theme Song
Descriptions: Phrased wall - Intermediate level line dance
Sequence : A*, A, B, B, A, A*, B, B*, B, A
A* = dance up to 36 counts, omit last 4 counts and restart
B* = dance up to 30 counts,
add 2 counts TAG < step R fwd, pivot ¼ L turn > Then RESTART Part B again
PART A (40 counts)
1-2 Touch R to R (weight on L), step R next to L (weight on R) [swing R arm fwd and bend R elbow]
3-4 Touch L to L (weight on R), step L next to R (weight on L) [swing L arm fwd and bend L elbow]
5-6 Hitch R knee to L diagonal, step R next to L [rise both arm 'V'shape]
7&8 Hop to L side 3 times [flicking your hand at the side]
1&2& Kick R fwd, step R next to L, rock L back, recover onto R
3&4& Kick L fwd, step L next to R, rock R back, recover onto L
5-6 R scruff, touch R out to R side (bend R leg)
7&8 Isolate your head / shoulder to R-L, look to R side (sharp)
1-2 Step R to R and R body roll, touch L next to R
3-4 Step L to L and L body roll, touch R next to L
5-6 Step R to R, cross touch L over R
7-8 Step L down ¼ R turn , cross touch R over L
Picture a clock on the floor for this part. You will end at 6:00, moving to the Left
&1 Step R to R, step L next to R (3.00)
&2 Step R fwd to L diagonal , step L next to R (12.00)
&3 Step R back to L diagonal, step L next to R (9.00)
&4 Step R back to R diagonal, step L next to R (6.00)
5&6 Shimmy to R, step L next to R
7& Press R to R with pull your R shoulder up, L shoulder up
8& Drop your R shoulder down, L shoulder down
1-4 Cross R over L, step L back diagonal, step R to R ¼ R turn, step L next to R
[swing and bend elbow to R-L-R with body slightly bend fwd]
{wall 1 - RESTART Part A, OMIT last 4 counts}
{wall 6 - restart Part B, omit last 4 counts}
5-8 Paddle point turn L - 4x (full circle) [flick your R hand]
PART B (40 counts)
1-2& Step R to R diagonal, lock L behind R, step R to R diagonal
3-4& Step L to L diagonal, lock R behind L, step L to L diagonal
5-6 R cross rock fwd, recover onto L
7&8 ½ turn R step R fwd, ½ turn R step L back, ½ turn R step R fwd
Easy Optional: 7&8 ½ R turn fwd shuffle
1-2& Rock fwd on L (11 o'clock), recover onto R, step L next to R
3-4& Rock fwd on R (1 o'clock), recover onto L
5-6 Rock fwd on L, recover onto R
7&8 Turning ¾ L turn shuffle L, R, L
1-2 Rock R to R, recover onto L
3&4 Cross R behind L, ¼ L turn step L fwd, ¼ L turn step R to R
5-6 Point L out to L (bend R leg), hitch L
7&8 ½ L turn step L back, step R next to R, step L fwd
1-2 Step R fwd, lock L behind R
3&4 Lock step fwd R, L, R
5-6 Step L fwd, full turn spiral to R on ball L
7-8 Rock R fwd, recover onto L
TAG on wall 8: dance 1~6, add 2 counts tag (then RESTART Part B again)
1-2 ¼ R turn long step R to R, slide L to R [raise your R arm from the back and up to the ear]
&3&4 Hip roll anti-clockwise twice
5-6 ½ R turn long step L to L, slide R to L [raise your L arm from the back and up to the ear]
7-8 Hip bump to L twice (keep your weight on L)
Monday Classes Cancelled & Exploring New Venue for Our Sat Class
With immediate effect all Monday classes will be cancelled. We will now have only 2 classes per week, Wed & Sat.
Wed - 7.30pm in the Luyang hall
Sat - 2.30pm . The Luyang Hall is not always available as it is regularly used for functions on Sat. I managed to book for only one Sat class in Sept, ie 18 Sept.
We shall explore alternative venues . For this Sat we shall try out the Aerobics Room on the 1st floor of the Likas Sports Complex. The entrance is in front of the complex, near the sportswear shop ( take the staircase next to it). You need not enter the complex. Let's meet at the shop at 2 pm.
Wed - 7.30pm in the Luyang hall
Sat - 2.30pm . The Luyang Hall is not always available as it is regularly used for functions on Sat. I managed to book for only one Sat class in Sept, ie 18 Sept.
We shall explore alternative venues . For this Sat we shall try out the Aerobics Room on the 1st floor of the Likas Sports Complex. The entrance is in front of the complex, near the sportswear shop ( take the staircase next to it). You need not enter the complex. Let's meet at the shop at 2 pm.
Funky Boogalu & Tonight (Waltz)
Easy & Enjoyable dances - We shall dance these 2 for the next party on 15 Oct 2010.
Funky Boogalu
Choreographed by: Winnie Yu (Dance Pooh, Can) Nov 08
Music: Funky Latin Boogalu by Patricia Melecio
Descriptions: 32 count - 4 wall - Beginner level line dance
Intro: 32 count
Alternate Music: Any Cha Cha Tempo
(Touch, Step) X 4
1-2 Touch right toe across left with body angled diagonally to right, step right beside left
3-4 Touch left toe across right with body angled diagonally to left, step left beside right.
5-6 Repeat count 1-2
7-8 Repeat count 3-4
Touch, Hook, Right Chasse, Back Rock, Recover, ¼ Turn Chasse Left
1-2 Touch right toe forward, hook right across left (style of a figure 4)
3&4 Step right to right side, step left next to right, step right to right side
5-6 Rock back on left, recover onto right
7&8 Make a ¼ turn right stepping left to left, step right next to left, step left to left (3:00)
Back Rock, Recover, Right Chasse, Touch, Hook, Chasse Left
1-2 Rock back on right, recover weight onto left
3&4 Step right to right side, step left next to right, step right to right side
5-6 Touch left toe forward, hook left across right (style of a figure 4)
7&8 Step left to left, step right beside left, step left to left
(Sailor Step, Sailor ¼ Turn Left) X 2
1&2 Cross step right behind left, step left to left side, step right to right side
3&4 Make a ¼ turn left stepping back on left, step right to right side, step left to left side (12:00)
5&6 Cross step right behind left, step left to left side, step right to right side
7&8 Make a ¼ turn left stepping back on left, step right to right side, step left to left side (9:00)
Choreographed by: Karen Tripp (Mar 10)
Music: Tonight by Barbara Mandrell Descriptions: PH count
Sequence: Intro once; when starting on walls 4 and 8, dance measures 1-18 only; before starting again on wall 9, hold for one measure (there is a pause in the music)
Intro Forward Waltz, Back Waltz (Twice)
1-3 Step left forward, step right together, step right in place
4-6 Step right back, step left together, step right in place
7-9 Repeat 1-3
10-12 Repeat 4-6
The Main Dance
Left Twinkle, Right Front Weave
1-3 Step with left over right, step right, step left to right
4-6 Cross right over left, step left to side, cross right behind left
Balance Left, Waltz Half Turn Right
7-9 Step left to side, rock step right slightly behind left, recover to left
10-12 Step right to side, starting right face turn, finish left turn stepping on left, step right to left to end facing reverse
Cross Rock ¼ Left, Cross Rock
13-15 Cross left over right, recover to right, start turning ¼ left face, step on left (facing 3:00)
16-18 Cross right over left, recover to left, step right to side
Cross Point & Hold; Behind, Rock Side, Recover
19-21 Cross left over right, touch right to side, hold
22-24 Cross right behind left, rock side to the left, recover to right
RESTART: Starting on walls 4 and 8, dance measures 1-18 only
Funky Boogalu
Choreographed by: Winnie Yu (Dance Pooh, Can) Nov 08
Music: Funky Latin Boogalu by Patricia Melecio
Descriptions: 32 count - 4 wall - Beginner level line dance
Intro: 32 count
Alternate Music: Any Cha Cha Tempo
(Touch, Step) X 4
1-2 Touch right toe across left with body angled diagonally to right, step right beside left
3-4 Touch left toe across right with body angled diagonally to left, step left beside right.
5-6 Repeat count 1-2
7-8 Repeat count 3-4
Touch, Hook, Right Chasse, Back Rock, Recover, ¼ Turn Chasse Left
1-2 Touch right toe forward, hook right across left (style of a figure 4)
3&4 Step right to right side, step left next to right, step right to right side
5-6 Rock back on left, recover onto right
7&8 Make a ¼ turn right stepping left to left, step right next to left, step left to left (3:00)
Back Rock, Recover, Right Chasse, Touch, Hook, Chasse Left
1-2 Rock back on right, recover weight onto left
3&4 Step right to right side, step left next to right, step right to right side
5-6 Touch left toe forward, hook left across right (style of a figure 4)
7&8 Step left to left, step right beside left, step left to left
(Sailor Step, Sailor ¼ Turn Left) X 2
1&2 Cross step right behind left, step left to left side, step right to right side
3&4 Make a ¼ turn left stepping back on left, step right to right side, step left to left side (12:00)
5&6 Cross step right behind left, step left to left side, step right to right side
7&8 Make a ¼ turn left stepping back on left, step right to right side, step left to left side (9:00)
Choreographed by: Karen Tripp (Mar 10)
Music: Tonight by Barbara Mandrell Descriptions: PH count
Sequence: Intro once; when starting on walls 4 and 8, dance measures 1-18 only; before starting again on wall 9, hold for one measure (there is a pause in the music)
Intro Forward Waltz, Back Waltz (Twice)
1-3 Step left forward, step right together, step right in place
4-6 Step right back, step left together, step right in place
7-9 Repeat 1-3
10-12 Repeat 4-6
The Main Dance
Left Twinkle, Right Front Weave
1-3 Step with left over right, step right, step left to right
4-6 Cross right over left, step left to side, cross right behind left
Balance Left, Waltz Half Turn Right
7-9 Step left to side, rock step right slightly behind left, recover to left
10-12 Step right to side, starting right face turn, finish left turn stepping on left, step right to left to end facing reverse
Cross Rock ¼ Left, Cross Rock
13-15 Cross left over right, recover to right, start turning ¼ left face, step on left (facing 3:00)
16-18 Cross right over left, recover to left, step right to side
Cross Point & Hold; Behind, Rock Side, Recover
19-21 Cross left over right, touch right to side, hold
22-24 Cross right behind left, rock side to the left, recover to right
RESTART: Starting on walls 4 and 8, dance measures 1-18 only
Lola & Under The Sun
Lola is a well choreographed Rumba dance. The music seems too slow but when you dance with your body actions it flows rather well.
Choreographed by: Ira Weisburd (Aug 10)
Music: Whatever Lola Wants by Irene & Her Latin Jazz Band (CD: Summer Samba 07)
Descriptions: 32 count - 4 wall - Beginner level line dance
Introduction: 20 Counts. Start on “LOLA”.
Rumba Box (Forward, Hold, Side, Tog.; Back, Hold, Side, Tog.)
1-2 Step forward on L, hold
3-4 Step R to R, Step-close L beside R
5-6 Step R back, hold
7-8 Step L to L, Step-close R beside L
Step L To L, Hold, Cross-Rock Recover, ¼ Turn R On R, Hold, Pivot ¼ Turn R
1-2 Step L to L, hold
3-4 Step R across L, recover back onto L
5-6 Make ¼ turn to R, Step R forward, hold (3:00)
7-8 Step forward on L, make ¼ pivot turn to R w/R (6:00)
Cross, Hold, Recover, Side; Cross, Hold, Recover, ¼ Turn R
1–2 Step L across R, hold
3-4 Recover back onto R, Step L to L
5-6 Step R across L, hold
7–8 Recover back onto L, make ¼ turn to R on R (9:00)
Sway L, Hold, Sway R, L; Sway R, Hold, Rock Back, Recover
1–2 Sway Hip to the L, hold
3–4 Sway Hip to the R, Sway Hip to the L
5-6 Sway Hip to the R, hold
7–8 Rock back on L, recover forward on R
Repeat Dance.
ONE RESTART: (On Wall 5, dance up to 24 counts; then restart the dance) Restart will be facing (9:00)
PLEASE NOTE: Last Wall make ½ turn R (on count 24) to face front wall
Under The Sun
Choreographed by: Kathy Chang & Sue Hsu (Oct 09)
Music: Under The Sun (Radio Edit) by Tim Tim
Descriptions: 32 count - 2 wall - Beginner level line dance
Intro: 16 Counts
1-8 Walk, Walk, Forward Mambo, Back, Back, Coaster
1-2 Walk forward right, left
3&4 Rock Forward on Right, recover on left, step back on right
5-6 Walk back left, right
7&8 Step back on left, step right beside left, step left forward
9-16 Charleston Steps, Lock Step Forward, Step, Pivot ¼, Cross
1-2 Sweep and touch R toe forward, sweep and step back on right
3-4 Sweep and touch left toe back, sweep and step forward on left
5&6 Step forward on right, lock left behind right, step forward on right
7&8 Step forward on left, pivot ¼ right, cross left over right (3 o’clock)
17-24 Box Steps, Side, Together, ¼ Turn Right, Step, Pivot ¼, Cross
1&2 Step side right, step left beside right, step right forward
3&4 Step side left, step right beside left, step left back
5&6 Step side right, step left beside right, make ¼ turn right stepping forward on right
7&8 Step forward on left, pivot ¼ right, cross left over right (9 o’clock)
25-32 R and L Side Mambo, Touch, Walk ¾ Turn
1&2 Rock right to right side, recover weight to left, step right beside left
&3&4 Rock left to left side, recover weight to right, step left beside right, touch right beside left
5-8 Walk right, left, right left and make ¾ over right shoulder (6 o’clock)
Choreographed by: Ira Weisburd (Aug 10)
Music: Whatever Lola Wants by Irene & Her Latin Jazz Band (CD: Summer Samba 07)
Descriptions: 32 count - 4 wall - Beginner level line dance
Introduction: 20 Counts. Start on “LOLA”.
Rumba Box (Forward, Hold, Side, Tog.; Back, Hold, Side, Tog.)
1-2 Step forward on L, hold
3-4 Step R to R, Step-close L beside R
5-6 Step R back, hold
7-8 Step L to L, Step-close R beside L
Step L To L, Hold, Cross-Rock Recover, ¼ Turn R On R, Hold, Pivot ¼ Turn R
1-2 Step L to L, hold
3-4 Step R across L, recover back onto L
5-6 Make ¼ turn to R, Step R forward, hold (3:00)
7-8 Step forward on L, make ¼ pivot turn to R w/R (6:00)
Cross, Hold, Recover, Side; Cross, Hold, Recover, ¼ Turn R
1–2 Step L across R, hold
3-4 Recover back onto R, Step L to L
5-6 Step R across L, hold
7–8 Recover back onto L, make ¼ turn to R on R (9:00)
Sway L, Hold, Sway R, L; Sway R, Hold, Rock Back, Recover
1–2 Sway Hip to the L, hold
3–4 Sway Hip to the R, Sway Hip to the L
5-6 Sway Hip to the R, hold
7–8 Rock back on L, recover forward on R
Repeat Dance.
ONE RESTART: (On Wall 5, dance up to 24 counts; then restart the dance) Restart will be facing (9:00)
PLEASE NOTE: Last Wall make ½ turn R (on count 24) to face front wall
Under The Sun
Choreographed by: Kathy Chang & Sue Hsu (Oct 09)
Music: Under The Sun (Radio Edit) by Tim Tim
Descriptions: 32 count - 2 wall - Beginner level line dance
Intro: 16 Counts
1-8 Walk, Walk, Forward Mambo, Back, Back, Coaster
1-2 Walk forward right, left
3&4 Rock Forward on Right, recover on left, step back on right
5-6 Walk back left, right
7&8 Step back on left, step right beside left, step left forward
9-16 Charleston Steps, Lock Step Forward, Step, Pivot ¼, Cross
1-2 Sweep and touch R toe forward, sweep and step back on right
3-4 Sweep and touch left toe back, sweep and step forward on left
5&6 Step forward on right, lock left behind right, step forward on right
7&8 Step forward on left, pivot ¼ right, cross left over right (3 o’clock)
17-24 Box Steps, Side, Together, ¼ Turn Right, Step, Pivot ¼, Cross
1&2 Step side right, step left beside right, step right forward
3&4 Step side left, step right beside left, step left back
5&6 Step side right, step left beside right, make ¼ turn right stepping forward on right
7&8 Step forward on left, pivot ¼ right, cross left over right (9 o’clock)
25-32 R and L Side Mambo, Touch, Walk ¾ Turn
1&2 Rock right to right side, recover weight to left, step right beside left
&3&4 Rock left to left side, recover weight to right, step left beside right, touch right beside left
5-8 Walk right, left, right left and make ¾ over right shoulder (6 o’clock)
Cha Cha Your Body
This dance has a very long intro before the steps kick in.
Our intro steps to the dance:-
On the 3rd set- We shall simple copy the cha cha steps of the dance "YOU CAN DANCE" , part B.
Cha Cha Your Body
Choreographed by: Rob Fowler & Debbie Ellis (July 10)
Music: Your Body by Tom Novy & Michael Marshall
Descriptions: 32 count - 4 wall - 0 level line dance
Side, Rock Step, Cha Cha Forward, Rock Step, ¼ turn Side Chasse
1-3 Step Left To Left Side, Rock back on Right, Recover forward onto Left
4&5 Step forward Right, Step Left behind Right, Step forward Right
6,7 Rock forward Left, Recover back on Right
8&1 Make ¼ turn Left step left to Left side, Step Right Next to Left, Step Left to Left Side
Cross ½ turn Right, Cha Cha Side Rock Touch, Chasse Left
2,3 Cross Right Over Left, Step Left To Left Side
45& Make ½ Turn Right Stepping Right To Right Side, Step Left Next To Right, Step Right Next To Left
6&7 Rock Left to Left side, Recover to right, Touch Left Next to Right
8&1 Step Left to Left Side, Step Right Next To Left, Step Left to Left Side
Rock Step, Side Chasse ¼ Turn, Step ½ Pivot Turn Right, ¼ Turn Right Side Chasse Left
2,3 Rock Right Over Left, Recover Back on Left
4&5 Step Right to Right Side, Step Left Next To Right, Make ¼ turn Right Step on Right
6,7 Step Forward Left, Make ½ Turn Right
8&1 Make ¼ Turn Right stepping Left to Left Side, Step Right next to Left, Step left to Left Side
Rock Recover, ½ Hinge Turn, Hip Bumps (Booty Shake)
2,3 Rock Back Right, Recover Forward on Left,
4,5 Step Forward Right, Make ½ turn Left stepping Left To Left Side
6-8 Bump Hips Right, Bump Hips Left, Bump hips Right(Alternatively Booty Shake Anti Clockwise for 3 counts)
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