We shall have fun with this dance.
Felicidades (Congratulations)
Choreographed by: Emily Woo, Raindrops, Can (Aug 10)
Music: Felicidades by El Simbolo
Descriptions: 32 count - 4 wall - Beginner/Intermediate level line dance
32 Count Intro..
Weave L, Cross Side, Coaster Heel
1-4 Cross R over L, Step L to L, Cross R behind L, Step L to L
5,6 Cross R Over L, Step L to L
7&8 Step R back, Step L together, R heel on the floor with toes pointing up
(body slightly angle to R) (1 o’clock)
Step, Weave R, Cross Side, Sailor 1/4 Turn L
&1-4 Step R together, Cross L over R, Step R to R, Cross L behind R, Step R to R
5,6 Cross L over R, Step R to Side
7&8 Step L back with 1/4 turn L, Step R together, Step L forward (9 o’clock)
Raindrops Twist (Heel Grind, L Step Back, Instep Toe, Cross) x2
1,2 Cross R Heel in Front of L with R toes pointing to L, Heel grind with toes swinging to R, and L step back at the same time
3,4 Touch R beside L with R Knee pointing to L, Step R with L cross in front of R at the same time (9 o’clock)
5-8 Repeat the above 1-4
Walk 1/2 Turn to L, Rock Forward, Recover, Shake
1-4 Walk 1/2 turn L (R, L, R, L) (3 o’clock)
5,6,7&8 R Rock Forward, Recover on L, Step R together with weight on L
(Shake your body, while holding both fists in front of the chest with elbows pointing to both sides)
TAG: END of 8th Wall, (12 o’clock), weight on the R
1-4 Walk Forward with Shimmy L,R,L,R touch beside L
5,6,7&8 Walk Back with Shimmy, R,L,R,L touch beside R
1-8 Repeat the above with 1st step turn 1/4 L (9 o’clock)
1-8 Repeat the above with 1st step turn 1/4 L (6 o’clock)
1-8 Repeat the above with 1st step turn 1/4 L (3 o’clock) and Step on L on 8th count
ENDING Pose – Jump up at the extra count at the end of the dance (12 o’clock)
Watch it ! The Pirates of The Caribbean landed in KK on 29 Aug 2012. See all the smiling faces? They have seen their target ! Captain Hook came with sword and HOOK. Where is Captain Jack Sparrow and Blackbeard, the most feared pirate of all?? Missing Pirates are Loi, Diana, Janet , Amanda, Jeanie and Margaret Sinsua, Fung
Every Mon and Wed - Zumba Fitness class
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