WE will be adding the following dances that we have done which are choreographed by Jennifer:-
Cha Cha Conchita
Dance Of Love
At This Moment
Love, Love Me Do
Cuban Yeah
Choreographed by: Jennifer Choo Sue Chin, Malaysia (Feb 09)
Music: Conchita by Lou Bega feat Klazz Brothers & Cuba Percussion (CD: Cha-Cha version)
Descriptions: 32 count - 4 wall - Beginner/Intermediate level line dance
Intro: Dance starts 16 counts after the initial scream (0:09)
Set 1 (1-9) Cross Half Turn, Twinkle Step, Cross Point, Kick Out Hip Right
1-3 Cross RF over LF, ¼ turn right stepping back on LF, ¼ turn right stepping RF to right side (6:00)
4&5 Cross LF over RF, Step RF next to LF, Step LF slightly forward
6-7 Cross RF over LF, point LF to left side
8&1 Kick LF forward, Step LF to left side, Step RF to right side pushing hips to right
Set 2 (10-17) Hip Left, Hip Right Hook, Chasse Left With ¼ Turn, Pivot Turn, Kick Back Touch
2-3 **Push hips to left, Push hips to right and hook LF slightly behind right leg (throw head to right)
4&5 Step LF to left, Step RF next to LF, ¼ turn left stepping LF forward (3:00)
6-7 Step RF forward, ½ sharp pivot turn left (9:00)
8&1 Kick RF forward, Step RF back, Touch LF slightly in front of RF
Set 3 (18-25) ¾ Turn Chasse Left, Cross Rock Recover, ¼ Right Forward Lock Steps
2-3 ¼ turn left stepping LF forward, ¼ turn left stepping RF back
4&5 ¼ turn left stepping LF to left, step RF next to LF, Step LF to left (12:00) (Cuban hips)
6-7 Cross rock RF over LF, recover on LF
8&1 ¼ turn right stepping RF forward, Lock LF behind RF, Step RF forward (3:00) **
**RESTART: On wall 10, replace count 1 with ‘Right Hip Push’ (6:00). Then RESTART dance from Count 2 of Set 2 (Push hip to left)
Set 4 (26-32) Point Front, Point Back, Left Sailor, Butt Wiggles, Flick
2-3 Point LF forward slight across RF, Point LF to left side
Options for counts 2-3:
&2&3 Hitch LF, Kick LF slightly across RF, Hitch LF, Kick LF to left
4&5 Step LF behind RF, Step RF to right, Step LF to left pushing hips to left
&6&7& Wiggle butt right, left, right, left, right (make it tight and fast, the faster the better! However, if you find it hard to wiggle, you can opt to hold for these 2 counts)
8 Shift weight to left and flick RF diagonally right back
Repeat And Have Fun!!
RESTART: On wall 10, replace count 25 with ‘Right Hip Push’ (6:00). Then RESTART the dance from Count 10 (Push hip to left).
ENDING: When you come to the front wall again after the RESTART, do the first 8 counts of the dance to face the back wall and connect with the following:
1&2 Hip bumps to the right
3&4 ¼ turn right hip bumps to the left (9:00)
5 ¼ turn right step RF to right (12:00)
6-7 Butt wiggles
8 Flick RF for a final pose
Choreographed by: Jennifer Choo Sue Chin, Malaysia (Feb 10)
Music: L-O-V-E by Olivia Ong (CD: A Girl Meets Bossanova 2)
Descriptions: 64 count - 2 wall - Beginner/Intermediate level line dance
Intro: 16 counts
Note: When danced contra, start dance facing your partner standing about 4 feet apart.
(Specially dedicated to my better half !!)
Set 1 Forward, Hold, Back Rock Replace, ½ Turn Back Drag, Back Rock Replace
1-4 Step LF diagonally R fwd (towards 1:30), Hold, Rock RF back, Replace on LF
5-8 Execute a ½ turn left by stepping back on RF, drag LF towards RF, Rock back LF, Replace on RF (6:00)
Contra: You swap places with your partner but should still face each other
Set 2 Forward, Hold, Back Rock Replace, ½ Turn Back Drag, Back Rock Replace
1-4 Step LF diagonally R fwd (towards 7:30), Hold, Rock RF back, Replace on LF
5-8 Execute a ½ turn left by stepping back on RF, drag LF towards RF, Rock back LF, Replace on RF (12:00)
Options: Do fiqure 8 motions with hips for counts 1-4 for Sets 1 and 2.
Contra: You swap places with your partner but should still face each other
Set 3 Cross Hold, Replace, Left, Cross Hold, Replace, Right
1-4 Cross Rock LF over RF, Hold, Replace on RF, Step LF to L
5-8 Cross rock RF over LF, Hold, Replace on LF, Step RF to R
Set 4 Cross Unwind Sweep, Behind Side Cross Hold, Sway Left-Right
1-4 Cross LF over RF, Unwind full turn R and sweep RF from front to back, Step RF behind LF, Step LF to L
5-8 Cross RF over LF, Hold, Swap hip to L, Sway hip to R
Set 5 Sway Left, Hold, Sway Right-Left-Right, Hold, Rock Replace
1-4 Sway hip to L, Hold, Sway hip to R, Sway hip to L
5-8 Sway hip to R, Hold, Rock LF fwd, Replace RF
Options: Do figure 8 sways from counts 7-1 & 3-5
Contra: The sways are done in between 2 dancers in front of you.
Set 6 Quarter Point, Hold, Rolling Vine, Point, Hip Roll
a1-2 ¼ turn left stepping LF to L, Point RF to R, Hold (9:00)
3-4 ¼ turn right stepping fwd on RF, ½ turn right stepping back on LF (6:00)
a5-6 ¼ turn right stepping RF to R, Point LF to L, Hold (9:00)
7-8 Keeping weight on RF roll hip counter-clockwise to face 7.30 and LF pointed forward
Contra: You are standing with your back facing your partner.
Set 7 Back, Right Coaster, Hold, Full Turn
1-4 Take a big step back on LF, drag RF towards LF, Step RF back, Step LF next to RF (7:30)
5-6 Step RF fwd, Hold (prep to turn R)
7-8 Execute slightly less than half turn stepping LF back, Execute another half turn stepping RF to R (6:00)
Take small steps for counts 7-8 – Contra: You should meet your partner face to face again after count 8
Set 8 Cross Cross Back Side, Cross Cross Back Side
1-2 Execute a 1/8 turn R by Cross LF over RF, Execute a 1/8 R by crossing RF over LF (9:00)
3-4 Execute a 1/8 turn R by Stepping back on LF, Execute a 1/8 turn R by stepping RF to R (12:00)
5-6 Execute a 1/8 turn R by Cross LF over RF, Execute a 1/8 R by crossing RF over LF (3:00)
7-8 Execute a 1/8 turn R by Stepping back on LF, Execute a 1/8 turn R by stepping RF to R (6:00)
Contra: You will be making a full turn around your partner in these 8 counts
Begin again and have fun!
At This Moment
Choreographed by: Jennifer Choo Sue Chin, Malaysia (Apr 10)
Music: At This Moment by Michael Buble (CD: Crazy Love)
Descriptions: 48 count - 2 wall - Intermediate level line dance
Intro: 4x6
1-6 Step Pivot, Lunge, Recover, Side
1-3 Step RF fwd, Step LF slightly in front of RF, Pivot ½ turn right (6:00)
4-6 Lunge LF fwd, recover on RF, step LF to L * RESTART here on wall 2
7-12 Weave Left, Unwind Ronde, Behind
1-3 Cross RF over LF, Step LF to L, touch RF behind LF
4-6 Unwind ¾ turn right and ronde from front to back, step RF behind LF on count 6 (3:00)
13-18 Half Turn Left, Behind, Half Turn Right, Behind
1-3 ¼ turn left stepping LF fwd, ¼ turn left stepping RF next to LF, Step LF behind RF
4-6 ¼ turn right stepping RF fwd, ¼ turn right stepping LF next to RF, Step RF behind LF
19-24 Half Turn Left, Big Step Right, Drag, Syncopated Weave
&1-3 ¼ turn left stepping LF fwd, ¼ turn left taking big step to R and drag LF toward RF, hold counts 2-3 (9)
*** TAG
&4 Step LF down, Step RF in front of LF
&5 Step LF next to RF, Step RF in behind LF
&6& Step LF next to RF, Step RF in front of LF, Step LF next to RF
Easier: Left Weave or simply do a left grapevine!
&4-6 Step LF down (&), Step RF in front of LF (4), Step LF to L(5), Step RF behind L(6), Step LF to L(&)
25-30 Half Turn Left, Point, Hold, Right Twinkle
1-3 Execute a ½ turn left on ball of LF and point RF to R, hold for 2 counts (3:00)
4-6 **Cross RF over LF, Step ball of LF to L, Replace weight on RF
31-36 Left Twinkle, Half Turn Right Twinkle
1-3 Cross LF over RF, Step ball of RF to R, Replace weight on LF
** (These 6 counts will be "subtracted" DURING Wall 5)
4-6 Cross RF over LF, ¼ turn right stepping back on LF, ¼ turn right stepping RF to R (
37-42 Step, Forward Shuffle, Forward Basic
1-2&3 Step LF fwd, Step RF fwd, Lock LF behind RF, Step RF fwd
4-6 Step LF fwd, step RF together, step LF in place
43-48 Back ½ Turn Left, ¾ Left Turn
1-3 Step RF back, ½ turn left stepping LF fwd, step RF slightly fwd (3:00)
4& ¼ turn left stepping LF fwd crossing over RF, Step ball of RF next to LF
5& ¼ turn left stepping LF fwd crossing over RF, Step ball of RF next to LF
6 ¼ turn left stepping LF fwd crossing over RF
Easier: Walk around
4-6 ¼ turn left crossing LF over RF, ¼ turn left crossing RF over LF, ¼ turn left crossing LF over RF (6:00)
* RESTART AFTER 6 counts on Wall 2. Then Restart. Optional: Dance till count 4 and hold 2 counts, then restart.
**Subtract On Wall 5 When the lyrics go "I’ll subtract 20 years off from my life", it’s the cue to subtract 6 counts (count 28-33: the right and left twinkles) and connect straight to the half turn twinkle from count 27.
***TAG AFTER count 21 on Wall 7, there is a long beats pause. Do some freestyle based on the lyrics (feel it)! When the beat comes on again, continue with count 22. (if unsure, refer to the video)
Choreographed by: Jennifer Choo Sue Chin, Malaysia (Aug 09)
Music: Love Me Do by The Beatles
Descriptions: 52 count - 4 wall - Beginner/Intermediate level line dance
Start dance after a 32-count intro
1-8 Right Chasse, Back Rock Replace, Left Chasse, Back Rock Replace
1&2 Step RF to right, Close LF next to RF, Step RF to right
3-4 Rock LF back, Replace weight on RF
5&6 Step LF to left, Close RF next to LF, Step LF to left
7-8 Rock RF back, Replace weight on LF
9-16 ½ Turn L Back Shuffle, Back Rock Replace, ½ Turn R Back Shuffle, Back Rock Replace
1&2 Step RF back and execute a ½ turn left, Step LF next to RF, Step RF back (6:00)
3-4 Rock LF back, Replace weight on RF
5&6 Step LF back and execute a ½ turn right, Step RF next to LF, Step LF back (12:00)
7-8 Rock RF back, Replace weight on LF
17-24 2x Kick Ball Change, Right Toe Strut, Left Toe Strut
1&2 Kick RF, Step on ball of RF, Step LF forward
3&4 Kick RF, Step on ball of RF, Step LF forward
5-6 Step R toe forward, R heel down
7-8 Step L toe forward, L heel down
25-32 Slow Jazz Box With ¼ Turn Right
1-4 Cross RF over LF, Hold, Step back LF with ¼ turn right, Hold (3:00)
5-8 Step RF to right, Hold, Step LF forward, Hold* **
* Do the Special Jazz Box for counts 25-32 on Wall 3 and Restart the dance facing9:00.
Special Jazz Box: 5-8 Step RF to R, Step LF forward, Stomp RF next to LF (no weight), Hold
**On Wall 5, dance till count 32 (facing 3:00) and add in the Tag and Restart the dance facing 6:00.
Tag (4+8+4 counts): 4xSingle Hip Bumps, Slow Jazz Box with ¼ turn R, Together Side, Hold, Hitch, Hold
1-4 Right hip bump, Left hip bump, Right hip bump, Left hip bump
1-8 Repeat counts 25-32 (Slow Jazz Box with ¼ turn right)
&1-4 Step RF next to LF(&), Step LF to left(1), Hold(2), Hitch R knee on the beat(3), Hold(4)
33-36 Together Side, Hold For 3 Counts (only 4 counts here on the music pause)
&1 Step RF next to LF, Step LF to left
2-4 Hold for 3 counts with a pose (up to you!)
37-44 Hip Bumps – 2 Doubles, 4 Singles
1&2 Right hip bumps 2x
3&4 Left hip bumps 2x
5-8 Right hip bump, Left hip bump, Right hip bump, Left hip bump
45-52 R Toe Strut, Back Rock Replace, L Toe Strut, Back Rock Replace
1-4 Step R toe in place, R heel down, Rock LF back, Replace weight on RF
5-8 Step L toe in place, L heel down, Rock RF back, Replace weight on LF
Start Again and Have Fun!!
Cuban Yeah
Start the dance after 6x8’s (0:23)
1-8 Left Coaster, R Fwd Lock Steps, Step ½ Turn R, L Fwd Lock Steps
1-3 Step LF back, Step RF next to LF, Step LF fwd 4&5 Step RF fwd, Lock LF behind RF, Step RF fwd
6-7 Step LF fwd, execute ½ turn right shifting weight onto RF (6:00)
8&1 Step LF fwd, Lock RF behind LF, Step LF fwd
9-16 R Fwd Lock Steps, L Fwd Lock Steps, Fwd Rock Replace, Back, ¼ L Turn, Cross
2&3 Step RF fwd, Lock LF behind RF, Step RF fwd 4&5 Step LF fwd, Lock RF behind LF, Step LF fwd
6-7 Rock RF fwd, Replace weight on LF
8&1 Step RF back, Execute a ¼ turn left stepping LF to L, Cross RF over LF (3:00)
17-24 Unwind, Sweep, Left Sailor, Back Rock Hip Roll With ¼ L, Close, Side
2-3 Unwind full turn left, Sweep LF from front to back
4&5 Step LF behind RF, Step RF to R, Step LF to L
6& Rock RF back, Replace weight on LF,
7-8 Execute ¼ turn left stepping RF to R and roll hip anticlockwise over 2 counts (12:00)
&1 Close LF next to RF, Step RF to R
25-32 Cross Rock Side, Cross Rock Side, Fwd Rock Replace, Back Lock Steps
2&3 Cross Rock LF over RF, Replace weight on RF, Step LF to L
4&5 Cross rock RF over LF, Replace weight on LF, Step RF to R
6-7 Rock LF fwd, Replace weight on RF
8&1 Step LF back, Lock RF in front of LF, Step LF back
33-40 Back Rock Replace, Step Together Side With ¼ L (3x)
2-3 RF Rock back, Replace on LF
4&5 Step RF next to LF, Step LF in place, Execute a ¼ turn L stepping RF to R (9:00)
6&7 Step LF next to RF, Step RF in place, Execute a ¼ turn L stepping LF to L (6:00)
8&1 Step RF next to LF, Step LF in place, Execute a ¼ turn L stepping RF to R (3:00)
41-48 Cross Rock Replace, Left Chasse, Cross Back With ¼ R, ¼ R Right Chasse
2-3 Cross LF over RF, Replace weight on RF,
4&5 Step LF to L, Step RF next to LF, Step LF to L
6-7 Cross RF over LF, ¼ turn right stepping back on LF (6:00)
8&1 ¼ turn right stepping RF to R, step LF next to RF, Step RF to R (9:00)
49-56 Point Point, L Bota Fogo, Point Point, R Bota Fogo
2-3 Point LF across RF, Point LF to L
4&5 Cross LF over RF, Step ball of RF to R, Replace weight on LF
6-7 Point RF across LF, Point RF to R
8&1 Cross RF over LF, Step ball of LF to L, Replace weight on RF
57-64 Prissy Walks, L Fwd Lock Steps, Cross Point, Forward Rock Replace
2-3 Cross LF in front of RF, Cross RF in front of LF
4&5 Step LF fwd, Lock RF behind LF, Step LF fwd
6-7 Cross RF over LF, Point LF to L 8& Rock LF fwd, Replace weight on RF
TAG: to be danced AFTER 3rd wall and 6th wall (both facing 3:00)
Left Coaster, Step, Butt Roll With ¼ L
1-4 Step LF back, Step RF next to LF, Step LF fwd, Step RF fwd
5-8 Execute a ¼ turn left by pushing butt to left back and body leaning forward and make an anticlockwise semi circle with the butt over 4 counts, weight ending on RF (12:00)
The dance will end on count 32 of 7th wall, facing the front. On count (8), Step LF back, touch RF in front of LF
Watch it ! The Pirates of The Caribbean landed in KK on 29 Aug 2012. See all the smiling faces? They have seen their target ! Captain Hook came with sword and HOOK. Where is Captain Jack Sparrow and Blackbeard, the most feared pirate of all?? Missing Pirates are Loi, Diana, Janet , Amanda, Jeanie and Margaret Sinsua, Fung
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