Let's exercise our brains with this "3 section" dance.
It looks like a lot of fun and is rated ADVANCE level. It's like learning 3 dances of 32 counts each !
We learn by practising SLOWLY each part separately to perfection before we can complete the whole dance. The music will guide us into the sequence of the dance which is not difficult due to the good choreography by Niels Poulsen.
I think we can manage only Sections A and B for Wed.
To make the dance easier,:
We shall make section A into 1 wall throughout the dance. Hence sections A,B and C will all be danced in 1 wall.
Choreographed by: Niels Poulsen & Maria Maag (Dec 10)
Music: Do What You Do by Marz Ft Pack & Mummies (CD: Marz presents billion dollar ballers)
Descriptions: PH count - 2 wall - Advanced level line dance
Intro: 4 counts from first beat in music (2 secs into track). Weight on L
Sequence: A, B, C, A*, A*, C, B, A*, A*, C, B, A. NOTE: See phrasing explanation on page 2
Type of dance: Pop/funky ABC-dance. 2 walls. A: 32 counts/2 walls. B: 32 counts. C: 32 counts.
Note: Thanks to Tom Araujo for his continued support and help.
Extra note: A big thanks to Maria Maag for co-choreographing the C section with me.
Section A
1–8 Kick And Point, Knee Pop & Cross, Side Rock, Cross Shuffle, Hold/Drag…
1&2 Kick R fw (1), step R next to L (&), point L to L side (2) 12:00
3&4 Pop R knee towards L knee rocking onto L (3), recover on R (&), cross L over R (4)
5& Rock R to R side (5), recover weight to L (&)
6&7–8 Cross R over L (6), step L to L side (&), take a big step crossing R over L (7), hold but drag L towards L side (8) 12:00
&9–16 & Rock, ½ Shuffle R, Fw L Coaster, Big Ball Step, Drag R
&1–2 Step L to L side (&), rock fw on R (1), recover on L (2) 12:00
3&4 Turn ¼ R stepping R to R side (3), step L next to R (&), turn ¼ R stepping fw R (4) 6:00
5&6 Step fw on L (5), step R next to L (&), step back on L (6)
&7–8 Step back on R (&), push off R stepping L big step backwards (7), drag R back (8) 6:00
17–24 Bounce With Knee Pop X2, Walk Fw R L, ½ Turn Swivel
1&2& Step R back bending in R knee and popping L knee fw (1), straighten legs (&), repeat bend/pop (2), straighten legs (&) – weight R 6:00
3&4& Step L back bending in L knee and popping R knee fw (3), straighten legs (&), repeat bend/pop (4), straighten legs (&) – weight L
5–6 Walk fw R (5), walk fw L (6)
7&8 Step fw R (7), swivel L heel almost a ½ L (&), complete ½ turn with L heel and swivel R heel ½ L (8) – weight on R 12:00
&25–32 & Side Switches, & Kick And Point, Ball Step ½ Turn L, Step Fw R, ½ Turn L
&1&2 Step L next to R (&), point R to R side (1), step R next to L (&), point L to L side (2) 12:00
&3&4 Step L next to R (&), kick R fw (3), step R next to L (&), point L fw (4)
&5–6 Step L next to R (&), step fw R (5), turn ½ L stepping onto L (6)
7–8 Step fw on R (7), turn ½ L stepping onto L (8) 12:00
*Note: counts 29-32 are different the 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th times you do the A section. See phrasing explanation on page 2
Section B
1–8 Point R ‘Front Back Side To Side’, Step ‘Front Front Back Back’, Heel ‘Side To Side’
1–2 Point R fw (1), point R backwards (2) 12:00
3&4 Point R to R side (3), step R next to L (&), point L to L side (4)
5&6& Step L fw (5), step R next to L (&), step L back and to L side (6), step R back and to R side (&)
7&8 Pop L heel to L side (7), return L heel to neutral (&), pop R heel to R side (8) 12:00
9–16 Point R ‘Front Back Side To Side’, Step ‘Front Front Back Back’, Heel ‘Side To Side’
1–2 Point R fw (1), point R backwards (2) 12:00
3&4 Point R to R side (3), step R next to L (&), point L to L side (4)
5&6& Step L fw (5), step R next to L (&), step L back and to L side (6), step R back and to R side (&)
7&8 Pop L heel to L side (7), return L heel to neutral (&), pop R heel to R side (8) 12:00
17–24 Hitch R ‘Up’, Step R ‘Down’, ½ Triple Turn ‘Round And Round’, Bounce Heels ‘Up Up Down Down’, Full Hip Roll L ‘All Around’
1–2 Hitch R knee ‘up’ (1), step R ‘down’ to R side prepping upper body to R side (2) 12:00
3&4 Spin ½ L on L (3), step out R (&), step out L (4) 6:00
&5&6&7&8 Lift heels off the floor (&), step down on heels (5) – repeat heel bounces on &6&7&8 and at the same time roll hips anticlockwise a full turn around ending with weight on L
25–32 Hitch R ‘Up’, Step R ‘Down’, ½ Triple Turn ‘Round And Round’, Bounce Heels ‘Up Up Down Down’, Full Hip Roll L ‘All Around’
1–2 Hitch R knee ‘up’ (1), step R ‘down’ to R side prepping upper body to R side (2)
3&4 Spin ½ L on L (3), step out R (&), step out L (4) 12:00
&5&6&7&8 Lift heels off the floor (&), step down on heels (5) – repeat heel bounces on &6&7&8 and at the same time roll hips anticlockwise a full turn around ending with weight on L
Section C
1–8 R Cross Rock, & L Cross Rock, ¼ L, Fw R, Syncopated Mambos L And R
1-2& Cross rock R over L (1), recover back on L (2), step R a small step to R side (&) 12:00
3&4& Cross rock L over R (3), recover back on R (&), turn ¼ L stepping L fw (4), step R fw (&) 9:00
5–6& Rock L fw (5), recover weight back on R (6), step L next to R (&)
7–8& Rock R fw (7), recover weight back on L (8), step R a small step backwards (&)
9–16 Cross Unwind ½ R, Sailor ¼ R With Prep, 1½ Triple L, Step ½ L
1–2 Cross L over R (1), unwind ½ R on L (2) 3:00
3&4 Cross R behind L (3), turn ¼ R stepping L a small step to L side (&), step R fw prepping upper body to R side for L turn (4) (R foot should be pointed slightly to R corner) 6:00
5&6 Turn ½ L stepping fw on L (5), turn ½ L stepping back on R (&), turn ½ L stepping fw on L (6) 12:00
7–8 Step fw on R (7), turn ½ L stepping fw on L (8) 6:00
17–24 Ball Big Step Fw, Together, Knee Splits X2, ¼ L Into Syncopated Mambos L And R
&1–2 Step R next to L (&), step L a big step fw (1), step R next to L (2) – weight even 6:00
&3&4 Split knees popping them to both sides (&), bring knees together (3), Repeat splits (&4)
&5–6 &Turn ¼ L on R (&), rock L fw (5), recover weight back on R (6), step L next to R (&) 3:00
7–8& Rock R fw (7), recover weight back on L (8), step R a small step backwards (&)
25–32 Cross, Knee Pop ½ Turn R, Behind Side Cross, L Side Mambo ¼ R, Walk R L
1&2 Cross L over R (1), turn ¼ R popping both knees fw (&), turn ¼ R stepping down on L (2) 9:00
3&4 Cross R behind L (3), step L to L side (&), cross R over L (4)
5&6 Rock L to L side (5), turn ¼ R recovering weight to R (&), step fw on L (6)
7–8 Walk R fw (7), walk L fw (8) 12:00
Begin again!...
ENDING: Complete your last A, now facing 12:00. Step forward on R with attitude!
NOTE! Phrasing explanation of the A, B and C sections:
The 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th time you do A you change the last 4 counts (counts 29-32) from 2 half turns to a 4 count walk around ½ turn L walking R L R L.
All of this means that you start your 3rd and 5th A section facing 6:00.
Now section A is a 2 wall dance and as a result you always do B and C facing 12:00!
Tips: In the B section you do what Marz tells you to do... The C section always starts exactly after Marz has started singing ‘She said’.
niels@love-to-dance.dk / maria.maag@hotmail.com
Watch it ! The Pirates of The Caribbean landed in KK on 29 Aug 2012. See all the smiling faces? They have seen their target ! Captain Hook came with sword and HOOK. Where is Captain Jack Sparrow and Blackbeard, the most feared pirate of all?? Missing Pirates are Loi, Diana, Janet , Amanda, Jeanie and Margaret Sinsua, Fung
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