Watch it ! The Pirates of The Caribbean landed in KK on 29 Aug 2012. See all the smiling faces? They have seen their target ! Captain Hook came with sword and HOOK. Where is Captain Jack Sparrow and Blackbeard, the most feared pirate of all?? Missing Pirates are Loi, Diana, Janet , Amanda, Jeanie and Margaret Sinsua, Fung
Every Mon and Wed - Zumba Fitness class
No More Line Dance classes
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
What !
Count: 64
Wall: 2
Level: Intermediate
Choreographer: Frankie Cull
Music: But I Am A Good Girl by Christina Aguilera
Alt. music: I’ll Take Texas by Vince Gill
1-2Touch right foot to right side, hitch right knee across in front of left leg
3-4Touch right foot to right side, flick right foot diagonally forward (to 2:00)
5&6Shuffle forward right-left-right
7-8Step forward left, step forward right
1-2Touch left foot to left side, hitch left knee across in front of right leg
3-4Touch left foot to left side, flick left foot diagonally forward (to 10:00)
5-6Cross left foot over in front of right leg, step back on right foot
7&8Step back on left foot, step right foot next to left, step forward on left
1-2Step right foot to right side, cross left foot behind right
&3Take small step on right foot to right side, cross left foot in front of right
&4Take small step on right foot to right side, cross left foot behind right
5Turn ¼ right & step forward on right foot
&6Step forward onto ball of left foot (&), turn ¼ right & replace weight back onto right
&7Step forward onto ball of left foot (&), turn ¼ right & replace weight back onto right
&8Step forward onto ball of left foot (&), turn ¼ right & replace weight back onto right
1-2Step left foot to left side, cross right foot behind left
&3Take small step on left foot to left side, cross right foot in front of left
&4Take small step on left foot to left side, cross right foot behind left
5Turn ¼ left & step forward on left foot
&6Step forward onto ball of right foot (&), turn ¼ left & replace weight back onto left
&7Step forward onto ball of right foot (&), turn ¼ left & replace weight back onto left
&8Step forward onto ball of right foot (&), turn ¼ left & replace weight back onto left
1&2Cross right foot behind left, open left foot to left side open right to right side
3&4Cross right left behind right, open right foot to right side open left to left side
&5With a little jump, step forward right foot & step left foot next to right
6-8Bounce heels 3 times
1-2Rock forward onto right foot to 2 0’clock (with body facing slightly left), & recover back onto left
3-4Rock back onto right foot to 5 o’clock (with body facing slightly right), & recover forward onto left
5&6Step right foot to right side, bring left foot next to right, step right to right side turning ¼ turn right
7-8Plonk left foot forward & pivot ½ right
1-2Angling body to 12 o’clock as you travel to 9 o’clcock wall, step left foot forward, kick right foot
3-4Step right foot forward & kick left foot
5-8Step left foot fwd to 9 o’clock, turn ½ left as you step back on right, turn ¼ left & step laft to side, touch right next to left (ending up facing 12 o’clock)
1-2Take large step to right side with right foot, slide left foot to right
3-4Turn ½ right & take large step to left side with left foot, slide right foot to left
5-8Twist both heels right, both toes right, both heels right, small jump both feet to right
ENDING ... on 5th wall, facing front, dance up to & including count 24. Then:-
1-4Step left to left side, bump hip to left. Step right to right side, bump right hip to right
&6-7Step ball of left foot to the back, recover weight on right foot, step left foot forward
8Stomp right foot forward & throw arms out & up to rapturous applause from the cheering audience ;-)
Sunday, August 21, 2011
A Polka Dot Jamming on 19 Aug
When we took our group photo more than half of the polka dot dancers have gone home.Sigh..
We had lots of polka dots from our dotted attire to dotted gifts and even a dotted cake! Thanks to Annie Wong for the theme idea and to Lily Wong for the yummy cake. And thanks to everyone for attending the party.
Most of us burned the floor as all the 30 jamming dances were specially selected for a stress free night.
The highlight of the evening were the following exciting performances:-
1. Hey Ladies, choreo by Jennifer Choo.
Performed by Ivy, Amanda and Janet
2. Make My Day by the same 3 ladies
3. Soul Food by Mr and Mrs Thien
4. Go Grease Lightning by the Thiens too.
Well Done & Thanks for the great entertainment.
Soul Food Line Dance
Soul Food
Count: 72
Wall: 1
Level: Phrased Intermediate / Advanced Urban / Soul
Choreographer: Lorenzo “goLo” Evans
Music: Collard Greens and Cornbread by Fantasia, Album: Back To Me
Intro: 16 counts to start with lyrics.
Note: The whole counts (1, 2, 3, 4) are on the heavy downbeat, so it’s easy to hear the “1 & ah 2 & ah 3 & ah 4...”.
It’s choreographed to phrase with the music meaning it’s meant to be danced as the instrumental notes hit rather than beats counted, but here’s a solid effort at breaking it down for you anyway.
Dance it low and grounded and let your body get into the groove! Check out the note at the end of the step sheet for the finish.
The first 32 counts are actually 8 counts done 4 times. You rotate ¼ turn left during each 8 counts to end at your front wall.
[1 – 8] Step, Hook, Swing, Behind-¼-Ball-Coaster-Step, Brush, Hitch, Ball-Step-Heel-Out-In-Heel-Out-Step
1, 2, 3Step forward R; Step/Hook L behind R; Swing R from front to back
& a 4Step R behind L; Turn 1/4 left stepping forward on ball of L; Step together on ball of R
& a 5“Coaster” L: Step back on ball of L; Step together on ball of R, Step forward L
6 & a 7Slowly brush R foot forward into R hitch; Step together on ball of R; Step in place L; Touch R toe forward
& a 8Swivel R heel “out” right; Swivel R heel “in” center; Step in place R
& aSwivel L heel “out” left; Swivel L heel “in” and step in place L
[9 – 16] Repeat counts 1-8
[17 – 24] Repeat counts 1-8
[25 – 32] Repeat counts 1-8
For counts 33-40 the runs are small, high, quick steps - so pick those feet up, people!
[33 – 40] Run Back Stamp Stamp, Run Back Stamp Stamp, Step Stamp Stamp, Step Stamp Stamp, Run In Place Full Turn
1 & 2Small steps running back R, L, R, L
& ah Stamp (unweighted stomp) R foot slightly forward twice
3 & a 4Small steps running back R, L, R, L
& aStamp R foot slightly forward twice
5 & aStep side R; stamp L foot slightly forward twice
6 & aStep side L; stamp R foot slightly forward twice
7 & a 8 & ah Run in place R, L, R, L, R, L making a full turn left (ending at front wall) with arms slightly out to sides during turn
Counts 41-48 are like skating and pushing off a few times on one foot to go faster, then switching feet.
[41 – 48] Push R, R, R, R, Push L, L, L, L
1 & 2 & 3 & 4With body and L foot angled towards front left corner, keep knees bent and push-slide R foot to right side and bring back in to center 4 times
&Take weight on R
Arms for 1-4 Slowly circle your R arm out forward and into your chest over the 4 counts, ending with fist closed
5, 6, 7, 8With body and R foot angled towards front right corner, keep knees bent and push-slide L foot to left side and bring back in to center 4 times
&Take weight on L
Arms for 5-8 Leave your R arm in at your chest and slowly circle your L arm out forward and into your chest over the 4 counts, ending with fist closed
Counts 49-54 are groovin’ and swayin’.
[49 – 56] Step-Touch, Step-Touch, Step-Touch, Step-Touch, Rock, Recover, Run In Place Full Turn
1 & 2 &Sway-step R forward to slight right diagonal; Touch L next to R; Sway-step L forward L to slight left diagonal; Touch R next to L
3 & 4 &Sway-step R forward to slight right diagonal; Touch L next to R; Sway-step L forward L to slight left diagonal; Touch R next to L
Arms for 1-4 While you sway your body during your steps, also sway both arms naturally side to side, so as you step with your L, you “drum” down and center with your R arm as your L arm swings slightly up and to the side, then swing R arm up as L arm drums down when you step with your R.
5, 6Open body to right diagonal and rock back on R; Return body to front as you recover weight on L
7 & ah 8 & a Run in place R, L, R, L, R, L making a full turn left (ending at front wall)
Counts 57-72 have a comfy dig step with some cool arm highlights, but read through because they’re slightly different in each 8 counts.
[57 – 64] Dig R, Step, Dig L, Step, Dig R, Step, Out and Uuuuuup
1, 2Bend slightly forward from waist with slight twist to right, with L arm up and bent over R knee and R arm slightly back and bent while you bend R knee and touch full R foot in place; Maintain body position and step R foot in place
3, 4Bend slightly forward from waist with slight twist to left, with R arm up and bent over L knee and L arm slightly back and bent while you bend L knee and touch full L foot in place; Maintain body position and step L foot in place
5Bend slightly forward from waist with slight twist to right, with L arm up and bent over R knee and R arm slightly back and bent while you bend R knee and touch full R foot in place
6, 7, 8Step in place R, L, R
Arms for 6 & 7, 8 In the music, the lyrics have a “woo hoo hoooooo”, which are highlighted over these counts with the arms: R arm/hand goes out to right side on 6 (woo), in towards center on & (hoo), straight up on 7 (hoooooo) as you look at it, and down on 8; while L arm goes in towards center on 6 (woo), slightly out to left side on & (hoo), and straight down on 7-8 (hoooooo).
[65 – 72] Dig L, Step, Dig R, Step, Dig L, Step, Out and Uuuuuup
The same as counts 57-64, but different... the arms are exactly the same, but the feet are opposite (so read the details).
1, 2Bend slightly forward from waist with slight twist to right, with L arm up and bent and R arm back and bent while you bend L knee and touch full L foot in place; Maintain body position and step L foot in place
3, 4Bend slightly forward from waist with slight twist to left, with R arm up and bent and L arm back and bent while you bend R knee and touch full R foot in place; Maintain body position and step R foot in place
5Bend slightly forward from waist with slight twist to right, with L arm up and bent and R arm back and bent while you bend L knee and touch full L foot in place
6, 7, 8Step in place L, R, L
Arms for 6 & 7, 8 In the music, the lyrics have a “woo hoo hoooooo”, which are highlighted over these counts with the arms: R arm/hand goes out to right side on 6 (woo), in towards center on & (hoo), straight up on 7 (hoooooo) as you look at it, and down on 8; while L arm goes in towards center on 6 (woo), slightly out to left side on & (hoo), and straight down on 7-8 (hoooooo).
Start again from the top of the sequence.
Ending: On the third time through, when you get to the “Dig, Step, WooHooHooooo” section, you’ll do counts 57-64, then turn ¼ left and do counts 65-72, then turn ¼ left and do counts 65-72 again, then ¼ left and do counts 65-72 one last time, ending by slowly walking off the floor to the side wall through the end of the song.
Enjoy, because this should feel as good as soul food tastes... hello, collard greens and cornbread - mmmmmmmm!!
Step Description by Debi Pancoast (dmpancoast@gmail.com) as translated from YouTube video
Contact: www.goloworld.com
Saturday, August 13, 2011
Our Polka Dot Line Dance Party
Our Polka Dot Line Dance Party- 19.8.11
We have taken out all difficult dances and now its all STRESS FREE dances for everybody to enjoy.
(Monday class is cancelled. Our only dance practise is on Wed - so don't miss it !)
Jamming 1
1. Something In the Water
2. Bahama Mama
3. Mojo Mambo
4. Mama Maria
5. There's a kind of Hush
6. Ballando
7. Make Love
8. No Scandal
9. Itaewan Freedom
10.Aces Go Places
Jamming 2
1. Doctor Doctor
2. Capri Cha
3. Under My Skin
4. On Fire
5. Bookacha
6. If I knew Then
7. The Flute
8. Alabama Slammin
9. Fly With Me
Jamming 3
1. Mambo No 5
2. Caballero
3. Busted Windows
4. Don't Let The Party End
5. Party Freak
6. Zoobi Doobi
7. Zhang Shen
8. Swan
9. Unchain My Heart
10.Rivers of Babylon
11. A Touch of Rumba
We have taken out all difficult dances and now its all STRESS FREE dances for everybody to enjoy.
(Monday class is cancelled. Our only dance practise is on Wed - so don't miss it !)
Jamming 1
1. Something In the Water
2. Bahama Mama
3. Mojo Mambo
4. Mama Maria
5. There's a kind of Hush
6. Ballando
7. Make Love
8. No Scandal
9. Itaewan Freedom
10.Aces Go Places
Jamming 2
1. Doctor Doctor
2. Capri Cha
3. Under My Skin
4. On Fire
5. Bookacha
6. If I knew Then
7. The Flute
8. Alabama Slammin
9. Fly With Me
Jamming 3
1. Mambo No 5
2. Caballero
3. Busted Windows
4. Don't Let The Party End
5. Party Freak
6. Zoobi Doobi
7. Zhang Shen
8. Swan
9. Unchain My Heart
10.Rivers of Babylon
11. A Touch of Rumba
Friday, August 12, 2011
Hey Ladies
Choreographed by Jennifer Choo Sue Chin for the APDX 2011 Choreography competition
Description: 32 count 4 wall intermediate line dance
Music: Hit ‘Em Up Style (Oops!) by Blu Cantrell
Start dance after 2x8’s.
1-2 Take a big step LF fwd and bend body back, Step RF next to LF
3&4& Kick LF fwd, Step LF next to RF, Point RF to R, Hitch RF
5-6 Cross RF over LF, Unwind ½ turn L (sharp) and sweep LF from front to back (6:00)
7&8¼ turn L stepping LF behind RF, Step RF to R, Step LF diagonally fwd L (3:00)
&1-2 Step RF next to LF, Step LF fwd and flick RF back with a ¼ turn L, Cross RF over LF (12:00),
3-4 Step LF diagonally back L, Step RF diagonally back R (push hips back)
5&6& Rock LF across RF, Recover on RF, Rock LF back to diagonal L, Recover on RF
7&8& Rock LF across RF, Recover on RF, Step LF next to RF, Step RF fwd
1-2 Execute a ¼ turn L with a big step to L pushing off RF, touch RF behind LF (9:00)
3&4 Kick RF diagonally R, Step ball of RF next to LF, Cross LF over RF
&5S tep ball of RF to R, Cross LF over RF with a dip (bending L Knee)
6 Straighten L knee and hitch RF to R diagonal (10:30)
Styling for count 6: Pop both shoulders forward when you hitch or simply punch your fists forward
7& Step back on RF, Step back on LF squaring back to 12:00 (12:00)
8& ¼R turn rock RF to R, recover on LF (3:00)
1 Step RF back
2 Step LF behind RF pushing L shoulder back and down
3 Step RF behind LF pushing R shoulder back and down
Options for counts 2-3: Mashed Potatoes
4& Rock LF back, Recover on RF
5& Do a 1/8R turn by step LF to R diagonal (face 4:30), Do a 1/8R turn by cross RF in front of LF (face 6:00)
6& 1/8R turn stepping LF to L back diagonal (face 7:30), Do a 1/8R turn by stepping RF to R side (face 9:00)
7& Do a 1/8R turn by step LF to R diagonal (face 10:30), Do a 1/8R turn by cross RF in front of LF (face 12:00)
8& 1/8R turn stepping LF to L back diagonal (face 1:30), Do a 1/8R turn by stepping RF to R side (face 3:00)
Styling: Push hips forward on count 5, Push hip to left on count &, Push hips back on count 6, Push hip to left on
count &, Repeat the hip rolling motion for 7&8&.
Repeat Again and Enjoy the Beats!
TAG (To be danced after 3rd wall facing (9:00)
1-4 Walk ¾L to face the front wall again, LF, RF, LF, RF
5-8 Pop shoulders to L, R, L, R (or any freestyle)
Tuesday, August 9, 2011
Tuesday, August 2, 2011
Class on 8 Aug 2011 cancelled due to APDX 2011
El Bodeguero - APDX 2011 Advanced cuban
The music is the same as for Body Cha
Choreographed by: Roy Hoeben
Music: El Bodeguero by Emmanuel
Descriptions: 64 count - 1 wall - Intermediate level line dance
Close, Walk, Walk, Lock Step, Check, Back, ½ Turn
1 RF step next to LF
2 LF step forward
3 RF step forward
4 LF step forward
& RF lock behind LF
5 LF step forward
6 RF check forward
7 LF recover
8 RF step back
& LF step next to RF, ½ turn left (facing 6:00)
Alk, Walk, Step, ½ Turn With Rondé, Cross Behind, Together, Side, Cross Behind, ¼ Turn & Step Back, Lock Step
9 RF step forward
10 LF step forward
11 RF step forward, ½ turn left with LF ronde from front to back (facing 12:00)
12 LF cross behind RF
& RF step next to LF
13 LF step side left
14 RF cross behind LF
& LF recover
15 ¼ turn left, RF step back (facing 9:00)
16 LF step back
& RF cross in front of LF
Walks Back, Kick, ¼ Turn, Touch, Knee Roll, ¼ Turn, Body Tick, Knee In
17 LF step back
18 RF step back, bend left knee
19 LF step back, bend right knee
20 RF kick forward
& ¼ turn right, RF step side right (facing 12:00)
21 LF touch to the left
22, 23 left knee roll out, ¼ turn left (facing 9:00)
24 body tick
& left knee in
KNEE Out, 1/8 Turn, ¼ Turn, Lock Steps
25 turn left knee out
26 LF shift weight onto LF, 1/8 turn right
27 ¼ turn right, RF point forward (facing 1:30)
28 RF step back
& LF cross in front of RF
29 RF step back
30 hold
& LF cross in front of RF
31 RF step back
32 LF step back
& RF cross in front of LF
1/8 Turn, Hip Swing, Cross Rock, Recover, ¼ Turn, Full Turn, Step, ¾ Turn, Chasse
33 1/8 turn left, LF step side left (facing 12:00)
34 swing hip to the right
& swing hip to the left
35 swing hip to the right
36 LF cross behind RF
& RF recover
37 ¼ turn left, LF step forward (facing 9:00)
38 RF step next to LF, full turn left
39 LF step forward
& RF step next to LF, ¾ turn left (facing 12:00)
40 LF step side left
& RF step next to LF
Check, Lock Step, Rondé, 3/8 Turn, Walk, Walk, ¾ Turn
41 LF step side left
42 1/8 turn left, RF check forward (facing 10:30)
43 LF recover
44 RF step back
& LF cross in front of RF
45 RF step back, LF ronde from front to back
46 LF cross behind RF
& RF step next to LF, 3/8 turn right (facing 3:00)
47 LF step forward
48 RF step forward
& LF step next to RF, ¾ turn left
Side, Hip Swing, Check Back, Cross, Together
49 RF step side right
50 swing hip to the left
51 swing hip to the right
& swing hip to the left
52 RF check back
& LF recover
53 RF step forward
54 LF cross check
55 RF recover, rondé LF
56 LF cross behind RF
& RF step next to LF
Touch Forward, Hold, Touch Forward, Hold, Together, Hip Roll
57 LF touch forward
58 hold
& LF step together
59 RF touch forward
60 RF kick forward
& RF step side right
61 LF step side left
62-64 hip roll from left to right
Tag: After the 4th wall:
1-4 hip roll from left to right
Choreographed by: Roy Hoeben
Music: El Bodeguero by Emmanuel
Descriptions: 64 count - 1 wall - Intermediate level line dance
Close, Walk, Walk, Lock Step, Check, Back, ½ Turn
1 RF step next to LF
2 LF step forward
3 RF step forward
4 LF step forward
& RF lock behind LF
5 LF step forward
6 RF check forward
7 LF recover
8 RF step back
& LF step next to RF, ½ turn left (facing 6:00)
Alk, Walk, Step, ½ Turn With Rondé, Cross Behind, Together, Side, Cross Behind, ¼ Turn & Step Back, Lock Step
9 RF step forward
10 LF step forward
11 RF step forward, ½ turn left with LF ronde from front to back (facing 12:00)
12 LF cross behind RF
& RF step next to LF
13 LF step side left
14 RF cross behind LF
& LF recover
15 ¼ turn left, RF step back (facing 9:00)
16 LF step back
& RF cross in front of LF
Walks Back, Kick, ¼ Turn, Touch, Knee Roll, ¼ Turn, Body Tick, Knee In
17 LF step back
18 RF step back, bend left knee
19 LF step back, bend right knee
20 RF kick forward
& ¼ turn right, RF step side right (facing 12:00)
21 LF touch to the left
22, 23 left knee roll out, ¼ turn left (facing 9:00)
24 body tick
& left knee in
KNEE Out, 1/8 Turn, ¼ Turn, Lock Steps
25 turn left knee out
26 LF shift weight onto LF, 1/8 turn right
27 ¼ turn right, RF point forward (facing 1:30)
28 RF step back
& LF cross in front of RF
29 RF step back
30 hold
& LF cross in front of RF
31 RF step back
32 LF step back
& RF cross in front of LF
1/8 Turn, Hip Swing, Cross Rock, Recover, ¼ Turn, Full Turn, Step, ¾ Turn, Chasse
33 1/8 turn left, LF step side left (facing 12:00)
34 swing hip to the right
& swing hip to the left
35 swing hip to the right
36 LF cross behind RF
& RF recover
37 ¼ turn left, LF step forward (facing 9:00)
38 RF step next to LF, full turn left
39 LF step forward
& RF step next to LF, ¾ turn left (facing 12:00)
40 LF step side left
& RF step next to LF
Check, Lock Step, Rondé, 3/8 Turn, Walk, Walk, ¾ Turn
41 LF step side left
42 1/8 turn left, RF check forward (facing 10:30)
43 LF recover
44 RF step back
& LF cross in front of RF
45 RF step back, LF ronde from front to back
46 LF cross behind RF
& RF step next to LF, 3/8 turn right (facing 3:00)
47 LF step forward
48 RF step forward
& LF step next to RF, ¾ turn left
Side, Hip Swing, Check Back, Cross, Together
49 RF step side right
50 swing hip to the left
51 swing hip to the right
& swing hip to the left
52 RF check back
& LF recover
53 RF step forward
54 LF cross check
55 RF recover, rondé LF
56 LF cross behind RF
& RF step next to LF
Touch Forward, Hold, Touch Forward, Hold, Together, Hip Roll
57 LF touch forward
58 hold
& LF step together
59 RF touch forward
60 RF kick forward
& RF step side right
61 LF step side left
62-64 hip roll from left to right
Tag: After the 4th wall:
1-4 hip roll from left to right
Unmistakable - APDX 2011 Competition dance (Advanced )
I don't think we are up to this advance level!
Choreographed by Sam Arvidson
Description: 72 Count, 1 Wall, Rise&Fall
Level: Advanced
Music: ‘Unmistakable’ by Jo Dee Messina (pitched down to 92BPM)
Official UCWDC competition dance description
Date of usage 17 March 2011
1-6 Step L, point, hold, R twinkle
1,2,3 Step LF diagonally forward to 1:30, Point RF to side, hold
4,5,6 Cross RF in front of LF, Step LF to side (looking to left), recover on RF
7-12 Cross full turn, full turn travelling to 1:30
1,2,3 Cross LF in front of RF, turn 1T right on LF, step forward on RF (1:30)
4,5,6 1/2T right and step LF back, 1/2T right and step RF forward, step LF forward
13-18 3 full spins on L, 1 full spin on R (age divisions do 1 spin L, 1 spin R)
1,2,3 Make 3 full spins to right on LF (option age div 1T instead of 3)
4,5,6 Step on RF and make 1 full spin to right on RF (end LF pointing to side)
19-24 Step L forward, hold, lunge R forward, recover, step R back
1,2,3 Step forward on LF, hold
4,5,6 Lunge (rock) forward on RF, recover on LF, step back on RF
25-30 Step back L sweeping R, step back R sweeping L, step L back, R cross behind, 1/4T L,
full turn
1,2,3& Step LF back sweeping RF front to back, step RF back sweeping LF front to back, step LF back,
step RF back (cross RF behind LF)
4,5,6 Make 1/4T left and step LF forward, 1/2T left and cross RF behind, 1/2T left and step LF forward (10h30)
31-36 Chasse forward R, step L, touch R forward, go down on one knee,
1&2,3 R chasse forward, step LF forward
4,5,6 (touch) RF forward and slide down to finish down on Left knee (option age div not go down on knee)
37-42 Full turn on knees, pull up
1,2,3 1T left on knees, sit back on heels
4,5,6 Pull up onto knees
43-48 Step up on R, hold, step L forward, hold
1,2,3 Step up on RF, hold
4,5,6 Step LF forward (10:30), hold
49-54 Step R across, step L side, step R back, ½T, rock R forward
1,2,3 Cross RF in front of LF, step LF to side, step RF back
4&5,6 Step LF back, 1/4T right and step RF to side, cross LF in front of RF, 1/4T right and rock
forward on RF (4:30)
55-60 Travelling 1-1/2T (to 10:30), lunge L forward
12&3 Recover on LF, step RF back, 1/2T left and step LF forward, 1/2T left and step RF back
4,5,6 1/2T left and lunge forward on LF (to 10:30), recover on RF dragging LF next to RF
61-66 L twinkle back, R twinkle back
1,2,3 Left back twinkle
4,5,6 Right back twinkle
67-72 Step L back, 1-1/2 turn travelling R to 3:00, step together, 1-3/4 platform turn
1,2,3& Step LF back (3:00), 1/2T right and step RF forward
Choreographed by Sam Arvidson
Description: 72 Count, 1 Wall, Rise&Fall
Level: Advanced
Music: ‘Unmistakable’ by Jo Dee Messina (pitched down to 92BPM)
Official UCWDC competition dance description
Date of usage 17 March 2011
1-6 Step L, point, hold, R twinkle
1,2,3 Step LF diagonally forward to 1:30, Point RF to side, hold
4,5,6 Cross RF in front of LF, Step LF to side (looking to left), recover on RF
7-12 Cross full turn, full turn travelling to 1:30
1,2,3 Cross LF in front of RF, turn 1T right on LF, step forward on RF (1:30)
4,5,6 1/2T right and step LF back, 1/2T right and step RF forward, step LF forward
13-18 3 full spins on L, 1 full spin on R (age divisions do 1 spin L, 1 spin R)
1,2,3 Make 3 full spins to right on LF (option age div 1T instead of 3)
4,5,6 Step on RF and make 1 full spin to right on RF (end LF pointing to side)
19-24 Step L forward, hold, lunge R forward, recover, step R back
1,2,3 Step forward on LF, hold
4,5,6 Lunge (rock) forward on RF, recover on LF, step back on RF
25-30 Step back L sweeping R, step back R sweeping L, step L back, R cross behind, 1/4T L,
full turn
1,2,3& Step LF back sweeping RF front to back, step RF back sweeping LF front to back, step LF back,
step RF back (cross RF behind LF)
4,5,6 Make 1/4T left and step LF forward, 1/2T left and cross RF behind, 1/2T left and step LF forward (10h30)
31-36 Chasse forward R, step L, touch R forward, go down on one knee,
1&2,3 R chasse forward, step LF forward
4,5,6 (touch) RF forward and slide down to finish down on Left knee (option age div not go down on knee)
37-42 Full turn on knees, pull up
1,2,3 1T left on knees, sit back on heels
4,5,6 Pull up onto knees
43-48 Step up on R, hold, step L forward, hold
1,2,3 Step up on RF, hold
4,5,6 Step LF forward (10:30), hold
49-54 Step R across, step L side, step R back, ½T, rock R forward
1,2,3 Cross RF in front of LF, step LF to side, step RF back
4&5,6 Step LF back, 1/4T right and step RF to side, cross LF in front of RF, 1/4T right and rock
forward on RF (4:30)
55-60 Travelling 1-1/2T (to 10:30), lunge L forward
12&3 Recover on LF, step RF back, 1/2T left and step LF forward, 1/2T left and step RF back
4,5,6 1/2T left and lunge forward on LF (to 10:30), recover on RF dragging LF next to RF
61-66 L twinkle back, R twinkle back
1,2,3 Left back twinkle
4,5,6 Right back twinkle
67-72 Step L back, 1-1/2 turn travelling R to 3:00, step together, 1-3/4 platform turn
1,2,3& Step LF back (3:00), 1/2T right and step RF forward
Make Love - APDX 2011 Competition dances
Choreographed by Raymond Sarlemijn
Description: 32 Count, 4 Walls, Cuban (cha cha)
Level: Novice
Music: ‘Missing You’ by Brooks & Dunn (105BPM)
Official UCWDC competition dance description
Date of usage 2June 2011
1-9: Forward check, Cha cha 1/4 turn left, forward, 1/2 turn ronde, kick
1 RF step right
2 LF check forward
3 Recover weight on RF
4 LF step left
& RF closes LF
5 Turn 1/4 left, LF step forward (9:00)
6 RF step forward
7 Turn 1/2 right, LF step backward (face 3:00), while doing this ronde RF
8 RF step back
& LF close RF
1 RF kick forward
10-17: Back, forward chasse, 1/2 turn left, forward chasse
& RF step backward
2 Touch LF forward
& Step LF forward
3 RF step forward
4 LF step forward
& RF close LF
5 LF step forward
6 RF step forward
7 Turn 1/2 over left, LF step forward (9:00)
8 RF step forward
& LF close RF
1 RF step forward
18-25: Hockey stick, lock step backwards, close together, chasse forward
2 Turn 1/8 right, LF step forward
3 RF step forward
4 Turn 1/4 left, LF step backward (face 6:00)
& RF locks forward LF
5 LF step backward
6 RF step backward
7 LF close RF
8 RF step forward
& LF close RF
1 RF step forward
26-32: 3/4 turn right, chasse left,1/4 turn left(check) New Yorker, 1/4 turn right Chasse
2 LF step forward
3 Turn 3/4 over right, weight on RF (face 3:00)
4 LF step left
& RF closes LF
5 LF step left
6 1/4 turn left, RF step forward
7 1/4 turn Right, weight on LF
8 RF step right (face 3:00)
& LF closes RF
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