We are in the festive season - let's have fun with FUN dances like this one !
Jump in da Line
Choreographed by: Guyton Mundy
Phrased 2 wall line dance
Music: Shake Senora, By; Pitbull-Featuring T-Pain and Sean Paul
Sequence: ABABA Tag CAC
A Pattern
1-8 Cross samba X2, forward mambo, back mambo,
1&2 cross right over left, step left to left side, step together with right
3&4 cross left over right, step right to right side, step together with left
5&6 rock forward on right, recover on left. Step together with right
7&8 rock back on left, recover on right. Step together with left
This next part is done in 2 different ways. You will either be an A or a B. Diagram will show what part you would be.
There can be more A B rows and more lines than shown here.
9-16 Side mambo, either side rock and cross or side rock/recover touch, either full turn over right shoulder with cross or full turn
over left shoulder with touch
1&2 rock right out to right, recover on left, step together with right
3&4 rock left to left side, recover on right, (if you are an A you will cross left over right, if you are a B you will touch left next to right.)
5-6-7-8 A's will make a full turn over right shoulder stepping right, left, right, ending in a cross left over right, B's will make a full turn
over left shoulder stepping left, right, left, ending in a touch with the right next to left
NOTE!!! A's will turn so that they are in front of the B person to their right, B's will turn so that they are behind the person to their left. At
this point an A and a B should make one single file row. Hands on the hips of the person in front of you
17-24 Triple forward X2, ball step forward with shakes, ball step back with shakes
1&2 step forward slightly on the right diagonal right, left, right
3&4 step forward slightly on the left diagonal left, right, left
&5&6 step forward right, step out on left as you shake your hips
&7&8 step back on right, step out on left as you shake your hips
25-32 Triple forward X2, walks with 1/2 turn
1&2 step forward slightly on the right diagonal right, left, right
3&4 step forward slightly on the left diagonal left, right, left
5-6 walk forward right, left
7-8 step forward on right, make a 1/2 turn over left shoulder stepping forward on left
33-40 Triple forward X2, ball step forward with shakes, ball step back with shakes
1&2 step forward slightly on the right diagonal right, left, right
3&4 step forward slightly on the left diagonal left, right, left
&5&6 step forward right, step out on left as you shake your hips
&7&8 step back on right, step out on left as you shake your hips41-48 Triple forward X2, walks with 1/2 turn ending either with touch on left or weight on left
1&2 step forward slightly on the right diagonal right, left, right
3&4 step forward slightly on the left diagonal left, right, left
5-6 walk forward right, left
7-8 step forward on right, make a 1/2 turn over left shoulder. If you are an A you will end with a touch on the left. If you are a B
you will end with a step down on the left.
49-56 Either full turn to left or full turn to right. hip rolls
1-2-3-4 If you are an A you will make a full turn to the left over left shoulder stepping left, right, left, out on right. If you are a B you will
make a full to the right over the right shoulder stepping, right, left, right, out on left
5-6 make a CCW circle with your hips for 2 counts
7-8 make a CCW circle with your hips, repeat ending with weight on right
57-64 1/2 paddle turn. side step, coaster step, step
1-2-3-4 Stepping left, left, left, left, make a 1/2 turn to the right
5 step left to left side
6&7 step back on right, step together with left, step forward on right
8 step forward on left
B Pattern
1-8 Wizard steps, rock/recover, coaster
1-2& step forward on right, step left behind right, step forward on right
3-4& step forward on left, step right behind left, step forward on left
5-6 rock forward on right, recover on left
7&8 step back on right, step together with left, step forward on right
9-16 Rock/recover, 1/2 turn triple, 1/2 out out, shoulder pops
1-2 rock forward on left, recover on right
3&4 make a 1/2 turn over left shoulder stepping left, right, left
5&6 make a 1/4 turn to left stepping right to right, make a 1/4 turn to left stepping out on left, step out on right
7&8 with upper body turn shoulders to the right, bring back to neutral, turn shoulders back to the right
17-24 Samba weave in a circle, cross and cross
1a2 Cross left over right, make 1/4 turn left stepping back on right, step left behind right
3a4 Step right behind left, make 1/4 turn left stepping forward on left, make 1/4 turn left stepping right to right side
5a6 Step back on left, make 1/4 turn left stepping right behind left, step left to left side
7&8 Cross right over left, step left to left side, cross right over left
25-32 Walks out out, back back, arm throws, arm swing,
1-2 step forward out on left, step right out to right
3-4 step back on left, step out on right
5& like your hitting down with a closed fist. swing right hand down in front of right thigh, swing left hand down in front of left thigh
6& swing right down behind right thigh, swing left down behind left thigh
7-8 swing right arm down and across in front of waist, swing right arm back to right
33-40 Ball rocks/recovers with full turn
&1-2 step on ball of left next to right, rock forward on right, recover on left
&3-4 make a 1/4 turn to left stepping right into left, make a 1/4 turn to left rocking forward on left, recover on right
&5-6 step together with left, rock forward on right, recover on left
&7-8 make a 1/4 turn to left stepping right into left, make a 1/4 turn to left rocking forward on left, recover on right
41-48 Jazz box with 1/2 turn, quick steps forward and back
&1 step on ball of left next to right, cross right over left2-3-4 step back on left, make 1/2 turn over right shoulder stepping forward on right, step left to left side
5& step forward and out on right, step forward and out on left
6& step back and out on right, step back and out on left
7-8 step forward and out on right, step forward and out on left
C Pattern
1-8 1/4 turn side step, together with shakes X2
1-2 Make a ¼ turn to left stepping right to right, as you shake your body
3-4 bring left to right as you shake your body
5-6 Step right to right as you shake your body
7-8 bring left to right as you shake your body
9-16 Rock/recover, coaster, rock/recover, 1/2 triple
1-2 rock forward on right, recover on left
3&4 step back on right, step left next to right, step forward on right
5-6 rock forward on left, recover on right
7&8 make a 1/2 turn over left shoulder stepping left, right, left
17-24 Side step, together with shakes X2
1-2 Step right to right, as you shake your body
3-4 bring left to right as you shake your body
5-6 Step right to right as you shake your body
7-8 bring left to right as you shake your body
25-32 Rock/recover, coaster, rock/recover, 3/4 triple
1-2 rock forward on right, recover on left
3&4 step back on right, step left next to right, step forward on right
5-6 rock forward on left, recover on right
7&8 make a 3/4 turn over left shoulder stepping left, right, left
1-8 Hold 4 counts, clap 4 times
1-2-3-4 Hold for 4 counts
5-6-7-8 Clap 4 times
Sequence: ABABA Tag CAC
I hope this is right. If there needs to be changes, please email me at Guyton@funk-n-line.com. Hope you have fun with this
Watch it ! The Pirates of The Caribbean landed in KK on 29 Aug 2012. See all the smiling faces? They have seen their target ! Captain Hook came with sword and HOOK. Where is Captain Jack Sparrow and Blackbeard, the most feared pirate of all?? Missing Pirates are Loi, Diana, Janet , Amanda, Jeanie and Margaret Sinsua, Fung
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