Line dance in the movie "Footloose". Watch the movie and dance dance dance:-
Fake ID
1 Wall Phrased Advanced line dance based on the Original Choreography by Jamal Sims and
Dondraico Johnson from the film Footloose, released October 2011
Song: Fake ID by Big & Rich and feat. Gretchen Wilson – album version.
16 count intro.
Sequence of dance: A, A, B, A, Tag 1/ A, A, B, A, Tag 2/ B, A, A, A, A, ending with 2 stomps!
Part A: 32 counts
1‐8 Wizard starting with Right , Tap L & R Heels, Tap, Side, Hitch, Back, Cross, Hitch w/ ¼ turn Left
1, 2 & Step R to R diagonal, Lock L behind R (2), Step R to side/fwd (&)
3&4 Tap L heel forward slightly to L diagonal, Step L next to R (&), Tap R heel forward
5, 6 Step R to R side, Step L down as R hitches up and slap thigh
&7&8 Step R back (&), Cross L over R (7), Scuff R forward and up (&), Turn ¼ left on L with R
hitched/slap thigh. (9:00)
9‐16 Side, Behind, Turn, Turn, Stomp, Heel Taps x3 (“Rock it out”), ¼ turn R
1 Turning another ¼ with hip roll, Step R to R side (6:00)
2& Left behind R, turn ¼ stepping forward on R,
3 L to L side (9:00)
4 ¼ turn right while R stomps next to Left (12:00)
5‐7 Stomp R heel or foot while L hand extends out to left and R hand strums guitar
8 Hop ¼ turn R (3:00)
17‐24 Toes Out‐in‐Out, 3 Hops in place to Turn ½ Left, Hop L, Tap R Toe Back, Turn ½ Tap R Heel
Forward, Hop R next to L , Tap L toe back, Turn ½ L as L kicks out.
1 &2 Fan toes Out, In (&), Out (3:00)
3&4 Hop on both feet 3 times as you turn ½ to L (9:00)
5&6 Hop on L, Tap R toe back, Turn ½ R as R heel taps forward (3:00)
7&8 Hop on R, Tap L toe back, Turn ½ L as L heel kicks forward (9:00)
25‐32 Step, Turn ½ Right, Triple forward L, R, L, Step Pivot turn with Hip Roll Twice with total ¼ turn
1 Step L down
2 Pivot ½ turn right as R steps forward, (3:00)
3&4 Triple L, R, L
5, 6 Step forward on R w/ Hip roll, 1/8 turn left hitching and slapping R thigh or backside
7, 8 Step forward on R w/ Hip roll, 1/8 turn left hitching and slapping R thigh or backside (12:00) **
Part B: (20 counts)
1‐8 Back R, Back L, R, L, Back R turning slightly R, Step L fwd, ¼ turn Left, 4 quick Claps
1, 2&3 Step back on R, Triple back L, R, L, (9:00)
4 Step back or R, slight turn R as L heel come up
5, 6 Step L forward, Turn ¼ Left touching R toe to right side
7&8& Clap 4 times, up near or above
9‐20 Hip Rolls with Touch, Vaudville, ½ Turn Around to left in quick steps
1, 2 Step on R rolling hips back and to right, Point L toe to left side (right hand sweeps up)
3, 4 Step on L rolling hips back and to the left, Point R toe to right side (left hand sweeps up)
&5&6 Step back on R, Cross L over R, Step R to R side, Tap L heel to left diagonal
&7&8 Step back on L, Cross R over L, Step L to L side, Tap R heel to right diagonal
1&2&3,4 Quick steps bending down and coming up to ½ turn left to come to original wall
Tag 1: 1‐16 Vine Right and Left with Scuffs twice
Tag 2: 1‐8 Vine Right and Left with Scuffs
*End of Part A: These 1/8 turns were originally choreographed as two ¼ turns. To facilitate a phrased line dance to fit
the music, they were changed to 1/8 turns to keep the dance facing front where ever Part B followed Part A. At the
end of the dance you can change back to the ¼ turns for the last 4 Part A’s that occur together if you want.
Watch it ! The Pirates of The Caribbean landed in KK on 29 Aug 2012. See all the smiling faces? They have seen their target ! Captain Hook came with sword and HOOK. Where is Captain Jack Sparrow and Blackbeard, the most feared pirate of all?? Missing Pirates are Loi, Diana, Janet , Amanda, Jeanie and Margaret Sinsua, Fung
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