Watch it ! The Pirates of The Caribbean landed in KK on 29 Aug 2012. See all the smiling faces? They have seen their target ! Captain Hook came with sword and HOOK. Where is Captain Jack Sparrow and Blackbeard, the most feared pirate of all?? Missing Pirates are Loi, Diana, Janet , Amanda, Jeanie and Margaret Sinsua, Fung

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

WOW 2012- Back In Time

Since we could not join the annual WOW Line dance event 2012 held in Taipei, let us enjoy its highlights.
Back In Time is a very popular floor burner. The music is so catchy, it makes you want to dance

Back In Time

112Wall:1Level:Intermediate / Advanced
Rachael McEnaney & Guyton Mundy (April 2012) Music:“Back In Time” Pitbull feat Chris Brown (iTunes etc.)

Count In: 48 counts from start of track. Approx 127bpm
Notes: There is 1 tag on 3rd wall (very obvious musically) - add Intro 1,
There is also a slight change to 4th wall - don’t do Intro 1

Choreographer’s NOTE: “OK everyone, we KNOW – 112 counts!! And we know you’re thinking ARGH…. However all of the steps are reasonably easy, it hits the music perfectly all the way through, we hope you’ll give it a try – ENJOY!!!

1 - 8INTRO 1: Snaps (up up down down), guitar strum with R arm, hip bumps LRL
1 2 3 4Stand with feet shoulder width apart:
With right hand snap fingers up to left side (1), snap up to right side (2), snap down to left side (3), snap down to right side (4)
5 6 7 & 8As if strumming a guitar: make big circle with right arm clockwise (5,6), bump hips to left (7), bump hips right (&), bump hips left (8)
NOTE:On 4th wall – DO NOT DO THESE 8 COUNTS – go straight into the CHA CHA counts 9 - 17
9 - 17CHA CHA: Side R, cross rock L, L chasse, rock back R, R shuffle,
1 2 3Step right to right side (1), cross rock left over right (2), recover weight to right (3),
4 & 5 6 7Step left to left side (4), step right next to left (&), step left to left side (5), rock back on right (6), recover weight onto left (7)
8 & 1Step forward on right (8), step left next to right (&), step forward on right (1)
18 - 25CHA CHA: Fwd rock L, L shuffle back, full turn R (travels back), R coaster step
2 3 4 & 5Rock forward on left (2), recover weight to right (3), step back on left (4), step right next to left (&), step back on left (5)
6 - 7Make ½ turn right stepping forward on right (6), make ½ turn right stepping back on left (7)
8 & 1Step back on right (1), step left next to right (&), step forward on right (1)
26 - 33CHA CHA: Hold, ball step, hold, ball step, step L, ¼ turn R, L cross shuffle
2&3 4&5Hold (2), step ball of left next to right (&), step forward on right (3), hold (4), step ball of left next to right (&), step forward on right (5)
6 7 8&1Step forward on left (6), pivot ¼ turn right (7), cross left over right (8), step right next to left (&), cross left over right (1)
34 - 40CHA CHA: ¼ turn L, ½ turn L, ½ pivot turn L, side R into shakes or shimmy
2 - 3Make ¼ turn left stepping back on right (2), make ½ turn left stepping forward on left (3),
4 & 5Step forward on right (4), pivot ½ turn left (&), step right to right side (5)
6 7 8Shake or shimmy option: Either shimmy shoulders for 3 counts, or shake ‘booty/bum’ for 3 counts (bring hands from thighs & up body for extra fun.
41 - 48INTRO 2: Back rock R, Step R, ½ pivot L, ¼ turn L into hip roll into ½ turn sailor cross
1 2 3 4Rock back on right (1), recover weight onto left (2), step forward on right (3), pivot ½ turn left (4)
5 – 6Make ¼ turn left stepping right to right side as you begin to roll hips back counter clockwise (5), continue rolling hips (6)
7 & 8Cross left behind right (7), make ¼ turn left stepping right next to left (&), make ¼ turn left as you cross left over right (8)
49 - 56FUNKY: Step R, touch L, step L, touch R, cross rock R, ¼ turn R, ¼ turn R stepping L, touch R behind
1 2 3 4Take big step right (1), touch left next to right (2), take big step left (3), touch right next to left (4)
5 & 6Cross rock right over left (5), recover weight to left (&), make ¼ turn right stepping forward on right (6)
7 - 8Make ¼ turn right stepping left to left side (7), touch right behind left at same time imagine throwing a ball with R arm under L (8)
57 - 64FUNKY: Side R, side L, ¼ turn R, ½ turn R, R coaster step, Walk L R
1 – 2Step right to right side opening body right (1), step left to left side opening body left (2),
3 - 4Make ¼ turn right stepping forward right (3), make ½ turn right stepping back left (4)
5 & 6 7 8Step back on right (5), step left next to right (&), step forward on right (6), step forward on left (7), step forward on right (8)
65 - 72FUNKY: Rock fwd L, L sailor step making ¼ turn R, arm movement, hold, ball side rock with ¼ turns
1 – 2Rock forward on left (1), recover weight on to right (2),
3 & 4Cross left behind right (3), make ¼ turn right stepping forward on right (&), step left to left side (4)
5 -6Tilt upper body (from waist-to head) to left as you bring both hands up to either side of head with fingers spread (like “I Surrender”),
hold (6)
& 7 8Step right next to left (&), rock left to left side bending knees slightly (as you rock: look to front and swing right arm under left with fist
clenched), make ¼ turn right as you recover weight onto right straightening knees (8)
73 - 80FUNKY: Walk fwd LRL, rock fwd R, step back R (drag), hold, ball L, walk R L
1 2 3Step forward on left (1), step forward on right (2), step forward on left (3),
4 & 5Rock forward on left (4), recover weight to right (&), take big step back on right sliding left towards right (5),
6 & 7 8Hold (6), step ball of left next to right (&), step forward on right (7), step left foot forward but to left diagonal (to prepare for turn) (8)
TAGTag happens here on 3rd wall – simply do section 1-8 INTRO 1 then continue dance as below from 81-88.
81 - 88FUNKY: Full turn R stepping RLR, step side L, full turn R into R chasse
1 – 2Make ¼ turn right stepping forward on right (1), make ½ turn right stepping back on left (2),
3 - 4Make ¼ turn right stepping right to right side (3), step left to left side prepping body to left again (4)
5 - 6Make ¼ turn right stepping forward on right (5), make ½ turn right stepping back on left (6)
7 & 8Make ¼ turn right stepping right to right side (7), step left next to right (&), step right to right side (8)
89 - 96FUNKY: Jazz box with ¼ turn L into L shuffle, R mambo ½ turn R, big step fwd L, touch R
1 2 3 &4Cross left over right (1), step back on right (2), make ¼ turn left stepping forward left (3), step right next to left (&), step forward left (4)
5 & 6Rock forward on right (5), recover weight to left (&) make ½ turn right stepping forward on right (6)
7 - 8Pushing off right foot) take big step forward on left leaning body slightly back (7), touch right next to left open body to right diagonal (8)
97 - 104FUNKY: Walk back RLR, hitch L, step fwd L, touch R, step back R, touch L (with arm move)
1 2 3 4Step back on right (1), step back on left (2), step back on right (3), hitch left knee (4) styling: open body to diagonals as you step back
5 & 6Step forward on left (5), touch right next to left (6),
7 - 8Step back on right as you put right hand behind head (7), put left hand behind head (&), touch left next to right as both hands push up
& out to sides from behind head, spread fingers (as if asking “what?”) This hits the lyrics in track “back (7), my (&), mind (8)”
105-112FUNKY: Fwd L, ½ turn L hitching R knee, run back RLR, step fwd L, ¼ turn L, step back/out LRL
1 - 2Step forward on left (1), make ½ turn left on ball of left foot as you swing right leg up into a hitch (2)
3 & 4Step back on right (3), step back on left (&), step back on right hitch left slightly for styling (4), (these 3 runs back are small)
5 - 6Step forward on left (5), make ¼ turn left stepping right to right side (6)
7 & 8Step back & slightly to side on left (7), step back & slightly to side on right (&), step left to left side shoulder width from right (8)

Rachael: -
Guyton: -

Please do not alter this step sheet in any way. 
If you would like to use on your website please make sure it is in it’s original format and include all contact details on this script. 
Video rights assigned to choreographers or Edie Driskill.Copyright © 2012 Rachael Louise McEnaney ( All rights reserved.

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