1 - 8 | INTRO 1: Snaps (up up down down), guitar strum with R arm, hip bumps LRL |
1 2 3 4 | Stand with feet shoulder width apart:
With right hand snap fingers up to left side (1), snap up to right side (2), snap down to left side (3), snap down to right side (4) |
5 6 7 & 8 | As if strumming a guitar: make big circle with right arm clockwise (5,6), bump hips to left (7), bump hips right (&), bump hips left (8) |
NOTE: | On 4th wall – DO NOT DO THESE 8 COUNTS – go straight into the CHA CHA counts 9 - 17 |
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9 - 17 | CHA CHA: Side R, cross rock L, L chasse, rock back R, R shuffle, |
1 2 3 | Step right to right side (1), cross rock left over right (2), recover weight to right (3), |
4 & 5 6 7 | Step left to left side (4), step right next to left (&), step left to left side (5), rock back on right (6), recover weight onto left (7) |
8 & 1 | Step forward on right (8), step left next to right (&), step forward on right (1) |
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18 - 25 | CHA CHA: Fwd rock L, L shuffle back, full turn R (travels back), R coaster step |
2 3 4 & 5 | Rock forward on left (2), recover weight to right (3), step back on left (4), step right next to left (&), step back on left (5) |
6 - 7 | Make ½ turn right stepping forward on right (6), make ½ turn right stepping back on left (7) |
8 & 1 | Step back on right (1), step left next to right (&), step forward on right (1) |
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26 - 33 | CHA CHA: Hold, ball step, hold, ball step, step L, ¼ turn R, L cross shuffle |
2&3 4&5 | Hold (2), step ball of left next to right (&), step forward on right (3), hold (4), step ball of left next to right (&), step forward on right (5) |
6 7 8&1 | Step forward on left (6), pivot ¼ turn right (7), cross left over right (8), step right next to left (&), cross left over right (1) |
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34 - 40 | CHA CHA: ¼ turn L, ½ turn L, ½ pivot turn L, side R into shakes or shimmy |
2 - 3 | Make ¼ turn left stepping back on right (2), make ½ turn left stepping forward on left (3), |
4 & 5 | Step forward on right (4), pivot ½ turn left (&), step right to right side (5) |
6 7 8 | Shake or shimmy option: Either shimmy shoulders for 3 counts, or shake ‘booty/bum’ for 3 counts (bring hands from thighs & up body for extra fun. |
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41 - 48 | INTRO 2: Back rock R, Step R, ½ pivot L, ¼ turn L into hip roll into ½ turn sailor cross |
1 2 3 4 | Rock back on right (1), recover weight onto left (2), step forward on right (3), pivot ½ turn left (4) |
5 – 6 | Make ¼ turn left stepping right to right side as you begin to roll hips back counter clockwise (5), continue rolling hips (6) |
7 & 8 | Cross left behind right (7), make ¼ turn left stepping right next to left (&), make ¼ turn left as you cross left over right (8) |
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49 - 56 | FUNKY: Step R, touch L, step L, touch R, cross rock R, ¼ turn R, ¼ turn R stepping L, touch R behind |
1 2 3 4 | Take big step right (1), touch left next to right (2), take big step left (3), touch right next to left (4) |
5 & 6 | Cross rock right over left (5), recover weight to left (&), make ¼ turn right stepping forward on right (6) |
7 - 8 | Make ¼ turn right stepping left to left side (7), touch right behind left at same time imagine throwing a ball with R arm under L (8) |
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57 - 64 | FUNKY: Side R, side L, ¼ turn R, ½ turn R, R coaster step, Walk L R |
1 – 2 | Step right to right side opening body right (1), step left to left side opening body left (2), |
3 - 4 | Make ¼ turn right stepping forward right (3), make ½ turn right stepping back left (4) |
5 & 6 7 8 | Step back on right (5), step left next to right (&), step forward on right (6), step forward on left (7), step forward on right (8) |
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65 - 72 | FUNKY: Rock fwd L, L sailor step making ¼ turn R, arm movement, hold, ball side rock with ¼ turns |
1 – 2 | Rock forward on left (1), recover weight on to right (2), |
3 & 4 | Cross left behind right (3), make ¼ turn right stepping forward on right (&), step left to left side (4) |
5 -6 | Tilt upper body (from waist-to head) to left as you bring both hands up to either side of head with fingers spread (like “I Surrender”),
hold (6) |
& 7 8 | Step right next to left (&), rock left to left side bending knees slightly (as you rock: look to front and swing right arm under left with fist
clenched), make ¼ turn right as you recover weight onto right straightening knees (8) |
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73 - 80 | FUNKY: Walk fwd LRL, rock fwd R, step back R (drag), hold, ball L, walk R L |
1 2 3 | Step forward on left (1), step forward on right (2), step forward on left (3), |
4 & 5 | Rock forward on left (4), recover weight to right (&), take big step back on right sliding left towards right (5), |
6 & 7 8 | Hold (6), step ball of left next to right (&), step forward on right (7), step left foot forward but to left diagonal (to prepare for turn) (8) |
TAG | Tag happens here on 3rd wall – simply do section 1-8 INTRO 1 then continue dance as below from 81-88. |
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81 - 88 | FUNKY: Full turn R stepping RLR, step side L, full turn R into R chasse |
1 – 2 | Make ¼ turn right stepping forward on right (1), make ½ turn right stepping back on left (2), |
3 - 4 | Make ¼ turn right stepping right to right side (3), step left to left side prepping body to left again (4) |
5 - 6 | Make ¼ turn right stepping forward on right (5), make ½ turn right stepping back on left (6) |
7 & 8 | Make ¼ turn right stepping right to right side (7), step left next to right (&), step right to right side (8) |
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89 - 96 | FUNKY: Jazz box with ¼ turn L into L shuffle, R mambo ½ turn R, big step fwd L, touch R |
1 2 3 &4 | Cross left over right (1), step back on right (2), make ¼ turn left stepping forward left (3), step right next to left (&), step forward left (4) |
5 & 6 | Rock forward on right (5), recover weight to left (&) make ½ turn right stepping forward on right (6) |
7 - 8 | Pushing off right foot) take big step forward on left leaning body slightly back (7), touch right next to left open body to right diagonal (8) |
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97 - 104 | FUNKY: Walk back RLR, hitch L, step fwd L, touch R, step back R, touch L (with arm move) |
1 2 3 4 | Step back on right (1), step back on left (2), step back on right (3), hitch left knee (4) styling: open body to diagonals as you step back |
5 & 6 | Step forward on left (5), touch right next to left (6), |
7 - 8 | Step back on right as you put right hand behind head (7), put left hand behind head (&), touch left next to right as both hands push up
& out to sides from behind head, spread fingers (as if asking “what?”) This hits the lyrics in track “back (7), my (&), mind (8)” |
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105-112 | FUNKY: Fwd L, ½ turn L hitching R knee, run back RLR, step fwd L, ¼ turn L, step back/out LRL |
1 - 2 | Step forward on left (1), make ½ turn left on ball of left foot as you swing right leg up into a hitch (2) |
3 & 4 | Step back on right (3), step back on left (&), step back on right hitch left slightly for styling (4), (these 3 runs back are small) |
5 - 6 | Step forward on left (5), make ¼ turn left stepping right to right side (6) |
7 & 8 | Step back & slightly to side on left (7), step back & slightly to side on right (&), step left to left side shoulder width from right (8) |
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