Watch it ! The Pirates of The Caribbean landed in KK on 29 Aug 2012. See all the smiling faces? They have seen their target ! Captain Hook came with sword and HOOK. Where is Captain Jack Sparrow and Blackbeard, the most feared pirate of all?? Missing Pirates are Loi, Diana, Janet , Amanda, Jeanie and Margaret Sinsua, Fung
Every Mon and Wed - Zumba Fitness class
No More Line Dance classes
Tuesday, March 13, 2012
Check my Swagger line dance (Walk-thru)
(Note : There is 1 restart at wall 3 facing 12 clock, after the 2nd set.
For the 2nd set, counts 6,7,8 is changed so that the restart will be at 12 0' clock. The amended steps are shown at the end of the stepsheet)
Check My Swagger
Count: 64 Wall: 2 Level: Intermediate
Choreographer: Shaz Walton (Eng)
Music: 'Turn this Club Around’ by R.I.O ft U-Jean
Kick ball touch. Kick ball back. Together. Forward. Rock. Recover.
1&2Kick left forward. Step left beside right. Touch right beside left.
3&4Kick right forward. Step right beside left. Step a large step back on left.
5-6Step right beside left. Step forward left.
7-8Rock forward right. Recover on left.
Step back. ½. ½. ¼. Point. Step. kick. Kick ¼ . step.
1-2Step back on right. Make ½ turn left stepping left forward.
3-4Make ½ turn left stepping back right. Make ¼ turn left stepping left to left side.
5-6Point right to right (lean to left). Step right beside left.
7-8&Kick left forward. Make a ¼ left on right kicking left forward. Step left down. **Restart see below**
Step ¼. Step ¼. Rock. Recover shuffle ½ .
1-2Step forward right. Pivot ¼ left. (circle hips when you turn)
3-4Step forward right pivot ¼ left (circle hips when you turn)
5-6Rock forward right. Recover left.
7&8Shuffle ½ right stepping R-L-R
Step touchx2. ¼ step touch. Step touch.
1-2Step left to left side. Touch right behind left
3-4Step right to right side. Touch left behind right.
5-6Make ¼ right as you step left to left side. Touch right behind left.
7-8Step right to right. Touch left behind right
(For this section.... if you wish... get into the lyrics Ayo!!, Ayo!!. Slightly jump the steps... and raise your arms and lower them.... but only if you wish)
Kick step point. ½ . point. ¼ ½ chasse ¼
1&2Kick left forward. Step left beside right. Point right to right side.
3-4Make ½ turn right. Point left to left side.
5-6Make ¼ left stepping left forward. Make ½ left stepping back right.
7&8chasse ¼ turn left stepping L-R-L
Ball. Rock. Recover. Step. Rock. Recover. Cross. ¼ back. Forward. Forward. Side. Side.
&1-2Step right beside left. Rock out to left with left. Recover on right.
&3&4Step left beside right. Rock out to right with right. Recover on left. Cross step right over left.
5-6Make ¼ right stepping back left. Step right forward.
7-&8step forward left. Step right out to right side. Step left out to left side.
Knee roll in-out. Knee roll in- out ¼. Cross. Back. Side. Cross. Side.
1-2Roll right knee in towards left with left knee slightly bent. Roll right knee out to right as you straighten left leg.
3-4Roll left knee in towards right with right knee slightly bent. Make ¼ turn left as you roll left knee out to left.
5-6Cross right over left. Step back left.
&7-8Step right to right. Cross step left over right. Step right to right side.
Kick x2 Step. Cross. side. Kick x2 Step. Cross. ¼
1-2Kick left to left diagonal twice.
&3-4Step left down. Cross right over left. Step left to left side
5-6Kick right to right diagonal twice.
&7-8Step right down. Cross left over right. Make ¼ right stepping right forward.
(Lean back on the kicks! Give it some attitude)
Restart - wall 3 facing front wall dance the following :
Step back. ½. ½. ¼. Point. ¼. Point. Touch.
1-2Step back on right. Make ½ turn left stepping left forward.
3-4Make ½ turn left stepping back right. Make ¼ turn left stepping left to left side.
5-6Point right to right (lean to left). Make ¼ right stepping right to right side. .
7-8Point left to left. Touch left beside right.
Restart the dance from beginning, facing the front
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