There are 2 dances choreographed to the same song:- Dance With Me Tonight & Dance With Me. We did the latter but was not well received as it may be too tough for our students.
The 1st choreography, Dance With Me Tonight is now the top dance in the Linedancer magazine charts.I love the music - lets give a try !
Dance With Me Tonight
Count: 64
Wall: 4
Level: Intermediate
Choreographer: Peter & Alison, TheDanceFactoryUK, (Oct 2011)
Music: Dance With Me Tonight – Olly Murs
** Celebrating 20 Years of Dance **
Start on verse vocals – 56 count intro – [3:28 – 82bpm]
[1-8] R side strut or R side hold, L back rock/recover, vine L 4
1-4Touch R toes side, step R heel down, rock L back, recover weight on R
(Alternate steps for 1-2: step R side, hold)
5-8Step L side, cross step R behind L, step L side, cross step R over L
[9-16] L side strut or L side hold, R back rock/recover, vine R with ¼ R & L scuff
1-4Touch L toes side, step L heel down, rock R back, recover weight on L
(Alternate steps for 1-2: step L side, hold)
5-8Step R side, cross step L behind R, turning ¼ right step R forward, scuff L forward (3 o’clock)
[17-24] L fwd lock step, ¼ L & R hitch, slow cross walk fwd 2
1-4Step L forward, lock R behind L, step L forward, hitch R knee up turning ¼ left on L
5-8Cross step R over L, hold, cross step L over R, hold (12 o’clock)
[25-32] R fwd rock/recover, ½ R turn, hold, L fwd, ¼ R pivot turn, L cross step, R side
1-4Rock R forward, recover weight on L, turning ½ right step R forward, hold (6 o’clock)
5-8Step L forward, pivot ¼ right, cross step L over R, step R side turning R heel out
(To prep for Tick Tock section OR if doing heel swivel alternative step R together) (9 o’clock)
[33-40] Tick Tock or twist alternative
Travelling right:
1Turning both knees out turn both toes out and both hands out with palms out
2Turning both knees in turn both heels out and both hands in with palms in
3Turning both knees out turn both toes out and both hands out with palms out
Travelling left:
5Turning both knees in turn both heels out and both hands in with palms in
6Turning both knees out turn both toes out and both hands out with palms out
7Turning both knees in turn both heels out and both hands in with palms in
8Hold (weight ending on L)
(Alternate steps for 1-8: With feet together: twist heels R, toes R, heels R, hold, twist heels L, toes L, heels L,
hold with weight ending on L)
RESTART: During wall 4 you will get as far as the Tick Tock section of the dance facing front wall (counts 33-40)
Restart the dance from the beginning.
[41-48] R diagonal step-kick-back-back, L diagonal step-kick-back-back
1-2Turning to right diagonal step R forward, kick L forward
3-4Step L back, squaring to wall step R back
5-6Turning to left diagonal step L forward, kick R forward
7-8Step R back, squaring to wall step L back
[49-56] R rock back/recover, R side toe/heel strut, L side toe/heel strut, hips R & L
1-2Rock R back, recover weight on L
3-6Touch R toes side, step R heel down, touch L toes side, step L heel down
7-8Bump hips R, bump hips L (weight ending on L)
[57-64] R & L fwd cross points, R cross step, L side rock/recover, L cross step
1-4Cross step R over L, point L side, cross step L over R, point R side
5-8Cross step R over L, rock L side, recover weight on R, cross step L over R
Watch it ! The Pirates of The Caribbean landed in KK on 29 Aug 2012. See all the smiling faces? They have seen their target ! Captain Hook came with sword and HOOK. Where is Captain Jack Sparrow and Blackbeard, the most feared pirate of all?? Missing Pirates are Loi, Diana, Janet , Amanda, Jeanie and Margaret Sinsua, Fung
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