New dance for 5th Jan 2011.
I think all of us will love this "full action" cute little dance to a hot Korean track.
This is a Korean Song.
If you want the music file,
you can email (
Step Sheet
I Am A Man Like This
Choreographed by : Kay Jeong (Mr.K) & Sugar Choi , Korea (Dec 10)
Music : I am a man like this by DJ DOC
Descriptions: 64 count, 4 wall, Intermediate level dance
Intro : 20 Counts
Sec 1 Swivel Side, Together × 4
1-2 Swivel step right heel to left side(body diagonal facing 1:30 o'clock), step left together(body facing 12:00 o'clock)
3-8 3 times repeat ( '8' touch left beside right)
Sec 2 L Swivel Side, Together, Twist × 5
1-2 Swivel step left heel to right side(body diagonal facing 10:30 o'clock), step right together(body facing 12:00 o'clock)
3 Swivel step left heel to right side(body diagonal facing 10:30 o'clock)
4-8 Twist heels right, left, right, left then right(weight remains on left)
Sec 3 Step Out, Out, Behind Touch, Side, Behind Touch, Side, Back, Together
1-2 Step out right to right side, step out left to left side
3-6 Touch right behind left, Step right to right to side, touch left behind right, Step left to left to side (hand movement : left hand on waist, right arm down to the direction of the pointed left foot, place right fist over heart, down to the direction of the pointed right foot)
7-8 Step back right, step left together
Sec 4 Side, Hip Rolling to clockwise, Hip Bumps, Hip Rolling to anti-clockwise, Hip Bumps
1-3 Step right to roll hips clockwise ending with weight left
4 Hip bumps right
5-7 Roll hips anti-clockwise ending with weight right
8 Hip bumps left
Sec 5 Hip Bumps R, L, R, L(weight on L, body to diagonal), Down, Up, Down, Up
1-4 Hip bumps right, left, right, left(in a sitting position, weight on left and right foot heel up, Hand movement : left hand put on hat, keep body angled to right diagonal at 1:30 until count 8)
5-8 Dip body down, up, down, up(Keeping weight on left foot and right foot touched)
Sec 6 Back Rock, Recover, Cross, Jump, Land Feet Apart, Jump, Cross, Full Turn, Side, Touch
1-&4 Step back on right, recover forward on left, cross right over left, jump on both feet, land feet shoulder - width apart
&5-8 Jump up on both feet, land feet cross, full turn right, step to left, touch right beside left
Sec 7 1/4 Jazz Box Left, Side Point, Cross, Side Point, Cross
1-4 Step right to right to side, cross left over right, step back right turning 1/4 turn left, step left beside right
5-8 Point right to right side, cross right over left, point left to left side, cross left over right
Sec 8 Heel Switch, Big Step, Drag Touch, Side, Cross, Back, Jump and Land
1&2& Touch right heel forward, step right beside left, touch left heel forward, step left beside right 3-6 Big step right forward, drag left towards right, step left to left side, Cross right over left
7&8 Step back left, Jump and land
Last wall ends at the back wall, dance to count 32 then left hand put on hat and a sharp head turn looking at 12:00 wall
Watch it ! The Pirates of The Caribbean landed in KK on 29 Aug 2012. See all the smiling faces? They have seen their target ! Captain Hook came with sword and HOOK. Where is Captain Jack Sparrow and Blackbeard, the most feared pirate of all?? Missing Pirates are Loi, Diana, Janet , Amanda, Jeanie and Margaret Sinsua, Fung
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