Currently one of the top dances in UK and USA. Let's give it a try in Feb or March .
This is a hit song by Bruno Mars and you probably have heard it in the radio.
Choreographed by: Guyton Mundy (Sept 10)
Music: Just The Way You Are by Bruno Mars
Descriptions: 64 count - 2 wall - Intermediate level line dance
32 count intro
1-8 Step, Side Behind, 1/4 Behind, 1/4 Shuffle, 1/2 Turn, Coaster
1a2 step forward on left foot, step right to right side, step left behind right
3,4&5 step back on right while making 1/4 turn left, step left to left side, step together with right, make 1/4 turn left stepping forward on left
6 make 1/2 turn over left stepping back on right
7&8 step back on left, step together with right, step forward on left
9-16 Side, Circle Weave, Side, Cross And Cross
1,2&3 step right to right side, step left behind right, make 1/4 left stepping right behind left, step left to left side
4&5 make 1/4 turn left stepping right to right, make 1/4 turn left stepping back on left, step back on right
6 make 1/4 turn left stepping left to left side
7&8 cross right over left, step left to left side, cross right over left
17-24 Walks, Shuffle, Side Together Back, 1/2 Shuffle
1-2 walk forward left, right
3&4 shuffle forward left, right, left
5&6 step right to right side, step together with left, step back on right
7&8 1/4 turn left stepping left to left side, step together with right, 1/4 turn left stepping forward on left
25-32 Walks, Shuffle, Walks, 1/2 Turn, Hip Bumps
1-2 walk forward right, left
3&4 shuffle forward right, left, right
5-6 step forward left, right
7&8 make 1/2 turn pivot over left shoulder weight ending back on right foot, bump hips forward, bump hips back (keeping weight on right foot)
33-40 Sweep, Cross And Crosses, Side Hook Behind, 3/4 Unwind
1-2 sweep left foot around to left, step left foot behind right
&3&4 step right to right, cross left over right, step right to right, cross left over right
&5-6 step right to right, cross left over right, side step right to right
7-8 hook left behind right, unwind 3/4 turn over left shoulder weight ending on left foot
41-49 Side Out, Hold, Side Sways, Coaster, Diagonal Walk, Rock/Recover, 1/2 Turn Sweep
1-2 step right to right, hold
3-4 sway body left, sway body right
5&6 step back on left, step together with right, step forward left to diagonal (1:30 wall)
7-8&1 step forward on right, rock forward on left, recover on right, step back on left making 1/2 turn sweep with right foot
50-56 Coaster, Walk, Shuffle, Forward And Back Sways
2&3 step back on right, step together with left, step forward on right to diagonal (7:30)
4,5&6 step forward on left, shuffle forward right, left, right
7-8 rock forward on left, recover on right while swaying
57-64 Forward And Back Sways, Back Shuffle, 1/2 Urn, 1/8 Turn, 1/4 Turn Coaster
1-2 rock forward on left, recover on right while swaying
3&4 shuffle back left, right, left
5-6 make 1/2 turn right stepping forward on right, make 1/8 turn right stepping left to left side
7&8 make 1/4 turn right stepping back on right, step together with left, step forward on right
RESTART is on the 5th wall (front). Do first 32 counts. Weight will be back on right foot. Instead of doing sweep, step forward on left to restart the dance again on the front wall
Watch it ! The Pirates of The Caribbean landed in KK on 29 Aug 2012. See all the smiling faces? They have seen their target ! Captain Hook came with sword and HOOK. Where is Captain Jack Sparrow and Blackbeard, the most feared pirate of all?? Missing Pirates are Loi, Diana, Janet , Amanda, Jeanie and Margaret Sinsua, Fung
Every Mon and Wed - Zumba Fitness class
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