Watch it ! The Pirates of The Caribbean landed in KK on 29 Aug 2012. See all the smiling faces? They have seen their target ! Captain Hook came with sword and HOOK. Where is Captain Jack Sparrow and Blackbeard, the most feared pirate of all?? Missing Pirates are Loi, Diana, Janet , Amanda, Jeanie and Margaret Sinsua, Fung

Sunday, December 5, 2010

A Walk On The Wild Side taught on 4 Dec 2010

1st place in the Windy City Dance Mania. Very Impressive footwork executed by the all gentlemen team - see the famous choreographers dancing with Jacob Ballard.
John Robinson(So Sexxy), Michael Barr(Smooth Operator), Scott Blevins(Coochie Bang), Craig Bennet( etc.

A Walk On The Wild Side
Choreographed by: Jacob Ballard (Oct 10)
Music: Crayons by Donna Summers
Descriptions: 32 count - 4 wall - Beginner/Intermediate level line dance


Start 16 Counts In On Vocals

Step Lock Step, ¼, ¼, Step Lock Step, ¼, ¼
1&2 step left forward at the left diagonal, lock right behind left, step left forward at the left diagonal
3-4 turn ¼ left stepping right to side, turn ¼ left stepping left to side
5&6 step right forward at left diagonal (body should be torqued slightly), lock left behind right, step right forward at the left diagonal
7-8 turn ¼ right stepping left to side, turn ¼ right stepping right to side

Kick And Touch, Together And ¼, Step Lock Step, Step, ¼, Cross
1&2 kick left forward, step left together, touch right to side
3&4 step right together, touch left toe slightly forward bending left knee in slightly, turn ¼ left (left leg should be crossed over right)
5&6 step left forward, lo ck right behind left, step left forward
7&8 step right forward, turn ¼ left, cross right over left
RESTART: On wall 5, dance up to count 16, then restart dance from beginning.

¼, ½, Mashed Potatoe, Back, ¼, Cross, Kick Flick Step
1-2 turn ¼ right stepping left back, turn ½ right stepping right forward
3&4 step left forward twisting both heels inward, slightly flick left to side twisting right heel outward, step left back twisting both heels inward
5&6 step right back, step left together, turn ¼ right crossing right over left and dipping down slightly
7&8 kick left forward at the left diagonal coming back up, flick left back, take big step forward on the left turning 1/8 left

½, Knee Pops, Monteray Turn, ½ Sailor Step Cross, Unwind
1&2 turn ½ right crossing right over left, pop both knees out, recover
3&4 touch left to side, turn 3/8 to left (6:00) stepping left together, touch right to side
5&6 sweep right behind left turning ¼ right, step left slightly to side turning ¼ right, cross right over left
7-8 unwind ¾ left (left should now be crossed slightly over right)


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