Watch it ! The Pirates of The Caribbean landed in KK on 29 Aug 2012. See all the smiling faces? They have seen their target ! Captain Hook came with sword and HOOK. Where is Captain Jack Sparrow and Blackbeard, the most feared pirate of all?? Missing Pirates are Loi, Diana, Janet , Amanda, Jeanie and Margaret Sinsua, Fung

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Angry Baby

Choreographed by: Mayee Lee & Li, M’sia (May 11)
Music: Angry by LPG (CD: 2:46min)
Descriptions: 32 count - 3 wall - Beginner level line dance

Intro: Start after 32 count from heavy beat
Sec 1 Prissy Walk R L, Rock R Forward, Recover, R Back, Together
1-4 Cross Rtover Lt, hold, cross Lt over Rt, hold
5-8 Rock Rt forward, recover on Lt, step Rt back, step Lt together with Rt

Sec 2 R Out, L Out, R In, L In, Shimmy Down & Up
1-4 Step Rt out to diagonally Rt, step Lt out to diagonally Lt, step Rt in, step Lt in
5-8 Shimmy down, shimmy up (in place)
RESTART: DURING Wall 3 & Wall 7 (9.00), dance until 16 counts & restart at the same wall
DURING Wall 9 (12.00), dance until 16 counts & restart at the same wall

Sec 3 L Heel Touch Twice, Together, RtHeelTouch, Hold, Together, Step L Side, Hold, Sit, Hold
12&34 Touch Lt heel twice diagonal to Lt, close Lt together with Rt, touch Rt heel to diagonal Rt, hold
&56 Step Rt together with Lt, step Lt to Lt (Raise both hands up), hold
7-8 Sit on Lt (put down both hands at the side), hold

Sec 4 Twist & Sit R, ¼ Turn Lt, R Forward, ¼ Turn Lt, R Cross Shuffle, ¼ Turn L Forward L Shuffle
1-4 Twist both heels to Rt& sit on Rt, ¼ turn Lt step on Lt (9.00), step Rt forward, ¼ turn Lt recover on Lt (6.00)
RESTART: DURING Wall 2 & 6 (3.00), dance until 28 counts& restart facing 9.00
5&6 Cross Rt over Lt, step Lt to Lt, cross Rt over Lt (6.00)
7&8 ¼ turn Lt forward Lt shuffle L R L
Have fun with your own styling!

TAGS: (4 counts), END of Wall 1 (3.00) & Wall 5 (3.00)
1-4 (R Rocking Chair) Rock Rt forward, recover on Lt, rock Rt back, recover on Lt

ENDING: At wall 10 (12.00), dance until 30 counts (R cross shuffle), ½ turn Lt back to the front wall & do forward Ltshuffle (12.00), then dance 16 counts and end facing 12.00

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