Intro : 36 count from the heavy beats. - Sequence: A B A B A B A B(16 Count) Note: A-Facing 12:00, B- Facing 6:00
Part A – (32 Count)
Section 1: [1-8] Rock R Back,Recover, R Fwd, Hold, 1/8 TurnR Cross Step L Fwd,1/2 Turn R Step R Fwd,3/8 Turn R Step L to L, Hold
1-2Rock R Back, Recover On L
3-4Step R Fwd, Hold
5-6Cross Step L, 1/8 Turn Turn ( 1:30 ), ½ Turn R, Step R Fwd ( 7.30 )
7-83/8 Turn R , Step L to L, Hold ( 12:00)
Section 2: [9-16] Step R to R, Step L together R, Step R to R, Hold,Step L together R, Sway R to R, Sway L to L, Step R next to L
1-2-3-4Step R to R, Step L together R, Step R to R, Hold
5-6-7-8Step L together R, Sway R to R, Sway L to L, Step R next to L
Section3: [17-24] Large Step L to L, Drag R toward L( 2 Count), Sweep Flick R, Pivot ½ Turn L ( Twice )
1-2-3-4Large Step L to L, Drag R toward L( 2 Count ), Sweep Flick R behind L
5-6Step R Fwd, Pivot ½ Turn L, Step L Fwd,
7-8Repeat 5-6 (12:00)
Section4: [25-32] ½ Rumba Box, Hold, Recover , ½ Turn L , Sweep Touch R beside L, R Fwd , Drag L to R
1-2-3-4Step R to R, Step L together R, Step Back R, Hold
5-6-7-8Recover Weight on L (5), ½ Turn L (on ball of L )Sweep Touch R beside L( 6), Step R Fwd (7) , Drag L together R(8) ( 6:00)
Part B - ( 32 Count )
Section 1: [1-8] Cross Rock L over R, Recover on R, Step L to L , Hold, Cross Step R ¼ Turn L, ½ Turn L,Step L Fwd, ¼ L Turn, Step R to R, Hold ( Spot Turn )
1-2-3-4Cross Rock L over R, Recover on R, Step L to L, Hold
5-6-7-8Cross Step R ¼ L turn, ½ Turn L, Step L Fwd, ¼ Turn L,Step R to R, Hold (6:00)
Section 2: [9-16] L Rock Back, Recover R, L Fwd, Hold, Walk R,Walk L,Walk R, Hold ( Rumba Walk)
1-2-3-4Rock L Back, Recover on R, Step L Fwd, Hold
5-6-7-8Walk R, Walk L, Walk R, Hold ( Rumba Walk )
Section 3: [17-24] Cross Step L ¼ R Turn, ½ Turn R, Step R Fwd, Step L Fwd, Hold, Hips Push – Fwd, Back,Fwd, Hold
1-2-3-4¼ R Turn,Cross Step L over R, ½ Turn R, Step R Fwd, Step L Fwd, Hold
5-6-7-8Hips Push ( Cuban Rocks) Fwd,Back,Fwd, Hold ( Weight end on R)
Section 4: [25-32] Cross Step L over R ,¼ R,1/2 Turn R, Step R Fwd, Step L Fwd , Hold, Full Turn L, Sweep Ronde from Back to Front
1-2-3-4¼ R Turn,Cross Step L over R, ½ Turn R, Step R Fwd, Step L Fwd, Hold ( 12:00)
5-6½ Turn L, Step Back R, ½ Turn L, Step L Fwd ( Full Turn L)
7-8R Sweep Ronde ( from back to front ) ( 12:00 )
Hope you enjoy the dance !! |
Rumba is a Latin dance form that has been given too much of prominence over the years due to its amazing style, this dance form often includes acrobatic moves such as cartwheels, flips and handstands which are commonly performed by male dancers. What is the Rumba